Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1291: 3 win the Oscar

"Congratulations ..."

The awards behind the film did not belong to Angelina Jolie. Even if this award-winning fan has the background of many years of old artillery, they still feel a little lost at that moment, and the smile made barely is bitter.

She was really desperate for the filming of "Into the Master". Some of the more excessive or suggestive dramas, she has been involved in the shooting, and even once she suspected that she was in love with the Inner Teacher, but these still failed to give She brought a little golden man behind the scenes. Lost is inevitable.

Columbia Pictures and Angelina Jolie's team are not out of operation. Chen Hao has also done regular operations. As the biggest hit, losing the crown after the film, it can be said that the gains and losses are unspeakable. You have to consider, and you can't really judge right and wrong.

After losing the film, no one will believe that there is no relationship with the film king award.

Without Chen Hao, there is no such opportunity. It can be said that this is the latest time that Angelina Jolie was close to the little goldman behind the film. It is within reach and eventually passed by. It is a regret in life. An actress has been a lifetime. There is not necessarily such an opportunity.

The camera was given to Chen Hao and Angelina Jolie. The rules in the circle are clear to everyone, and even many artists have been specially trained to laugh before you participate. How do you laugh when you nominate someone for an award.

At many large awards ceremony scenes, in addition to some old cannons who can truly be open-minded, you will find those who have not won the nomination. They have the same feeling and laughter. They must cover up their true thoughts. To laugh, the media and the audience can't pick out the fault and can't guess what you are thinking at this moment.

Chen Hao sat side by side, maintaining a faint smile and a blessed expression. Until this year's film, an old actor wailed and finished his award speech. The final applause was from the heart, not for the performance, just for the old The actor has insisted on decades of drama, which may be the best way to calm down Angelina Jolie's failure to win the award. Use a person you can't criticize, jump over to your overall level and get a shadow. After the laurels, I lost my temper.

The award after the film was also the award of the best actor. Once the awarding guest came on stage, according to the habits of Chinese viewers watching such programs, this picture was called full memory killing.

Little plums and Kate Winslet, the golden boy of the Titanic, touched countless audiences all over the world. How many special effects technology at that time seemed to be shocking at that time. So far, few people can remember Now, the classic pose of standing on the bow of the boat is still familiar to everyone, and those classic lines and scenes will still impress countless women.

Every time the two of them cooperated on the same stage, they were full of memories of killing and swallowing the combination. It often did n’t work. Occasionally, once, classic memories of the past would come to mind.

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and the two of them stood in the center of the stage in costumes. Facing the audience, Kate's first sentence caused everyone to laugh: "So handsome!"

The slim plum is really a desperate practice. Chen Hao returned to Huaxia. He still strives to lose weight. He wants to keep the image of a genius commander in a commercial giant system.

This corner is bad, it's the cold Facebook commander corner.

Acting average, cold-hearted handsome guy, Jagged Commander.

Well done, the depth that this corner can dig. When Chen Hao was telling him, he directly challenged his inner challenge to the corner, and at that time he decided to make sure The angle is good, weight reduction is close to the image, it is only the first step.

A super handsome guy really reduced his weight, combed his hair on his back, shaved all the stubble on his face, and a fitted dress. That was a handsome and explosive rhythm. He completely transformed the handsome guy and the mature man. This kind of temperament is fused into one place, and according to Chen Hao's initial image, his appearance has reached the standard.

Xiaoli responded to the old partner who was slightly out of shape: "If you need a fitness coach, I can recommend it for you."

An old friend made an innocuous joke. The scene's footage locked Chen Hao, and they all knew that the "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" was of great interest. Now they are waiting for them to really come up with their works.

In the past, it was rumored that Chen Hao couldn't cooperate with good actors. Seeing him and Will Smith, they were completely dead. This is back to Little Plum. It seems that there is no sign so far that the two have contradictions. .

The two chatted a few words on the stage, and then led the topic to this year's best actor nomination, Kate bluntly said: "Let you present the award, then you just talk about, which one are you more optimistic about this year?"

At the scene, there was a buzzing sound of laughter. No one would take the initiative to mention this. It was all hello, hello, everyone, compliments, and then award the prize. See if Xiao Li dare to innovate today a bit.

Old Hollywood artillery, this scene does not need to be in control of the words in advance, and saw Xiao Lizi said with a smile: "It's all my old friends, can I say two good words each?"

He said these words, in exchange for the whole audience to cheat, at this time you can not play this set is authentic, what we want to listen to is the excitement on the stage, if you want to hide away, we do not do it.

Little Plum smiled sideways: "Really not given any chance?"

The applause from the audience is more intense and the laughter is more arbitrary. Tell him in actual action that today you don't get a little dry goods, we will not let you get confused easily.

The awards ceremony is accustomed to hello, hello everyone, everyone is used to complimenting each other in a harmonious laughter, it is difficult to remember in recent years, but it is a mistake to read the award-winning work. At the award ceremony, one more point was remembered.

Some veterans or those with sufficient qualifications will be required to perform more on the stage. This will also allow more variables to make the show more interesting, more unpredictable, and more. It's possible to win.

Kate spread her hands and looked at the little plum helplessly. Sorry, I can't help you today. I won't let go of the dry goods on the spot. The year you won the prize, the rewarding comments were quite satisfactory. Everyone finds it boring. Now you come to present the award-winning film actress, and you just have such a chance. Don't hesitate, everyone is waiting.

Little plums are also free and easy. They have been in the circle for so long. The qualifications are enough. Some people dare not say it. He dare not say that it is not an offense, but everyone is accustomed to the family's wedding scene. Make a little gimmick to be caught by the media and dig deep. Once the rhythm is brought by the media, it will become inexplicable. No one wants to cause trouble for them. Slowly, they resist the full on-site play. It even became a taboo.

Xiao Lizi said with a smile: "All of them are old friends. As far as nominated works and corners are concerned, I personally feel that this year's MOUSE performed best. His enrollment teacher is enough to be talked about by many years later."

It ’s worth it for everyone to stand up and give applause to Xiaolizi. This is what it is. It ’s a normal thing to support who feels good. This is normal. What ’s terrible is that there are people who are afraid to let it go. The situation became like this, let ’s say it generously, we all support you to support you. This year ’s awards ceremony has something to be remembered. In various videos in various countries in the future, Xiao Lizi is outspoken. A few minutes of video will definitely be played multiple times.

The camera was given to Chen Hao. He smiled most brilliantly and did a good job. I'm proud of you. On the stage, I need to continuously create good things for everyone, and the award ceremony is the same. Let the audience of the world watch this. Entertainment at the awards ceremony.

In recent years, due to Chen Hao's good performance on the stage, the ratings of the Oscar awards ceremony have steadily increased. This year, many people are looking forward to his three-time film emperor becoming Sanlianzhuang film emperor. This historical feat has been completed. This period gave little plums enough time. It was a dull night, and finally a wave of excitement finally came.

"Okay, let's see if the winner is ..."

As a lady, Kate should normally take the little plum apart, read it out, and let her read the final winner. Today, she turned around ~ ~ Best Actor of the XX Academy Awards The winner is ... "

Little Li laughed and didn't hesitate any more. At this time, he shouldn't do any suspicious behavior, and read it generously: "Congratulations," Into the Master ", Chen, Hao!"

He read out Chen Hao ’s name in Chinese, and the audience had already stood up and applauded. Oscar really gave it. Everyone thought that his opponent this year was traditional and himself.

Andy in Shawshank's Redemption.

Forrest Gump in Forrest Gump.

The enrollment division in "Encounter Division".

Three corners, three filmmakers, three films that won awards and received a lot of praise, and also won a box office that adds up to billions of dollars worldwide. He has created a miracle and everything else can be wiped out. It was Oscarken who refused to give him the film actress again.

History is changed at this moment.

Chen Hao stood up, buttoned the suit button, with a heart-smile smile on his face, facing the camera, facing everyone, first respond to the congratulations from the people around him, hug each other, and congratulate each other, Even his opponents congratulated him. Looking back, facing the audience, waving their hands, the applause at the scene climbed up again.

He has created one record after another at the Oscar every year, and each year is rewriting the history of the Oscar. When the Sanlianzhuang film emperor's laurel was finally worn on his head, he stepped onto the stage and grew up in the plum and Kate He took the little golden man in his hand and raised the trophy high in the face of the audience, officially announcing the arrival of his era.

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