Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1192: Do you know this time?

At the beginning of the new year, Chen Hao held more than a dozen welfare rewards and sweepstakes on his Lele channel five or five consecutively. There are many types of awards, and the winning coverage is large. Although the lowest grade prize is just a Haomen logo print T-shirts, worth tens of dollars, can already be a good gift for fans.

The biggest prize is a seven-day double trip to the United States, round-trip air ticket accommodation, and two live tickets to this year ’s Oscars.

When Chen Hao flew to Los Angeles, this award was drawn out. The winner was a senior Haomen fan who didn't get the discount after discount. It happened to be just after they were engaged and May 1 was about to get married. The grand prize this time served as two Human honeymoon trip.

Chen Hao also personally sent a video blessing to the two. His series of activities can also be regarded as the artist's craziest act of giving back to fans since the concept of idol stars.

Dozens of dollars of t-shirts seem to be nothing, but if you make 100,000 pieces at a time, this award alone will cost millions, and people who do n’t count will know how strong Haomen ’s feedback is this time. Big.

I really do n’t have many artists who can afford it. Several rounds of different types of raffle feedback have already spent nearly 20 million. Seeing everyone else is frightened. I did n’t expect that Hao Zi was really a big hand and dared to spend money. No wonder other fans There are many things to do, and if I am his fan, I will feel extra proud, and go all out.

There will always be sour people saying sour words behind them, even if this is Chen Hao, you can still find points of criticism and criticism, sourly saying why you do n’t have charity for so much money, why not help those more People who need help?

It's intolerable and unbearable. Chen Hao can sit firmly in Los Angeles, but it still doesn't matter. Tian brother is the first to sit still. He watched Chen Hao come all the way and climbed from the unknown. How much he paid for it really showed that the star artist lived in the spotlight and had no privacy. Every move would be noticed by everyone, except that you have a certain privacy space when you close the door of your home, everything belongs to you. Public.

At the level of Chen Hao, it is the target of the media's frantic tracking. As long as you leave the house, don't think too much about the privacy. Others don't know that Tian Ge knows that there really are public events in his body that the media and the public do not know about.

"This time you listen to me, otherwise the guys hiding in the dark will not be safe one by one. I will be angry to see them talking."

Chen Hao smiled on the other side of the phone: "Brother, it's really unnecessary, but it's just a few. After a day or two, no one will take care of them, and they will stop."

Tiange still insisted: "Haozi, we all share this opinion. The Huaxia Film and Television Promotion Association you got in Xiangjiang is now being watched above. If you want to have more room for expansion, you need a leading figure. You are the most suitable. .Isn’t I always thinking about bringing some benefits to the industry? Now the opportunity is coming, all of us think this leader is the most suitable for you. Jackie Chan, Andy Lau and others are also very suitable, and some major directors are also qualified. To expand this matter with your contacts, the overall strength is a little worse. Compared with you, that is even worse. The only weak point is in your age, but your qualifications are enough, and Oscar will start immediately. This opportunity is very suitable, you think about it. "

Chen Hao groaned for a while: "Well then, brother, you come to do it, I'll just leave the shopkeeper."

Brother Tian: "Relax, look at me."

The New Year holiday has just ended and the Academy Awards ceremony is coming. Chen Hao has attracted all the attention of the industry. To be honest, "The Redemption of Shaw Shenk" was suppressed at the time. Chen Hao did not form a sweeping nomination award. This time, " "Forrest Gump", according to the slogan of Haomen fans-owed us, this time all returned to us.

At this time, there was a big news in China. Before gossip, he always said that Chen Hao made more money. This time, he gave feedback to his fans and said that he lacked public morality. Through several major media channels, he exposed enough The news of the whole China was sensational. After being verified layer by layer the next night, it went directly to the news webcast of the court. Compared with the previous time, this time is a very very melody. People in the entertainment industry were surprised when they heard the news. Compared with the original Gu Tianle, it is even more cattle.

"Chen Hao, in the course of several years, provided a total of 121 schools in poor areas across the country to build wholly new schools and set up scholarships to provide long-term funding for students with excellent academic performance."

The newscast took a few minutes.

"There are no formal video materials. In recent years, Chen Hao has built Hope Primary Schools in poor areas. All of them have been personally inspected on site. Short videos and photos. Until the news broadcast, most of the students studying in these new premises did not know that they should thank the star Chen Hao for improving their educational environment and quality. "

"For several years, Chen Hao has been doing charity silently. If it was not an accidental opportunity, I believe that all this is still a secret until now. Everyone would not know that he is competing for Oscars in Hollywood at this moment, for so many poor areas. Children, so much is done. "

"This reporter interviewed Chen Hao in Hollywood ..."

"Hello Chen Hao, why have you done so many good things for so many years without leaving a name, more than a hundred new campuses, benefiting hundreds of thousands of students, can talk to us and talk to the audience in front of the TV about your heart Real thoughts? "

"I am an entertainer. When I do, I say that I always go out and do not do it. I just want to do some things. I can be satisfied for a few years. I have done more than a hundred. I feel at ease and comfortable. Ever else, do what you want. "

"You are a public figure, and the media are chasing you. How did you manage to not be found by the media for a few years? It is said that you have visited the site of more than a hundred primary and secondary schools?"

"Yes, I've been there. I have to see the place myself. Including the construction, some people may not be able to go and will let the people around me check the quality of the project. As for how I was not found Yes, while traveling, and during the shooting breaks, the most time is when shooting "Great My Country", with the crew of the river running north and south, and seeing more, the whole shooting process I have determined that will be 20 Five primary schools in poor areas are being built. "

The interview of the news webcast is calculated in terms of time and seconds. It is very difficult to have a dialogue interview. Chen Hao does n’t feel much. He has been on TV a lot and is somewhat immune. Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei think this is very precious. You ’re very popular when you ’re on the Spring Festival Gala, and some of you are red, but few of you are able to get the last news webcast. It ’s not the first time for your child. This kind of picture will be recorded by Chen Yuanping and burned into a disc The video files are stored in a USB flash drive, and a wooden box is made inside, which can be passed down as a heirloom according to him.

Look at what our baby is doing. Outside the village, who sees us without a thumbs up?

When the news broadcast aired, it was equivalent to arranging the coffin, and there was no need to question it. This matter is true. Chen Hao has really made use of the gap that was closely watched by the media in recent years to make such a big one. According to the calculation of good works, Chen Hao has also thrown away nearly 100 million yuan in practical charity in the past few years, without any publicity and no feedback benefits.

It's not difficult to do a great deed. You can accumulate less for a few years. Do a good deed and do it well. The tower that finally came together ~ ~ is really indestructible. Everyone will look up to its existence.

Haomen fans didn't say much this time, everyone just silently copied and pasted a sentence to all places where they would show up. Those on the Internet who had stood on the opposite side of Chen Hao and sprayed him, those who had questioned him, No matter sinking, fans will always find it out, and then paste a sentence silently below.

"Do you know what Mr. Chen has done so much money this time?"

Compared to some charity dinners, which need to be publicized and morally abducted to let artists entertain generously, what is Chen Hao's behavior?

Don't say that people make more money, first see how much they donate, don't always eat grapes and say grape acid, when you are still donating hundreds of thousands for your idol charity and singing praises Our idols have allowed children in poor areas to sit in the new classroom with bright windows and study in a comfortable environment.

Nationally, more than a hundred primary and secondary schools are nothing.

For one person, this number is very, very scary.

After this incident came to light, Chen Hao in Los Angeles doubled the number of invitations, and various charitable activities began to rush in. He sincerely invited Mr. Chen to come. If it was not the Oscar Awards Party, he even made excuses to refuse. I ca n’t find it. I ’m not afraid to spend some money for real charity. I am afraid that the freedom of each day is limited by charitable activities. I am afraid that the money I earn will be circled by unscrupulous activities.

After the incident was exposed, there was a change. When Chen Hao stepped onto the Oscar red carpet, his label ranked among the top few, and he added the title of a big philanthropist. This also made the entire Oscar design a special one for him. The final stage of the red carpet allowed him to fully enjoy the cheers and shouts from the scene on the Oscar red carpet.

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