Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1185: Models and 'models'

The atmosphere of the whole mushroom house really changed. Everyone seemed to get acquainted with each other and the content of the chat was more extensive. Chen Hao also showed you the style of a man at home.

The baggage, a very professional method, quickly wrap up the beautiful baggage. Children who grew up in the country when they were children benefit from having a handy mother. Many things can operate flexibly on their own. It is the children who have learned good family life skills.

Everything about this mushroom house needs at least a little familiarity for Chen Hao. He grew up in the countryside since he was a child, and lived in the mountains for more than three months. Some abilities that were gradually buried in the memory also readjusted.

There is no problem with him in making fire, chopping firewood, or how to use the big iron pan flexibly. Jiang Shuying and Gulinaza have prepared words that have no place to use them. They both bluntly said: " It is quite frustrating to encounter a master of martial arts of all kinds. "

"No one can really master all kinds of martial arts. He is very deliberate. He must choose the programs that he can show his strengths to participate in. The intensity of his daily exercise and the intensity of the training in the mushroom house are even in front of him. Nothing can happen. "

Dahua saw that the beautiful girl turned into a sharp-edged mouth, but she was really not used to it. After eating, she used to play the violin. I wanted to show it to everyone. As a result, Gulinaza and Jiang Shuying laughed wildly. Moreover, Dahua is not very familiar with the live broadcast industry, and has not watched too much, otherwise he would never choose such behavior at this point in time.

His violin is really good, but everyone has become accustomed to it through several seasons of programs. Occasionally guests will show this program, such as Qi Wei Wang Xun, but their level of performance is limited and can only be said to fans. Surprise, not bad, I didn't find such talent before.

Here at Chen Hao, Dahua ’s behavior is equivalent to giving him a bridge. Jiang Shuying and Gulina Zhayu can laugh without covering their mouths, pointing to Dahua's indignant look: “You wo n’t be him Is it childcare? "

Dahua was embarrassed, and Huang Lei laughed, "Do you remember Teacher Lu Siqing playing the violin?"

Dahua nodded, the absolute idol-level violinist.

Huang Lei pointed to Chen Hao: "This guy, many talents in the instrument are very surprised, but unfortunately he has not developed in that area."

As the family members of the show group, the best way to show the guests a powerful side is what they should do and must do. Holding guests is a must-do in any variety show.

Dahua couldn't believe it. He hurriedly passed the violin and signaled that you could come. He was surprised that he didn't know it, and some thought it was unbelievable.

Chen Hao waved his hand: "Forget it, they will laugh at me."

Jiang Shuying raised his arm: "Listen to" Liang Zhu. "

A song "Liang Zhu" went back and forth a thousand times. When his hand touched the violin, the dual memories of the body and the brain were all covered by "Liang Zhu". The audience had a cognitive influence on fame. They did not think that Chen Hao is better than professional pulling, but this is already amazing.

Dahua repeatedly gave thumbs up and praised: "It's great, it's very, very good, you're amazing."

A piece of "Liang Zhu" can also be regarded as a farewell gift to Jiang Shuying and Gulina Zha, and I have eaten it, and the time is almost the same. The two packed away and left the mushroom house to complete their own shooting. The next guests It will be Chen Hao and Guan Xiaotong, and the new life of the mushroom house will be officially resumed.

"I'm here, can you do some heavy work?"

Guan Xiaotong took the initiative to help clean the bowl, while Chen Hao took the initiative to bear the heavy work this afternoon. It has always been the harvest of the new disease of the mushroom house. It can only be done once in front of the guests. Lying down tiredly, there is a show gesture in front of the camera. This is not a show in Chen Hao. When he was a kid, he also followed the family to the field to do farm work. Now he is so strong in physical fitness. He goes outside After harvesting the products in the field, Huang Lei saw that the new mud stoves were not used, and he went to a nearby town to sell them, selling these mangoes, bananas, and strawberries.

He Yan, Dahua, and Peng Peng have all collapsed. Drinking the water brought by Guan Xiaotong, sitting on the ground to rest one by one, it is okay. The gap is reflected in the farming work for half an hour. Chen Hao's rhythm worked for half an hour, all three tired to lie down and had to rest for a while to continue working, and that one, the speed from the beginning to the present has not changed, this guy does not seem to be tired.

I borrowed an electric tricycle and a whole cart of fruit, which made the whole mushroom house feel particularly fulfilling. The fruit stand in the small market in the town gave these things to the pass, and the mushroom house also had money. At night According to Huang Lei, two cauliflowers cost less, you can buy a few more bottles of cold beer, and you can burn a fish.

"The Longing for Life" is the most primitive and self-contained food and clothing, satisfied with the food exchanged by a drop of sweat. When you look at the vegetables planted by your own hands, they eventually turn into dishes on the plate and taste delicious in your mouth. At that time, you will feel that this is the life you yearn for. It is very simple, simple and primitive. What I can give you here is not the outside material life. Occasionally, I come to live here for a few days and it is really comfortable.

Of course, only occasionally.

Chef Huang said that he would be happier if the pace was not that fast every day.

The meals are ready, the joy of eating, drinking a bit of cold beer, and shooting for the crew while eating, have a short break after eating, temporarily ask not to shoot, everyone do their own thing, wash your face or last time In the bathroom or something, make a phone call or lie down for a while, then sit down in the living room in the house and start drinking and chatting at night.

In general, if you are not familiar or have common topics, play games or stick to something common.

If you are more familiar, you can talk well, even if you are playing games, there will be a lot of jokes, and by the end of the game, you will also talk about many interesting things.

Go ahead and talk in front of the machine lens. There is true feelings and more interesting. The topic of the chat is also interested by the audience, the star is also a person, the status of the star in the audience is most interested, and the chat is some of the private The thing to talk about is a relationship that everyone does not know.

Sleeping at night, the guest room was given to Guan Xiaotong, and Chen Hao squeezed into the room of four people in the mushroom house. Datong made a spacious bed from four sets of bedding to five sets of bedding. "I can live with MOUSE, wow, I can't believe it."

Huang Lei smiled and said to He Yan: "Looking at these two children, Hao Zi has always been very excited when he came."

He Yan also laughed: "I feel that Hao Zi is participating in any variety show, destroying the established standards, and see what he does today. If the guest tomorrow does not meet this standard, he will not pass this level."

Chen Hao pretended to turn around to pick up the words of the two: "It's okay. The three guys will come tomorrow. They are guaranteed to be extremely competent. I can tell who they are when they order at night."

He Yan: "Ah? You really heard it, who it is, they used a voice changer, I really didn't hear it."

The other people also have an expression. Guan Xiaotong put on a mask and came over from his room to stand in front of the door to enjoy the fun. The guy who ordered food at night was agreed that it was a comedy. It was very good to do things on the phone. I had sashimi, and ordered grilled lamb chops, and fried noodles. There were three phone calls. The three of them were all able to say that none of the mushroom houses were plugged in here, and the taste was also Tiannanhaibei.

One of them, almost everyone guessed it, the other party used a voice changer, but did not intentionally cover the cavity, it was easy to guess that it was Xiaoyueyue, and the other two had a familiar feeling because of the voice changer. I can't guess the reason for covering myself.

Chen Hao held a mobile phone ~ ~ and searched for the names of two people, showing their photos inside, facing away from the camera of the machine, and showing them to several people. He Huan had some exaggerated surprise expressions, while Dahua and Peng Peng were Shout no, to Mr. Huang Lei, he shook his head helplessly: "Tomorrow Haozi, you'll leave late, or tomorrow's work will definitely not be finished. The two guys come together ..."

He Yan patted his chest: "Where are they capable? Fortunately, there is a fairly capable little Yueyue, otherwise I really don't know how tomorrow will pass."

The footage was taken at night. After lying on the bed and turning off the lights, everyone talked for a long time, and when they fell asleep, they didn't know. Anyway, no one heard Mr. Huang Lei's purr that night.

When Chen Hao got up early the next morning, he called up Dahua and Peng Peng, washed and changed his clothes for morning exercises, and Guan Xiaotong was already doing warm-up exercises in the yard outside, showing his long legs without reservation. Many artists who are older than her have watched her grow up, and now she really has grown up. But it can be regarded as the star of all the children in the circle. Not only does it not grow crooked, but it is a model that looks more and more beautiful. The young people remain full of It is necessary to be energetic and motivated. Last night, Dahua and Peng Peng also vowed to do what they want. As soon as they ran out in the morning, if they were not taken care of by Chen Hao, they would be intimidated in front of the camera.

The vitality of the four people plus the bright colors of the early morning, the pictures taken by the lens are very beautiful. Compared to the early morning, they were all drowsy and dazzling. Today is a small surprise.

The dialogue between He Yan and Huang Lei gave the guests in the next issue the best warm-up: "I think the picture of tomorrow morning must be the opposite rhythm to this."

Around ten o'clock in the morning, the guests arrived as promised. From the second they appeared, the guests were all laughter and unmemorable memories of the past.

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