Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1254: It's harvest time

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In the end, Chen He couldn't escape the fate of being dragged, holding the bucket, and he also dipped the water in it with his hands. It was indeed warm water. If a bucket of cold water was poured on Xiao Di's body, nothing would be said. Heavenly King is not Heavenly King. Everyone gets along so well, and they can't do it themselves.

Andy Lau actually has such a bit of resistance to appear in front of the camera. She is so old that she really ca n’t resist the attack of aging. Last night, I specially arranged someone to make facial beauty for myself. I just looked at the whole when I brushed my teeth. The condition of the skin is quite satisfactory.

Holding the room card and opening the door of Xiaodi, he motioned to Chen He to be with him, the two of them raised the bucket with four hands, and then sprinkled it in the direction of the bed.

Someone in the program group suggested not to choose a name before, so there will be some surprises. If you think about the so-called surprises, it is better to look at the guest's expression when they get the ‘bad’ punishment. For example, Chen He pumped Andy Lau. That was a kind of resistance that I would not die. I did n’t quit the entertainment industry. I also had to perform similar performances. What if he picked an old acquaintance like Chao Brother or Zheng Kai? That expression is definitely not resistance, but a state of having fun.

A bucket of warm water, and the two also cooperated with each other for a while. They didn't directly pour all of them up. The bucket of water was not light. I really want to pour it out and pat it on the quilt. People in sleep also Will be really startled.

The two walked for a while, letting the water be poured out a small portion first, and then several consecutive times, pouring the water in the bucket onto Xiao Di's body. The first time made her wake up, and then she was quilted. Wrap it until you no longer feel water hitting the quilt.

With a scream, mental preparation actually surprised Xiao Di. Some water sprayed on the hair, some sprayed on the pajamas, and a large part was absorbed by the quilt. On the quilt, the quilt is soaked, wrapped around the quilt, shrunk to the corner, and drilled out of the head. This image was captured by the lens. You do n’t have to think about it. This lens must be a special book. At that time, I made some music to embed the picture as a ghost movie, ensuring that her image was more scary than Sadako.

Chen He ’s performance is very exaggerated. It does n’t matter to me that everything is arranged by the show group. Andy Lau also showed an apologetic smile: “I ’m out of luck to get such a wake-up method, but I ’m unfortunate to tell you This is not over. "

Chen He spread his hand and pointed at the cosmetics placed on the standard desk in the room: "We have to comb your hair and wash your face."

I should have washed my hair, etc. The show crew was also worried about wasting too much time. When it was dawn, everyone would wake up. This wake-up method would be boring. Xiaodi did n’t have much wet hair, and she didn't care about herself. Image, just ponytailed with a holster.

Chen He: "Born by nature, dare to be so casual."

Xiao Di sat on a chair and changed a set of clothes. When he stopped shooting, he changed his clothes and brushed his teeth. He also signaled to Chen He and Andy Lau that there was no taboo on washing his face, and normal washing was fine.

Facing Chen He's praise, Xiao Di pouted, "Hua Ge, He He, you two will stay with me for a while."

Chen He has already revealed the iconic-sexual smile, moistened Xiao Di's face with a wet wipe, took cleansing toiletries, and applied it to her face. She still did not forget to say to the camera, "See? It's true beauty, and what exactly is the King of Heaven in your eyes? The answer will be revealed immediately. "

Andy Lau took a warm, wet towel, and Chen He listened to Xiao Di ’s instructions, and showed his ability to "wash the face" in a very versatile way. The picture was full. Andy Lau wiped her face with a wet towel Clean, she washed it herself, and wiped it with a hot and humid towel.

The camera advances.

Perennial exercise and planned protection, plus the use of the best and best skin care products to "preserve" their skin, just as the woman blooms, Xiaodi, to give the camera and future viewers watching this episode, Presented the most valuable image display, although it did not reach the traceless 'perfect' skin state in the advertisement, it was enough to prove her value as a beauty artist, she removed her makeup, and she was truly face-to-face on TV. How many female artists dare to do this in the camera? Some of the shows that were run by men have not been vegan. This time, Xiao Di was cut out and really washed his face thoroughly. This was also a windfall of the show. To be honest, the program group intends to use some shooting methods. Yes, if she had any objections, she didn't expect it was her turn, and she really dared to do that.

The applause of Andy Lau and Chen He was an applause from the bottom of her heart, and it had nothing to do with her face-lifting beauty. It was her courage and confidence.

Whenever encountering such a picture, Xiaodi is always grateful for his man. It is he who keeps himself exercising. He introduces himself to the best skin care beautician. It is the top skin care he will not sell from abroad. Pin brought back to herself, the feeling of taking care of every inch of skin carefully. At first, she really didn't feel used to it, and the luxurious consumption amount was not necessarily able to hold up with her past income.

After more than two years of hard work, I have gradually gained all of this. Compared to when I first entered the running man and just started to become famous, I know myself, the state of the skin, the degree of firmness of the skin, and some of the fatigue left over from the past. Traces are slowly reaching their best condition.

Xiaodi feels a bit like winning a competitive game. After so long preparing and putting in so much effort, he was able to show all the results and feel full of accomplishment.

"Okay, it's your turn."

Character: Little plum.

Task: Open his quilt. If he wakes into the house and finds that the task is postponed, you will replace him for the next wake-up service.

Chen He: "Everything, the show crew is definitely engaged in things. I doubt whether it was deliberately arranged by you. Is this lottery messy? Say, honestly, if the lottery is messy."

Andy Lau also shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The people in your program group have even wiped out the chance of cheating. When you go in, you can't make a sound to make the people inside wake up and find that your mission has failed."

Xiao Di looked sad: "Do you really want to do this? Do you communicate with people like this? Isn't it too much?"

The act of directly entering the house to open the quilt seems simple, and it seems to have no technical content, but it is the craziest of all wake-up methods. Although everyone has prepared in advance, it is psychological, and many people do not sleep I like to wear pajamas, I feel restrained, even if there is one, it is really impolite to open the quilt. Men and women are not convenient, and women are at best not a trivial one. If men have some physiology in the early morning, The natural response, especially in sleep, would be uncomfortable for anyone who would feel uncomfortable, even if they were shot by the camera, even if P was lost in the later period, anger would be normal.

Xiao Di is really embarrassed, is it really necessary?

Otherwise, I deliberately failed and then targeted the next person? When you meet an acquaintance, it ’s better to face a big star in the past, right?

The director of the show group said that she needed to follow the rules of the game, and she was out of luck.

As soon as Chen He's eyes turned, he came up with an idea: "Let's get lucky. After entering, in case people are wearing pajamas, in case people don't sleep honestly, they will be rolled up, you can rest assured, even if you can't see If you ca n’t see the gesture, if you ca n’t do that, make a sound on purpose, and go to the next person for him. The next one who is not allowed to draw the middle daughter is of course the best one.

There was no other way, Xiaodi had to continue in this way. Fortunately, as Chen He said, Xiaoli knew that she was going to shoot today, so when she slept last night, she was considered fully armed. If the effect of weight loss and fitness is achieved, Now, he will sleep naked, but he has n’t reached it now. He knows that there are hundreds of millions of people in Huaxia and even hundreds of millions of people in this period. He still takes it very seriously.

Half of the quilt is on the body, and the quilt is rolled inward to reveal the sleeping position in pajamas and pyjamas. Xiao Di turned back and took a sigh of relief ~ ~ Andy Lau and Chen He behind the camera are purely It ’s lively. There is a lot of fun to watch in this way. The crew did not ask them to follow it. It was just for fun.

Xiaodi dragged the quilt directly, and it was impossible for Li to fall asleep in the sleeping position. He was curled up by him, but he could only drag the quilt vigorously.

I woke up all of a sudden, sitting up and watching the people in the room, I was mentally prepared, but the feeling of waking up a little bit in my sleep was matched with the performance of the actor, and the state of not waking up was vividly displayed.

Xiao Di folded his hands, apologized and bowed again and again, and took the punishment note drawn just now: "This is all arranged by the show team ..."

A translator followed the scene of the show crew and translated the word on the punishment note to Xiaolizi. He nodded, understanding that it didn't matter. Staring at Xiaodi, he praised: "You are very beautiful without makeup."

This compliment is very sincere. Xiaodi ’s facial features are relatively three-dimensional and relatively in line with western aesthetic standards. Now in a full-faced state, he only applied a little skin care product when he came out just now, wearing a ponytail and wearing a suit The thick sportswear will give up all the ways in which a female artist presents herself, and let him have the recognition of a beautiful woman at first glance, which is worthy of this praise.

"Thank you, thank you!" Xiaodi even thanked him, and then Xiaolizi also started the lottery, which began to return to the normal way. The members of the running men's group began to enter the line of sight. As Xiaoli awakened Sun Yan with a loudspeaker, A series of wake-up experiences also began, which lasted for nearly an hour. After seeing six o'clock, the few people you most look forward to have not been drawn out, especially Chen Hao, everyone is waiting to see how he plays?

finally come……

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