Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1134: It should be returned to him

The crew of the crew is the same as all the audience. Since the filming of this film was completed, they have also seen the final version of the film for the first time. Sitting here today, they also became an audience, and tasted it from beginning to end. The energy that this film brings.

After ten seconds, Chen Hao slowly stood up, and the crew members around him began to stand up with him, walked to the front of the big screen, and bowed to the audience of nearly 400 invited guests. Thank you for your coming.

Here, we have not arranged any links, no cameras, no interviews, and no one will ask you how you feel about watching the movie. Now all you need to do is leave our screening room under our attention, and go out to exercise your professionalism. People right now.

Film reviews?

Post a long film review?

Write news material?

Go for an interview with the outside media?

Go spit?

Or, aftertaste.

After seeing the ultimate version, Chen Hao felt that the most suitable way is to let everyone slowly taste it. This is a movie that does not require you to evaluate with words. It is good, it is bad, it is successful. The failure is not to be judged. Everyone who has watched this film will have his own cognition. There is no need to learn anything from the film, but at least there is his own judgment on the existence value of the film. Perhaps, the child Take a look. Perhaps, the collar has some decadent husbands who have no confidence in the future of the work. Maybe the collar's elderly elders are entangled with them.

Forrest is a spirit.

Jon is a film critic from New York. He has won a lot of audiences with sharp entry points and sharp and accurate views. His article film reviews have a fixed audience, and the number is small but most of them are The elite, Jon will not comment on general commercial films at all. He and the audience who like his comment point out that it is a blasphemy to the profession of film critics. It is better not to be hot than to be hot. During the year, he was silent for a long time, and he did not want to waste his energy to evaluate some movies that he found to have no artistic value in his eyes.

He accepted Chen Hao ’s invitation, and he always behaved very calmly. When others were restless and felt that this film was a failure, he would still praise the opening feather in his heart. Such a shooting method was for him. It is a happy feeling. After watching the whole film, he also has no excitement.

Outside the screening room, the media from New York saw him and recognized him, and came to him to interview him for the first time. "Jon, what do you think of Ouse's new film?"

Jon paused for a moment, and in the past he would not speak easily, but this film has already planted a seed in his heart. He believes that it will take root and germinate, so I do n’t need to go back and remember it. Fancai spoke.

"I like this movie. I don't think it should be judged by what kind of movie it is. It is not" Shawshank's Redemption ". It does not even give you great cognition even from the perspective of the movie. But when you have seen it, there will be a kind of silent touch. I do n’t want to go into the cinema right away and watch it again. I will definitely walk into the cinema a second time and be moved again. I will collect it in the future. A CD of this movie, I need the highest quality, and from time to time I will take it out and watch it again. "

Mary is the host of a movie show. She was also invited to come today. I have seen it. She did not try to interview the crew ’s creators on the spot. Like all the movie viewers, she is a Ordinary audience, when she walked out of the screening room and was interviewed, she thought about "I can't find accurate words to describe this film. Maybe it won't create crazy box office results, but I dare say that it will definitely It has its own place in the history of film. In addition, ouse's performance is so wonderful. He is the best actor in my heart. "

Many people were interviewed in the waiting halls of various cinemas. The films produced by Chen Hao are worth waiting for interviews in cinemas in major cities across the United States. When the news came out the next day, everyone discovered that Most of the interviewees did not use relatively accurate words to describe this film, nor did they put any color on the film. Everyone actually had their own evaluation after watching this film, just when When they are interviewed, they may feel that their internal evaluation may be too simple and superficial. How to define the film in the end seems to easily say that it is blasphemy.

In the end, a sentence became famous, and it became the sentence that everyone feels most appropriate to respond to media interviews. "Go into the cinema yourself to see it, I believe you will have your own evaluation."

Everyone who is asked by friends about how good this film is, will say something similar. A film critic like Jon, if asked if this film looks good, he will answer you, "This is a A movie worth watching when you walk into the cinema, you can take popcorn and cola to watch a relaxing movie, you can also watch with a bit of grudge, but when you walk out of the cinema, I believe you I will feel the same as me-do n’t judge it, it ’s too tiring, I watched a movie worth watching and a good movie, okay, I do n’t want to analyze it plot by plot, it ’s probably the biggest thing about it Blasphemy. "

Outside of the North American market, the European market is hot, the South American market is hot, and Africa ’s only broadcast area and Asia are actually flat, especially the Asian fans who have super hopes for this film. They do n’t understand. Isn't this film an inspirational film? At best, Chen Hao used very good special effects technology to put A-Gump into the historical events. Is there anything else?

This is not a family-friendly movie we are familiar with.

This is not the kind of in-depth art film we want.

We all don't know how to define this film. I would like to say that the good part of this film seems to be nothing to praise except Chen Hao's acting burst.

Ordinary viewers do n’t go to see the media in North America and Europe and how viewers evaluate this film. When they feel they do n’t understand, what they can do is go to Douban or some similar scoring websites on the Internet and give this movie How many points were scored, and how did the film critics interpret the film? It doesn't matter if we don't understand, we can confuse others' reviews.

In the eyes of professionals, the evaluation of "Forrest Gump" is the same all over the world. Generally speaking, some words are used to define this film. It is not inaccurate, but it is too sloppy. This film seems to be tasteless. In the overall big story advancement, every detail reveals its strength.

They feel that all of this is the director's expertise, and their eyes are Chen Hao's peak as a director. When everything returns to normal, he can still have such a level. Next year's Oscar, the little director who owes him the best director. .

It should be returned to him.

When more and more film critics said that this is not a film that should be simply defined or evaluated, those who felt they did not understand the film suddenly realized that it was not because they could not understand it, but they should not Interpret this movie in a conventional way, without having to define whether it is good or bad, what is your feeling after seeing it yourself? Is it comfortable? Is it relaxing? Is there a glimmer of hope for the future? I still feel that all this is just a tower in the air, just like Hamlet. I don't believe that people who have such people, nor do people think that people like A-Gump will succeed in real life. Maybe this film is really good. It is because in the film, the success of A-Gump has never been taken as the focus. Because of this, let those who do n’t believe ~ ~ When watching a movie in the cinema, it will not produce the imagination. feel.

In North America, the box office on a single day is 15 million. According to Chen Hao's previous level, this is low. If the first weekend of a movie is a box office blowout, then "Forrest Gump" is in The box office in North America is at best 60 million to 70 million. In terms of investment in this film, it was a success. However, if Chen Hao's label is attached, it will undoubtedly be lost, and it will be a miserable loss.

Those at the box office were attacked by many people when they came up. These people take pride in watching art films. They think it is too cliché to discuss such things at the box office. According to their ideas, the film "The True Story of Forrest Gump" It should be broadcast on the art theater line, and should not enter the mainstream theater line for screening, which is a blasphemy to this film.

The box office in China is okay, 80 million. Some brainless black guys came up, they criticized Chen Hao's film as a deceptive work and deceived the audience's expectations. Look, except for the online pre-purchase of tickets, the premiere starting at noon is crazy, After that, the attendance rate has dropped significantly. If there are not many fans who have booked a few games in advance, it may be that prime time at night, the attendance rate will fall below 60%. If so, it will take a day or two, even in this case. In a non-crazy schedule, the schedule of "Forrest Gump" will also decline. It is not in North China in Huaxia. Chen Hao's works almost directly accounted for 40 schedules of major theater lines. These 80 million box office, It definitely counts as Waterloo.

Chen Hao is not in a hurry, the company is in a hurry, thinking about finding someone to say something on the Internet, an article from a netizen can also be regarded as a slightly spoiled version of the film review, which has caused a huge response on the Internet and was mad Reproduced.

"Do you understand A-Gump? Do you understand Haozi?"

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