Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1256: The largest citron

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The box office in the second week of "Enrollment Division" is still hot. It won 230 million box offices throughout the week. It is only a matter of time before the total box office exceeds 400 million. Many websites analyze the data. The final box office of this film is almost 450 million. Ten million or more, but less than 500 million, if the Oscar next year can win some awards, it will also get some additional box office.

The box office is really a trivial matter, and the whole world is lamenting the ability of Chen Hao to combine the box office and awards into one.

"Redemption of Shawshank", the star shines on the Oscars, achieving Chen Hao's first Oscar film actress, the first best film. Although the North American box office is still far from the super commercial blockbuster, in Asia, especially under the box office supported by China, 4th in box office world film history.

"Forrest Gump" is still the darling of the Oscars, sweeping all the big awards involved. Chen Hao is also a perfect three-in-one, the best film, the best director and the best actor. It also received 1.4 billion box office worldwide. .

The Chinese version of "Enrollment Division" still got 230 million in North America and more than 700 million box office worldwide, even though the Chinese mainland could not be released. He also won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film for Huaxia.

The American version of "Into the Division" followed one after another. Looking at this situation is a double harvest situation. Compared with the Chinese version, it is more welcome and attention from North American audiences. The depression of the remake is that the film is basically broken. The road to the best director can also be regarded as a success or a defeat. He follows Chen Hao's footsteps. The villain Wen Ziren wants to win a prize, but the best actor should have no suspense, the best film and the best actress, the best Supporting actors and actresses need serious lobbying after the Oscars started.

People in the circle have a recognition that it is unlikely to give them too many prizes. It is not a deserved award. This piece of cake must always be given to others. You ca n’t give anything delicious to you in the end. have eaten.

The Oscar is still far away. The box office is a real show for everyone. After the recording of the running man ’s show, everyone went their separate ways. Xiaodi also returned to film. Chen Hao watched a few scripts and did not make him very satisfied. The script, which is all in my heart, is not afraid to offend major movie companies. After rejecting them together, the crew of "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy" was opened, which means that it will take at least half a year, and he will not take any more. Characters, devoted themselves to this movie which has more than a billion investment.

After the crew officially rolled out their work, all kinds of work were heavy and heavy, and they were also insufficiently prepared before. Chen Hao began to distribute the work, and distributed it one by one. The Red Dot company fully cooperated with him. The entire company At present, except for the administrative work, all the specific content staff are all working around this drama.

Chen Hao's main job is to choose a cast, discuss the role of the script according to the previous ‘retreat’ discussion script, and start to invite actors to the trial according to the characteristics of each role. Some characters are tailor-made directly. If there are actors first, then there are roles, then invite directly. I hope you can come and play in this film.

In terms of communication and invitation marking, Chen Hao's first order to all people is to be realistic. If we issue a supporting role that is relatively insignificant, then mark it to others, and don't go all the way to each other. Unhappy between them.

If it ’s a character like Liang Chaowei who has to run through several films, I ’ll also let you know in advance that some are supporting actors, some supporting actors are increasing, and some supporting actors are decreasing. The length of the four films, which is also the length of the script he made before, he knew that as long as the box office of the first film came out, even if he did not plan to shoot, there would be countless people wanting to shoot it himself. There is also a part of the script, and every page will become extraordinarily expensive.

It is impossible for a play to have so many main characters. Even if it is a large series of movies, the number of first-line players can obviously be very small, and the number of second-line players is not too much. This time, Chen Hao is considered to be a few aliens. Recently, the people who are doing well are looking for various relationships and intend to get a relatively playful role in this drama.

Yin Tianyang watched him busy facing the actor every day to try him out, and made a joke to him: "If you put a sofa at home, it will be very lively, I don't think anyone will come with resistance."

Since owning the pair of sisters to fill some 'blank time', Chen Hao really has no interest in this area, and sincerely has enough, he feels that his needs in this area and the space for imagination have already been developed. It was filled by four women who had had close contact with each other. The so-called charms outside seemed to fall short of the standard that made them feel good.

Just a few days of audition, even in the very formal company office meeting room, there are other cast members beside him, still can't hide the various hints that burst out and smashed at themselves . In just a few days, the personal business card and personal phone number received were enough to fill a small box, which was quite interesting for the wine. I kept these things for myself and put them in a mobile phone box. Well, it can also be regarded as a memory worthy of showing off in memories.

The Hollywood side is better. The first-line Hollywood actors are not condescending. The second and third lines can choose the right one by themselves, and try the scenes one by one according to the characters in the first script. Let the most suitable actors get the roles. Then There is a very, very formal and complete process, and everything will be regulated by law. This will allow Chen Hao to save a lot of energy and leave it to the administrative staff to handle it. There will be no more than the contract model for docking with the actors' union.

The trouble is the selection and audition of the federal actors in the play. It is a Chinese mainland that has left him burnt out. There are also actors from Xiangjiang and Baodao. Actors from South Korea and the island nations and even several countries in Southeast Asia have come over to make fun. After the concept of the Chinese social society was instilled, it was even more appropriate. It was all about digging doors and stealing holes to find relationships. In the end, this wind made the entertainers of the era unable to sit still. It can be imagined that during this time, the Chinese entertainment circle What would it be like.

At the beginning, Chen Hao frowned as soon as he saw the phone call. In a few days, the number of phone calls was reduced, but people could not escape even in the United States, and all human relationships directly chased here, if not for the Galaxy headquarters It is a private place where security can be completely closed or everything can be done without going out of the house. It seems that Chen Hao can't stay in the crew and needs to find another place to disappear for a while.

Some relationships can be refused, others are compelled to receive them. Once upon a time, no matter whether they are growing up or their relationships are there, some people come to Chen Hao not only to receive, but also to treat them with high courtesy.

The king of Huayi always came to the United States personally, and a small steel cannon that just returned a few days later accompanied him back. Chen Hao, who is in this level, is still auditioning in the living room. The audition was suspended for the first time. Welcome to the VIP lounge in the main building at the door.

"Mr. Wang, you say hello in advance, I will let you pick you up."

An ordinary artist always whispers a three-pointer when he sees Xiao Wang. This king is always a strategic-level controller. He has not been involved in specific business for a long time. This time he came to the United States to find Chen Hao for a specific business.

"I know you're busy, let's take a bath and take a break." From the tone of President Wang, he knew exactly what Chen Hao was doing every day, knowing that he must be auditioning actors at this time. His unknown little role in the play is not worthy of him to try the show himself. Those who can come to the show are also actors with certain qualifications and fame. It is impossible to wave with a big hand. I have something today to come back tomorrow, or casually. He asked other casting directors to audition, so he took the initiative to ask Chen Hao to complete his work.

"Gangzi, you are with President Wang and Director Feng."

Yaner and Jiuer rarely appeared before and after people. They positioned themselves as shadow assistants. Because of their choice, Chen Hao greatly changed their overall impression. Treating it as a toy is just serious ~ ~ Now, in a short period of time, Chen Hao finds that he seems to be working and living outside, and gradually he can't do without their meticulous care.

Whenever someone from Huaxia appears, both of them will disappear consciously. They still have Kang Yan, Chen Gang and Qiu Yu beside them, but in fact, many of his work arrangements are now being done by the two of them. Qiu Yu is specific. Executor.

Two hours later, Chen Hao found the King and the small steel cannon that he was visiting in the battleship command room of the oversized model of the starry battleship. The small steel cannon had been visited before. This time, he told the king on the way this time. Although I haven't touched the specific crew shooting business for many years, after all, I am the boss who started media, film and entertainment, and still has a very deep understanding of the development of this industry.

The special effects shooting gradually made the green screen shed gradually become the mainstream. At this time, Chen Hao came to do the opposite, and began to focus on real-life shooting, and others unknowingly made it possible for many people to re-emphasize this kind of shooting. the way.

Someone said before that he just shot on the existing landscape. What he wanted was the reality of the landscape in reality.

This time, Chen Hao directly subverted these claims. I shot pure commercial science fiction films and set up real scenes. The model of this Star Warship has more than a dozen rooms in it. The scenes are all real, the only difference from the real. The thing here is that the furnishings can be quickly changed, so that you can use these dozens of room scenes, and you can shoot more scenes in the future.

In this battleship command room, there is a computer screen that mimics future technology, playing a short video for internal viewing. It was not released during previous visits and premieres. This thing is only for all participating in the specific business Inside crew filming the crew to watch.

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