Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1150: 1 city 1 place history

"I'm not afraid of anything. You're not afraid of anything. The real effect of fighting is not entirely based on computer technology special effects. The real splashing feeling, I hope it can be made by fixed-point blasting."

After fixing his makeup, Chen Hao entered the state of filming. Several literary plays here were entirely pediatrics, and there were a few memories in his youth when it was younger, which is even simpler.

This is a martial arts play, and it is also a rare show of Tiandao.

Jin Yong's novels are meticulous. Gu Long's novel is about artistic conception. When you come to Huang Yi, it is a kind of aura brought by the description of the surrounding environment, and then highlights a person's powerful momentum, even if it is a new trick, it also makes you feel particularly enjoyable when reading the text, but if the picture is shot It seems that the director is overwhelmed. The previous few Huang Yi works were brought to the screen, either the old-fashioned filming and playing, or the learning of the shooting methods of the fairy knights purely based on special effects.

"The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography" set the tone from the beginning, shooting all the way, they also go for as much detail pursuit as possible, a little more real match with special effects, it is not only the director who is a bit wrong Dare, the entire producer above asked the crew to pay attention. Do not be careful. There must be no shooting accidents. You must pay attention to the protective measures in Mr. Chen ’s shooting to ensure nothing is wrong.

Before the previous two shots, he was not very satisfied, and he could understand the thoughts of the producer and the crew, but in order to achieve the effect of the shot, he still requires equal treatment, and he must be more precise, and take the standard of his own film The part that comes out is higher than the previous Tang shooting requirements, which can also be regarded as a change brought to the crew by the filming.

From literary to martial arts, Chen Hao let everyone in the crew know what professionalism is. If it wasn't for excellence, he would have finished the filming in three days, but in order to present a more professional and focused shooting state for everyone, he worked in each The details are checked in person, and repeated corrections are made for subtle details that cannot be called defects.

I have been shooting for four days. During these four days, he traveled to the scene every day, and there were only three people around him. This is no longer a rare thing. This has been the case in recent years. Don't look at three people. You can only see Qiuyu, and sometimes even Qiuyu ca n’t see him. He is busy answering the phone to handle work. Chen Gang and Kang Yan are always outside the shooting area within sight. For the rest of the time, Chen Hao is all there, and there is no rushing, no hand reaching out, no hand reaching for tea and handing fruit. Anything is resolved by himself. He arrives at the scene punctually and punctually every day. The time of leaving the scene is the same as most people. Today's filming is over. Except for some people who left to clean up the stalls, everyone 'off work' together.

Watching him play Song Que, from the director to the adapted screenwriter, to the actors and staff on the scene, everyone will have an idea, it is best to shoot an external biography, dedicated to the sky knife Song Que, whether it is a TV series or a movie , Guaranteed to be very exciting, provided that the actor must be Chen Hao. From literary to martial arts, in just a few days it was a benefit to others, and I learned too much. In the past, there were always some people who could not eat grapes and scolded us for not having the soil and ability to grow grapes. Now, one person not only ate the grapes, but also brought back the entire grape planting technology, and personally demonstrated it to you, so that everyone can see clearly The gap, the opportunity to learn in this way, anyone who has a little heart to pursue will not let go.

Chen Hao filmed Datang at Hengdian. After the news spread, there were more tourists on Hengdian on the third day. The crew also received entertainment from a dozen domestic film and television media in just a few hours after the news was revealed. The media call, I hope to be able to come to the crew to conduct an interview, so why everyone knows that even if the best results of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography", it is not as influential as Chen Hao alone.

By the day he left, the entire film and television city seemed to have been emptied. The filming location of the crew was in the surrounding attractions. These two days were always overcrowded, and it was due to preparations in advance, otherwise the basic security work would be can not do this.

He waved goodbye to everyone, got on the car and left. There were thousands of fans who drove all the way to the airport. After chasing to the airport, he discovered that he didn't see Haozi.

"No surprise, no surprise! Lele annual singing concert, airborne magic, look forward to your arrival!"

Chen Hao posted a publicity poster. At the front of the center is a bust of him. Sunny and Dongge, Keer and Lao Cai are in order from left to right, all the way to the far end of the poster.

Play a singing party. This is no longer an unfamiliar vocabulary. As a 'training base' in the performing arts circle today, there are now at least one-third of the number of talent variety selection variety shows, which are reserved for Lele and cannot Said to stay, Lele now has this capital, and can send large quantities of talents to various programs every year.

Good sound, we have a dozen good singing anchors here, and they also want to show themselves through your platform. Now it's your turn to choose them.

Comedians, not only do we have good talk show anchors here, we also have some jokes.

At the Wulin Conference, we have a lot of dancing anchors here. I recommend a few high-profile celebrities. Although you have to rely on celebrities to drive traffic, join one or two hot artists, and add one or two network newcomers. Give the audience some new faces.

Every year, Lele will have a large number of concerts. From the beginning to the end, it is basically not for the purpose of making money. The Lele company provides corresponding funds. The anchors participating in the concert will provide some resources and funds. Finally, the concert will be held. In the local area, some advertising costs are given, and the appeal of some anchors can also bring a small part of the ticket revenue. Although it is better than nothing, with the efforts of many parties, the Lele Company has won the industry reputation as the final result. Each year, three levels of small, medium and large play singing sessions are always held, resulting in a certain good cycle.

Chen Hao is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated ones. He can understand and be accustomed to it without everyone participating. Suddenly, there is a play party held the day after tomorrow. He also participated in the propaganda and said that he would be the scene. The appearance of the host has caused Haomen fans across the country and throughout Asia to fall into ecstasy. From the release of this news, there has been a big show on Lele ’s official website and all the live broadcast rooms that are currently broadcasting. Bulk tourists ask about ticket purchases.

After half an hour, Lele official opened the real-name ticket sales channel on the top page of the official website. Everyone must buy the real-name ticket to enter the venue. Trouble and trouble were avoided, and the appearance of the ox was avoided. In several places in Modu At the same time, the offline offline ticket purchase window is also implemented. Real-name ticket purchase is also implemented. When entering the venue, the identity verification method is strictly implemented. Trouble is the trouble, just to give the best opportunity to the real Admission viewers.


The two major bosses of Lele Company, Chun Chun and Lang Kuan, gave Chen Hao the business president at the hotel. What they eat is not important. It is the purpose to sit together and have a certain time to talk.

Brother Tian also flew over from Yanjing, and there were two other members of the old Lele Super Grand Guild. Six people were sitting at the table. The others were not even qualified to sit down. This specification also raised Chen Hao Very high position.

Stage fright?

It does n’t exist. It ’s only now that Chen Hao knows what the real reason for this is is n’t stage fright? Experiencing big scenes and contacting many big people is only one aspect. The most important thing is to be firm.

At the level of one billion assets, Chen Hao didn't realize it at first. He didn't realize it until he met him. You are always the chairman. You ca n’t wipe out my assets. I want to live by myself. The hard work and the capital you have now can already be obtained. How many billions of billions of dollars are you still self-produced? Our way of living and quality of life will not be different because of this wealth difference.

What Chen Hao has produced is a recognition that I am no worse than you. Since this is not necessary, I do n’t need to say that I see you guys to be stage frightened, sit down calmly, say hello, and openly speak: I promised to participate in a singing concert, and I've been busy. Finally, I didn't make a good appointment, otherwise I would have no face to eat the meal of Mr. Duan and Mr. Lang. "

The company's shareholder and company executive vice president Lang Kuan laughed: "Then our meal is worth ~ ~ See, this piece of okra, total section, worth tens of thousands."

The joke not only raised Chen Hao's worth, but also reminded everyone of a deep memory picture of the spring evening. Duan Chun nodded, and picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks: "On this piece of fish, there is no one hundred thousand, you have no chance to smell it."

Everyone also made fun, and took out the conversation between Uncle Benshan and the herd in the spring evening, making a noise, and changing the atmosphere on the dining table from a simple business meal to a relaxed chat with friends.

"I can drink it for tens of thousands of times in one bite." Brother Tian took a sip of soup. Everyone actually has a mentality similar to Chen Hao. We don't have anything to ask you, let alone I need to be in front of you. Speak low-key, be casual, and focus on your mood.

Chen Hao raised his glass: "I am not good at drinking, and I also refuse to drink. I originally planned to drink a glass. Forget it, I punished myself for this first glass. Please forgive me."

It was a small wine cup with a few dollars. He drank it, and summed up the atmosphere that everyone was very good at provoking.

"Then we accompany one."

Duan Chun suggested that everyone had a drink together, and he waved his hand to the service staff who stood behind to prepare for the service: "We can do it by ourselves, and don't tell you not to come in."

Why the best atmosphere for drinking, eating and chatting is the barbecue skewer shop. What is needed is an atmosphere where everyone does not have to be relaxed and relaxed. Standing behind a waiter, there is no feeling of high-end or high-end. The good atmosphere is also lost.

"Two cups are not enough. President Meng, we must first congratulate the sales of" Into the Division "on Xiangjiang and Treasure Island. Each of the two places has exceeded 100 million yuan. Your movie is to break the rhythm of the box office film history in both places. But it's going to be history in these two places, Haozi, don't you have a drink with me? "

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