Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1258: To progress

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Before traveling to Korea, Chen Hao and Xiao Lizi officially fixed their makeup. The two will be the absolute protagonists throughout the "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy", and their images in the drama will soon appear in front of audiences around the world.

Movies are movies. Novels are similar to movies, and they are not a time axis for which everyone has no cognitive concept.

The novel is a description of the characters. Basically, everyone knows who is the protagonist when the movie is played. In the recognition of everyone, even if the protagonist is about to die, he is exhausted at the last moment. As long as the story is not over, the protagonist has been There is a drama.

There is nothing to hide in the crew. The Galaxy Headquarters has provided for everyone to visit before. There is no need to hide the makeup in the current makeup photos. Take it to the media and increase the continuation of the film itself.

Little Plum's weight loss effect is good, especially in the last half of the month, the standard makeup has been achieved, and the rest is still relying on the shape of the stiffener. In the future, he will be given some time to completely reduce the weight. To standard filling.

At that time, the first generation of men who could be called beautiful men, Jun Xiu's little plum was back. Although the years left some marks on his face, it did not affect his blond hair at this moment. Jun Lang, who looked younger by a dozen years, had scratched the stubble cleanly. Perhaps the slight trace left behind was a distinction between the youth of that year and the maturity of the youth.

A very handsome general general without a hat, the whole person stood upright, looking straight ahead, his eyes showed a murderous look, and the dominance of the dominant party was also revealed.

The star commander of the western empire on earth, the highest commander resident outside the planet, the young commander of super genius, once led the army to do the first large-scale foreign war on the earth, and that was the only time he used his strategy to make it The Earth offensive group could retreat with a small defeat. Otherwise, the armed forces in outer space of the empire would suffer a great deal. In the case of the internal empire and the confederation, there is no end to the dispute, so much will happen. It was a disastrous blow to the entire empire.

Since then, the general, played by Little Plum, has skyrocketed all the way, becoming the youngest general commander and commander of the empire and the whole earth at the age of thirty-two.

Leather boots, handsome uniforms, with medals on his chest, he stood on the model battleship, the background is part of the battleship, taking a close-up full-body photo, which is his fixed makeup photo, once the teenager and He is back. Today, he will be the commander-in-chief of the entire Earth Alliance in the future as the genius commander of the imperial evil spirit. From passive defense to counterattack, he will always be the commander at the frontline.

What commander-in-chief, what general, if replaced by a -political-guest-speakers, he is the commander-in-chief of the Earth's front line, and is the last line of defense in outer space, the leader of the death squad.

His makeup photos were taken, and he was really reluctant to take it off in the costume. Standing in front of the mirror, he felt very handsome, thinking that he would wear such costumes to shoot, thinking that he would have little action scenes. I will get more fans and feel the pressure.

There are more action dramas, and no action dramas are all literary dramas, but his role also limits how many images he can not show. If he is a serious and meticulous genius commander, more will be with eyes and dialogue To present the character, every subtle expression will become the key to the success of the character.

Standing posture, sitting posture, little plums specially asked someone to learn. When he saw a very subtle point in this character setting, he couldn't help sighing that Chen Hao was really powerful, even when he wrote such a magnificent universe. , Can also notice such subtleties of each character.

The role he played has hardly been done in many appearances. Even when he returned to the earth to report his work and fight for the benefits of the front line, he still stood like a javelin.

The cool face is cool and handsome, not facial paralysis. This is a very clear perception in the minds of actors at the level of Xiao Lizi. The more you look at the role that seems to play well at first glance, the more you have to pay for it.

In the western world in which he lives, he once asked Chen Hao about the setting of this script, why the West is an empire, but the Eastern system based on Huaxia became a federation. According to the development of history, this is not completely reversed. ?

Chen Hao's answer took no time to think. It was a point he had already thought very clearly. Whoever asked, blurted out, "I just want to do the reverse, don't you think this is interesting?"

Is it interesting?

The interesting thing that Little Plum can think of is by no means a simple picture conflict, but a sense of conflict extended by cultural development. Think about the freedom and equality of the Western world headed by the United States, which formed a powerful empire, which had always been ruled by kings. The Oriental World headed by Hua Xia has become a parliamentary free federation. Conflicts of various ideas will extend into the plot. There will not be a one-second plot to talk about this matter. All will be reflected in the characters.

Previous film and television dramas have just come out of the simple definition of good and bad, and slowly form a person's character with the environment, growth background, and final survival category. When presented in film and television dramas, it cannot be judged simply by good or bad. The role, the family in "Into the Division" is in such a state.

"Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy" and "Three-Body" are the same. Both sides have unique insights into the development of social formation and the deepest things in human-sexuality, and both use this to position the character of the character.

When any character does a big thing, the audience finally decides whether he is doing a good or bad thing from the perspective of God. What Chen Hao does is to make the character of each of these characters not unreasonable. The important characters have story development. It can be said alone. How do those facial characters position themselves?

On this point, Chen Hao was very impressed. When shooting "Famous Name", the three adults in it were fully facialized. You would think that the value of their existence is for a series of dramas. It does not have any characteristics. It seems It seems that the officials of the entire Qing Dynasty looked like this.

In "The Heroes of the Galaxy", these facial figures have a unique position. You can read these characters and read out what the empire in the show is and what the Federation is.

When Li Li first came, he gritted his teeth and lost weight in the gym. When he read the script in his free time and thought deeper and deeper, he became very interested in the script. He wanted to know what Chen Hao was thinking. What you think, this thing is unspeakable and you can only understand it. Only when you realize it, you can keep up with Chen Hao's rhythm when you start shooting. Otherwise, the man who holds the entire film production control in his hands, at any time. It is possible to adjust the role of any actor anywhere.

Little Plum is ambitious. He has a unique understanding of his role. If he wants to show it, he must obtain the consent of Chen Hao and stand in a circle with him. Only then can the two sides reach a true consensus.

Today's fixed makeup gives him a little more in-depth understanding of the role. He planned to go back and practice for a while, but now his interest stays with Chen Hao. He wants to see Chen Hao's role in the play. Use this to understand his positioning for his role.

The two leading actors who have almost no positive communication, why is the dual-core existence? It ’s not the same as the Qiangqi poor, but the only explanation is only one, that is, the show really needs two leading actors, each of them has Shoulder a main line or share the story that the entire main line needs to show.

What would your interpreted role look like?

Of course, Xiao Lizi has seen the script. Since the general is a blood soldier, the man on the front line should not be a traditional hot-blooded soldier. With Chen Hao's temper, he will never be a hero in a regular Hollywood movie. That kind of virgin.

As soon as the shape came out ~ ~ Little Li Zi was startled. At first he thought that the shape was not finished, but he did not expect that this was the shape of the characters in Chen Hao's drama.

Heavy military boots with a certain tactical effect, military pants, a thick-looking leather jacket, while taking advantage of a T-shirt, no tactical vest, and no combat equipment, it is not like a special operations force commander who goes deep into the front line. There are no broken things on your body. What you can see is a large dagger tied to one side of the calf and a laser-light-gun that comes standard in science fiction movies. The design of this weapon is similar to that of others. It's different. It's a large-left-wheel design. Silver glitter is very cool. It is tied to the thigh on the side of the tactical belt.

Left? No more.

Buddy, you are defending the soil and cleaning up operations, you are exploring and landing in unknown fields, you are fighting behind enemy lines, you are the performer of the beheading operation. With this style, should n’t the makeup photos show the coolest looks in your drama? Could it be this?

When Chen Hao took a photo, he played a very cool action. He pulled out his gun very professionally and aimed at the lens. The photographer was startled, and his eyes moved away from the machine subconsciously. He stepped back involuntarily and took a half step back. He almost fell. At that moment, the angle of view through the lens was a clear sense of the murderous force behind Chen Hao's action, and those eyes showed me the ruthlessness of controlling life with the weapon in his hand the next second.

"What age are you, and you look like you're full of arms? It's sci-fi in the age of outer space, so you can't play alone or play high-tech?" Chen Hao laughed at the rareness of little plums, and laughed fiercely. Fan, then explained to him what he designed, and he was stunned, how could he play like this? Not to mention the advancement of technology, you say that you want to take more beautiful pictures.

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