Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1203: Open the door

"Card. The picture just was worn, please do it again."

"Let's take a break and let's do it again."

"Haozi, how is it? Is there a problem with another spare?"

There was a wearing shot once, and there was a group performance error. Finally, in order to ensure that this one did not need to be retaken, another shot was taken.

Lying on the ground three times in a row for three consecutive times, it felt very unfavorable. Following the one-night scene, everyone knew that Chen Hao had no special requirements and behaviors. Like everyone, he wore the same clothes and the coolness on the ground. The lethality is not too small.

The female reporter of the film channel and the shooting team around her really wanted to turn on the machine and take a good shot of this picture. The female reporter who impulsively wanted to give an order several times finally endured it. Two crew members next to the crew, Holding his arms didn't mean anything.

"Okay, the play is over. Everyone has a day off. At eight o'clock in the evening to film Chen Hao's last scene, everyone is working hard. Go back to rest early."

In the play, Chen Hao, the squad leader, rushed into the opening of the **** when another big Hong Feng arrived. With the truck as the base point, the sandbag was able to be thrown in and not washed away instantly. Going to make a new line of defense with wooden stakes, the driving squad leader never emerged from the flood.

Qiu Yu gave Chen Hao hot tea for the first time. In the car, the machine was set up and the female reporter was in place. The journey from the shooting scene to the gate of the military camp was 17 minutes. Four questions were interviewed. After arriving at the gate, Chen Hao arranged for Chen Gang to drive them out of another car.

After the female reporter came out, she immediately reported to the platform. When she arrived at the hotel, she immediately checked out and set off for Yanjing. With these materials, the program was enough. The leaders of the film channel and the producers of several programs also know that others can leave it alone. This size is also a face. Hao Zi gave it. Someone in the stage should come down and not pretend that everything is right. .

"Go to a group over Bollywood, give Dili Reba the film crew there, do an interview, and come back to do a special program."


The shooting at night was very smooth. The plot was a big scene. The most critical place was actually done by computer effects. As an actor, Chen Hao made sure that there was no difficulty in shooting except for his acting skills, and the shooting was completed smoothly.

Zheng Xiaolong also arranged this scene specially. It started to be filmed at 8 o'clock in the evening. It ended very smoothly before 10 o'clock and brought the crew to Chen Hao for a serious feast. The biggest artist was killed, and the entire shooting was in the middle. Take this opportunity to relax and relax.

Roasted whole lamb and a variety of buffet barbecues, the aroma of champagne is sprayed everywhere, everyone enjoyed this time to send Chen Hao's personal drama to kill the green feast. What they didn't know was that in the early morning when the young feast ended, In fact, Chen Hao didn't even return to the dormitory of the military camp. He drove directly to the airport and flew to the Magic City, where he transferred to Los Angeles.

Catching the plane all night is a very sad thing, especially when you need to wait for a connection, even if you do n’t mind the high spending of the airport and have a comfortable rest area in the first class, it can be very unpleasant to wait for more than two hours. The best way for Chen Hao to pass the time is to play a game of helium gold and recharge madly with money to resist the irritability brought by long-distance travel waiting for a turnaround.

At this time, reading a book is uneasy. He is too lazy to work at all times and not to read the script. Only when he is in a good mood will he write his own script. Most of the time, he will watch movies. Playing games.

Tired of playing, the flight entered the air smoothly, and he took the trip of more than ten hours as an air sleep experience. The more familiar he is with such air travel, the more he will shorten the time sufficiently. The good way is undoubtedly to sleep. When you wake up, there is only an hour left to your destination, and it feels great. The premise is that the price of your first-class ticket is completely uneconomical in your life, otherwise you will have a wasteful feeling.

As soon as the plane landed, the three grandfathers had already prepared the car, and the old grandfather also arrived in person: "Walk around and wait for you, otherwise I would have gone already, and now I must be having a good time there."

Chen Hao was so confused that he was pulled into the car by the old man. He felt that he fell asleep directly to the sky in Los Angeles, and had no time to wash his face. He wiped his face with a hot towel on the car.

The third grandfather knew that he was unknown, and he got in the car and explained to him: "Do n’t look at it this morning, there is no real player in the morning and evening. The last time I followed you did not win less in Macau. I think a few times. You have n’t given a chance to do this. You ca n’t refuse this time. Do n’t worry, there will never be any news leaking where I lead you. There are so many public figures there. You will know when you get there. ”

Chen Hao took a sip of ice-cola, and was quite spirited. He said with a smile: "Father, I thought something had happened, wasn't it just for fun, anytime ..."

The old man didn't wait for him to finish: "Not the same. It started last night and lasts till this afternoon. We have all been delayed for a while. If you want to rest, it doesn't matter. I will arrange a rest for you when I go."

He said this, Chen Hao generally knew that men can't avoid these things together, and he also believes that the uncle San said, where he can take himself, there must not exist what you do as a star Spreading things that affect reputation.

Since getting on the bus, Chen Hao will not say anything. He is not a person who can't handle his mind. He can take himself, there must be a place where he thinks he can attract himself, only sound-color-dog-horse Those things are too low.

After changing cars, the car entered the container car, and got off the car, meandering between the mountains and forests, and drove for more than ten minutes. It took more than an hour to reach the destination.

It should be a mountain or underground. There is no bright connection with the outside world. The ventilation system is very good. There are many small forks in the meandering corridor. Every few steps there are security personnel wearing walkie-talkies. Say, here, everyone can play the same thing together, and can also play with friends, but if you don't want to, you can't see any other guests here. Every group of guests will clear the passage when they enter and exit. Yes, make sure that there will not be a second group of guests in and out of the channel that may be encountered during this period.

"Everything you play here can be assured. If you are not assured, you can take it with you." Entering into a very comfortable room, the entire wall is a glass mirror wall, standing there, you can see a platform below the front, There are some decks around. There are people sitting inside, and the opposite and surrounding areas are walls. I want to come to the same room as this room, single-sided mirror wall.

There is a huge LCD TV on the wall on the other side of the house, and it is very clear that it is close to the platform.

"What you want to eat and what you want to drink, you can order as much as you want, as long as it is the wine circulating in the world, even the last auction house, you will have it here, in addition, I bought two for you Real baby, do n’t think that your grandfather and I are not serious. You ca n’t get rid of the innate attributes of a man in any kind of identity. Only this kind of gift is really suitable for you. Do n’t worry about any sequelae. "

The three grandfathers 扈 古 东 扈 clapped their hands, and came in from the outside with two very young women. They took a closer look at the two styles, and when they got close, they found that they were twins. The rarest thing was that the twins had very different temperaments. One is black-eyed black hair, the other is blue-eyed blond hair, and the rest from the figure to the looks are completely in line with the characteristics of twins.

"Hua Xia and Great Britain are mixed. One inherits the characteristics of a mother and one inherits the characteristics of a father. Are they all the same in appearance? Don't be surprised. They really don't know who you are. They have been receiving all kinds of things since they were born. The training ~ ~ has never really touched the outside world, and the value of their existence is to become a master's play one day. "

Yan Gudong's eyes can not help but show a **** of covetousness. This pair of 'rare world treasures' is by no means a simple appearance. In these years, the cost of training both of them has reached tens of millions of dollars. To be honest, if he bought it To Chen Hao, he couldn't bear it.

The two women are wearing western-style long dresses and Chinese-style cheongsams. The height of more than 170 cm is matched with a few centimeters of high heels. There is no sense of disobedience when driving any clothes. There is an exquisite figure that is the perfect hanger. .

He made a blessing for Chen Hao slightly, his mouth slightly raised, and then he stood on the side of the sofa. There was neither a state of serving people nor a charming state of being intoxicated.

Chen Hao squinted his eyes, stared at Gu Gudong for a moment, and said lightly: "Sanye, I like to open my door to see the mountains, you should know."

There was an apology in Wu Gudong's eyes, and there was more of an expectation. When meeting at the airport, Chen Hao felt that there was excitement in his body that was different from the past. After 70 years of age, he had achieved fame and was semi-retired. Old senior, what can make him so excited?

Chen Hao also doesn't think that such a pair of puppets will be sent by the ancient east. I have never seen pork run before eating pork. Southeast Asia has a similar place to train women, which is really valuable. It is even more costly. The two women can make Kang Yan subconsciously move closer to him half a step as soon as he enters the house, which has already explained the problem. Under the fat skin, in the beautiful posture, Contains lethality that can easily take human lives.

扈 Gu Donglang laughed with a laugh: "I said he must be like this, come in, open the door and see the mountains, everything is clear."

The door is open!

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