Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1178: Did you jump like this, did Xiaodi know?

Many singers make up a tribute to the Golden Horse Awards this year. They are not the old songs. The creator singer is still sitting in the audience.

Chen Hao's song co-songs, accompanied by his previous film works, with Xiao Jingteng, Lin Junjie, Cai Yilin, and Tian Yizhen as tribute guests. All four of them are considered Chen Hao's predecessors.

These four vocabulary words, which are always polite, are truly realized today, and they are a willing mindset.

A song that resounded the world. At the beginning, some people criticized that Chen Hao could only write some red songs on the Internet. After that, such voices became less and less. Many people must admit the fact that when he started the first English song, At that time, he was no longer on the same level with all Chinese singers, which opened a big gap.

Writing English songs is not a great point. In just a few years, no album is released. It is just a single. More than ten songs can already be listed in classic sequences. From the Chinese music world to the world music world, there are songs of various styles. He makes a compilation equal to a great compilation of classic songs that many singers haven't got all their songs in their lives.

Every song wo n’t be outdated on the stage of winning the Golden Horse Awards. Four singers performed for 14 minutes, and there was no pee point during the whole process. The song with the picture is the best way to evoke everyone's memory. Maybe there is It is not a soundtrack, but it can be put into Chen Hao's previous works without any compromise.

For so many years, such things as invitation songs have always happened. The only one that is so good is Na Ying's "Let's Go Home and See", but the later "Family and Family" and "Tomorrow will be better" are equivalent to Singing in a group gave all the people who invited the song a face, and let them know in a embarrassing way what the real situation is that Chen Hao does not write songs to others.

All the big names in the Chinese music scene have invited him to sing through various channels. Even Jackie Chan has to come over to sing. Andy Lau got a country version of "Tuner" and was selected as one of the top ten golden songs. There is really no way to write this song.

Little Di and even the company gathered together for the beauty, and no song was written, and others gradually stopped chasing it. To this day's performance, four singers and four styles found their favorite in Chen Hao's songs. And the song style that can be perfectly controlled, when I sing, I feel that it is tailored for myself.

Tian Yanzhen's "HERO".

Jolin Tsai "MYLOVE".

Lin Junjie's "Brightest Star in the Night Sky".


This feeling of singing other people's songs is more enjoyable than singing their own songs. They have never had it, even if some of their own songs have been sung by a draft show, and they have come back to sing by themselves, there is no such kind of song. Unique feeling.

They all have a feeling of never being addicted, but as the biggest singers in the Chinese music scene today, the four of them are also very uncomfortable. The classic songs that paid tribute to their predecessors are okay, but they are nostalgic. This kind of tribute, but a young man younger than himself, sits on the stage. His achievements can make the four of them feel a sense of weakness, unable to catch up with you, very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, and also very uncomfortable. Very respectful and talented. When you feel you are still catching up, you will be jealous and compete, but when you can only look at it from a distance, you only worship and do n’t dare to be jealous.

Four people left the stage, entered the simple string scene, and then presented the award for best new actor. Chen Hao and Xu Jinglei walked out of the channel. The two of them walked out. The answer to this award has been announced in advance.

In view of this year's sweeping trend, such an obvious guest style, the audience also feels that it does not matter, it is you who are you, and the interaction between the more familiar people awarding awards will be better, avoiding some embarrassment.

"Hello everyone, this is Xu Jinglei."

"Hello everyone, this is Chen Hao."

The two did not need to introduce themselves. Due to courtesy and tradition, the scene continued for a while. The applause kept coming out from the two, and they only paused when they spoke. At this moment, the applause is not entirely For Chen Hao, Xu Jinglei ’s performance in "Into the Division" has been recognized by the whole world. Even in those countries that have not shown this film, there will be some professional filmmakers watching this film through other channels. The great filmmakers, the more they praised Xu Jinglei's performance.

At today's scene, although her light is not as good as Chen Hao, she is not completely crushed, and she also has a sky of her own.

From age to experience, all aspects have been reached. It is precisely at this time that there is such a play, and she is very good at her temperament. Whether it is that quiet temperament or the rightness of the woman at home, Xu Jinglei is all extraordinary.

Among the two personal awards that Hollywood did not participate in the selection, she has already locked the award for the best actress in the same way as Chen Hao in the previous two years.

The applause at the scene lasted for a while before it calmed down. Xu Jinglei smiled and turned to the side, a gesture of please.

Chen Hao cleared his throat, his expression was very relaxed, and laughed: "In fact, I always feel that I am a cross talk, talk show actor who has been delayed by the status of an actor and singer, and a good host. I do n’t believe that you will always be so honest, or you ’ll be better off first. I ’m a real person, and I ’m not a strict wife at home. Love hugs. "

The scene exploded directly, and several big names were teased at once, and only Chen Hao dared in the audience.

The camera locks Lin Zhiling, Carina Lau, Andy Lau, and Liang Chaowei. The classic bridge section of the Golden Horse Awards was then replayed on the big screen. The newly popular beauty of Zhilin Lin gave the two horses a hug at the Golden Horse Awards. The atmosphere at the scene was without him for a while. Today, because of a word from Chen Hao, the atmosphere effect is not worse than that year.

And then Xiao S 'response was super fast. When the scene was full of laughter and applause, she opened her arms first and went to the stage from one side.

We all know that Xiao S's style has always been this way. I once played T on the show and I don't know how many male artists, even Liu Dehua and Liu Tianwang failed to escape their 'poison-hands'.

Now Carina Lau wants you to look good, smiles and points to Chen Hao, and makes such expressions on purpose; Liang Zhaowei and Andy Lau both smile and shake their heads. The good relationship means that you have to avoid Chen a little on similar occasions Hao, there were some occasions where everyone was designing how to ridicule him. He was also a passive counterattack, but he did not expect that he would have this level and status. He would still be so naughty on such occasions, and today he changed his normal behavior Active attack.

Lin Zhiling's talent in hosting is completely incomparable with these people. Little S can have such a quick response, but she only smirks in place and makes a little unpleasant and coy.

"Don't, you're not a hug of love, it's going to make me have a nightmare." Chen Hao, who became an actor in talk show, patted his chest after Xiao S turned around and returned: "It's dangerous."

Xiao S compared to a waving fist, Chen Hao went back to his heart, and said to the microphone: "Do n’t you be surprised, surprise?"

Andy Lau, Tony Leung and Carina Lau made a fist gesture.

"Today, is it because Xiaodi is not here?"

If you want to talk about which one is strong, it is Xu Jiajinglei. Chen Hao occupied the right to speak with the microphone to win. As a result, he was given a perfect performance by Xu Jinglei who also had the right to speak into the microphone.

Did you dance like this today because Xiao Di wasn't there?

No wonder the Golden Horse didn't invite her. You dare to dance like this, right?

The applause rang wildly, and many people clapped their hands. This moment really has nothing to do with courtesy. The audience was laughed at by this scene. Even **** fans who are most reluctant to see idols eat at this moment They all clapped their hands and applauded, good friends teased each other, and winning or losing was fun.

This is not their own back garden, but it is better than their own back garden. Even Meryl Streep and Silsa Ronan laughed through the translation introduction ~ ~. They have seen filming seriously. Actor Chen Hao, who has seen the arrogant director Chen Hao, never met the mentor Chen Hao, far beyond their imagination.

After Xu Jinglei covered her mouth, she took two steps backwards, leaving Chen Hao's reach, and Chen Hao looked stunned, looking at Xu Jinglei with a smile on her face, unbelievable. expression.

What about the partner?

Say yes to defend against foreign enemies?

How are you doing

Xu Jinglei nodded and walked back to her own position: "Why, today in front of so many maids, even if I am Liu Miao and you are Chen Bin, you can still bully me? My daughter can sit in the audience, she Have nominated for the award for best new actor, you have n’t read it out yet, "

Another perfect stalk.

In the play, you Chen Bin is the king in the bedroom. At this moment, I am not afraid of you, so many people at the scene will help me.

From the two of them, there was no breaking applause at the scene. The level of this book is by no means what the Golden Horse Awards can play, but the artist himself thought of it. In response to Xu Jinglei, she directly gave the topic of deviation. Pulling back, Chen Hao had to hold his nose to let everyone watch the nomination list, and then read the award for the best new actor at the fastest speed without any hesitation.

"The winner of the Best New Actor of the XX Baodao Film Golden Horse Awards is Chen Meixi (a sad character, whose name only appeared at this moment)." Xu Jinglei read out, and Chen Hao heard the name of the winner, The man greeted the audience, opened his arms directly to the little actor Chen Meixi who played his daughter in "Into the Master", and hugged her to congratulate her.

The next second, the close-up of the scene locked Chen Meixi, and the audience laughed again ...

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