Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1170: 2 novels

The environment is quiet, so that the study room can always be kept quiet. There are two thick books on the desk, and a large stack of papers similar to calculation paper are stacked together. The top one can be seen very Graffiti-like text.

Holding a tall glass in the hand, the clear and transparent green tea leaves slowly shake in a small area in the cup as Chen Hao moves, the scorching heat and the sandalwood in the study complement each other, the taste of green tea It is also mixed with the smell of burning incense in the house. In the speakers in the corner, very soft music is played at a low volume, which is also a unique performance of Chen Hao as a unique layman rather than a Buddhist.

Wooden desks and wooden chairs have the same hue throughout the study. When renovating here, the operator took into account the size and spending power of future guests here. All the decoration materials are high-grade materials, even when the dirt road was still at that time. The cost of building this house is at least five times higher than that of the outside.

After sitting down, Chen Hao didn't first go to see that the outline had been written and confirmed that the context had begun to complete a part of it, nor did he go to see the 'calculation paper' recording trivia and characters during the writing process. From time to time, the maps and character lists on the wall in front of you are compared with the chronicles on the wall behind you and the time nodes of some major historical events.

After reading it for a long time, I brought the above manuscript and watched it.

"Heroes of the Galaxy". (Refer to the style of Galactic Heroes Legend)

This is a magnificent scene, from the ground to the air, from the planet to the universe, from human internal fighting to fighting against aliens, from fighting for the sake of interests to fighting for freedom, and finally fighting for survival.

Double protagonist.

There is no Chinese or Hollywood production in this or even later derived scripts. He is basically a script. If he does not need to use the script perspective to shoot, he can shoot.

Actors of all skin colors can be placed in any position. Really one day, when filming, any character can be adjusted. It may be an important supporting role for blondes. In reality, there is a black actor who is very suitable. Then let He came to perform. There was no pressure on changing the color of the skin in such a huge system with the universe as the background, but when Chen Hao wrote it, he had to make a movie to create it in the future. Many characters must be unique in design. The characteristics will also refer to the actor in reality. As a director and actor, he created a character adapted for film and television. It is very simple to find a suitable actor in reality, and some even They are tailor made.

I have n’t finished it, I can only say that the beginning of a large layout has been completed. The story is too ambitious. I have to query a lot of information every day. I also have to compare many previous plots. The most important thing is to make sure that every point is tightly connected. The pits must be filled in one by one, and a personality must be clearly introduced. The two main characters are not successful, as long as the supporting roles are successful, the work is truly successful.

Every ten days and eight days, Chen Hao will choose a finished plot and read it again. He told himself that you should look at it with a critical eye, and then be very satisfied, so that you can be qualified to show it to others. It's a bonus, you have to be very satisfied to get a satisfying affirmation from the audience.

It was not until the mountains outside the floor-to-ceiling window had completely darkened that Chen Hao lifted his head, placed the Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy on the table, got up and left the study, and stood up, subconsciously glancing at the other one with the outline.

"Three Body".


In the early morning a few days later, Chen Hao didn't go to the temple for fasting again, so that Chen Gang picked up all the fresh vegetables that could be picked up in the yard and sent them to the temple, and changed into a training suit imitation outside.

From shoes to clothes, from the inside to the outside, the materials are the best. They do not lose the troops of all countries. In recent years, military fans have become hot, and many military stores have become hot. There is a production chain when there is a market. The level of appreciation, under the premise of ensuring quality, these imitation clothing that blends the characteristics of training clothes in various countries, has achieved a very beautiful state when worn outside.

The colors of military boots are more intense. In addition to taking into account the large-scale movement and quality, some adjustments have been made to fit. The T-shirt worn inside is more comfortable and the sweat absorption effect is slightly lost. The outside of the upper body is not. The same clothes as the pants below, but took the pilot's route, and the upper body was made of a short leather jacket. Whether it is open or zippered, it is very handsome without losing the function of a training jacket.

A camouflage green and dark shade raincoat jacket can not only function as a raincoat, it is a handsome jacket on the body, but also has the effect of keeping warm from the wind. It really can be used as a simple sleeping bag and sleeping pad in the wild.

In this set, the price of simple matching is close to 20,000 yuan, and the price of full matching is more than 30,000 yuan. A pair of socks should cost more than 100 yuan. The best cotton material is breathable and comfortable.

Chen Gang and Kang Yan each carried a backpack without loading anything. The three big bags were packed inside. It was December weather. Even on the side of Wuyi Mountain, the weather became elusive, and it would be cold. At minus, you will also see snow, but most of the time it is still cold, a little rain or sleet, and it can also freeze your heart and make your cold teeth tremble directly.

Temperature has little effect on Chen Hao now, and the image of the incomparable talent of the fighting king Chen Wudi is well known. Many things that are impossible for others are already commonplace.

Chen Gang and Kang Yan are also trained for many years. They do n’t feel cold when wearing only single clothes. After moving, the three of them spent a morning walking out of the mountain road for more than ten kilometers. They were all deserted roads before arriving The surrounding training base was delineated.

Surrounded from the edge of the forest, you can see obvious signs reminder every ten meters, reminding that this is military land, do not enter when there is danger, the gunfire came from time to time, Chen Hao did not break the rules, the three people around the wire The fence, a two-kilometre road, reached the main entrance of this makeshift camp.

All are simple buildings. It can be seen that it is temporarily used here. The barracks in the residence are just wooden buildings. At best, they are mixed with some materials and architectural styles of colored steel rooms. As far as the monitoring equipment is concerned, they are still very modern. The monitoring equipment was seen one kilometer away. When they reached the door, a lieutenant colonel and two majors took the lead.

"Mr. Chen, Jiu Yang! I am the chief instructor here, Hei Feng." Lieutenant Colonel, with a seemingly peaceful face, he could not conceal the sharp edge in a steady state.

"Mr. Chen, hello, I'm a gray wolf." Major, the three of them seem to be the oldest. In their thirties, they already have a sense of vicissitude on their faces, and people are the most peaceful. According to the information given above The gray wolf has stopped performing combat tasks, his age has gone up, and his body can no longer keep up. What the camp wants is his experience.

"Rock." Major, a man who has a physical problem with Chen Gang, has a serious face. This one should be dissatisfied. It seems that before confronting the soldiers in training, he must resolve a dissatisfaction at the fighting level.


Passion, the enthusiasm won by the strength is far more comfortable than the enthusiasm won by the fame. Among the people who greeted Chen Hao, he also met an acquaintance. He was originally sent to protect himself. The other side whispered to Kang Yan and Chen Gang. A few words, the two handed one of the backpacks to the gray wolf, nodded to Chen Hao, and then left.

Chen Hao can be trusted. In this level of training camp, the existence of the big master can be regarded as a monitoring of the two to a certain extent. On the bright side, what did you say in the past, Chen Gang What you have done abroad is clear from the above, erasing or forgiving your previous status is already the limit, and you will never trust the two beyond their limits.

"Mr. Chen, please."

"it is good."

In this camp, there is no single room for Heifeng, UU reads www.uukanshu. Com gave Chen Hao a single room, and specially sent a warm air to his room.

"Mr. Chen, please rest first. If you need anything, you can talk to us." It can be seen that the gray wolf is the big housekeeper of the entire camp. He is in charge of everything except training.

I looked at the room, a single bed, a desk, and a laptop on the desk, except for the clothes hooks on the wall and the thermos and face plate on the ground.

"No, I can't live here for a few days. I can't help you except for unreasonable fighting. I can't even offer ugliness in front of you. The gap is too big. It is true that I have the opportunity to learn. "

The gray wolf laughed: "Mr. Chen's last match in Xiangjiang. We saw the video. Although it is a bit vague, it really scared us. This kind of talent is really nothing in the empty-handed fighting. Opponents, then ask Mr. Chen to collect some of them. These little guys are all good seedlings, but don't really break them. "

The corner of Chen Hao's mouth slightly raised: "It's okay, I'll just show it to the rock, I think Heifeng also means that, right?"

The gray wolf scratched his head. The soldiers were still not suitable for lying. They admitted that they were a bit embarrassed. Such things as debunking were exposed, and their personality was really embarrassing.

Changed the topic: "On the toilet, you can only aggrieve Mr. Chen. With everyone, we are very simple here. There is only a large warehouse, half of which is a bathroom and half is a toilet."

A slogan sounded, and Chen Hao turned his head and looked out of the window. Even the large military uniform could not completely hide his appearance. He pointed to the outside: "Gray wolf, you are not kidding me, there is only one big public The bathroom? "

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