Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1307: Let it go

Live performance of this song, no longer need to shout to the audience to sing together. With the familiar music rhythm, everyone has been able to follow the loud chorus. The ensemble of tens of thousands of people in the audience feels great. This song is actually very suitable for a chorus. In a lively atmosphere such as a concert, the effect will be multiplied. Everyone is very excited to cooperate with Beyonce, and the success of this concert, Also let others put the song into their concert list sequence as soon as possible.

The stars version, Chen Hao version, opened their situation after going live with excellent listening results.

Various MV short dramas and MVs calling for a peaceful version have also hit the top ten of music video click charts of the world's major video websites with the craziest clicks.

The hot search news of various countries is also this song.

The creative concept of this song has become the object of deep media digging. Why did Chen Hao write such a song, is he really creating this song for the future structure of the earth's family? Is he really based on a Star Wars movie like "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy", and is he trying to convey an anti-war view?

There is also his "Three Body", but the Dark Forest Law has been discussed by many and many people, including some of his sci-fi brain holes, the attack weapons and thinking rules of the universe civilization. Is there no real possibility?

Many science fiction brain holes are just regarded as novels. In the final analysis, the brain hole method has not been recognized by mainstream culture. The author of "Three Body" Chen Hao is known as a synonym for dark novels. No matter what is in his novels, Arrangements and stories are full of icy views from beginning to end, and many ideas are extremely cruel after being unfolded in the end.

Will such a person be anti-war in his bones?

Then he can hide it too deeply. If you turn around and watch "Three Body" with this kind of thinking, you will find that the author's heart that once felt very cold and cruel, contains the ridicule of infinite love, which I ca n’t do. I despise the story of war hatred killing to attract more people, then I will do the opposite, and tell everyone with the most brutal war ending, don't expect this day to come, you should be afraid of its arrival. I have deduced a cruel possibility for you. If you believe, you should cherish the present life. If you don't believe, just listen to the novel and feel the novelty.

Many media are analyzing the true thoughts of Chen Hao. Some Chinese media have begun to cheer on the protagonists of their own homes. A large number of news that has been reported have been taken out, and they have been shot as evidence to be exposed by the media. Donation vouchers have been put on a new stage.

This is a charitable donation that is about peace and caring for people affected by the war. All we can give are domestic or Southeast Asian donations. There is no war in Huaxia. Those veterans who can survive the war years. With the widow's widow, there is a special charity fund in the country to provide them with living allowances. This money is in addition to state subsidies, which allows them to live in peace and worry-free in their old age.

Martyrs' families also have a special medical assistance fund.

That's more worldwide. From the Middle East to Africa, all kinds of charitable activities related to the relief of war disasters, donations made in his name are not a small number. Some people may say that you have invested in a movie with actors in Chen Hao. The salary is already nine digits. Is it more than one or two million donations?

Generally speaking, those who say this are to bring up the rhythm of some black powder. Anyone who has a little IQ will ignore the words of such people. As a fan of Haomen, such comments will be pulled out before. , Now basically just ignore it, ignore you, and let you sink to the bottom as quickly as possible, even if there are some fans who are willing to support the party with rhythm, sorry, the area where this comment is located, other comments will be first Time is swept up by Haomen fans. No matter whether it is calculated based on the number of clicks or comments, you will find that the previous comment is not visible on the homepage.

Since you can't do it without asking anyone, let it sink to you artificially.

There is a reference in this world. Even if Chen Hao is not compared with anyone, when the proof of donations is enough, it is shocking. Last year, all donations at home and abroad combined, there were various charitable activities and The charitable charity donations, these amounts are very good statistics, and a large part is his completely private donations, but the company and the team around him recorded all of this. Some similar things happened a few years ago. Keep these The evidence has no other purpose. It is at such moments to tell them in the most embarrassing manner what else do you have to say.

No matter how you question it, is this answer enough for you?

These are the best evidence to prove that Chen Hao has been ahead of everyone in dedicating himself to propagating the anti-war ideology of the Earth family, and it is precisely because of his thinking that he was able to create such a "wearetheworld" song.

Behind the scenes are constantly being dug out, making this song more popular and sung around the world. Some reporters photographed that in the war zone, a group of children sang the chorus of this song and came forward to interview them. How could a smoke-filled place be exposed to such a new consultation? Is this a kind of propaganda by caring people?

The children's answers were full of innocence, and it also made reporters with suspicions think their faces were hot, and they really felt like villains.

In the war-filled area, there are still some shops still playing this song.

In the countries covered by gunfire, there are also embassies in some countries who are also playing this song.

No matter how dangerous the place is, there are war reporters and medical aid organizations. Their members are willing to teach such a song to everyone around them, especially these war-torn children, to leave a heart in their hearts. For the warmth of love, tell them not to be discouraged or to despair, there will be a better tomorrow waiting for you.

Not just waiting, but all of us are willing to work with you to face disasters together and create new homes together. We are all one family.

How much influence can a song have? Many people are questioning this. It is true that the influence of a single song is not great, but when this song has countless people willing to use it as a medium to promote it, the energy density of the song Becomes extraordinarily large.

When the song was presented at the chief executive's visit and displayed as a highly regarded project, its social status was suddenly elevated a lot, not only its social status, but also its historical mission and historical responsibility. Being promoted to a sufficiently high position, a pop song that can promote positive energy, since it can make everyone like it with the coverage of popular songs, then we borrow such a platform to make this song preach Energy to infect more people.

After creating the MV for this song, Chen Hao continued to invest in the filming of "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy". This movie has been delayed for some time, and the film production cycle has not yet been urgent. However, the casts of various actors are very urgent, even if They all said that we are willing to devote more time to creating. As the person in charge, Chen Hao is really embarrassed to delay everyone's time.

He is constantly receiving information from people around the film studio to inform him of the current status of the new song. In the past, other songs received various data information. How many paid downloads this song received and how much it received Paid listening, the song ranked on a certain list and so on. This new song is constantly getting news of how it was recognized. Even Chen Hao did not expect that a popular song would get With so many reputations, the status of a very large event song like the theme song of the World Cup and the theme song of the Olympic Games is no longer enough to support its existence, and some people have begun to use it as a symbol of the age to promote it.

"I'll make a good movie."

Some people hope that Chen Hao will stand up and give some speeches or similar publicity ~ ~ Chen Hao refuses as much as possible. He really didn't think so much. He had to be hypocritical to do some self-promotion. It was a bit shy. He hates being added with some symbols that are not his own, and quietly filming movies and movies. If everyone can be together in the ocean of music like in the previous MV, he also likes to give a speech? Forget it, he didn't think his face was that big.

Having said that, he still urged the red dot, and took out a part of the revenue of this song for the first time. Do n’t think about doing charity and do publicity, but all kinds of self-promotion that you can think of Marketing methods, the majority of netizens will think ahead of you, do not try to underestimate their IQ, then you will find yourself in the end will act like a clown on the stage, the people around you will be watching a joke .

In the next two months, Chen Hao didn't want to hear the news about this song. It was really a "bad street". You can hear it on various occasions, and you can hear it on various concerts. You can still hear all kinds of performances. The media still reports from time to time. He has consciously started to avoid the news brought by this song. He still can't help but encounter it in every environment in his life. Occasionally he wants to take a look when he is free. News, do n’t look, Junbao can see the news about how this sacred mission was given to this song, and then look at it, or it ’s a concert of tens of thousands of people at a concert. He really wants to say, I beg you all Now, let it go and let it grow freely. To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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