Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1285: Youth idol

The number of fans over the age of 30 in the Chen Hao fan group has grown very much. The data is the most telling. When a group of adults with an economic foundation and mature right and wrong began to pay attention to Chen Hao is willing to admit that he is a fan, and outside discussions seem to have become increasingly meaningless.

There are some fans with high emotional quotient who haven't made noises or sprayed with people before. They will bring a wave of the most effective rhythm when it is most critical.

"Even foreign media opinion sings praises on the side. People with good eyes can see that this is not deliberately coaxing. Then why do we ourselves have to entangle some things that we already have answers in our hearts for the sake of fame? Or is it for the sake of profit, or is it a secret?

The current network is the world of Haomen fans, and there is a large group of netizens who stand in the position of Chen Hao. Whenever there are some good comments, we will instantly push it to the top position, various forums or some private communities, Will also add to the top.

Those malicious words selected by everyone as 'whip-corpse' will also be topped, and the result is that they will be attacked in turn. Even if you make a trumpet, no registration information will be left, and you will still be relentless. Offensive.

People have similar habits. It is a unique obsessive-compulsive disorder. You know that your trumpet released information will be sprayed, and you are ready to be sprayed. Even if you think about it, I do n’t want to watch it. Really, when you are under siege, you still can't help but take a look at it. The moment you look at it, the emotional runaway mentality collapses. The burst of mentality is absolutely inescapable, but in large quantities. What online fans want is your effect, which will make you follow up with Yangzi. Haozi did it right, do n’t you have a B in your heart?

The focus interview was officially launched on one episode, and the entire episode was used to talk about the incident, interviewing some people who were on the scene at the time, interviewing the traffic police who dealt with the incident, interviewing the people on the ambulance, and interviewing the rescued Two seriously wounded and their families.

Penalties are clearly given in the program. All vehicles that cause congestion in emergency lanes on the day will be punished in accordance with traffic laws and regulations, and concentrated on one-day traffic laws.

Chen Hao confirmed that the full damages for the damage to other people's vehicles and public property should be settled in a private settlement and emergency response measures, and no other liability will be pursued.

Finally, it clearly and severely issued warnings and appeals, requiring all motor vehicles to drive motor vehicles in accordance with traffic regulations. From top to bottom, a complete shuffle will be performed. From the equipment to the personnel, no one will ever want to be lucky. .

This is the textual and vocal description of the Eight Classics, which can be considered as a conclusion, but anyone can see it. This is the official form for Chen Hao to maintain a magnificent positive image maintenance. The most exciting part of the entire program was It is a picture of interviewing the family members of the seriously injured, and three of the five injured people on the day. Everyone knows that their emotions must have been maintained very well. The big star made such a thing, but ultimately saved them.

Except that there are no bad words, this interview is almost a complete version of Chen Hao. The family asked me if it was 20 minutes or half an hour late, and if someone died, who would be responsible, then we will be responsible. Is it useful to slam car owners who have occupied emergency lanes? Even if it is useful, can anyone be dead, does it still make sense?

Life is greater than heaven.

These five words are enough, and I also decided to cover the coffin occasionally. Some of the so-called commentators, experts, or guardians immediately either said nothing or changed the wind direction immediately. In Huaxia, when the official coffin was concluded, Then there is no place to be questioned. Chen Hao's reputation has skyrocketed again after this incident. It is a bit like the description of the Wudang School ’s light power vertical ladder in martial arts.

Like a person stepping on a ladder in the air, there is a place for the old force to end and then climb again.

Before the snow disaster, Chen Hao looked at the people. The people who worked were very clear. This gave rise to a reputation for breaking the law to save people. It was won among the middle-aged people. A good reputation, to win a praise from middle-aged and elderly people, is totally explosive among young people.


So handsome!

It's so cool, handsome, it's almost impossible to compare!

You are our hero!

The little girls from all walks of life are completely crazy. They completely treat Chen Hao as their own hero. In the process of chasing the stars, they found that they are not only the handsome of the other party, but not only the other party ’s work. In terms of morality, he has become an example for everyone. Look at what he does and leave everyone speechless.

When it comes to donations, they are the most charitable donations in the Chinese profession as an artist.

Speaking of being a person, look at others as people. As an example of young people, they don't just talk to you about the truth. They give them the most correct values ​​based on right and wrong in the most acceptable way. This is the fundamental reason why Chen Hao is increasingly valued above.

In the past, rumors of what similar outstanding Asian youths were selected at the Xiangjiang Conference, and what other Asian young spiritual leaders were in the room, were all small-scale self-talks, and the people who were judged would definitely not have the approval of the majority.

Chen Hao is the chief executive with a long-term strategic vision. He is a young idol at the spiritual level. After a period of observation, he is willing to give him more support. From the China Film and Television Promotion Association to this event, under normal conditions. The official will not easily express his position, but the official will quickly express his opinion on his affairs.

He has all the qualities to be a wave leader, and now all aspects are mature, and he has done a lot of things, each of which is in keeping with the above intentions. As a star, his influence is not limited to Huaxia, not limited to In Asia, the future has unlimited prospects. Some specialized personnel have done technical statistics. If Chen Hao wants to do something, he only needs to shake his arm to get a large amount of support. The share that once affected many young people in China So far, many people still clearly remember that from dressing to hair design, to talking and behavior, they are imitating popular culture invasions. It is trivial to say that the scourge of a generation is damaging, but it affects a generation. Now, Chen Hao is much more powerful than those Korean stars at that time. If he wants to spread some culture, he does n’t need a big fanfare, he just needs to say something and do something. He will affect tens of millions of people. .


Many outside news did not affect Chen Hao. When he returned home, he received the strongest support from his family and neighbors. First of all, this was always a more implicit mother. When he saw his son getting out of the car, he gave him a hug. .

"Good son, good job, Mom is proud of you!"

This encouragement is more powerful than the thousands of messages on the Internet. My father gave him a thumbs up. The villagers of the entire village passed the Chen family and learned that the big star was back. They all had to shout, Haozi is good. Some even went directly to the yard to walk through the door. When they came in, they gave Chen Hao a thumbs up: "It's really good."

In the most simple words, Chen Haofang returned to the time when he was not famous. Although the house is now large, renovated, and living conditions have gone a few grades, the village is still that village, and the villagers are still those villagers and young people. You will see that you are looking up with worshiping eyes, but those half-old people in the village who are already 50 or 60 years old are watching as they grow up. Their material needs are not so great, although they know that the family must borrow The Chen family ’s light, but everyone in the bones is the kind of closeness that has been living in a village for decades, but it cannot be completely wiped out by any external factors.

After entering the room, sitting warmly on the big fire in the living room, I would smoke a cigarette, and would not scratch a handful of seeds or dried fruits. The whole atmosphere is still the most familiar way of chatting, Zhang Parents Li family is short, the house is hot and the chat atmosphere is hot, and it is a behavior that you don't need to say hello in advance if you are in the house. If you do n’t have someone to come in all day, you have to review it yourself.

Since the snow disaster ~ ~ Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei have put their car in Sichuan, so did Di's parents. They took a plane back to their hometown. The four elderly people also donated a lot of money. It does n’t affect the life here. Every family has a car, and their lives are rich. No matter how much snow it snows, people will pick it up the first time. When the snow stops, someone will lead the village to the road. Clearing it out, from the second-hand car trading center next to the village entrance to the ring road are also the first time someone will clear the road.

Closing the door with heavy snow will not affect everyone's normal life. It is nothing more than sweeping the snow, not to mention that the village can still go outside. Even if it is not closed for two or three months, it does not seem to affect everyone's lives. It is time to play mahjong. It ’s still playing mahjong, and the gatekeepers will still gatekeepers, so the people in Northeast China are very harmful to the snow disaster. They do n’t have much fear and fear, and they feel that there is nothing like this heavy snowfall. We have seen more from childhood.

As soon as Chen Hao came back, more people came to the Chen family. No matter how cold the severe cold and snowstorms were, they did not have any lethality in the smiles of the neighbors. Everyone was not talking about the snow disaster. The most willing to talk was to throw. "Car", I liked him and did a good job. Some villagers deliberately talked about movies in order to be able to chat with him on a channel. A group of people who never knew what sci-fi movies meant was talking about sci-fi and a group didn't know Oscar. Why people talk about Oscars, and Chen Hao's smile this afternoon is the one he laughed the most in months. It's not just mocking. I don't think everyone knows anything funny. It's just pure fun, pure chat fun. .

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