Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1229: Teacher Chen

Right or wrong, it is not important whether it is decent or not.

The important thing is that so many people come out to support you. You can't shrink, you have to stand up even more stiffly, even if it is so labeled as immature hat.

Everyone's talking about gold, so many celebrities' real-name tweets support Chen Hao. Some people will say sourly in private that this seems to be helpful. Everyone is going to his current fame, and they are all looking to pull him closer Relationship, I can get some good roles.

Let the acid go. Chen Hao does n’t matter here. Do n’t forget to be in a state of pride. What about the rest, even if you are all right?

He did not let the news continue to ferment. Whoever stood up to support himself, just let people record it. The next morning, all major media and various platforms sent a temporary push news on the homepage. .

"The first volume of Chen Hao's new book" Three-Body "has made a strong landing. On-site signing activities will be held at the Workers Stadium tomorrow afternoon."

There is no introduction, no extra vocabulary to describe this book, even the basic introduction. There is only a concept version of the poster, a plain dressing woman's back, and a sky full of science fiction.

The words “Chen Hao” are greatly enlarged and placed at the bottom right of the poster. At the same time, all news feeds focus on the words “Chen Hao”. No need to say anything. The words “Chen Hao” are sufficient. You don't even need to know what type of novel it is.

The word "Three Body" is not unfamiliar to a small number of people. Chen Hao will come up with two science fiction masterpieces at a time. In a small area, it is no longer news. Some news media have reported this before. It ’s just that everyone ’s attention is on the “Heroes of the Galaxy”, and afterwards they are also on it. The film has entered the preparation stage, and it ’s normal to attract everyone ’s attention. The embarrassing position, suddenly the C-position came in, just like a comet appeared, directly putting the entire Chinese entertainment industry in a temporary stagnation.

After pushing this news domestically, in the European and American countries where English is the main language of circulation, all the first volumes of "Three-Body" were put on the shelves at the same time. The whole novel Chen Hao did not want to drag on for a long time. Just smash it up. After most people have read the first volume, when everyone has become interested in the grand worldview of the second volume, the second level will follow.

After this news came out, there was no one to pay attention to the ruthlessness in the blink of an eye, and many neutral people laughed in secret. This Chen Hao really refused to lose. Since he has already prepared a new tool like this, Why do you have to stand up to pull hatred? From this, it can also be seen that most of these people who stand up in support of him are really spontaneous, there is no need to communicate and connect, look at the problem from the perspective of a friend, and he is in his heart. Feelings of injustice, even if involved in the whirlpool of the incident, have to stand up and say a few words.

Perhaps Chen Hao didn't have to fight back with a big mouth.

No matter what kind of big tricks you have in the back, no matter what backhand you have, I ’m sorry, I ’m not playing with you, I ’m not going to play the table anymore, do n’t play anymore, this game is all yellow, you think Sorry to play, forcing all of you to stop playing.

I won't win a match. This match is yellow. I know your hostility to me. You are all qualified. Many of you are old and you do n’t show your face in front of the media. I wo n’t hit you, but I wo n’t hit you, I wo n’t hit you. Do n’t take the risk. You are not needed in this era.

"Tribody" was first printed, with 5 million copies in the Mainland. "

This news is the best tool to tell those who secretly do small moves can retire.

Playing music, I have several classic songs that can sing around the world even decades later. I have created many miracles in this regard. I am the king of Grammy and I stand on the Super Bowl. On the stage of the midfield performance, my fine-tuned album created the record of the 21st century's best-selling record. In the entire music history, my album can also be among the top five.

Playing movies, I ’m the best film Oscar, best director, best actor, best supporting actor, best screenwriter ... Winner, in addition to some international awards I have not participated in, as long as my film reaches the award, I can get I won all the prizes I got.

On Influence ...

Than contribution ...

Need to compare?

Since you are unwilling to feel that I have gained this status so early, it has upset you and touched you on the experience of striving for seniority. It is good, then I will come up with another thing, better than one.


The literary accomplishments and future achievements of this novel are hard to say. What we can see from the first impression is the sales of novel works.

Throughout China, who dares to print 5 million copies in the first edition?

Worldwide, in both Chinese and English, 20 million copies were printed for the first time.

Not to mention how much the final sales volume can be, even the Harry Potter, which was very popular at the time, when it was at its peak, dare to print so many copies at once? It has not been increased one at a time. Successive reprints create records, and the stability of reprints can also minimize the probability of risk.

Chen Hao ’s gold sign is telling everyone that I dare to play like this, and I do n’t worry about the novel being unsaleable.

Principal Wang was the first reply from Weibo. He reprinted the news and typed a series of hahahahahahahaha! !! Finally @Chen Hao, sent a thumbs up expression in the past.

This laughed word is his highest-level way of pulling hatred, Hao Zi, you are really beautiful and slap, admire and admire.

Later, I updated the second Weibo: "I heard that he told me this novel, and his brain was creative. He bought a hundred copies for his friends tomorrow. I don't know if I can grab one hundred copies."

Steady and beautiful, this little hate is beautifully drawn, and this little advertisement is really beautiful, and President Wang is definitely an expert in playing this set. A Weibo directly satirized those who had been aggressive before, and called Mr. Chen. Do you have a temper? The second message is to tell everyone that I did n’t buy a hundred copies. It ’s because the hundred copies may have to be bought through the back door. Otherwise, they will be sold out. Others may need friends to support the sales of novels. Here, as a friend, you must say hello to him in advance to see if you can buy it.

I say this for your own good. Do n’t engage in fake sales. It ’s the shame of you at that time. If you want to play, you should play high-end. Otherwise, we as friends have no pressure and always face We are not happy about the war.

Even more playful appeared, Tian Ge as Chen Hao's boss, Le Le as Chen Hao's Longxing land, both with their own official Weibo and official public account, Le Le added a full platform homepage push.

Tian Ge showed some cooperation intentions, all of which are invitations issued by various types of show, music, performance, talk show, hip-hop, hip-hop and so on. I hope Chen Hao can go to the program as a tutor.

"Mr. Chen? Mr. Chen?"

Lele is even more funny, and directly pulls hatred to enlarge the move: "Several Korean brokerage companies are negotiating cooperation with us, and will start the internationalization of trainees. Transparency, training, and debut. Lele will produce the whole process. Several companies The only requirement is to hope that Mr. Chen Hao can be used as an honorary mentor. I dare not expect him to have time throughout the journey, but only hope that he will guide these trainees when he has time. "

"Mr. Chen? Mr. Chen?"

These are two big moves for the Lele and Huanju eras. With a sigh of relief, Haomen fans who are afraid of asking the boss for trouble again, this time they found a platform for cheering. So many star artists before, all the big groups are advising everyone to ask Calm down, don't cause trouble for the people who help us, don't talk nonsense under other people's Weibo.

Now the era of Lele and Huanju is coming ~ ~ Two behemoths are standing upright and pulling hatred. If you want to move Chen Hao, do you want to fight with us? He also said that Mr. Chen's appellation was too ridiculous. Now I want to tell you that Teacher Chen is not unusual. Those guys hiding in the dark corner, just ask, your face hurts.

Then the two sent an identical message together: "I really want to know your name, I really want to know who you are."

A period, changed the whole tone of this sentence, no longer pulls hatred and ridicule, but downplays and looks down on those of you who don't look good on others.

An hour later, there were news reports from several major media and book network sales sites: "In the mainland of China, the first three million copies of the" Three-Body "published on the Internet have received more than Ten million reservations, the first three million netizens who booked and paid the full amount will officially start selling tomorrow, non-remote areas, to ensure that you get the book within 48 hours. "

This is not the best, since what ’s the best in the media age is that news that has n’t even been found by the media will be found by passers-by and recorded and posted to the Internet. Now the media will have someone dedicated to the Internet to look for strange things. And follow up to report.

A door and two book sales channels opened at the Workers ’Stadium are prepared for tomorrow. The site has not been set up yet. At the nearest distance, a single tent has been set up. Then, the tent extends all the way to the far. There are tents, Mazars, skateboards, and cushions. In just half an hour, they have been queued up, and they have automatically made a turn after continuing to the side of the road.

Buying a book is certain. I have the opportunity to see the idol up close, and I can get the signature of the book I bought for myself. Is it crazy to queue up one day in advance?

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