Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1236: Xiaodi's Female No. 1

As it turned out, Chen Hao thought more.

It can only be said that women are very smart, and the sixth sense is also very scary. Although Sunny has a very good personal charm, it is useless between the two women. After talking, I just laugh. Wave goodbye.

None of Chen Hao's thoughts happened. A large group of women gathered together, talking about clothes, talking about cosmetics, talking about topics that only women would be interested in. Xiong Wazi and Xiao Yuyu actually knew something. In the early days of sunny and late night, it was not once or twice to come to Meicheng, and staying in the studio was not deliberately hiding. At that time, everyone said in private that Master-Yan-Fu-No-Shallow. Even a fine woman like Sunny can get it. Later, there was Xiao Di's appearance, until the two people achieved positive results, and everyone was still weird. Was it between Master and Sunny?

Slowly, these apprentices and friends who have a close relationship with Chen Hao realized that it seems that Master is enjoying the blessing of Qiren. To the outside world, this is definitely a super secret. According to some people on the Internet, you betrayed me and me. Betrayal of your bridge, it's time for his apprentices to talk to him about the conditions. Is the contract actually revised?

Without one person, you ca n’t say the truest thoughts in their hearts, what is certain is that they are absolutely afraid to do so. There are two reasons for general betrayal. First, you feel that you have been taken away too much by others, and then you feel that you can't help me much when you grow up. These two points do not exist here in Chen Hao. After a long period of time, the amount of Chengdu has been reduced to 10%. To be honest, he does not lack their money. It is nothing more than a constraint that a Zhenger Bajing studio should have. Moreover, this 10% still need to provide them with some services, basically including personnel expenses and spending on themselves, the studio actually did not earn much; the latter is because Chen Hao's growth is too high, they found that they have worked hard over the years The result is that the distance is getting farther and farther. The six sons of speech and Montage are all ambitious anchors. They also know the trade-offs.

How strong Haomen is, leaning against a big tree to enjoy the coolness, you dare to betray you have to withstand the crazy attacks of Haomen fans. Now everything is fine, and Master's future is great. The last important reason is also the most loyal reason they dare not. From the second fierce son of Meicheng to the big company of Yanjing, there seem to be some red x generations that can only be seen in the novel, which brought them The oppression is huge, so even if they knew the existence of sunny days, no one dared to speak up, let alone to chew the tongue casually outside.

On the entire network, Haomen is the most united among all major anchor portals. Now all they want is to maintain Master. Seeing Sunny and Xiaodi standing together, Xiong Wazi and Xiao Yuyu privately did not know how many times they were right. They will always consciously isolate the two of them, at least also blocking the eyes of the two, so that when they raise their heads and look forward subconsciously, they will not see you to each other for the first time.

They underestimated the strength of Sunny's heart, and she really did not care about the so-called relationship status, and did not even think about going for something. Others may think that those things are important, and she simply does n’t care about them. To manage the trivial matters in the lives of two people, but also to slowly cater to each other's temper and living habits, she felt terrible at the thought of it, so much better now.

After feeling the sixth intuition from Xiaodi, Sunny took a half step back slightly. There were so many people on the scene, and one person talked about two, the time was almost the same. By the beginning of the whole event, Chen Hao was the focus of everyone. Even those handsome guys and beautiful women from South Korea who blinded everyone's eyes were not enough to cover his light.

As a mentor, Chen Hao did not perform, but just spoke a few words on the stage. When the person went to that station, the gas field of the superstar had been irresistibly fully displayed. As for the temperament, there was no strong self-confidence built up by strong achievements. The heart cannot rely on the so-called face value.

Most of the time, Chen Hao is out of the camera. Lang Kuan and Li Xiuman are sitting together and chatting. Many strategic cooperations have actually begun when the chat contacts are slowly becoming familiar. His late-night plane ca n’t change the itinerary, otherwise One night there must be a pinnacle of Chinese wine culture.

In the second half of the show, Chen Hao left first. Li Xiuman also officially invited him, hoping that he could have time to go to South Korea as a guest. At the same time, the Korean version of "Descendants of the Sun" was also granted orally by Chen Hao. Some people signed some contracts. Li Xiu was very angry, and for the first time officially cooperated. The royalties given were very high, and they were able to produce at least one movie in South Korea.

Xiaodi left with Chen Hao and took him to the airport before taking the car home. The next morning, he received an invitation from the South Korean side to invite her to participate in a movie, a movie with a special theme. She played Female No.1, although not a commercial blockbuster, is a very challenging role.

The script was sent right away, and Asun sorted it out and sent it to her. Looking at the introduction of the script, I thought of some circumstances in the Korean film and television industry. She hesitated for a few hours until Chen Hao was in the United States. Upon landing, she made a phone call in the past hoping to get the advice of the people closest to her to help her make a decision.

I got on the plane late at night and said to go to bed, basically I was so excited that I could n’t fall asleep for a long time. Chen Hao was not so excited, but I started to like network signals on international flights. Although I ca n’t play some high-profile games, but Some of the gold 2d games or page games are okay. He got on the plane and began to throw money to get equipment to enjoy the feeling of climbing to the top instantly, playing until the plane landed.

The temperature inside the cabin is connected to the outside temperature. When the hot and cold winds are switched on, the car starts to get sleepy. At this time, Xiaodi's phone call came up, and the opposite side heard it: "Are you playing the game all the time?" Are you here? "

"It's fun, killing time."

"Don't be too tired, can't you sleep on the plane?"

"Where is it? It's addictive. Why, just ten minutes apart, just miss me?"

"Well, I thought."

Women are soft and gentle. When a woman has his best weapon against a man, no man can stand it. A little bit of petiteness and gentleness will directly melt the heart of a man. A strong girl like Xiao Di occasionally The exposed need to rely on, is extremely lethal to men.

"Recently push some schedules, rest more, I have some dramas here, I will go back to accompany you after the filming, and I will accompany you to the Golden Eagle Festival."

"Yes." Xiao Di said softly, men are also the best weapon for melting strong women. In the past, they liked being stronger. Now they are more willing to be a little woman, even those who can better shape their fitness. The body has been directly abandoned, and the choice is to slim down the part of the slim woman, more feminine rather than more fit.

The two held the phone like this, and remained silent for more than ten seconds. They seemed to be able to hear the sound of breathing across the ocean.

"Li Xiuman sent me a script, hoping that I would act as the heroine. I watched it, and I wasn't sure what to do."

"Whether you can do it or not, we don't lack the market over there. Everything depends on the mood. If you think this character is attractive to you, we will shoot it. Nothing else will be considered. As for shooting there, eh At that time, I let Lao Kang pass by and arrange two more female bodyguards. There are also friends over there. Filming is filming. I do n’t care about other things. I do n’t need to get used to it. The only thing you need to consider is whether you want to act or not Give it to me. "

"It feels good to be spoiled." Little Deaton had ten seconds, and she uttered such a face that she absolutely couldn't say she would blush, then hung up the phone, and then took a clear picture with her mobile phone. Here comes a picture of the script, with some thoughts on the script.

"This is a subject I haven't been involved in. I want to shoot, but I'm scared. The role is quite challenging, acting as a pregnant woman."

"Busan Tour". (Everyone ignores the timeline. I ca n’t make too many film and television dramas out of nothing.)

The name doesn't have any special taste. The introduction is somewhat interesting. Zombie-type films. It seems that this theme has been very popular in recent years. There have been several hit dramas in American TV series. Is South Korea going to make movies?

Generally speaking, these films have high requirements on the acting skills of the main actors. In addition to action dramas, they must have their own unique characteristics in non-formal images ~ ~. The drama.

The role of this type of movie is basically one or two plays. If the audience remembers you, then remember it. If you ca n’t remember you, your performance will fail. There are not so many popular artists in this kind of drama. They are the kind of entertainers who have requirements for themselves, want to break through themselves, and are willing to believe that they will be popular in this show.

"Do you like it?"

"Very like this character."

"Then, I will move my preparatory team for" Heroes of the Galaxy "to South Korea, and work with you to film with you at that time, so you will not be afraid of the scenes in the play, I will sleep with you every night, Even real zombies are just pediatrics in front of your family. "

"Really?" Subconsciously responded, and Xiaodi came back in two words. He immediately responded again and called again: "Don't delay your work, I can do it myself, and I have Asun to accompany me. If Brother Kang comes, let the second sister come over, they will be reunited, and the second sister can accompany me. "

"It's too far away, and then I will say, if you want to act, just go and see if this means that if you don't shoot now, you have to start spring next year, you ask the time first?"

The next thing Chen Hao didn't understand specifically, but got a positive reply from Xiaodi. She confirmed that she appeared in the drama and immediately joined the group. Li Xiuman only used this role as a reason for contact. He planned to join others directly to give Xiao Di started a drama that belongs to her, so as to narrow the relationship with Chen Hao. In this "Busan", everyone is actually not too optimistic. I did not expect that Xiao Di agreed to act as the heroine and directly made substitutions. The heroines who have been finalized there are replaced directly, and Li Xiuman personally came forward to appease and suppress the people in the crew not to talk nonsense. Once the news leaks, it will also suppress the media from reporting indiscriminately.

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