Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1289: History 1

This year's Oscars, although not having last year's lineup, have a very special meaning for Chen Hao.

The daily tasks in the perfect anchor system have been stagnant and no longer released, the reason is to wait for the ultimate task to start.

The main task is to achieve the world's first film, the first film player is currently the last film emperor, you can get the Oscar film king three times to complete this task to open the ultimate system ultimate task.

There are expectations, embarrassment, anxiety, and a bit of sorrow. I have been accompanied by my own growth, giving myself the system that stands at the pinnacle of the industry and the pinnacle of life. The ultimate task is the end, or another start, no matter what Let Chen Hao have some inexplicable emotions in his heart, trying to reach the ultimate goal, but worrying that everything ended too suddenly and made him uncomfortable.

With the results, the ambition will also increase, and his spirit will become higher. He feels that the main task this time is not the first person in the world's film industry even if it is completed. Perhaps at the actor level, it will go horizontally in the current era. For comparison, the three film kings in succession are definitely the first in the world's film industry. But if you count from the general direction of the movie? I still have a long way to go.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao's thoughts on the arrival of the ultimate task are much lighter. Even if there is no task released by the system, I still have my own pursuit, as well as the ideal I want to achieve and the goal worth fighting for.

I brought two movies last year, and the crew was a hit. There were more than 20 people inside and out. Most of the actors in this year's "Into the Division" are old Hollywood cannons. You don't need him to be the leader. Several technical award nominees also appeared on the red carpet with director Wen Ziren.

Xiao Di did not appear on the red carpet at the Academy Awards. Today, she has her own world and her own pride. The former told her that she no longer needs to fight. You are a successful woman. It is worth entrusting a lifelong man; the latter told her to be a strong woman and you have the opportunity to perform well. Standing on this red carpet in the end will be crowned with the title of Chen Hao's wife, at least a considerable part of it. People know themselves through their roles.

Dignified, personally invited to walk the red carpet.

The current Oscar red carpet is not so attractive to her. The Oscar scene is sometimes very tired. She has a cold and refuses it. The cold will make her body ill. After every award on the scene, everyone You must stand up and applaud to congratulate the winners. This is a very good habit of respecting the winners. However, if you do not have a nomination and you are not purely intending to mix the heat of the camera, your mood on the scene must be insufficient, not so The desire to go to the scene is not a good choice.

Today, Chen Hao was a bit embarrassed when he stepped onto the red carpet. Maybe it was a good year. It always reminded him of the past. He still remembers going to Lele as a popular anchor for the first time. There was n’t much media around the event. There were some enthusiastic viewers and some anchors who were holding live broadcasts on their mobile phones. That ’s why I felt very strong when I walked. Regardless of how I am considered a public figure, I mentioned myself. Some people know the name.

Now what?

Standing on the red carpet of the Oscars, this year's Super Bowl is behind the Oscars, and it is quite a bit of a big meal. The teams on both sides of the game are also the two teams that the American people think are the strongest. One is the traditional strong team. I think it is the king of the king's world, a team with the biggest star in American football.

The midfield performance is a much-anticipated MOUSE. This meal is placed behind Grammy and Oscars. The Super Bowl after the entire awards season ends. Many netizens have frequently made sounds on the Internet this year, hoping to be a game. We had a wonderful meal and made us enjoy this meal from beginning to end.

Grammy and Chen Hao are the most anticipated winners and guests. He did not show up during the disaster relief in China. It is very regrettable.

In the Super Bowl, he will perform, and will show everyone all the stage effects that he can present, which is a performance of the superstar developing his whole body up and down to the extreme.

Oscar, real Chen Hao, is an actor who plays several classic roles. He wore a black dress without any outfits. He stepped on the red carpet and cheered like a tsunami, just because of him. Is that everyone's favorite actor, the real star Chen Hao who really appears in front of everyone without any ornament.

The red carpet is a vanity fair for actresses. In recent years, male stars are also grabbing eyeballs on it. Chen Hao is not well evaluated by others. He would simply not accept the so-called "I am fashion" theory. Dress and dress. At least I want to show a normal person.

It is a habit of him to wear normally, and there are certain levels of compelling. Now he is afraid to wear clothes casually. After endorsing a brand, the clothes designed by the brand for him are not suitable for mass production. Consumers like it. Mass production is strongly requested.

He likes Patek Philippe, and he has always brought the Patek Philippe watch that his brother gave him that year. Some people say that no matter how big a star you are, you can endorse the watch-level ceiling, which is the horizontal level of Rolex. Ultra-high-end luxury products like Patek Philippe do not need to be advertised and do not need star endorsements. It is not for public consumption. For products, I have a fixed consumer group around the world. I do n’t need to advertise. I do n’t spend a lot of money to find celebrity endorsements. How many pieces can I sell each year? The data will not fluctuate much for decades. I thought about making my product a popular brand.

This idea has been changed in the recent period. Some media like to study Chen Hao's bits and pieces, dress up hairstyles and accessories on his body. When his Patek Philippe watch was photographed by the media, within a short time, Patek Philippe was watched. At the level of popular brands, orders from around the world have also doubled than usual.

There is a detailed market survey. Most of the extra orders are purchased by women. The same models as Chen Hao are basically collectibles. Different models are either collected or given to men around them, husbands, boyfriends, or fathers and brothers. Yes, from the perspective of these rich women, this is called a male charm show. Simple but not simple is a man with a real taste. Look at Chen Hao, he is an example in this regard, a watch, or a tie. What he showed was a simple and not minimalistic style.

After the news of Patek Philippe looking for Chen Hao to shoot a high-end promotional video, his endorsement value in the eyes of businesses around the world doubled again. Everyone wanted to ask him to endorse. Most of the helpless businesses have no hope. It ’s not that I ca n’t ask, but I really ca n’t afford it.

A mid-to-high-end menswear brand, asking him to endorse took the endorsement fee that everyone thought was too expensive at the time, it was only a two-year contract, and there were large-scale restrictions, such as only taking a few ads, attending only a few events, and only authorizing Additional terms such as the use of portrait rights, the brand is still signed. When Chen Hao attends public occasions to start wearing the brand's custom-made clothing, the same model will be mass-produced, and the sales will surely be hot. This position once again confirms the tremendous influence of Chen Hao's personal influence.

Pepsi and Coca-Cola are competing with Chen Hao.

Although he doesn't like to endorse various products that eat into the body, he is worried that he will lead fans to make irrational choices because of star-oriented, but for these two drinks, it is still possible, and the prices of both sides have now climbed to one. Beyond their highest price in history, an additional 30% price is still in contention. There is a team in charge of Chen Hao's studio that is always following up on this project. The rising endorsement fee and various additional conditions that are almost harshly restricting the product side agree, and wait for Chen Hao to finalize it.

Some time ago, the competition was very lively abroad, and the domestic snowstorm was raging. You didn't bother to talk about it. However, some people have recently translated some foreign news and popular discussions. The hottest thing is the sky-high price. Judgement of endorsements.

Does anyone say it's not an endorsement star? As for? Pepsi can do the same as the past with star ads. Whether it's Huaxia or worldwide, the blue theme of the science fiction blockbuster is not outdated today. Is it so expensive that it can't be spent by so many people? Go and invite someone?

Yes ~ ~ The answer is yes, it is enough to invite this person.

Some people have done preliminary statistics, how to know whether the data is credible or not, there is a data that everyone witnessed-someone posted a post on the Internet, saying whether Chen Hao will endorse the two drinks Does it affect?

More than 95% of the influential choices, and less than 5% of the non-influenced ones are still deliberately made fun.

Messages, large areas are similar pictures, which Chen Hao endorsed, I will drink which brand of Coke in the future.

Chen Hao is breaking the category of everyone's understanding of stars in the past, whether it was Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson, no matter what the star in the field, even the king of sports arenas, is the peak of Messi and Ronaldo. The influence, the influence of Michael Jordan when he sealed the gods, is not as strong as his personal influence. From personal achievements in the field he is engaged in, to the personal brand value that can be derived, to the achievements that everyone understands, it seems that the singer is a movie star. Popularization is beyond the reach of sports stars. One billion people around the world may watch football and 500 million people like basketball, but this number must be far less than the number of people who like to watch movies and listen to music.

There is an evaluation given by an old magazine, which everyone agrees with.

In the field of mass entertainment, MOUSE has put its comprehensive influence into the first person in history.

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