Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1157: Lying down and comfortable

Chen Hao's vomiting played a role. When an artist needs a lot of time to focus on the task every day, it is equivalent to affecting the value of this program. Other variety shows are constantly creating conflicts and creating topics to create selling points. This program What I want is a real state of life, and it also provides artists with a time and space to get along with each other. The audience also wants to see the difference between the lives of celebrities and ordinary people, and what is the state of celebrities in private?

Even if two people curled up on the sofa and watched TV, it was only one afternoon when they watched it. The recorded video can only be used for 30 seconds. That's fine. There is a corresponding extension space in the planning plan of the program group. Less material time, then take two more days, really nothing is the same every day, then a little more change, not the variety show fraud to lose the real veil, but to make life a little more change.

In the night scene of Chen Hao and Xiao Di, two people use a multifunctional health-care foot basin. Two pairs of feet are plugged in a foot basin, and the feet are soaked in hot water. A kettle filled with hot water is placed next to it. When the water is cold, add water. , Soak your feet for twenty minutes.

Sun Yan called the child over there, and the camera was closed in the room.

Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin read a book, listened to music, talked casually and then went to sleep.

On the first shooting day, it passed away quietly. I changed the room and changed the bed. When the machines were taken outside and shut down, everyone was an actor. When I was filming, I lived outside and practiced my skills of not knowing the bed. Make sure that there are no more machines in the room, and they are very stable. No one has the idea of ​​what to do in the room.

At six o'clock, Xiaodi was pulled up by Chen Hao, shook his head, and dispelled his sleepiness. After getting up, he **** his pony tail and put on his morning running suit. He and Chen Hao walked along the edge of the shooting area to exercise and run. I know there will be viewers who think that the two are creating a personal public image. After running, they are confident to dispel everyone's cranky thoughts. This morning run is not for anyone who wants to run and can take it out immediately. There is no accumulation over the years. You want Getting up for a half-hour jog in the morning will be very difficult, much more difficult than running for half an hour on a treadmill.

Chen Hao suppressed some of his behaviors. He didn't want to advertise his huge amount of training and unusual training. From this aspect, his behavior was regarded as a kind of 'fake', and he jogged at the pace of Xiaodi for half an hour. In his best, he just moved his muscles and bones, and still far from the effect of exercise.

Back at the courtyard, he motioned to the photographer who followed the photo to stop shooting, and ran down the dirt road all the way into the forest. There, Kang Yan and Chen Gang waited for him. The three started an hour of high-intensity training. They It is not a simple way to maintain the training volume, but a training method that increases the volume every short period of time. The training length is not the standard, but the training intensity is the standard.

Xiaodi came back to take a shower and put on makeup. The other two started shooting from the time of getting up. As an artist, the basic exercise is daily homework, especially for female artists. Physical exercise must be bitten.

Everyone has made an appointment. Enjoy the two-person world today without disturbing each other.

After Chen Hao came back, Xiaodi's porridge was already ready. It was a simple vegetarian cucumber with a few pickles. The kind of beanbags that can be eaten in the supermarket after steaming, simply showed the warmth of the home, two People sat at the small table between the kitchen and the living room and had a delicious breakfast.

In the courtyard of the sun room, cut the fruits and brew a large pot of fruit tea. They each took a chair that they felt comfortable with. In the rising sun slowly, one was holding a book. How esoteric books are completely my favorite idle books, and they are very comfortable to look at. This is too boring and boring in the eyes of many people, but it is a rare and pleasant time for them. Basically, all three make similar choices. , Having breakfast, lazily nesting in a temporary home, enjoying a rare rest, enjoying a rare atmosphere of life with only two people.

At ten o'clock, the three women left the house, went to the public activity area prepared by the program group, and a specially prepared dance studio. The three women all practiced yoga to maintain the flexibility of the body and shape the body. I talked about dinner yesterday. Get together today to do this kind of thing, three people together is definitely better than one person.

"Sleep ~ ~ Seeing Mr. Chen who is asleep directly will not think about lunch. Today, the task he received was to sleep in a daytime for his wife.

Another funny player, Deng Chao, became a photographer by putting on makeup, and went into the yoga room where the three women practiced to shoot. His task is not recognized, so that he can choose to go to the other two luncheons at noon and evening, otherwise he will bear For dinner tonight, two more are invited to dinner.

The task type of the program group has been changed. There are more types of tasks that can interactively shoot more material. As for Chen Hao's task is also very simple today. It is rumored on the Internet that he is a game player, and he and the national Principal Husband Wang played a game and threw it at tens of millions, and the show team hoped he could show it.

This task was communicated with him in advance. Whether he is willing to publicly admit or not to show it is only issued after receiving his approval. This does not prevent the whole program from focusing on the real life of star couples.

The two directly took the mobile phone king to glory and opened the black. Chen Hao showed the situation in the account in front of the camera. There were all of them. The number of diamonds was enough to surprise the audience. He had already spent money in this game. I spent all over the place, although this cost is not as expensive as some helium gold online games, but it is enough to be a short piece of shooting material to present to the audience, this can be considered in addition to the real life of the couple, through the program, for Everyone showed the side of Chen Hao's life.

What do you like to eat, what do you like to do at home, what games do you like to drink, what fruits do you like to eat, what is the difference between him in private and him in the spotlight ...

Every face that is not displayed as a star is the harvest of the show. An interview must be sent to a cheque without filling in any numbers. Our show cost 30 million and a commission of advertising revenue, which is really worth it. Now, even if one day shows a state of Chen Hao's life, it can be edited into a special feature without losing an interview and given to all Haomen fans.

Deng Chao failed and was recognized by Xiaodi. It can't be said that she has been watching and listening in all directions. It is because she needs to face too many paparazzi in her life. People pay more attention. Although Deng Chao made a disguise, he still dared not to oppose the sight of the three women, and sometimes he hid deliberately.

Dinner will be provided by Mr. Deng. He has something done in the afternoon. When he cooks at noon, he prepares the ingredients for the evening. Facing the camera, Deng Chao opens the refrigerator and faces a frozen box of lamb inside. Beef slices.

"Eat a hot pot at night!" He grinned, looking smart.

A rare and relaxing holiday, I really enjoyed it in the afternoon. Six people are not homes. As an artist, I am busy with work every year. It is rare that two people stay together without being disturbed by the outside world, lying comfortably and eating. Enjoying it.

Chen Jianbin's mission was declared a failure at noon, he could not sleep all day, and had to accept some innocuous physical labor punishment. In the afternoon, there was a picture of the three houses, all of them were watching movies on the sofa, and they all put some food on them. The lethality of the snacks is great. The three of them would rather eat a little. I consume it with a large amount of exercise, and I do n’t want to deduct my taste .

The difference is that the works watched on the three televisions are different.

Just lazily shrink on the sofa, lie down and sleep when you are tired. If you are an outsider, you will find this life boring. If you have such an opportunity, you might as well go for a romantic, or enjoy the nature outside Beautiful, why not go fishing, why not go for a picnic on the grass, why not take a look at the beautiful scenery nearby?

Romance, this is already very very romantic. I can feel the temperature of each other and enjoy the afternoon sun together. I can rely on you to eat some snacks and watch the favorite TV shows or TV shows ~ www.NovelMTL .com ~ This kind of life may not be able to ask for a day a year ago. You do n’t need to answer the phone for urgent matters. You do n’t need to discuss your work. You can completely empty yourself. At most, you add a specific task assigned by the program group. For the three of them, it is really the most special kind of holiday, a holiday that can make money and has logistical guarantee.


"Forrest Gump" was released in North America, with a total box office of 490 million. It is still being released in China, and it is not uncommon for good films to extend the release cycle.

Compared with "Redemption of Shawshank", the North American box office is only 220 million. If you have to break your own record, you can do it. If you don't, you don't think it is necessary.

Domestically, it is not as crazy as "Shawshank's Redemption". The 6 billion box office is like a cricket. Although "Forrest Gump" is full of vitality, it also entered a weak period at the box office after 3 billion. Some people say that this Chen Hao's idea is very simple. He already thinks that these box office are too much. The American label on "Forrest Gump" is more strong. The influence of this label is already comparable to that of A-Gump. People, so in the country, three billion have far exceeded expectations.

"Into the Division" is still in hot discussion, experts from various fields began to come out, their opinions and videos can not be said to be mixed reputation, but to express their opinions, exaggerated will pay attention to leave space for themselves, and disapproval will also give Leave the way for yourself, and the box office continues to grow in hot discussions and word of mouth.

It also set a small record. All films are the main box office of the first two weekends, but its box office trend is the most important box office in the first two weekends, which is nine to ten days. To 50% of the total box office, it is still being released, depending on how much the ratio will drop in the end.

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