Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1217: The biggest card to help guests

In winter, Chen Hao live broadcasted in the ski resort of Lao Wangjia Resort. The visitors of the live room showed the skiing skills like athletes. Do n’t look at many people who do n’t understand skiing, but all kinds of handsome gestures and The action is displayed, the picture is very strong, and it has a very strong appeal to fans.

Coming here again, it's really the attitude of the host family. There are several high-end hotels here. Except for some 'inners' who can stay up close to watch the running male shoot as an audience, the entire resort area is from the gate. It is completely closed from the beginning to create the ideal shooting atmosphere for the entire shooting environment.

There is no empty feeling in the scenic spot. The first is employee benefits. All employees here can see the stars up close, and they can also act as ‘spectators’ when shooting like scattered residents.

Principal Wang is the host, and Huang Jiao is the East, and they are familiar with each other. President Wang did not compete with Huang Jiao for this opportunity to become the East. He also knew a little about what happened on the treasure island. Chen Hao's development in the past few years is really unpredictable. Every so often, he finds that his strength is stronger in all aspects. It is clear that he is only filming. How can he expand his network? It is really incomprehensible.

At dinner, everyone was more polite and had a meal. The meaning was in place. I sat in the car for a few hours, and I was filming in the morning. I was tired, and one meal ended in less than half an hour, and each returned to the room. Take a break and start filming tomorrow afternoon. The whole process of tearing the brand-name will be finished in one molding. The show team also told everyone to take a good rest and sleep a bit more tomorrow morning to reserve physical energy and energy.

Since Chen Hao chose to help, he would not ask for a thank-you in person in front of Huang Jiaozhu. Everyone would say that it ’s nice. For example, it ’s not necessary to be kind to your own family. Your business is my business. Now, the listener is unmotivated and the listener is satisfied. This is the best result. If the relationship is owed, it will be repaid by actual action in the future. What's more, both the age and qualifications are much deeper than Chen Hao. The leader, speaking some low-spirited words in front of him, is undoubtedly embarrassing.

Now that I've helped, I don't want to lose my score for nothing.


The weather is fine in the clear sky, the breeze is slowly warming, and the feeling of staying in the hotel is definitely not standing in the pedestrian street, recording comfortably, wearing sportswear, hugging and sleeping all night, having a full meal at noon, soaking in for a while Hot springs, changing clothes and shooting, it felt very wonderful.

Angelina Jolie likes hot springs very much. She especially likes to soak in the hot spring outdoors in winter. The unique feeling makes her very nostalgic. She used to go on vacation to the island country to enjoy this life. This time when she arrived in Huaxia, Very politely praised the development of tourism here, claiming that he would come to ski hot springs in winter. As a point with a little tourism promotion implantation, her remarks had an implantation effect in front of the camera. Wanda smashed a large investment in media promotion and it was already very successful.

Principal Wang and Master Huang also became guests in separate sessions. They joined the entire game at the beginning of tearing the brand. They played the role of disruptor in the game. They have certain privileges. After entering the field, they do not belong to any In the camp, all members of the running men's phase will complete the tasks and find treasures in the process of tearing the brand. According to various identities and tips, they will stand in the team. When no one has special props and cards to help them, they are A pair of 'stone statues' only staying in the corner, this can be regarded as the biggest support guest in the history of the men's show.

Here comes the big coffee, the show team must be to enrich the program game, shoot as much material as possible for the game, the game will be relatively more complicated, all resident guests should also play as much as possible, Make the material more interesting.

In the first act of shooting, Baby came together with Angelina Jolie and introduced her to the concept of the Big Devil directly: "In the process of tearing famous brands, Chen Hao is very strong. We ca n’t tear him off. When we meet him, either Run right away, or ask for mercy, do n’t try to fight one-on-one or even two-to-one with him. Many times it has proved to be impossible. Li Chen is also very powerful. What we want to tear is Wang Zulan. He is very weak. Most of the time It will hide, and it will be more fearful than our women. "

Baby said this, it was Chen Hao, not Wang Zulan. As a fixed guest of the variety show, the image of the show must be fixed. Everyone likes to see Wang Zulan as a warrior in the tearing of brand-name links. When you get up or do not attack, everyone feels that it is not interesting and untrue.

Comedian, sometimes in the show group, the image of the whole person is casually black. It is their job to please the audience. Not everyone is a **** of war like Chen Hao, Li Chen. Deng Chaoming is a strong man, and sometimes he wants to show The effect is to stiffen and make himself a funny, his image of firefighters has often blurred everyone's image of his actor and harmonious star.

Every time the brand is torn, as long as it is not a newcomer who does not understand the rules at all, everyone starts to look for clues, treasures, and some functional props in peace, meet and chat, or frighten each other out. For some program effects, Angelina Jolie chose to follow the old churros of baby. The first thing she learned was to make an alliance, and this unique personal battle still went on the road of continuous alliances.

Unfamiliar people can form an iron alliance. Familiar people will not be iron leagues, they will definitely engage in various things, and then intersperse occasional iron leagues, which will surprise the audience and create a surprise of trust.

The entire resort area is naturally impossible to run in all places, but it is limited to some areas, the lobby of a hotel and the corridor area on the second floor, several shops and the pedestrian street outside. Soon everyone came together in the hotel. Standing on the fence on the second floor, watching the 'fight' in the lobby on the first floor.

Chen Hao VS Xiao Di and Wang Zulan. The latter two formed an alliance. As a result, they encountered Chen Hao. What Wang Zulan could do was to continuously emit his classic grotesque, open his arms to protect Xiao Di, and continue to move around trying to keep himself from being beaten. The other caught.

Old players know that the dialogue between the two sides of the battle, the dialogue between the air, are good shooting materials, why Chen He can slowly counterattack to become the most indispensable comedy coffee in the entire running man, the ability to create effective materials is his very powerful Ability.

Chen He shouted standing on the fence and shouted, "I think, at this time, if the two of you have props, use them quickly, don't try to resist, especially your ancestors, and the big devil will not necessarily do something to Xiao Di for a while. You are certain. "

Xiao Di stared at Chen Hao, and Wang Zulan also tried to stand out from an angle that could assist each other in attacking. He did not go to see Chen He, and responded directly: "Chen Chichi, don't stir up alienation. If I survive, I will definitely use the props on you . "

Chen He made a jerking expression, facing the lens of the machine around him, a little girl's expression became more and more amazing.

Chen Hao grabbed Wang Zulan. It was really like an eagle catching a chicken. He easily lifted Wang Zulan all over. The clothes were directly on his body in a very distorted posture. Xiaodi came up to help cover him. Famous brand, while shouting: "I enable the feature card for off-site help."

In fact, shooting variety shows is sometimes boring and quite incompetent. Everyone is to entertain the audience in front of the TV. With the help of post-editing, the entire program is full of entertainment effects.

What special ability albums and martial arts albums have been taken before? The shooting scene is sometimes very embarrassing. Deng Chao once got the ability to be a cloak. Then it will be particularly embarrassing. If you are a teenage boy and girl, pretend to be cute Ignorance and ignorance are justified. Such a group of people must show a look that can't see him. After the editing, they will be "hidden", but at the scene, this person is in front of himself, and the eyes of both sides match. I ca n’t help laughing, it ’s extremely embarrassing, especially going down the plot, and deliberately making some actions such as you ca n’t see me to cooperate with the post-editing, the embarrassment is definitely a huge collapse .

Fortunately, in the middle of these huge embarrassments, there will be signals and gestures to stop shooting. For example, the use of 'super power' requires the staff to make some arrangements, and the size of the brand name needs to be adjusted by the staff. Although there is no need to stop the machine deliberately at the shooting scene, but experienced artists know that the next picture is 100% useless, and everyone can temporarily give up the embarrassment, smile at each other, and take a short rest. Adjusting the status will make the shooting status ridiculous, and once again pull back to the shooting status of working hard to create a program effect.

time out.

Everyone relaxed immediately, Wang Zulan signaled that he wanted to drink some water, and Chen Hao helped him to sort out his clothes. Although he didn't exert force, this grab almost made his clothes torn.

"Brother Zu Lan, drink this, moisten your lungs and clear your throat." Chen Hao handed over a cup of homemade tea from Qiu Yu to Wang Zulan.

Wang Zulan took it with a smile, took a sip, his eyes lit up, and nodded: "Yes, it's delicious."

The relationship between the two is very good, just like he remembered the baby's support for himself for whatever reason, and also remembered Wang Zulan ’s unconditional and nodded promise to participate in the “Erlong Lake Haoge” at that time. He is an entertainer who has become a popular man. He has just evolved from an internet celebrity to an artist in reality. The kind of help that he has kept in his heart over the years has always maintained sufficient respect for Wang Zulan in private.

Taking advantage of the use of props, everyone took a break, Xiao Di put a movement, and later added animation effects to her.

She also came over to take a sip of tea, raised her left hand, signaled a little bruise on her wrist, and she hadn't waited to say. Chen Hao was very dog-legged, and asked for warmth, holding and apologizing, and It was blowing air and rubbing lightly. These people were laughing all around, Xiao Di pushed him in shyness, signaled that this time you passed the level, forgive you.

Angelina Jolie stood with baby and saw the scene saying: "Their relationship is really good, and it is still the sweetest honeymoon period."

Baby laughed: "They have always been like this. Chen Hao's emotional intelligence is very high. He knows how to manage his own love. They are also very consistent and can devote themselves to the happiness created by each other."

Angelina Jolie nodded. Although her face still held a smile, the silence and dimness in her eyes were undisguised and nothing to hide. The golden boy jade girl group that used to be in the world, and finally labored, Anyone will feel uncomfortable. Unlike the Chinese people's implicitness and restraint, Angelina Jolie doesn't mind being seen. What she needs is relief.

Angelina Jolie pointed to the leader Huang who was preparing to play in the distance: "You are also very happy, and your feelings are very good."

Baby smiled implicitly. It is best to not talk at this time.

Principal Wang and Master Huang were summoned by the prop card. As a foreign aid, they started to support Xiaodi for up to ten minutes. ~ ~ The machines all restarted to shoot in the field. Actually, four people also tear, Chen Of course, Hao will not come up with all the strength. After all, this is just a game on the show. One or two people can be the big devil, and four people directly choose to run.

The two men who just came on the court had unlimited strength, and the ridiculous Wang Zulan was chasing with sound in the distance. Four people started to chase and stop Chen Hao.

"Stop chasing, go after Chen He."

After a pair of long legs flung up, Chen Hao disappeared into the sight of four people as quickly as possible.

Xiaodi shouted to follow the lively Chen He. This kid would play, and he would run into the water directly. He ran towards Angelina and Julie, and the scene was completely chaotic for a while. Discussing with each other, Angelina Jolie also really felt what it was to tear the name brand. What made her feel all this was Wang Zulan. As a female guest killer, he always appeared in a position where he was most needed. The whole show It really can't be without him.

In the entertainment industry, President Wang has always been an image of looking down on others. He appears in the sights of entertainment news and variety shows. He also has the identity of a national husband and the principal. The running man comes in and wears sportswear to run with everyone. When I got up, I completely gave up my media image. This is really the first time. Do n’t look at a large part of the audience who is envious, jealous, and hated. If you see him in the show, it ’s the same. The selling point of the episodes Chen Hao and Angelina Jolie.

At the beginning of the scuffle, Chen Hao chose to chase against President Wang. The two of them acted in a spirited manner. The appearance of the show was subverted. If the leftover materials are not wonderful, would it not cost President Wang's image breakthrough this time?

PS: Tired of helplessness, I will change it today.

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