Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1201: Different ways to achieve the same goal

The scene of a large group of dramas always gives people a feeling of overcrowding. The shooting of each lens is more difficult under the requirements of excellence. With multiple lenses, as many as eight people look for places to wear in various lenses. After Chen Hao didn't want his work to be taken out, he was found on the Internet to help him with 'whip-corpse'.

Wearing a gang is just a small point. With a large number of group plays, everyone requires that no mistakes can be made. One mistake means that everyone needs to repeat it.

Chen Hao once watched the scene of the big coffee artist exploding, and the director scolded his popularity. A large group of dramas that require the protagonist to have an emotional explosion. The atmosphere and emotions are very good. The protagonist is also very good, but the director shouted a card near the end.

The reason is very frustrating. The crowd of actors who played next to it have lost their eyes. The most terrible scene has him in several seats. The idea of ​​using a picture without his seat for post-editing is also broken. You can't fault the starring coffee.

Chen Hao is an important character all the way. He was very impressed with the original picture. After he began to lead a drama, he had very strict requirements on this aspect. He would rather give a high pay, rather waste time rehearsing in advance. I hope that when everything arrives on the scene, good actors can maintain enough emotions to achieve perfect results. It ’s a key act. Every good performance of an actor is commendable. It ’s a pity that it ’s a pity and it ’s a good actor. Kind of blasphemy.

As the first collaborator of Dawei, he entered the extremely familiar "Lost" crew, and he was not under pressure. After seeing the entire crew's operating mode, he felt an atmosphere that was even more tense than his own participation in the film. , Has always been a starring, has always been the center of the scene, and suddenly found that he has become a non-center supporting role, a little imbalance of mindset, more from the pressure of many good actors.

I have filmed "Red Cliff" and also played supporting roles in large productions. I feel completely different. The lineup of this show is stronger. "Chibi" also dares the main actors to use big coffee. It is not bad to see "Lost" Most of the roles are big coffee or legitimate.

Uncle Ge Youge was receiving a massage from a physical therapist. He had motions before, and his shoulders seemed to be overwhelmed.

Huang Bo is putting on makeup for the third time, and both times are not very satisfied with the makeup changes during the fierce fighting scene.

Liao Fan's image is very decadent, with stubble on his face, messy hair, and sunken eyes. He was also slowly played by the small supporting actress in the first season. Good acting skills and a good supporting position, the inner changes of the characters are also relatively Big, Deng Chao's characters all got a box lunch, but he had more drama.

Sun Yan is pressing his legs. In the following wars, she has a lot of action scenes. The two are old acquaintances. Many of the previous introductions to the crew came from Sun Yan. In fact, to sum up the filming in this crew is one sentence: "Take out your most serious attitude."

Everyone is busy, everyone is well organized, and they have a little free time, they are playing against each other, you can see that everyone has already read the script in private, there is no buddha at the scene. The situation that is unfamiliar is even extinct. No one here dares to claim any privileges from the big names. At 10:30, start on time, don't warn once, and don't come as a big boss, Chen Hao. If you dare to completely overthrow the newly added characters just to make your character disappear. If the old character temporarily modifies the script, you dare to get the box lunch anytime, anywhere.

Mr. Chen.

It's not just a name for other people's achievements and popularity. The attitude he brings to the entire film and television industry and even the entertainment industry is the root of everyone's true respect for him. If you have the ambition, you will not be young, but you will be red again. I ’m not a bird, you are just fine, even if you play each in a crew.

Chen Hao is different. No matter how harsh his requirements are, you will have nothing to say, unless you don't admit that you are an actor.

All the requirements are in the reasonableness and reasonableness of the actors, and a wonderful part of a play, who dare to say that there is no attention to detail. I lost one shot, and ten shots, and the whole movie followed.

Each shot, rather than re-shooting, would rather spend manpower and material resources, in Chen Hao's crew, as long as he is there, he will be required to achieve the best, the pictures shot with one lens, the final convergence into an ideal the film.

"Okay, everyone is ready. Today's first play, come on!"

"Get off to a good start!"

The crew of the crew echoed, and the director glanced at Chen Hao who had not spoken secretly. As his director, he was comfortable in a comfortable place and had a lot of psychological pressure.

It was half past ten, half pastry, then three o'clock, and it was finished at six o'clock, and Dawei thought that he would not shoot today. As a result, after dinner, overtime entered.

Wu Dawei looked around for a while. From the actors to the staff, no one said that the filming was too hard and wanted to take a break from work. Everyone was accustomed to it. There was a special logistics staff to start recording the personnel list.

Sun Yan took a sip of hot water and walked to his side, explaining to him: "You should have one when you sign the contract. The ups and downs of the pay are well-controlled by the crew. I don't care too much because Chen Hao's word of mouth is there. In fact, the way he settles the pay is similar to the way that NBA teams settle pay for players. You are absent and you have to deduct a part of it. Such overtime will be doubled or even tripled. Like me, I need to get more each season. The on-site staff will be paid double or three pay for overtime. "

"It's really different, that's him, he dares to follow his own mind." If Dawei had deep meaning, he would agree on the rules that would be changed if he wanted to, but he would offend a lot of votes, which means that Chen Hao is not afraid to offend. People, even if the crew next to you think your model is good, you don't have the courage to leverage the rules that everyone in the circle has used for many years.

"It will slowly get better, isn't the China Film and Television Promotion Association slowly being accepted by everyone?" Sun Zheng also sent out a sigh of emotion, regardless of any industry, the pioneers of reform always face the dilemma that everyone thinks it is impossible to solve.

There is a word she did not say, what you see is that he has the identity and background to dare to play like this. Did n’t you see that he worked hard by himself, through the subtle influence in his own crew, now there are already some people in Are you slowly changing some of your bad habits?


"Lost" has never been a high-paying movie star, and Sun Qiang, who can get hundreds of thousands of episodes outside, is only 100,000 yuan here, sometimes not even available.

Participating in such a show, you are eager to get money. If you are famous, you can use a few endorsements or advertisements to bring back the money you lost. The chances of becoming famous are not always available.

Bian Dawei took a few days to watch the end of the drama of Sun Yan and Xiao Di. They went to a small island country movie and a Bollywood movie. It was not a supporting role, but not a filler. I went as a big coffee, even if it wasn't the female number one, that was also a very important role in the play, and the film paid was very expensive.

After Chen Hao asked Dawei to have a drink off, most of the filming of the new season of "Lost" was filmed. The rest was for the director to find actors to supplement the small-scale literary and action scenes. He was carrying the bag directly into the room. After the crew of "Hong", after that, he will fly directly to the United States to carry 6% of the total box office of 20 million to 10 million + the global box office.

On the "Hong" side, Chen Hao starred in zero pay. The crew created a stormy levee. Like all the actors, he stormed on a large water jet and took three days and two nights on the levee. In the middle, I only rested for one night. The shooting conditions at the scene were not allowed to be wasted. Large scenes need to be shot in compressed time. In his crew, Chen Hao can use double pay and three pay to intensely work staff. In the "Hong" crew, Without these, Ben has nothing to do with him. What he can do is buy more milk tea and hot coffee for you.

"Mr. Chen, we will deal with the ground in advance in this play and will not let you ..."

"No need, I can just shoot like everyone else."

A rescue in the early morning after the dam was blocked ~ ~ The soldiers are exhausted, no matter where they are, find a leaner and lie down for a while, many of them are not dry. Maybe there will be sequelae, it is too tired, drink something to drink hot water, and consciously snorted.

The main melody movie needs to render similar emotions. Early in the morning, a long shot needs to be taken. The actors also shot all night. It was also for everyone's wetness and muddy face not to help. The director's group turned heartily and told Everyone took a good picture of this morning's morning, and then went to rest.

Everyone is easy to say, give an order.

Only Chen Hao came here to say hello. He just waved his hand and didn't care. The breakfast was very rich. The play was just a drink of hot water and some bread and biscuits. The crew outside the show prepared a very rich For breakfast, four kinds of porridge, steamed buns, chives box, flower rolls and several kinds of pickles for your choice.

Chen Hao did not go to his RV for a temporary break, nor did he really sit on the floor like some group performances. A short folding chair sat next to his 'this class' fighter. He put two of them flat with a cement bag to serve as a dining table. Large chunks of spicy beef with beef hoof tendon, everyone is a large march lunch box, filled with a box of preserved eggs and lean meat porridge, outside the porridge shop may be filled with three bowls.

The size of the big bun stuffed with pork and green onion is the size of a fist. It's called a mouthful of oil. From midnight to now, it has been more than six hours. Everyone has eaten this breakfast very comfortably and comfortably.

A business van brought a shooting team. The clothes and equipment were clearly marked on one of the leading programs on the Chaoyangtai Film Channel. Chen Hao was facing sideways, moved the chair, and turned back to the surrounding area. Like the six soldiers, they bowed their heads and enjoyed the full meal early in the morning.

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