Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1143: Exciting opening

There are many people who like to pursue stimuli. The external movement is similar to the stimulus like bungee jumping. The inner reading books and movies are seeking psychological stimulation.

The trailer for "Into the Division" is very exciting. It can be very powerful without following the previous routine. How exciting the movie will be. Audiences who like it are already waiting to see. Buy a ticket and think about watching it at midnight. At the premiere, if the story is exciting enough, it will definitely bring you the craziest hormone release.

Wang Gengxin and Cai Ruping are a middle-aged couple. They have been married for nearly two decades. They have been loving forever. The children have just been admitted to college. They have a stable job and a stable income. They belong to that elite class in Baodao. Maintaining a state of wealth and leisure, I never thought of being rich and rich, but the two of us like the colorful life and use our limited life to enjoy an unlimited life.

They like travelling, sports, and excitement. The reason why they like Chen Hao is simple. He advocates sports and fitness, swimming is great, and parkour is great. Such young people meet their ‘aesthetic standards’.

The premiere of "Into the Division", Xiangjiang and Baodao are not synchronized with the United States, but on the same day, they are released at zero. The premiere tickets purchased by the couple, they are looking forward to this story, hoping to bring different exciting feelings, Today ’s film and television dramas are becoming more and more low-level, and the level of shooting is not enough. They always use the audience as timid to repeat some old routines. It ’s far worse than the brain holes in the novel. The film did not have much expectation. The movies they usually see are all kinds of horror movies. After watching the trailer for "Into the Division," they felt different flavors. The things in the eyes of Chen Hao and Xu Jinglei, Definitely more than the trailer shows.

The couple walked into the movie theater like many and many audiences. Perhaps Chen Hao ’s public exhortations played a role. Although many young people went into the movie theater together but did not see children and teenagers, everyone was willing to believe in Chen Hao. He said that this film will be cruel, so everyone believes what he said, except for those who are brave enough to prove that they are not afraid, many people still choose to wait a bit until the effect of the premiere is commented , Then go to choose a movie, make enough preparation in advance. There are also benefits to this, at least you don't have to grab the premiere tickets, and you can still buy tickets for good works every other day.

Wang Gengxin and Cai Ruping never boasted how high their appreciation level was, but they did not see this entertainment as too shallow. A cup of cola for one person matched the secretion of the clues in the body, and fries and popcorn were not bought. Now, they feel that the movies they choose will not be suitable for laughing and eating popcorn.

In Baodao, the madness of Xiangjiang and the mainland continued. After Xiangjiang and the mainland gradually calmed down, Baodao ’s star-chasing fever was still crazy. The words of Chen Hao ’s works were enough to support the first of all the movie theater screening halls. The theater was full.

There are many people, even in the environment where the lights are turned off, they will have a sense of security in heating each other, and watching horror movies will be a little scary.

The movie begins.

The color makes people feel that this is not a suspense horror film at all. The sun is shining and the background music is melodious. The hostess of the family starts a day of life. When they get up to the breakfast booth at the alley to buy breakfast, they must be carrying their own tableware.

The whole film starts in the morning of the family.

When the old man gets up, he opens the window to ventilate, allowing the overnight sediment in the home to convect the fresh air outside, placing tableware on the dining table, and then calling the granddaughter to get up to wash and prepare to eat and go to school. In addition to brushing his teeth and washing his face in the morning, the old man will never The public toilet was occupied for one second, all for the young granddaughter.

The male owner got up, went into the bathroom in the bedroom, took a shower, finished washing in the process, wiped out, dressed in pajamas and trousers, and walked out of the room for breakfast.

Two people at home serve the other two.

When the time was up, the little granddaughter hurriedly ran out of the house carrying a schoolbag. There were already children on the street outside the yard waiting for her to go to school. After the host had eaten, he held a cup of hot milk and sat in the living room. Looking at the newspaper on the sofa, leaning back, with Erlang's legs tilted, there was no intention of rushing to work.

The old man went to the granddaughter's room and folded the quilt.

In the master bedroom, the hostess folded the quilt to clean up the entire room, and then placed the clothes that her husband was going to work today, one by one, and the coat and trousers hanging at the door were put by her into the courtyard. Inside the washing machine in the greenhouse.

The time flow of the film began to accelerate. The male character Chen Bin is a highly skilled entrant. Although it is in the suburbs of large cities, there are still many businessmen who take the initiative to visit the house. Occasionally, there is a courier service to the city. The big funeral home to help the dead do the final make-up makeup, each time the fees are expensive, as long as there are two or three a month, basically his income can reach the middle and upper class in the street.

Every day in the past, the old man spends his old age happily at home. Everyone says that she is a rare son, daughter-in-law and filial piety. She only needs to give a little labor to what she likes to do every day. Daughter-in-law didn't need her to intervene.

Small streets, bungalows, and the Chen family courtyard are beautifully restored and the house is beautifully built. The home is the closest one to the small street in the entire alley. There are various sofas and chairs along the corner of the doorway. They are nearby during the day. The elderly or housewives would come to chat or play cards and chess. The daily life of the Chen family basically couldn't escape everyone's eyes.

Liu Miao loves spending money, but her husband earns a lot. They can take care of the whole family. How much do you spend? The old lady always has new clothes in the four seasons. The standard of food at home is also one of the best in the street. Yes, the Chen family is a very enviable family, with only those eyes in the dark, who will review the family from time to time. They don't think that the old lady sits at the gate of the courtyard every day. It ’s more, it seems to be Becoming a door god, guarding the family, and examining all the people around.

Chen Bin helped Police Officer Duan go to the city to restore the makeup of the dead body. The price is not high, but this will make him more or less a privileged capital in interpersonal relationships. It was a fugitive. During the hunt, there was a car accident, and the death was quite tragic. I returned to the funeral home in the afternoon, and finished a makeup session, took a shower, and the sunset sun shone into his office. He had a cup of coffee and was ready to come to work. A 'courier' job, he went overtime temporarily to make a stack of red banknotes.

Liu Miao went shopping to buy new clothes, bought very expensive things, and came home to cook on time and cook on time. No one in the family would question what she wanted to do, and no one would ask why she didn't wait for Chen Bin to come back for dinner.

Chen Bin took the money home, exchanged his wife's smile, and sat at the table eating hot leftovers. In the daily life of the four people in the family, it seems that only Liu Miao is talking alone, and everything else Everyone is just an answer. No matter what she says, everyone will not question it. Until entering the room, when Chen Bin suddenly painted his wife with a thick makeup, the picture did not use music or dark colors to emphasize the horror, and did not make up the makeup suddenly, but step by step, Taking everyone's breath to contain, staring at the film with all their attention, the unknown, a certain feeling of fear rose.

Then, it was Chen Bin who completely overturned the behavior of primary and secondary relationships within the family as we all know.

In the bedroom, Liu Miao is a toy that Chen Bin can play with, including those who do disrespectful behaviors. She still only cooperates instead of resisting, not even frowning.

Suddenly, all the character settings collapsed, and the whole film started from here and turned to the direction that really belongs to it, instead of the warm family before.

In Liu Miao's mobile phone, there is a special record in the memo, and she occasionally takes it out to look at it.

"Don't go to the old Zhang's house at the end of the street to buy meat."

"Don't go to Riyueming Supermarket to buy cigarettes."

"Don't walk in the back alley."

"Don't contact xx, xx, **** ~ ~ She doesn't quite understand what these mean, but she is the mother-in-law who never speaks a bit, and gives it solemnly in front of her husband Chen Bin told her to remember the contents of a piece of paper. Don't believe it, she recorded it in her mobile memo.

Curiosity is a way of expressing desire that everyone can't control. Liu Miao occasionally can't help but curiosity. In these homes and these people's 'passing', she will secretly observe how these people are different. As a result, once she saw the widow horse in the back lane smiling at herself. The close eye to eye, the smile, and the things revealed in her eyes made her think of her husband in the bedroom. Here occasionally becomes a different husband.

Each pit started to appear, and the audience began to speculate. Until now, they have not deliberately used some routines to shoot. The seemingly straightforward plot, but it has aroused everyone's deep curiosity.

Wang Gengxin and Cai Ruping touched each other while holding the Coca-Cola Cup. Although they were in the dark, the couple's eyes were right. This film is interesting. It seems to be as plain as water but has its unique layout. In the plot, they started to have deep expectations.

Ten minutes later, the plot suddenly picked up. In the funeral home, the murderer came. The first unlucky person was not Chen Bin, but Yu Hewei, who played the curator. The two murderers were Li Yixiang and Zhang. Li plays, I believe that all mainland audiences will immediately think of the classic police bandit "Conquest" when they see them.

It ’s just that they are far more mature than their acting skills at that time. When they play, they do n’t need any words or pictures. They stand there and stand in front of Hewei to give the audience a sense of understanding. It's better not to do anything.

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