Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1238: True intention

Wen Ziren began to think that it was a match between men and women, and they called each other.

At the beginning of the drama, some unfinished group dramas came up, and they were still in extraordinary condition. The actors themselves were very different. It was clear that they were the same as the previous performances, and how they came out so well. I had also made some crying before. The drama always cried out deliberately. This time, it completely cried out, and there were no obstacles to some difficult dramas.

I ca n’t find any reason, I do n’t want to believe it, I have to believe it. Maybe it ’s because Chen Hao is back. Everyone comes up with confidence. The feeling of shooting is better than once. Although some are not understandable, there are no other explanations. I can only force myself to believe that this is the reason.

If it was n’t for the US version, there were relatively big changes, and the shooting was even more open-minded. Many of the cruel and **** original "Into the Division" dared not be shot here, and it will be displayed in a more thrilling way here. It's not a movie that stimulates adrenaline by splattering blood and switching screens. It's an atmosphere created by the plot, letting you be stimulated by the dark effect of the whole drama to the little devil in the heart.

There is no repetition in the shooting. The same role is still very enjoyable for two shots, which makes Chen Hao very fond of the role of Ruyi Shi. He also can reach a peak of self-requirement more often when playing him. He Think of playing this role as a little-evil-evil little devil's release process in his heart, sometimes acting as a creepy change that he hasn't noticed by himself, has frightened others Everyone has no way to treat this as acting. Naturally, this scared feeling is substituted into the play, and a better effect is presented.

When Chen Hao returns, Wen Ziren keeps shouting that it ’s more and more when it ’s good. Every scene is very hilarious. Even when the expected shooting time is not finished, he still thinks about Some of the filmings have been repeated. There is no way to compare the time of one month with that of half a month. No matter whether it is Chen Hao or not, it is the key to produce a better effect.

Wen Ziren tried it secretly. In the end, he gave up the re-shooting. It was not that he could n’t shoot. It was because Chen Hao was watching each time. The feeling of the play was good. He believed this weird in reality. The facts have not been told to others, and no one will believe them. On the contrary, there is a kind of intention to exaggerate Chen Hao to degrade others. What ’s more, we have performed well, and it ’s all our credit. What's the relationship?

Wen Ziren would never do this offensive fool. Besides, what he has proved is too dramatic. There is no way to explain it in a way that everyone understands. Does it really say that Chen Hao has an aura and he is on the scene? When shooting, can everyone around you be affected and play beyond normal?

If this word spreads, it will inevitably cause another uproar. Chen Hao has always been on the cusp of the wind. If such a rumor is heard, it is not to add glory to him, but to trouble him.

Secretly kept this secret that was not a secret in his heart, and Wen Ziren also had a bit more thoughts about Chen Hao. Of course, in this circle, no one wants to approach Chen Hao. His magic as an actor is one aspect. , The work he created is what really makes him stand in the top position of the industry.

I dare not think of being able to be the director of his new work. It can be seen that he must have left his place for himself. If he does not have the ability to direct, then Chen Hao is definitely the most fragrant joss stick in the world now. He will be chased by him, and will be regarded as a rare treasure by major film companies and those of the internationally renowned producers.

Take out a piece of work, and then come out with a film-level performance, and then you will not point at the shooting, then he is a gold mine, which is clearly visible from the achievements he has achieved before. A movie, earn I won prizes at the box office, got full profits, and made a name in the history of movies.


Wen Ziren looked at Chen Hao. If he really has no director ability, is he still Mr. Chen today?

He sighed secretly, and it was impossible to re-shoot some of the scenes. After a period of contact, Wen Ziren knew that he might not have such a comfortable feeling in the future.

There are a group of good actors, there are absolute film-level performances, there are finalist-level performances, each play out makes him a director who is very enjoyable, especially some of Chen Hao's singles, in the funeral home , Sitting under the window and drinking coffee, you do n’t find it fun to give a close-up, but also pull back a medium shot. From the monitor, he slightly moved, and turned sideways to let the light of the setting sun shine on half of his body. It made Wen Ziren feel extra perfect, but he was not satisfied.

Stand up, adjust the work jacket on the hanger, slightly adjust the angle, and then re-shoot the picture just now, with this dress in the lens, at the same time, he also raised Erlang's legs, took the coffee, and looked like a pair The status of the old British aristocracy suddenly supported the higher-level goals that this scene wanted, giving him a conflicting picture of his work and identity, and giving his seemingly divided personality a better Show, lay down an ambush, and enter the teacher is not what you think, don't judge him as a normal righteous-evil-evil.

In the last play, in order to show his recognition of Chen Hao's overall performance, Wen Ziren chose a special afternoon and left a play. Those who ended the play also waited for a day or two just for this day. Ending with him, Angelina Jolie is the same. The drama will end today. Basically after today, there are only some shots that need to be retaken and some edge shots. The two protagonists are completely killed and can leave the crew.

The crew and director chose such a time period to shoot such a scene. The Colombian company also paid great attention to it, and the producers and corresponding leaders also came to the scene, not only bringing champagne and red wine, but also bringing A very hearty meal of picnic ingredients and chef, the final filming of the scene is prepared here, the chef over there has begun to make barbecue meals.

Staying in the last scene is definitely relatively simple and easy to complete. This is also a respect and affirmation to the protagonist. I will give you a time to complete the celebration of the killing feast. There will also be some media at the scene. Let you shoot some actions to tease your body and up and down and take care of bathing and the like.

It ended very smoothly. The audience applauded. In the past few days, there were several actors who killed the youth. They are celebrating today. Several bottles of champagne were sprayed up. The atmosphere at the scene was lively. By this time, Angelina Jolie was not at the bottom of her heart. The comfort also disappeared. For many years, Chen Hao kept giving her full face. She could see that, although it was clear that everyone could see that she had been rejected, it was a little uncomfortable at the time, and it was fine after that. Already.

The more people who have been confusing for a long time in a complex environment, the more they can understand how to free themselves from some unpleasant things, which is the so-called self-adjusting mood. Otherwise, there are too many things in this world that will make you feel uncomfortable. Things, I feel depressed for myself.

The splash of champagne and the counter-drinking of red wine passed away. Everyone is looking forward to the movie's big sale. A theme such as "Limited Time Rescue" can be sold at the box office with great success. The example does not affect the "Enrollment Division" of this movie. Colombia's ambitions are very ambitious and it is also a vain attempt to win a box office award. Everyone has a consensus on the performance of Chen Hao in the Chinese version of "Enrollment Division." Already have the level of holding the film emperor, to the American version of "Into the Division" in the familiar American culture, watching it will be more cordial, and some story plots can be fully understood, in this case, Chen Hao can continue a good performance It can already add a lot of points, not to mention that Wen Ziren had a ticket with everyone at Columbia Pictures.

"Mr. Chen's performance this time ~ ~ is better, more open-minded and more in line with the perception of Western culture. Compared with the previous implicitness, it is another feeling. I believe that even after reading the original version, I do n’t think the two plots are the same, and I guarantee that many viewers will feel that this is a different movie, but the essence of the movie itself will not be lost. ”

Actors are a very good profession. You can experience more life and experience more ways of life. It is a very good profession for those who like your adventures, but at the same time you have to constantly face differences. .

The departure of each crew will inevitably be sad, and people are not machines. Unless you only come to the crew to formulate the filming, otherwise you will inevitably have feelings for the crew who have been playing together for a long time, so many cooperating actors With the staff, when we leave, the number of times will not be immune to such sadness, but we will cherish everyone more. After parting here, it is possible that we will never see each other again in this life.

Chen Hao doesn't like drinking very much. His physical quality makes the amount of alcohol good. Every time he leaves the crew to kill the young feast, he will let himself go. Do n’t ask who to drink with how much. Just try to have a clink or try with everyone on the scene. It's a chance to toast, I don't necessarily remember everyone's face and name, I try to.

The more the small actors in the cast, the more marginalized staff, if they have the opportunity to attend the killing feast, he will toast a glass of wine in person. Maybe he does not know how much these people have contributed to the show for the crew, but He knew that without these people, the crew would not have successfully completed the filming.

I took a 20 million dollar reward and the box office share. Maybe these were not earned in their lifetime. Toasting a glass of wine, you and I are the creators of this movie, so even if not everyone feels a little warm , I am also satisfied.

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