Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1165: One + two hundred million

"I'm raising it, another 100 million Huaxia coins, uh, I'll take a look, wait for me to calculate, uh, redeem it, um, this is enough, and bet another 50 million US dollars."

Chen Hao did not overcharge before, not to conceal his wealth or something. It seemed not difficult to investigate the assets of a Chinese citizen. He did not overcharge for only one reason. He was afraid that the other party could not afford to run away. Don't say you won, you may not even be able to recover your capital.

The juniors of these many Xiangjiang tycoons came up one hundred million one hundred million. It is a nonsense to say that such a big bet is to cheer Chen Hao here as a Chinese, and at the same time tell everyone that you It's best to put away your thoughts of going east and west as soon as possible, even if Chen Hao is defeated, Xiangjiang can't mess up. What good is it to let your publicity media publicize it? Now it is no longer you who call me a sick man in East Asia. It was the era that others thought it was.

They felt that the other party couldn't afford to run. Chen Hao had no worries in a moment, and he converged the cash in his bank. All the moves were in it. As long as you could n’t run, I would make a lot of money. I ’m Those who really come to their deaths should make the most money.

Seeing him like this, Jing Tianlin, Wu Zhonghai and others all started to make phone calls. At this time, the people who can place bets are just such people on the boat. How much money can be found means how big the cruise ship is.

"Mr. Chen is really willing to give up the blood." The old family member Morisidov, who had a brief confrontation with X, walked to Chen Hao with a glass of red wine, raised a glass to say hello to him.

"I am a gambling addiction, and I can't control myself." The smile on the face of the false and the snake is already a standard social ability. If you ca n’t even do this, then you do n’t need to go out. Socialize.

"Then wish Mr. Chen have a good evening tonight." Morrisdorf raised his glass again, toasted, took a sip, and walked away.

Really when you have enough, you will find that the personal grievances you once thought are just a little embarrassing. You do n’t need others to tell you, you will tell yourself, do n’t just make friends because of some uncomfortable feelings in your heart. The enemy can't commit it at all. It is the right way to spend a limited amount of time on enjoying life. Passing by each other and saying hello when you are willing to say hello. In fact, this is fine. Nothing else is needed, and no one will easily tear off the smile on his face.

Stepping on people, it is easy to lift your feet and step on the other side.

When you think that the person in front of you is a strong opponent, everyone's choices are the same. You and I don't look at each other's eyes. That's fine. No one will go to attract yourself for a little bit of jealousy and resentment. The enemy, which happened at one point, cannot be said that Morrisdorf had forgotten it, but that kind of thing could not have any impact on his judgment at all.

After he left with a wine glass, Chen Hao met an old acquaintance, which fully illustrates this point.

"Mr. Chen, it's been a long time."

The blonde super handsome Joseph Carol Joseph once wanted to pursue a sunny day and had an intersection with Chen Hao, but then there was no news. His identity was later learned by Chen Hao that he was one of the heirs of the old chaebol. One of the secret parent companies, Carroll also had some trouble with Chen Hao at the beginning, and finally shot himself in the foot. The two sides have never met again since then, and have never met each other again.

Chen Hao nodded at the opponent. He didn't know what to say and didn't bother to say anything. He raised his glass and looked at each other. Tonight he was specifically told not to eat anything or drink any alcohol before the game.

When I saw Chen Hao, I did n’t want to talk about it. Carroll came forward, and the voice was very low, so that only Chen Hao could hear clearly: "I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Mr. Chen in artistic creation. , Beware of the mad beast, he eats something, and people become crazy. "


Chen Hao froze. Are we not enemies?

Seeing his expression, Carroll understood his mind: "It's all trivial things, who will be okay to set up enemies for yourself, and it is true that you can win and make money together. See if I don't like it. it is good."

If you do n’t say it, I do n’t think it ’s pleasing to you. That ’s not important. What ’s important is that if we can cooperate with you, we can create greater benefits. In front of the benefits, that little point can only be called a cautious hatred. Can't stand on the table.

There are more than 80% sure that the reminder this time is not malicious, but Chen Hao does not want to think about what the remaining 20% ​​is at this time, in the presence of absolute power, everything will be meaningless existence.

There are eleven physical fitness dans in my mind that have been awarded for nearly two years. I have not seen this thing. According to the degree of the potential development of his body, I do n’t feel that I need to continue to eat. Today, when Carroll After a reminder, he took out one and quietly ate it. The potential can be slowly developed later. The real-time combat power is absolute power and explosive power have been enhanced. Although not obvious, it is a very clear limit. He felt that this made him more confident. Even if I exploded all the powers that I can master and control at the moment, I still feel that I have no strength to play, which is unparalleled for the growth of confidence.

After a period of challenges, Chen Hao has already possessed the style of everyone at the master level. Those challengers are not all malicious. They learn from each other and will have in-depth chats after the test. Many areas that he has not contacted before. Opening his arms to him.

Jing Tianlin, Huang Zhonghai, Tang Fengtian, and others pulled Chen Hao to introduce him to many people, familiar names like Li, Huo, Bao, Zheng, and so on. The feeling of shaking hands with the world that was once out of reach Clear.

The big rich people of Huaxia are the newly-rising generation. They have a little bit of background and a little more publicity and self-confidence. The people I see in Xiangjiang today are composed of the second and third generations. At small book stalls in the fair, you will always see a large number of pirated books sold for ten yuan each. Among them, some of the characters' autobiography are mostly from Xiangjiang. The characters in them felt out of reach at that time. At this moment today, I was standing and chatting with their siblings and juniors, and I felt very embarrassed, and with it a sense of accomplishment.

This sense of accomplishment accompanied everyone's constant swelling around him as his center, and finally turned into a strong fighting momentum. He walked peacefully on the ten-meter-wide ring platform, leaning quietly on the corner, sitting On the chair, 100 million US dollars and 200 million Hua Xia coins and everyone's expectations, for the first time he felt that a simple win could bring so many benefits.


A low voice came from the platform, stepping on it, and then Chen Hao saw a majestic man about two meters thick with a thick thigh and stepping on the stage.

Green hair type, no real fighting master has long hair, the defining criterion is whether the hand can hold it, as long as it can be caught, even long hair, will become your weakness in the fighting process.

His face was full of flesh, and there was a big scar on the top of his eye, **** red in his eyes, gasping, his muscles were trembling, and the whole person was in a state of transcendence.

Thinking of the reminder from Carroll just now, it is better to be trusted. Chen Hao took a little care. It is a good thing to be confident. Before the two military formations, he would not have slighted the other side's thoughts.

There was no deliberate rendering, there was no introduction by the host in that sizzling exhaustion, the height of the platform was not high, only about 30 cm, otherwise the height of the two would really jump up, and their hands could touch the ceiling inside the cabin.

The height above is not enough, which brings a very unique feeling of depression. When the smell of wine and cigar cigarettes are mixed together ~ ~ there is a fragrance of women's perfume, the lighting is slightly adjusted, here will give People have a very retro feeling. In Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, in some taverns, a duel made aristocrats throw their hats into the air. The smell of sweat will be the key to winning or losing banknotes in their hands.

Chen Hao doesn't like it very much. If someone tells him that your profession is a actor, he will be very angry. I show happiness to people who like me, but if it ’s a monkey being played, That taste is rather unpleasant.

For the sake of money.

Fighting without distinction, regardless of rules, regardless of time, regardless of life and death, when in the end you stand there, then you are the winner.

"Um ... ahh !!!!!!!!!"

This man, nicknamed the beast, is like a prehistoric beast that has become so hungry, staring at Chen Hao, rushing towards him.

There are no signs, no renderings. When the lights change, the competition on the ring will be announced. At this time, all the martial arts routines and fighting techniques will be reduced to the simplest sentence-knock down the opponent in any way.

On this cruise ship, there is no conspiracy, it is just an indiscriminate fighting with someone opening a market.

Jing Tianlin is standing here, and some personnel from Yanjing and the Xiangjiang Army are here. Chen Hao knows that there are still some people. Maybe he is standing next to a well-known giant child. You do n’t need to know who he is. He Watching everything happening at the scene.


Chen Hao hid for the first time. The dimension of the beast's sturdy arm, which was comparable to the thigh of an average adult man, slammed on the corner post. Anyone standing under the stage could clearly perceive the trembling and shaking of the corner post. Hearing and seeing the fissures, no one doubts that he would use more than thirty seconds if he focused on destroying the corner post.

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