Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1312: Stop fantasizing Waterloo


Against the dark background, a drop of red blood dripped and fell under the new white backdrop. This is a transformation of three-dimensional space, but everyone's attention is still on the slightly red blood drop that is not round enough.

White background, red dots, black at the edge of the white background can be seen at the far end, it is simple to the extreme but reveals a strong logo, there is no need to use any subtitles, this is the effect that Chen Hao wants, I want the future Everyone who sees this knows that it is the work of Red Dot, just like the various animated logos that everyone is already very familiar with.

"Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" did not choose a 3d effect. The opening team fights, and soldiers of very different styles. When everyone is used to the uniform of the soldiers, they must completely follow the order of the picture. In the battle, everyone showed what is called coordination.

The real cooperation is not the styles in the previous film and television dramas. In order to squeeze everyone into one picture and let several people move forward, it seems that they have tactical moves. In fact, if a penetrating bullet comes over, at least two will die. .

Can't one team get out of the shackles of one lens in cooperation with each other?

Chen Hao's full simulation combat method this time, the frequency of lens switching is not too fast, so that the audience can perceive that it is his shooting method that uses some characteristic areas in the background as points to connect the two lenses.

Quan Zhixian and Amir Khan, the two are covering each other a few meters apart. One lens will definitely not fit, and the two lenses will not provide a clear understanding of the audience-how far are they, so in the middle of the two There is a clearer point in the area-a strange stone. The strange stone photographed by Quan Zhixian is on her right side. When shooting Amir Khan, this strange stone is on the left side. This will give the audience a clear recognition. know.

How to show cooperation and combat, here Zhang Yishan makes a tactical action. When the next second of the camera takes someone, he will show his action as a cover shot.

At first glance, there is not much difference between the film and television dramas that you usually see. You can find that the difference is a little more serious. The movie can draw a three-dimensional battle map in your mind. This was in the previous film and television. It is absolutely invisible in the drama. The previous film and television dramas showed blood, and some of them replaced combat weapons. Most of them were personal heroism.

Squad operations are not easy to shoot, and if they are not shot well, it feels like a group of people are silly. When facing a base to launch an attack, even a squad must gather together to move forward instead of covering the entire base with a firepower net.

The characteristics of each person must be photographed, sometimes wearing the same clothing, and after playing for a long time to the end, the audience did not know who was who, but felt that it was very fierce, gunfire and gunfire filled the smoke, except to see The car was smashed and the house was blown up. There seemed to be nothing else. It was the brutal battle created by various environmental settings, or the blood from the fallen people.

There are also in Chen Hao's works, but more is the intuitive feeling brought by the entire picture. You will subconsciously insert into the plot, instead of simply looking at both sides, you will subconsciously think of people at this point. At this time, it should be fire support, and the person at that point should cover the charge at this time.

Gu Tianle and Zhang Jiahui are beautiful!

Duan Yihong was shot in the shoulder, and Peng Yuyan's fetters were beautiful, unlike previous film and television dramas. In order to show the friendship of the war, he had to rush over to ask you how you were, and check with him.

Wars are changing rapidly. Even for film and television effects, you don't want to improve the picture effect in the real situation, but you want to yield to the film system and abandon the reality.

Duan Yihong was shot in the shoulder. The original tactical action was slowed by half a shot, which also made him almost exposed to the enemy's fire coverage. Peng Yuyan was the closest. The show of friendship was that I could take risks for you and I could fight. To save you.

There is no unnecessary action, no nonsense, the fastest speed is to kick on Duan Yihong's body after rushing up, slam him into the bunker aside, and then Peng Yuyan rolled the circle on the ground. Fight on the other side.

At the same time, the auxiliary firepower Li Qin and Zhang Guoqiang will cover the firepower here for the first time, giving them both more space.

The cooperation of the entire team does not rely on gestures or any established plan. In such a battle, there is only the battle target and the pre-combat allocation. All the rest are experience. How many times the cooperation is out of mind, which time period should you be in? Where, how can I support you, and how can we alternate offensively.

In just a few minutes of the plot, when the base exploded and the special war team left the picture, the whole film was truly started. The literary drama was started by switching some pictures between the starry sky base and the earth base, while embedding some pictures on this picture. The text introduces the producer director and the like. Finally, the footage is locked on Xiao Lizi and the plot officially begins.

In just a few minutes, you can see that everyone is so addicted that many movie theaters have already started talking. Those few minutes are just good eyeballs. I feel that blinking eyes will miss the wonderful pictures. Many people are unconscious. Sitting straight up, what popcorn cola did not even think of.

Many films choose the way of flashback, in order to put the wonderful shots at the front in front, and try to catch the audience at the first time, so that the audience will not be inattentive at the beginning of the movie, and they must be made to the audience from the first minute. Favorite movies.

The effect is good in the past, and the effect is getting worse in recent years. This time, "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" has achieved success that ordinary people can't reach. This time, all the auditoriums have whispered discussions. Everyone will discuss with the people around The pictures for a few minutes were so wonderful. I even held my breath and watched. I even remembered the actors from Asia. Didn't I see that many Asian actors had the same appearance before? Is it because of the mouse that he has made himself aware of people in the East?

No, no, it's because these characters have a lot of features. You can't remember their names, but they will definitely remember how a few of them are.

In the screening room where Chen Hao is located, almost all are professional. He is also a senior film journalist. His cognitive judgments on the technical aspects of the film and the quality of the film can be said to be professional. This film has been from the beginning. It gave everyone too many surprises. From the details of the alien planet that are different from what everyone understands, I believe it will be more obvious in the entire story. The average audience may pay more attention to how he took such beautiful battle pictures. They I see more of these details.

If he is unsuccessful, it doesn't seem to make sense. As long as the story of this film has not collapsed to no avail, this film has no chance of failure. It is estimated that those who dream of seeing Chen Hao encounter Waterloo are disappointed. Now, your wish may take some time to materialize.

Perhaps, at the peak of his career, it is time to stop fantasizing. It is impossible to achieve it.

In the opening drama, in order not to lose the excitement, there will be some small bursts, or dig some pits and dig some pits, and make a large layout, so as to attract audiences to pay attention to the film from the beginning.

According to Chen Hao's initial setting, the literary drama of "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy", even if it is only advancing normally, is a burst of points. There are too many attractive places. Each character has its own unique characteristics. It ’s for the little bit of publicity brought about by the film and television effects. It ’s better to amplify certain characteristics of them. What Chen Hao always strives to do is not these, but to make each character real, so that the audience can find some in them. Familiar shadows, on the basis of some magnified features, can better embody drama.

Huaxia's audience is very happy and happy. It seems that in recent years, in addition to some main theme films counting star faces, there are no more star-studded films like "East and West" in the past ~ ~ The emergency work of the Ministry did not expect to become a work that everyone recognizes and often misses.

It's been a long time since I saw Liang Chaowei with a bit of shame in a bit of shame. It ’s really a long time since then, where can the film professional professional play a villain in a small role? In "The Heroes of the Galaxy", the humble He needs to have a smiling face to survive, and he needs to have some seemingly funny behavior to cover up his inner ambitions.

Not to mention the special warfare team, they have a clear personality in the literary drama, and will not use them to show them intentionally, but they can make many foreign audiences deepen their impression.

It is more natural to fight back to the Space Fortress base, take a bath, Quan Zhixian and Li Qin are both generously undressed, and then walk into the partition to take a bath. They will not show this section on purpose, but they will not deliberately avoid it. Just like in the dormitory, changing clothes just to turn around a little, with a little protection of your privacy, but more of a fighter.

Real warriors don't need to separate men and women, it's that simple.

At the time of shooting this film, although it would not be exposed-what should not be exposed, but as a female artist, especially Quan Zhixian, she would use stand-ins. In this movie, all of them are on the battlefield to protect themselves. We shoot without wearing, no problem, whether it's Quan Zhixian or the shy Li Qin, you are actors, you are responsible for your performance, I am the director, I am responsible for the audience ’s real feeling of seeing the film.

The special operations unit was ordered.

Little Plum gave an order and the Empire began to form a powerful special operations unit.

The large internal confrontation at the beginning of the movie made everyone's emotions just calmed down again. Once the beloved Coke popcorn was once again ignored ruthlessly.

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