Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1295: Good wife and good mother

For the role, Andy Lau only returned home with her family for three days during the Chinese New Year, and returned to the United States alone to continue to study the role and make various attempts for this role.

The arrival of the two big brothers in the music industry once had an intersection with Chen Hao. It can't be said that they are not familiar, but now suddenly visiting the door seems a bit abrupt, so he found Andy Lau.

"Hao Zi hasn't changed since the beginning. He has never been an arrogant person. You think too much."

The two older brothers are actually very uncomfortable. This is an old age, and their qualifications are extremely high in China and even in Asia. There is no need to be too cautious about doing anything, but this time when they come to the United States, they are always a bit distracted, and their pride is almost Let them both abandon their trip this time, the two of them partnering with each other and knowing each other's hearts, this can be considered a way to reduce their embarrassment.

One minute after seeing Chen Hao, there was no embarrassment. The unspeakable unhappiness in the dim sum also disappeared. The enthusiasm and the kind of respect shown by the other side made the two of them respect themselves. That little thought carefully felt a little shame.

The elder brother's title was especially affectionate. When they saw the two actively rushed forward to come up and shake hands with their hands, they smiled and pulled the two people to the reception area to sit down and take the initiative to make tea. Xiaodi also came out and gave everyone a fruit plate. This kind of enthusiasm will make you feel like spring breeze, very, very comfortable.

"Little Di, um, just order a meal at the hotel. Let's have some drinks together in the evening."

Huaxia's wine culture is the easiest way to get closer to each other. You can drink together without hesitation. Even people who are not familiar with it feel that the distance is suddenly closer.

"Don't, you'll perform tomorrow. You need to take a good rest today." Luo Dayou waved his hands quickly. He didn't want the warm hospitality of others to affect the performance of tomorrow.

"No delay, no delay, I am an iron voice." To end this topic with a joke, he is actually a very hospitable person. To be honest, he would like to entertain all the friends here today, and know that it is too high-profile It's not suitable. He is not afraid that he will be criticized by some media and people for not paying enough attention to Super Bowl performances. These domestic artist friends have just reached the complete ladder of the international stage, so don't let them be the target of criticism.

Dinner and chat, the wine is just a taste, Chen Hao agreed that everyone will meet tomorrow night, and let Qiu Yu notify one by one tomorrow morning, let the staff of Red Dot Company here arrange the welcome of the vehicle, and send everyone from their respective hotels Go to a villa in Beverly, where the professional company that arranges the party arranges everything in advance. Except for various beautiful models, the standard should be the highest.

This feeling makes Luo Dayou and Li Zongsheng particularly comfortable. Regardless of what ideas they hold in their hearts, it feels like you have traveled far away. There is a distant relative or a friend who has not been in contact for a long time. You are actually I just tried to contact or I did n’t plan to contact at all, but after they heard the letter, they appeared very in front of you very enthusiastically. Then what kind of feeling can make you feel warm all over the body. After that, you are even willing to take it. Tell this to others as something to be proud of.

Talked about new songs, talked about preparations for the performance, and saw Chen Hao's confident expression. The three gave up their inner worry. They haven't seen any big scenes. Don't watch us mingle in the music scene for a lifetime, really leave There are some big stages near the World Entertainment Center. Everyone is not as good as he is. He brought Zhang Xueyou who has been in the concert performance. PK World Tour, the real world tour must be Chen Hao. You Perhaps the world tour can sell well in places with a lot of Chinese people. Chen Hao can make the audience all foreigners. This is the gap in performance.

The more enthusiastic Chen Hao was, the more embarrassed the two were. It was a matter that had nothing to do with private interests, but now I'm not so good at speaking it. It is still Andy Lau who understands Chen Hao and directly mentions this: "There are some charities in China There will be performances on public welfare occasions. Everyone thinks that your songs are the best, so you entrust two big brothers to come over ... "

He didn't finish saying what Chen Hao understood. It was not impolite to laugh but let everyone avoid the embarrassing interruption of the conversation: "As long as it is a public welfare activity, my songs are sung casually. There is no copyright or copyright."

Ru Mufengfeng, it feels that nothing is a problem with him here, what you think is a matter of asking, when he came here, he became a casual answer. Even the two had the idea in their minds-if I spoke to him to borrow money, wouldn't he say it before he said it, and asked directly how much money it would take?

The atmosphere is very comfortable. It is said that you can drink warm wine slowly. The more you drink, the faster your relationship grows. From acquaintances to ordinary people, it may only be a few meals.

The two older brothers took the initiative to control the idea of ​​going on, and frankly will celebrate tomorrow for Chen Hao. To this day, he will take a good rest. Tomorrow, we look forward to shocking the world.

When three people left the room of Chen Hao's hotel, they looked at each other. The high evaluation of Chen Hao was natural. They were really surprised by Di Lierba, a female artist who became popular in the circle by value. I did not expect to be a typical good wife and mother. After spending the whole night busy, I also sat down to eat and drink. I did n’t talk much, did n’t speak stage fright when I was talking, and I was able to go to certain stores. Come active atmosphere.

Talking about Chen Hao's creative ability, how powerful his song is, Xiao Di turned around and won the three of them: "I invited him to sing, and he didn't give me. Today is a good opportunity, or else three Big brother wrote a song for me? "

In Luo Dayou and Li Zongsheng, naturally there is no problem at all. Chen Hao said with a serious attitude: "You still have to play well, let the Chinese music scene go."

There was a little Dee at the table between laughter and a little more relaxed feeling.

If it was before, if a young artist is highly rated by three big-name artists, those three don't mind if their evaluation is passed on to the media. As Chen Hao's wife, do you need it? People can continue to work hard behind Chen Hao's wife's title, and be able to act with their hearts down. In this simple point of view, it should have won the respect of everyone inside and outside the industry.


For the American audience, this day is a Super Bowl game, the midfield performance is still MOUSE, wow, today is wonderful, everyone who did not enter the scene is willing to stay by the TV and wait for the start of this entertainment feast.

For audiences outside the United States, what everyone is looking forward to this day is Chen Hao performing in the Super Bowl, guessing what wonderful performances he can have, as rumored, will the world once again make him call him?

Wait and see, the answer will be revealed soon.

Huaxia has a lot of artists and a lot of media. After the entire admission, the media continuously captured the pictures of familiar faces, and some real handsome men and women were also included in the lens, taking this opportunity to become popular on the Internet.

Hollywood big coffee, sports star, if you have the heart, in five minutes to ten minutes, you can find a familiar face in the audience.

Today ’s media do not need to be crowded together to compete. Everyone goes to different areas and looks for 'surprise'. Today is like looking for prizes. The crowd is crowded to find familiar figures. Some senior media reporters are Make smart appointments with others in advance. At that time, everyone will share resources. There are too many things that this news report can take out today, and there is no need for urgent timeliness. Regarding the star artists that are taken, they will be taken out at night or tomorrow. You can take photos one by one. After all, even if others take a picture, the angle may not be good without you taking a clear picture.

If today ’s performance is wonderful, then a large number of viewers will inevitably watch the news on the Internet tomorrow. This is a bit like James won the NBA championship and MVP. The day is naturally lively, and the next day is touted. High reports will still attract a large number of his fans to watch, even if the text descriptions in many reports are similar, fans are happy to enjoy the process.

Early in the morning, Chen Hao ran to the hotel's swimming pool to swim, UU read www.uukanshu. com made a large group of people waiting for him to be dumbfounded, dumbfounded and couldn't believe that there are still so calm singers in this world. This is the Super Bowl's midfield performance. According to legend, it gave a special exception to extend the performance time. Are you so calm? It's eight o'clock now, aren't you in a hurry? You have ten hours to go to the scene, don't you know?

"Everyone didn't have breakfast. We prepared breakfast in the restaurant. Mr. Chen has a simple training today and will swim for 20 minutes. Then he will go to the restaurant for breakfast." Qiu Yu was too clear about his boss. He has his own rhythm. I will never have to learn the same way because of others, so I have more than ten hours to perform in my performance.

The stylist, hair stylist, and others were invited to the restaurant for dinner. Xiaodi also changed her swimsuit and came over to swim. There are not many female artists who dare to swim in front of the public, but not the long hair in the lens. Long hair splashes and splashes, and you need to wear a swimming cap when entering the water. The current aesthetic view is that beauty is not beautiful. Look at the hairstyle for white, which can account for 70%.

Showing your figure is not a reason for a female artist to resist. Putting on a swimming cap here is a completely irresistible killer.

Self-confidence is cultivated from bit to bit. I dare to express myself after a simple primer. I dare to wear a swimming cap. I even dare to swim in a real bathing suit, rather than the kind of bathing suit on the beach.

After several years of persistence, when the return comes, Xiaodi can't help but want to give a big kiss to the man who gives him the strength to persist.

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