Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1227: Finally come

Chen Hao is never short of self-confidence, even if it is a red dot such as "Heroes of the Galaxy" prepared a movie of 500 million dollars waiting for him to burn; even a large number of colleagues and audiences at least 8: 5 The standard of points awaited him, he did not have any psychological burden.

I once asked myself, although this is not a killing, but it is actually raised to a very high position. Don't you worry about failure? The higher you stand, the harder you fall. Many people have been waiting for their Waterloo in the past two years. Once, a large number of people are guaranteed to come up and try to step themselves into the abyss. Do n’t you worry?

Some people around me have asked similar words. Chen Hao thought about it more than once. To tell the truth, there really isn't. Maybe it is the success of his creation of "Lost" or maybe there is not a buffer period for failure. There wasn't much pressure on this big show.

Not to mention, he was ready to test the water.

At the beginning, according to the script, in addition to some adjustments in the timeline, the rest is basically the script, so whether it is "Heroes of the Galaxy" or "Three Body", he intends to release the movie first, and then An episode of the book.

If it is a script, some more text is needed. The script of the two books is also different from the Hollywood format. It is not the one-page one-minute one, and it can actually be, but Chen Hao is not so exhaustive.

For example, a small-scale war play.

In the script, you only need a few hundred or two hundred words, and introduce the place of the battle, the value of the meaning, the goal to be achieved, whether there are important characters playing or dying, and it is all right, how to fight what scenes, It ’s all about the director. He thinks what pictures look better and how to shoot them.

The script is good. The creator is Chen Hao, and the director of the movie is also Chen Hao. He has completely packed it from beginning to end. When I write the script, I can directly copy many detailed pictures. What is introduced in it I can just change the screen.

The establishment of Red Dot company, want to play a world-class big film company, "Heroes of the Galaxy" was given too much extra meaning and value, so he has a new plan, ready to first "Three Body" is published in a pure model. Some people will say it is testing the water. He doesn't care. He just wants to tell everyone. This time you don't need to guess whether I have confidence or not. I have enough confidence.

The discussion of the script characters is very lively. Each character is constantly being finalized, and some characters are tangled. Chen Hao, together with all the screenwriters, has been in the room for ten days, except for a few to confirm whether they can come. Apart from the guest characters of the guest, basically all have been finalized, and the rest depends on the status of the live performance to determine whether to use it.

Each supporting character has two sets of preparations, and the configuration is very rich. Once it feels a bit abrupt or inappropriate at the scene, adjust it immediately without delay.

In the end, Chen Hao had to come out. The "Into the Division" was still waiting for him to shoot some of the remaining plays. "Limited Time Rescue" was still waiting for him to celebrate the party. The publisher had already released "Three Body". The first volume and the second volume are successfully typeset, and can be printed and published at any time. Both Chinese and English versions have been finalized. If other language versions are needed afterwards, then do not wait for the publishers of the language country to discuss them slowly.

All the work is waiting in a busy state. After coming out of the retreat, Chen Hao first returned to China. There is a job here that he feels he cannot wait.

The main theme movie "Hong" is about to be officially released. With the "Three-Time Rescue" taking off the 3 billion box office in China, Chen Hao came out of the airport and went to the premiere scene. It was originally a serious theme movie that everyone supported in the system. Suddenly it became the hottest topic of the day, and the group that received little attention in the past, today received the attention of hundreds of media at home and abroad.

The media is here, there are basic etiquettes. Maybe we wo n’t be as crazy as when Chen Hao appeared, but since the machine is already on the shelf, no matter whether the guests come to know or not, they are carefully filmed. This is not the era of film negatives. It ’s time for someone to take a small red carpet and enter the signing process at the entrance of the scene. Taking more pictures will not cost much. Do n’t make the scene very embarrassing. With Mr. Chen ’s temperament, maybe everyone is not allowed to come. One may disappear again. You made the scene embarrassing. Isn't it equivalent to tearing down Mr. Chen's stage?

Then think about not taking the lead to win the host. In fact, the effect is to take the lead. Chen Hao can do nothing from the beginning to the end. He does not accept any interviews. He gets off the car and signs to the signature board. Everyone took a picture, then ignored the questions, nodded and walked into the premiere scene, leaving a large regretful voice.

There were a lot of leaders of the corresponding departments at the scene, there were many seniors in the industry, maybe these people are not stars, but they exist, even if you are a big director such as the old planner Xiao Gang Cannon, uncle Ge Huang Huang Bo Sun Honglei , We must lower our attitude to a certain extent and face them with the attitude of juniors.

On seniority, the term veteran is very valuable in Huaxia, especially if you have some resources in your hand to be able to do vinegar in certain things, then the veteran qualification is even more valuable.

Chen Hao doesn't dislike these people. On the contrary, he also admires a lot of old seniors who have contributed their life to the Chinese film industry, but he is particularly disgusted with some very few guys who always have their own qualifications and do n’t contribute to the film industry. .

Just like today, he is not the protagonist, but as long as he arrives at the scene, he will be the protagonist inside and out, all eyes are people, and the people who greet him can not count how many, there are many if standing You can definitely think of a name by holding your hand at a fixed pace, but when you say hello, you just nodded and passed out. Many people really couldn't take care of them, and they really didn't know who the other party was, and they didn't talk about anything.

He finally took a seat, and some people have started talking in private. If young people should not be too public, young people should respect their predecessors, young people should understand the politeness, etc., they began to spread on the scene. It's not small. Even at a large site, even some media workers are fans of Chen Hao, a fan group that has a small proportion, and created a kind of scene that he almost has now. Atmosphere.

At any premiere of a movie, even if Chen Hao did not participate in the show or just guested a passerby role, as long as he came to the premiere to support the scene, similar scenes appeared on the scene is normal, even the movie's main character. Fans shouted that his name was normal, and in the mouth of the media, it was a passion for the friendship of the landlords.

Only at the scene of such a theme film, many people are used to the atmosphere of the group applauding collectively and slogans, the scene is very rhythmic, everything is under control, the media is within the controllable range, what should be broadcast today This kind of news, how to report the atmosphere of the scene, everything is arranged, everything is carried out in accordance with the predetermined rhythm process. Suddenly everything becomes uncontrollable now, which will make some people panic and worry that things beyond the plan will appear. They are also used to the rhythm of all live party and stage performances being recorded.

No surprise scene, is it still called a scene?

There are no enthusiastic fans shouting Chen Hao's name, can you still call Chen Hao to participate in the scene?

By the end of the premiere, all kinds of voices will be more, what are the rankings of directors, etc., who are the actors in the film school, etc.? Everything has come out. The implication is that even if he is now red, he is only a small character. In this industry, he still needs to respect the teacher. There are still many reasons for the predecessors to tell him that the red is standing too fast. Gao is not a good thing ~ ~ It is necessary to know how to hide, to learn to be low-key, otherwise it is likely to fall, and there will be more people who step on you than those who help you ...

The principle of the road is a bunch of piles, and its name is all for your good. In fact, Chen Hao understands that today he has finally reached this position. The title of "Mr. Chen" is finally going to be above the tradition. Let the four words of seniority rank completely aside, and finally it's time to come. As a result, some people really ca n’t sit still. When they are alone, they dare not show their heads, for fear that other fans of Haomen will step on them and crush them. It is so easy to have such an opportunity, I ca n’t wait to find them all at once , Press Chen Hao directly.

"We are not trying to suppress the young people. We are helping the young people to settle down. Look at the scene yesterday. He just came to help play a small role. The scene turned out to be the scene where he was number one. This is wrong. , We must respect the traditional concept, do not over-amplify the word of idol star, an actor who has only played a few years is called by everyone, and some people call the teacher directly, is it appropriate? Is he really has this strength Are you looking? Isn't it his fame? Those old actors who have played for 20 or 30 years, when they appeared on the scene, why no one knew them, why no one called them a teacher. This is not the case. "

This kind of voice comes out, of course, Haomen fans will not get used to it, but when everyone started to counterattack, they found that this time is different from the past. It is no longer able to be suppressed by loud voices. The traditional flag was erected. As soon as they got up, Haomen fans didn't say anything. As soon as they popped their heads, they immediately put their words on Chen Hao, and snapped a big hat that did not respect the tradition.

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