Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1309: Lead in the door and pave the way

Intensive post-production, throughout the film's release process, Chen Hao deducted the promotion period, which also relaxed the already tight release schedule. Many people ca n’t help but shake their heads when they hear the news. The whole world There are few who dare not do special promotion for new movies.

Some people are full of self-confidence, and some people are officially promoted by the theme. Chen Hao is both full of confidence and a different approach. His movie propaganda never needs to take the team around to advertise and meet you. Just a few The simple news directly locked the headlines in the entertainment section. He opened two more live broadcasts and everything was done.

The era of happy gatherings is very thorough in explaining him always such a maverick. It was originally not explained, but some people hope that idols can go to the city where they are located. If they want to see him in reality, they will be very impatient. Disappointed.

The Huanju Times made a certain explanation for this. Please understand that you ca n’t take care of it at all. If Haozi is still a well-known artist in China, it ’s okay. Let ’s run in a big city and advertise at a dozen meetings Like the main team of the new movie, this is not difficult, he will not stand alone.

But he has to do similar publicity now. The whole Huaxia chooses at most two stops, and even one stop often, it also needs a very long publicity cycle, otherwise it will take a lot of time just on the road.

From North America to South America, from Australia to Europe, and then back to Asia, one stop, one stop, you can easily set dozens of stops, plus the time required for the journey, the one-month promotion cycle is completely In the hurry, there is no time for the main creative staff to rest. They can only be on the plane on the road. Other main creative staff are fine. You can adjust each other. I ’m tired after a few stops and need a rest. Maybe in the next few days It's not possible to follow the team's propaganda, this is no problem, everyone can understand.

Can Chen Hao who is a producer, director, screenwriter and starring be absent?

The argument put forward in the era of happy gatherings is this set, please all fans feel bad for your idols. If he has time, he will definitely not meet with you. Do you have to morally kidnap him to do things you don't want to do?

The fans are cute. Although they sometimes do something irrational, if someone can catch their veins and coax them to cheat with a little bit of goodwill, they will be like children and willing to believe You are willing to follow your thoughts.

Post-production did not encounter any bumps, but it was a kind-hearted lie when going out. If you want to see this film in the summer season, pay more attention to it, so that it can omit the time for publicity. Get your videos to market early.

Chen Hao ’s basic principles remain unchanged for the various actions coordinated by the Red Dot Company and the Huanju Times. As long as the two do not break through his bottom line, he will not ask questions, do everything by himself, and never do everything. Come to finalize.

It is not that he understands decentralization, but that he has mastered a lot and does not have too much greed to want everything. There is a ratio of what he gets and what he doesn't get. No one can say that he wants in his life. Everything is available.

Go to the late stage of the movie with peace of mind. For more than a month, I eat, drink, and sleep in the studio of post production. Xiaodi took the time to accompany him for a week. In fact, he took care of his life, day and night. I do n’t have time to go to the duo ’s world in the late stage. Sometimes I eat fast food directly and let the canteen be packed for delivery. Everyone drinks coffee and talks about the details of post-production while eating. Sometimes, the interest comes. I can get in for two days and two nights without coming out. In the way before, so much material was shot, how to present it, how to cooperate with the computer, and how to make the picture the most real and dreamy.

The beautiful scenery that is impossible to be copied by the computer and the beautiful scenery that the computer has never possessed are perfectly overlapped. Whether it is scenery, war or simple people, he needs to be different from other commercial blockbuster movies. Picture texture.

This texture started from "Lost" and has been successful. It only needs to be fully implanted, but this time the special effects needed are more high-end, and the process of integration consumes a lot of time.

The former is the Red Dot Company and the Huanju Times Company. The former is that all projects will not be launched, only to be launched. The latter is the suspension of many projects, and the places of concern for more than half a year have been in the Heroes of the Galaxy.

Jingtian Lin and others also made the greatest efforts in China, giving the film the most space, and they also knew that the investment of the film itself and others was a small, small proportion, but once this film Success, not to mention how much money this one can share. No matter how many people and companies invest in the future series of movies, this small proportion of people who are waiting for themselves is still there. At that time, it is not a matter of making no money, just a rumor or It is a personal biography that can be sold as an IP, which can be sold at sky-high prices.

At present, the biography of General Andy Jade is the main character, and it was filmed at the Galaxy headquarters. There are many companies investing, mostly Huaxia Capital. The first thing that is finalized is that Xiao Lizi and Chen Hao will come to the film as a big guest. The series of big IP movies support each other. The remaining shooting standards are all referenced to the true story, and the actors are not hesitant. I invite you to come to the Hollywood front line, but please some relatively familiar faces, this film does not need to have What a powerful propaganda offensive. Huaxia films produced mainly by Huaxia Capital do not need to seek opportunities to enter the world stage. It is itself on the world stage and it is a member of this stage.

This is Chen Hao's first doorway for the whole Chinese movie.

He knocked on the door himself. After opening the door, you can all step in. How to get there is a personal choice. I really wo n’t go. I will support you all the way and make a few passages for you. You go up and down. Although there will be some of my shadows, at least you will easily stand on the world stage. You will not be treated as outsiders here, and you are not outsiders.

If this series of movies can be achieved, it will be a huge cake. According to Red Dot's initial strategic plan, a corresponding third will be out, and the remaining two will be awarded.

Among the remaining shares, Huaxia's capital can occupy a small share, and all aspects of the relationship with friends and strategic partners will occupy a part. The era of gathering together is undoubtedly the core point, and the red dot itself will occupy one third. The remaining share is personal. For example, even though Chen Hao has a share in Red Dot, he can still take a share as a screenwriter and actor.

He is the most core part of the whole cake. He always authorizes red dots at a price of one dollar, instead of giving all the copyrights to red dots. This is his capital and he can own red dots. The basis of shares is also the capital that he can continue to maintain his value.

In today's world where big IP is the most valuable, the emergence of any valuable IP series will be accompanied by a huge amount of monetary benefits. Chen Hao can be hello in any way, hello everyone, there is money to make and share good things to share , But really need to grasp what is in his hand, something that will allow him to maintain a certain degree of autonomy and initiative at any time, he will never give up, rather plan to die or never let himself be a ladder that is removed at any time People from heights.

I'm standing high, not stepping on a ladder, but stepping up a sturdy step, and I won't give anyone the chance to remove my ladder at will.


The lively summer season has always been a large field of battlefields throughout the year. From the beginning of the summer season to the end, it will be fun to kill. Compared with the more intensive wave of the Christmas season, there are more summer seasons. The buffer space is a fairly long good date.

In August, only a few new films were released, and the investment was not large. The most violent battle was in July. Several major productions hit the car. Every day is a box office competition. Various movie media are in various ways. To report, the audience also has a variety of choices. One by one, watching movies in Europe and the United States is definitely not a consumer behavior, but a very simple leisure and entertainment after meals ~ ~ The same is true of Huaxia in recent years. In the past, it was a waste to spend tens of dollars to watch a movie. How good it is to watch on TV at home and how well to watch on the Internet. Now it is not the case. A new movie that has received much attention It's not just young people you see in the cinema.

Watching movies is already a kind of mass consumption that I just buy a bottle of drink and drink.

The buffer of the week in early August has always been new, but it is not a big production. Comedies and some romantic films occupy this stage. The strategy of all movie companies is the same. We must avoid "Biography of the Galaxy Heroes", but Not too scared to shrink back to invisible, he is a big production, then our romantic comedy and some small productions are not affected, no matter what kind of movie you can't do, so that all audiences are looking forward to seeing you. There will always be some special audiences, such as the art theater line in North America. People's small halls show art movies. As a typical artistic youth, it is normal to never watch commercial movies. Stallone, who they do not know, this is too normal. If Schwarzenegger had not been the governor, in the eyes of many audiences who like art films, he was just a very strong actor. What movies have he played? Sorry, I do n’t know. I do n’t even know his name. .

The world premiere of "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" has been released at the same time. During the same period, only seven or eight movies have been released for less than ten days. The rest are in the final stage ... Please use the latest domain name to read books on this site

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