Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1152: Just need to wait

Xiangjiang XX newspaper: "The" Into the Division "madly collected 100 million box office in five days, creating a miracle of the Xiangjiang film box office, and the history is just around the corner."

Xiangjiang Entertainment Weekly: "Chen Hao used" Into the Division "to tell everyone what a real horror movie is. Without any of the commonly used horror movies, it can make every audience coming out of the cinema cold."

Treasure Island XX newspaper: "Five days at the box office over 500 million (Treasure Island currency), Treasure Island fans have begun to celebrate this movie in advance."

Treasure Island X Weekly: "Chen Hao told the world with a purely Chinese-made product that he can shoot" Xiao Shenke's Redemption "and" Forrest Gump ", and he can also shoot" Entry Division ", comparing the first two. With a little warmth in the cold, "Into the Master" presents a completely different style, interpreting humanity in a completely new way ... "

An entertainment weekly magazine in the small island country: "The" Into the Division "has a very obvious island-like color. Chen Hao gathered the best of the hundred to create a new genre. Many of our directors praised the" Into the Division "and claimed that Kurosawa The Ming era is back, but this time the opener is Chen Hao from Huaxia. "

Allows a foreign entertainment news carrier to compare itself to the great filmmaker and treat you as the founder of their recognized film genre. The success of Chen Hao no longer needs any words of praise, even the one who is always looking for ways to transform Huaxia Historical celebrities have become a country of their national descent. This time, they are also dying. They no longer want to go horse racing. Chen Hao's popularity is no longer dependent on the media. Haomen ’s huge fan base is spread all over the world, in Asia. It has reached a terrifying situation, unless you are in an underdeveloped area like the X triangle or some poor areas in Africa, otherwise you must have a large number of Haomen fans around you, friends and relatives around you One of them must be Haomen's iron powder. You don't need to speculate maliciously. If you go to discuss the consequences of Chen Hao, when people around you usually chat and talk, you have already passed an inevitable fact to your brain-- Don't criticize our boss, or my friends won't do it.

More and more evaluations are no longer attracted by the media. There are more and more evaluations by people in the circle. It is known in the entertainment industry that the truth is not to say anything casually, you must be cautious, and sometimes a sentence is wrong for you. It may take years. The fame that comes from his efforts will soon vanish.

Everyone knows that the heat of the event is not as good as that of Mingzhe, rather than being strong. You can go to the heat of the event, but don't try to easily get the heat of the people. If you accidentally get dragged into the water.

Today, standing out and evaluating Chen Hao has become a fashion. You do n’t know him and evaluate him as a kind of online speech. At this time, fashion considers how familiar you are with him and what you say. Haomen fans will come to you around in a very unified mindset, making you feel like you are being hit by 'flow'.

Just a short time after the release of "Into the Division", there has been a saying in Xiangjiang, which has been recognized by the majority of audiences, and gradually spread throughout Asia.

"Climbing all the way aside for the time being," Redemption by Shawshank "made Chen Hao a **** of war;" The Forrest Gump "made all the voices of doubt disappear, and this man was not a flash in the pan; when he entered the division Chen Hao told the world with his own works that he can control different styles of works just like the achievements in the music world. In the future, we do n’t need to question, we do n’t need to judge, we just have to wait. ”

From mixed reputations, Chen Hao's supporters began to use his portfolio to attack those who said his "Into the Division" was too cold.

Do n’t you say that the film is so cold-blooded and cruel, this is a film style. Did n’t you see that the island country said that Chen Hao created a new genre? You just noticed that the cold-blooded and cruel whole film was full of cold colors, didn't you find that this was a realistic style that really dared to hit the heart?

The real world is far more cruel than the picture described in the film. We just do n’t want to admit it. We always live in the beautiful world of fantasy, let alone those things hidden in dark corners, sunlight. What's going on? Several people in the world know that if you really want to make a documentary that is not cut out at the place where war is still going on, you know what is really cruel.

Of course, Chen Hao's method is not controllable by anyone. Otherwise, how can it be called a sectarian work. The whole film does not prove how big the truth and the world view. It only says one thing: "I think To protect my family, even if it is a deformed kind of warmth and harmony, as long as we think it is beautiful, our efforts are not wasted in our own, even if it has paid a huge price. "

The attackers seized this: "Is this film telling some people that, for what you care about, can you break the bottom line or even break the law? There must be a part in a film like yours, Haozi People are affected by you. Can you afford this responsibility? "

Chen Hao didn't want to explain. In the whole film, he has given the answer. The warmth of the abnormality is to pay more than punishment and trial. For several years, he lives in that dark world every day, every day. Life is suffering the pain caused by the secret, let alone the Chen Bin family is happy, their smiles are limited to that small home, do you really want to go to such a 'life'? ? The sunny and colorful life introduction at the beginning of the story did not start. Do you really think it is warm? If you think about the living conditions of everyone, you will not feel that happiness is what you want to pursue.

Huang Qiusheng is a very daring person. Whenever he speaks, he is basically on the cusp. Facing those doubts, he is outspoken in the interview: "I never think that a person with normal thinking ability People will be affected by a film and television work of someone who does not know in reality to change their lives. Even if fans who are crazy and obsessed with Chen Hao regard his word and behavior standard, this film really passed them on, Not to break the bottom line, but to stick to the bottom line. Only then can you live and talk about happiness. There are several people who are the Chen Bin family. We are just ordinary people. The film clearly tells us that their family spirit There are diseases in all aspects. Only those who really understand will be **** fans. Conversely, if **** fans understand Chen Hao's intentions, there will be no possibility of being affected by this film in a bad direction. "

If Lao Huang is not an actor who has been in the Xiangjiang River for many years, if it is not for his personality, everyone will have known it. He will definitely say, "This is the purchase of Huang Qiusheng by Chen Hao. These words are all written by the team around him." Right?

The words of Lao Huang have been recognized by a large number of people. It is very simple. If you clearly discern what the core idea of ​​a movie is, then you just need to look at it as an entertainment product. Do not say that movies will correspond to your life, your life, and your spiritual world.

Those who can understand and understand what Chen Hao wants to convey will nod secretly. Now it is no longer a time for you to be a good person and you can really harvest a lot of good people. A few decades ago, you depended on film and television. The book says that what is good and what is bad can still have a certain transmission effect. Now it is not that it has no effect. It is because the audience is too lazy to listen to you to explain the reason. Whenever it is said that anyone wants to talk to you, it is all I want to waver and refuse.

The movie you want to talk to the audience, the first thing you have to do is to make the audience interested in accepting you. After watching it, you will say good. Only in your movie can it be passed out and accepted.

Every day, you will see a large number of comments on Chen Hao's movies. Not only in Xiangjiang, from Huaxia to Asia, from Asia to the world, Chen Hao's film influence is far greater than the influence of songs, and mainstream media in some countries have begun to report on his films.

If there is only one "Enrollment Division", it is still difficult to overthrow those negative comments in terms of public opinion. The energy emitted by "The Redemption of Shawshank" and "The True Story of Forrest Gump" is too great. The movie tells wonderful stories and presents a colorful world to everyone through wonderful stories. As for whether you can see what I want to convey in this world, it is your freedom. If you do n’t want to bother with your mind ~ www.NovelMTL. com ~ Then experience it as an entertainment project and enjoy the movie viewing time of about two hours. If you like to see something in the movie, Chen Hao ’s movies will not only give you a single option. He won't even tell you what is right or wrong. The kernel he gave you must be a polyhedron, so you can choose what you appreciate from that angle.

The live broadcast watched by nearly 20 million people on the Internet in the Mainland, and the production of video concerts that exceeded 24 billion hours of video and video views was a trivial matter at the world level. It was just a group of Chinese viewers enjoying a happy event. The feast of audiovisual music brought to them by Chen Hao was envious and jealous. It was a bit jealous. Whoever told Chen Hao was born a Huaxia person, who called himself not a Huaxia person.

More and more discussions and analyses, as well as an in-depth interpretation and discussion of Chen Hao's works, have gradually formed a feeling of PK. Some close people around Chen Hao are joking in private, and your works have been regarded abroad. Treated by academic discussions, whoever develops a new way of interpretation will be immediately sought after by everyone.

Chen Hao is a very thick-skinned person, and relatively extroverted. He has heard enough praises for his success in the past few years. It is really amazing that he can maintain a calm attitude to face, but this time, He was really embarrassed with blushing. He was really resisted by various praises to face the media or enter public places. He wanted to find a place to avoid the limelight, which was getting worse and worse. It is really unbearable.

A show invitation that did n’t actually offer any hope at all. He promised so badly that the other party would not play anymore. It was really startled. You should know that calling this phone invitation with a scrutiny was totally inconceivable. Qingcai's phone call did not expect Chen Hao to agree.

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