Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1303: Where is it famous

The layout of the entire environment and the color tone of the lights are the most comfortable to spread the sound of the entire environment. As singers, when the sound here sends out the sound, everyone is very satisfied, it can be said that when they set foot here for the first time I like it here.

The surrounding environment is quiet. If you walk back from the recording studio to the place where the Galaxy Headquarters stays, it is about three kilometers. The company arranges the car to live at any time, but more people like to walk or run, and they will not be surrounded by the media here. Blocked, breathing fresh air, there are good views here in all seasons, and a park full of science and technology. The three-kilometre road cannot stop everyone from walking.

Anytime, anywhere, you can take out some instruments to this central stage. When the students who have already eaten fat have changed clothes and arrived at the recording studio, they see that Chen Hao is sitting on the edge of the stage, holding a guitar in his hand, and playing Some people sing, some people follow the beat, and in front of a group of people with a strong sense of music, there is no need to deliberately create any atmosphere. Everyone sits and chats casually, and there is music as a bridge, it is easy to communicate.

I did n’t follow the instructions and did n’t have a fixed track. It was just improvisation. There was a rapper. I just talked about adding a rap to the song. Chen Hao bluntly did n’t want to put the rap in the middle of the music. It seems too much to complete the existence of every star.

The most important thing here is the equipment. The worst thing is the various ideas. Music, let ’s play first. Many singers Mars collided with the earth, not two people thinking hard, but several people sitting together. Play it first, show the attitude of the music casually, and decide which part to play casually, then you get creative.

When playing, no matter what obstacles in communication or discomfort between each other, they will be thrown away in the music. After playing, Chen Hao discovered that none of these are pure idol singers, all of them are very powerful, casual. One rhythm, whoever you ask for an impromptu singing, you do n’t need lyrics. The singer will have a very beautiful variety of singing methods, but ah ah ah can sing the complete music; rapper everyone bows his hands with his head bowed Beat the beat, some directly beat on the jeans, the body is shaking, this time is not ambiguous, the words are clear, when the rhythm of the music continues to speed up with the **** of the playing, the speed of the rap is also accelerated, everyone beats the beat The speed is also accelerating ...

When a group of people who really love music come together, there is no need to go to the cold, to communicate with each other, no politeness, and no need to lift each other. The contradictions that everyone was worried about before have no time to appear. The best bridge and serve as a spiritual food. After playing, the scene quickly became hot. Everyone took turns to show it. Although there are lenses here, you can turn off or delete the recorded content anytime, no chairs are needed. The table or whatever, everyone is very casual. You can sit on the floor. You can sit on the edge of the small stage. The distance between the small stage and the ground can be used as a chair. You can also stand on the stage to show yourself.

There is only one theme here, which is to play. From the first day, Chen Hao took the initiative to create such an atmosphere. No one is an unattainable star here. No one is so big. Let ’s get together and talk about music. Everyone has their own recording studio to adjust their status when recording songs. They can choose the largest recording studio to start recording anytime, anywhere, or simply record on this stage.

Everyone was a little worried before they came here, worried that they would not be convinced here. They were worried that so many people could not complete the cooperation at all. Everyone had their own personalities. It was impossible for anyone to accommodate them. If there were some disputes during the recording, Locally, it is estimated that it is difficult to reconcile.

In the United States, singers are not accustomed to performing with others at all. The real big-hand singers measure their influence by watching concerts. There is no one who will participate in any platter concert. On one occasion, you want to see many singers. Probably, unless it is a particularly big event and some disaster relief charity shows, you can see European and American singers gather together to perform.

Everyone is accustomed to being the absolute center on the stage of the concert. I have never thought of cooperating with other people. Those people who think that there will be problems before they gather, this is the argument. I have to be the core person. , How to record a music video together? This is not a disaster relief song. Isn't there a big proposition that everyone is willing to restrict their own recording of songs, this is a commercial act. Does Red Dot have the face to gather these people, and can they have the face to suppress them all?

Some people even figured out whether there would be people in black with guns in their hands when recording songs at these people in Galaxy Headquarters? Of course, this is a kind of dissemination in a small area. No one will judge whether it is a joke or not, and it is not important.

This time, Madonna was also specially invited to be the eldest sister among all people. Regardless of her qualifications, age, and status, she gave everyone a little face, and there are industry achievers like jay-z. The atmosphere is far away. It ’s not what everyone imagines. At least everyone will maintain basic politeness after meeting. Even if there is no warm conversation, they will nod politely and then perform performances centered on Chen Hao. Every time a wonderful individual shows everyone There will be applause. Don't look at the scene where there are a lot of play teams playing rap. The atmosphere of the really very casual performance is not always encountered.

Today's atmosphere, beyond everyone's expectations, is really great. You can see that everyone is sitting very casually. The relaxed state is only one reason. The contagious power of music makes them forget the outside interference.

Feel free to follow the rhythm.

Pick some classic songs to sing.

Singing with interactive songs between each other.

Some on-site adaptations without any preparation.

What kind of musical instruments will be prepared by the staff here, you just need to give your own assistant a look, he goes to the corner and tells the staff to ensure that they will not disturb the impromptu performance of these big coffees, they will quietly Send the instrument over, and there will be some drinks or wine they are used to. These portable assistants are sure that they have a dedicated bar area at the entrance, which can provide a variety of drinks. The entire recording studio Peripheral logistics support is as usual as Chen Hao's style. We can do our best at the core. At the same time, we must provide the best logistics support. Hard-line requirements do not allow any discount.

In the afternoon of the first day, for more than three hours, everyone politely put down their luggage and simply packed it, and then went to the recording studio. As a result, it took more than three hours to play. Westerners are more open-minded and let the process of integration. Made it easier.

If you are in Huaxia, you need to invite everyone to play next time.

Here, there is no need for invitations, no distinction between men and women, and regardless of seniority, all of them have the idea to take the initiative to play and want to show themselves in front of people. Once you get up, the atmosphere is really good. The sound of applause and applause screams one after another. Those who are not good at dancing will fight and dance. No matter whether it ’s an isolated barrier or a media-guided barrier, when it ’s true After the level is recognized, it no longer exists. After playing hi, everyone will sing each other's songs and will perform some imitations. In this play, at some point, for example, Beyonce felt very good, so Put forward to say this sing We let mold mold to sing, her voice quality is the most beautiful in this sentence, you can also add an auxiliary rap rhythm next to make the two voices overlap.

There is no need to consider whether this idea can be realized, because there is the easiest way on the scene, come on, try it, Muye and gaga try the harmony, the media is the most accustomed to pull hatred against the stars, Muye There have been some descriptions of gaga's lyrics, which became ridicule when it came to the media. In fact, criticism is not necessarily malicious. Even if it is really unsatisfactory to say a few words, the root cause is also not from Familiarity and understanding are just a kind of emotional cognition generated by subjective assertion through public image.

I ’m really hungry, and everyone feels that my throat is a little tight. It ’s more than five o’clock when I look at the time. The Galaxy headquarters has the best canteen in the world, and the small canteen has nothing new to the public. Like the canteen, the main canteen located behind the headquarters is definitely the best canteen in the company.

From the variety to the quality of the meal, the overall team may not be the strongest ~ ~ but it is the strongest when it comes to it. There are mainstream food types around the world, especially Chinese food, which is especially popular. Many staff at headquarters now choose a Chinese food for lunch. Compared with the relatively monotonous American food, the variety and taste of Chinese food is enough to make them look forward to a noon meal every day.

Chinese, Western, Japanese, Korean.

Thai, Indian, Australian, Russian.

I played for an afternoon, everyone was hungry, and at this time I was not in the mood to take a walk in the Galaxy Headquarters, but when I was on the car, I was very interested in the beauty presented by the light buildings here at night, all thinking about eating After dinner, go back to take a bath, come out at night or run around.

"Awesome, I like the taste of Chinese food here." Mould entered the cafeteria and went straight to the Chinese food area. He was so addicted to the various fragrances coming from the Chinese food area, and it attracted everyone's attention. Chinese food area.

"Sisters, do I still remember the stage of the Victoria's Secret in 2013?" Chen Hao and Taylor Swift had a Super Bowl cooperation. They are relatively familiar. They have also encountered it in Grammy. This time, they have seen great changes in the face. You can see clearly, sister, do you dare to be fatter? To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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