Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1305: Serious lethality

Little Lizi Andy Lau and a group of actors who are currently shooting are responsible for cooperating with the shooting of this MV. The members of the special operations team are all very hard to debut, but Chen Hao gave them a chance to show their face in the world.

What should I do to get the singer into the movie plot without 'embedding' the computer effects? The only way is to take another shot.

If it ’s another song MV, and you want to bring back the actors in a movie, and shoot a few pictures in the same place with the same effect, the difficulty is imaginable, it is almost impossible to complete the task, that is, Chen Hao has such a willful qualification, and can also make Xiao Li come to make a guest appearance, such as Kristen Stewart, Emma Watson and several Hollywood actors who are currently participating, will also join them, as well as a large number of The Chinese actors took the time to cooperate.

In three days, the break-in has been completely completed. When a group of musicians have their own unique attitude towards music, when they want to seriously complete a song, the potential that erupts is unlimited, including that they are hearing the full version of themselves. The results were startled, confident in themselves, and confident in some of the collaborators, but it was completely unexpected that after working together for one time, it would have such a good effect, which is completely beyond everyone's expectations several times. .

"do it again!"

Everyone is not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence. They thought it was great before, but they knew in their hearts, because they did not have 100% confidence, and they still had reservations in some small details. Give out all its power.

Now that you know the result, you do n’t need to be polite. The next version will be a true version of the stars. Everyone will not only show their face but also their voice, but also integrate their singing style and characteristics. Among them, when multiple sounds are brought together, they have a beautiful feeling.

In the end, everyone chose to sing on the stage instead of the largest recording studio. After the entire venue is closed, they can also have the effect of a recording studio. With headphones, everyone directly puts the so-called sheet music on the side. I do n’t need it at all. After playing for three days, if I ca n’t remember even the lyrics of the song, I ’m not worthy of being a singer.

The song is ten-minute long, everyone needs to sing twice, and there is a rap part, so everyone can sing at least two sentences separately, and they will have the opportunity to harmonize with others to sing the chorus. After all, a song is most likely to impress people and be remembered to produce popular factors, most of which are in the beginning of the chorus.

Recording again, this is not the same as making a movie. Maybe one of the group shows or some of the actors did not perform well and will need to be remade. Basically, no big mistakes occur. After a group of big coffees got used to it for three days, , Recording again, it's all over again.

There are several machines in the house, from the large rocker to the ground host, to the aerial fixed position, multi-angle shooting can meet the needs of each lens, to each person singing to close-ups from several angles is not a problem.



The rhythm is perfect, the singing sound is perfect, the harmony is perfect, and the interspersed rap fits into the song perfectly. It can be said that these three people completely overturned this song in three days, showing another state, The single-player version and the multi-star version have drawn a perfect dividing line.

Chen Hao has also been playing these days. I really did n’t invite these people in vain. Everyone has their own passion for music. They also have some understanding of each other. They no longer feel that other people's behaviors are not habitual. It is the freedom of everyone, they have the right to choose their own attitude to life, and we can find common topics on the road of music, then we are friends.

There is some sarcasm in your rap.

You gaga is fancy and different.

You can change your boyfriend faster than you can sing.

These are not important in front of the music. Everyone sing hi and sing with each other, it is not a drama, it is a transfer of power, it is a singing method that echoes each other.

The recording studio version was recorded only three times in total, and they were recorded together by the group. It was very successful. This gave Chen Hao the confidence to produce the finished MV within one week. As a result, the latter two recording methods were achieved. The idea is broken, one is more difficult than the other, and it fully proves one thing. These people are really just singers. For acting and such things, they are not far away from them. At best, they are guest appearances. With a face, if you really want to make a movie, Chen Hao wouldn't recommend them to give up this idea, but they will certainly persuade you. It is best to go to learn systematically first, otherwise, the difference between you and passers-by is that you know the machine Where is it.

The second recorded version is the style of normal MV. It will be shot in Galaxy Headquarters, which is also a kind of publicity here. This is a bit better. I have shot MVs, showed myself in the scene alone, and then shot you in The singing scenes in the scene are added with the recorded sound in the later period. This is not a lip-type. At best, after the performance, your voice is professionally processed and fits into your performance.

The difficulty is that everyone is shooting in one lens. Compared to the exhilarating interaction when singing, it is really a time to perform with a little bit of claws, and it will not cooperate with the interaction at all. In the end, Chen Hao thought of a way to listen to everyone on the scene. In the version, you are desperate to sing in the location. Only then can you show a good condition, and it takes three days to reach his acceptance criteria.

In the past few days, everyone has seen a different Chen Hao. Perhaps these days, Chen Hao is more like Mr. Chen that everyone is familiar with. It is no longer that everyone was holding the guitar or playing the piano a few days ago. The young man of music. The whole person has become much more serious and severe, and sometimes even left everyone's identity as a big coffee singer, if it is not his style has not been shouting, maybe these big coffees will be out of control with his temper .

can not you do it? OK, let me show you. If we can't do it again, we'll do it twice. If we can't do it twice, we'll do it five times. Your patience is bound to be flattened. The two sides can see each other without quarreling.

Until the last shooting method, everyone knew why there was no quarrel before. This last shooting was difficult for them to imagine. Little plums came over to play, but they always played, and these actors were all acting. By the time they enter the scene of singing, either the storyline continues to develop or the actors freeze the screen to let them sing. Whoever sees this difficulty is the actor and not the singer.

When filming, the N machine over and over again, these people are not not filming, I feel that Chen Hao's requirements are too harsh. If you stand at some of his angles, you will also say that he is too perfect, a MV, In the final analysis, it cannot be separated from the category of songs. The most important thing is not the enjoyment of hearing?

Fortunately, everyone standing here does not have such an idea. They can feel the seriousness of Chen Hao, and they also acknowledge the seriousness. This is equivalent to getting a chance to learn and perform with the film emperor for free. What kind of relationship was it to invite him to give himself a acting lesson?

It is not uncommon for singers to come and star in some film and television dramas. Even if you don't plan to develop in that area, isn't it good to have a little more to attract everyone in the MV shooting? Is n’t it good to have more concerts on the concert that infect the audience?

Chen Hao first added the live radio singing session to everyone. The effect was not very obvious. After a day and a half of shooting, he paused the shooting. So many big singers in the entertainment industry gathered here, and the time was 100% delayed. , He asked people to take a few cans of cold beer, closed himself in the recording studio, closed the eyes to record the version of the stars, drink two bottles of beer, a little inspiration came, and after he came out, he took everyone They were invited to the shooting scene. He performed it from beginning to end. Everyone needed to perform, he performed it in detail.

It ’s better to learn about men, like Grandpa Kan, you can learn their demeanor and style, and the rest depends on them. Let Chen Hao learn female singers such as Gaga and Beyonce. Each female singer must have her own unique movements and have her own unique figure. A female singer who does not know how to twist her body is not a good singer. An old man Learn these movements and perform in their style. You do n’t need to think about it to know that the screen is full of laughter.

I have seen it with my own eyes, no one can laugh, and some seriousness is contagious ~ ~ Chen Hao is serious now with contagiousness, like Beyonce is very impressed that he can learn himself The state of pronunciation, expressions and physical movements during singing is not a deliberate imitation, it is a feeling that you feel like looking in the mirror without seeing people. Compared with many people who like imitation, his performance is not exaggerated. Wherever you go, you do n’t deliberately zoom in on a classic action to win everyone ’s approval, that is, to perform in what he thinks is the best performance.

It's not just the expressions, the eyes, the most important is the eyes. Everyone was scared to see his eyes. Madonna was convinced that when he was performing his part, his eyes were the eyes that he was used to by the public.

Is this a performance at the stage of the movie director? It is too powerful. I dare not imagine that it is not Chen Hao who imitates a person. It is that he played each of the scenes from various perspectives in more than half an hour. Man, not only learn, but also sing. In the end, everyone can see the small sweat beads emerging from the tip of his nose.

Strength is horrible, but what is even more recognized is that he has been serious for more than half an hour, constantly switching characters, it is not a simple switch, it is a performance that completely exhausted all his energy to learn to imitate.

Some serious, really have lethality to infect others, just like the moment! To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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