Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1197: It's late, rest early

At midnight, there were still some cars staying inside and outside the county hotel. The entire hotel has not been filled with friends for a long time. Today, there are no rooms in the hotel. The parking spaces in the hospital are also full. There are also cars in front of the seats and shops.

Throughout the afternoon, reporters from local TV stations were communicating with the crew. We did not want to have the opportunity to interview Mr. Chen alone. We only wanted to allow our crew to follow the crew and ensure that the film content will not be filmed and will not interfere with normality. In the case of shooting, let's take a shot of the crew and take a shot of Mr. Chen.

I got a positive response from the crew at night. Seeing that it was late at night, a few people on the local TV station discussed to have a supper together, and I saw that the gate of the main building suddenly drove up a gentle bus from a gentle slope. Parked at the door, the door pointed at the main entrance of the hotel lobby.

Later, I saw a figure getting on the car. Several people instantly looked at each other's eyes and confirmed one thing: "Is that Chen Hao just now?"

When several people deliver with such uncertain sight, that is true, and it is impossible for everyone to read wrong together.

"Catch up and see where he changes?"

Not only did they see it, they came out of the hotel, but some fans noticed it and started to follow it by car or motorcycle.

Chasing the stars is an attitude. There is no answer to the question of whether it is good or not. Everyone has his own standard of measurement in his heart. Whether it is worth it or not is based on his heart.

Chen Hao, who is in a good mood, has maintained his good mood from the afternoon to the present. He wears headphones and has played a few hours of the game. He transformed himself into a game house and fully enjoyed the appeal of the game to young people. Fully demonstrated his emotional release as a young man, thus also avoiding the impact of some noisy sounds outside on the emotions.

If not, Chen Hao told himself that there is no need to do it, and now he has the capital to choose to retire. After getting a new reward for daily tasks, he asked himself, the answer is clear, he still likes everything he is doing now, and the ability of "performing aura" is not very helpful to his performance improvement, but can be used in In a play, the actors around them did not have the luxury of expecting them to have a level with themselves, so that their level would rise by a certain level, even if it is a small piece, it is commendable for a work.

"I can use some fresh meat too."

The car was followed all the way, and it was not completely quiet until he entered the barracks. He posted a message on Weibo: "Hello everyone, I try to give you more good works. It's late, rest early."

The comments below are also very interesting, and the familiarity with interaction with fans can be clearly seen.

"Brothers, have you been run away by the boss again? I told you to be careful of him, cunning."

"According to everyone, the boss ran away again. He didn't sleep in the middle of the night. Do you dare to be a big star, and run away in a minibus, we won't be wrong if you get a helicopter."

"Boss is showing off again. I knew it was time to drive to stop him just now. We are escorting. We really want to rush up and stop it. Boss, can you promise not to scold us?"

This comment, Chen Hao returned a second to the second: "No!" It also attracted a large number of fans to watch, and after ten minutes of trouble, the comment began to appear: "Let ’s go, listen to the boss, take a break early, all are scattered Right. "

The condition of a regiment's camp was very good. Chen Hao found a corner of the building alone, three rooms plus a water room toilet and a large bathroom. All of them put a cordon in the corridor. This area is Used by him and his team, no one else can enter at will.

There were half a crew in the barracks, and it was a lot of fun. Thanks to the company's location here, if there were a company, there would be several actresses, which would ensure that the hormones of the entire company would be improved a lot. Discipline makes Chen Hao's presence here not to make the order a little chaotic. The early morning morning call sounds as usual. The smell here will never be a paper drunken fan, and the majestic power will be full of air early in the morning. In.

Chen Hao likes it here. He even has the idea of ​​living in a military compound in the future. As a civilian actor, he also enjoys -division-level treatment. When he finds a place like a military retreat, A closed life, more pure, seems to be a very good idea.

After running for an hour on the playground one morning, he had been constructing this kind of life for a long time, and it was a flash of cold thought that he remembered that he was not yet thirty years old, and it is a bit too much to consider retiring now. early.

Back in the room, I took out my mobile phone, and unconsciously sent a message to Daddy in the past: "I thought of my retirement this morning."

Another ghost sent a message to Sunny.

It was not until ten o'clock that he received replies from two people respectively.

Xiaodi's message is pure: "If you want, I will accompany you, but after a few years you go out and no one will chase after me to travel around the world."

This is her style, and Sunny ’s answer is also her style: "So you are still too vulgar, deserve to be a big star, and live a tiring life, rest assured, I have kept you from now on, and I haven't bored you yet. You should feel fortunate. Do n’t go back. I was in the island country and found a very good izakaya. I went for a drink. "

Chen Hao did not reply to Xiaodi's message. In this case, she obviously stood on a thinking channel with herself, and returned a sunny one: "What about your apprentice Huoer?"

Sunny did not reply, but sent a link, a link to Lele News, which gathered a number of news, Huo Er and many men were drunk late at night; secret contact with other guild seniors; was exposed to have been married and born Child; the most important one, the invincible killer, smoking X product, one directly destroyed her, so that she completely disappeared from the stage, no more soil for public figures, and there was no opportunity to become a celebrity.

After seeing these news, Chen Hao still knew that Qingqing had a feeling of affection. The thing to betray with heart will be very troublesome once it is done. Now it just takes her famous way. It is kind of compassion, but this ...

Later, Sunny sent another message: "Do you think I am kind and kind, and you think wrong, I arranged someone in her hometown to set up her brother, and lost everything at home, including her savings at home, In the end, with a gift of 300,000 yuan, he married a big pig farmer in the village. "

There are a few photos at the back, which are pictures of Huo'er getting married. In the photo, she is no longer beautiful under the wedding dress, but even so, it is still a flower, and the man standing next to her is black and full-faced. , A smile also revealed a bad yellow tooth, this picture is not much, there are two photos next, one is Huo Er became the daughter-in-law, feeding pigs, and one is sitting on her back At the gate of his courtyard, pictures of Gua Zi chatting with other women in the village.

Chen Hao knows that this big pig farmer also arranges people to choose well on sunny days. How much is it, what do you need to do to marry this family, and to what extent is your future life guaranteed? When you get married, you buy a lot of gold and silver jewelry to ensure your future life. No worries, but you still have to work with your family.

"You are having fun."

"What if I said she knew all this?"

"It's impossible to stay."

"Forget it, the apprenticeship is almost over. I will take it from the slaughterhouse in the town. I will fully accept the old sow raised by their family."

"Well, life is worry-free, in control."

"Ha ha."

At the end of the conversation, Chen Hao thought about letting Kang Yan take a trip. He didn't have a sense of presence. He changed into another person with a little change. Don't look at the occasional shots of him, but he Not as famous as Chen Gang.

When I went to the hometown of Huo'er, I still had some things to do.

I raised my hands behind my head and rubbed my body to make myself feel a lazy waist ~ ~ I saw a corner of the playground below through the window. Some actors of the crew started training and stood watching. After a while, instead of going downstairs, he picked up the script on the table and carefully read his role.

Make a gesture?

No, the things trained by the people downstairs are too elementary, and it is really not necessary to go down for reputation.

For a character with a military image, perhaps when choosing a role, there is a factor that hopes that his image will be high. At that time, he would definitely not know that he still has a period of experience in performing at the grassroots level. Understanding of the army and soldiers, Chen Hao saw the script and felt I don't need to act. I think about the experience of the grass-roots performance. With so many soldiers I have seen, the image gathered is full enough to fully control the squad leader who was sacrificed in the film.

Zheng Xiaolong got the news. Chen Hao did not show up in the training this morning and afternoon. He was also a bit surprised. The public image of the big star is impeccable. Is it fake? No one summoned, just hope he can consciously appear on the training field, you are a world-class master of free combat, but for a soldier, it is not simply relying on his skills.

He was a little disappointed, there was always something unpleasant in his heart, and his age and experience made him not the type who needed to find someone to read and think about, wait and see?

Soon, he was very pleased with his decision. After waiting for the real Chen Hao, the ability of others far exceeded the crew ’s estimates. The content arranged by the crew was really too pediatric. It ’s no wonder that people do n’t come down to follow the training. You let the NBA-level basketball star go to the kindergarten-level arena. He just stands and shoots two baskets. As soon as he moves, there is no need for this game. It will not be called a game.

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