Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1127: Performances that will never be rejected

Chen Hao stepped down, returned to the lounge under the support of Kang Yan and others, and appeared in the acting hall. In the corridor and staircase area that everyone is familiar with, it was already surrounded by people. When he came out, everything was screaming. Sounds and shouts, the media also gathered a lot, and Chen Hao came out shooting at various angles.


"Haozi, that's great!"

"Haozi, good job."

"Haozi, I love you!"

Chen Hao clenched his fists in both hands and thanked him for the praises around him. He also knew that he could not stay. When there were too many units and his emotions reached a state of excitement, the scene could easily lose control.

For a short distance, he did not choose to go back to the lounge. After entering for a while, it was still a traffic jam, so he chose to walk out of the court platform directly. Qiuyu squeezed in on the road and put a coat on his body. It was very cold outside Snow flakes fluttered in the air this night. There seems to be some self-consolation in the saying of Ruixue Zhaofengnian. Although the heavy snowfall on New Year's Eve cannot hide the children's enthusiasm for setting off firecrackers, it can make some people understand Ming There are concerns about the day after tomorrow.

The car was replaced, and a business minibus was replaced. After others got in, the car closed the door, and after making a circle around it, it quietly stopped at the right corner of the doorstep. Chen Hao did not wait A few minutes, when the family members got out of the car, the car started to the door again, Xiao Di was crowded out to board the car, and the car really left the court platform.

At this time, the New Year's bells ring in less than three minutes when the car is out. It is better to greet this moment together, even in the car, than in the car, in the car, on the street. Now, in the environment of heavy snow, watching the fireworks in the air is still not blocked, do not have a taste.

The broadcast in the car broadcasts the program of the Spring Festival Gala. This kind of celebration cannot be replaced by anything for the time being. Everyone is used to hearing the joy of the Spring Festival Gala in addition to the sound of Mahjong.

Everyone gradually pulled open the glass curtains that were drawn in the car. On such a night, the central section of Changan Street from the old court platform, from the West Third Ring Road to the East Third Ring Road, do n’t have a unique taste. This ancient city, will To truly bloom the taste of such an era to you.

During this time period, you will find that there are more reverse cars on the empty streets. Many young people start to choose such a night to have a unique romance. At this time, driving or walking, let this New Year's moment , Walking through the city with lovers, some people have even made such a choice for several years as a new ceremony to commemorate their love and their marriage. It does n’t need much wealth, as long as two people are together, even if it is to meet the snow, it is a joy. If it is driving, it feels great. It ’s like tens of minutes with the beloved person in this closed time. In the space, you can feel very happy to talk about anything.

The car didn't drive fast, and everyone was in a good state of mind. Everyone felt that it was a great opportunity to enjoy the night view of Yanjing. They even let the car move to the Houhai area for more than an hour. After the city gradually returned to quietness, the car returned home, leaving Qiuyu and Ashun, because of work, they could not be with their family this year, from Chen Hao to Xiao Di, and the elderly at home, gave them all The big red envelope, the former is a kind of fierce New Year that the boss treats the staff, the latter is a kind of care given by the elderly to their children.

Although it was close to two o'clock in the morning, everyone was very excited. Everywhere in the house the lights were lit. After changing clothes and washing hands, everyone started working together, boiled water in about ten minutes, and partly wrapped dumplings in the pot in fifteen minutes. For more than ten minutes, the table had been refilled, and several cold pieces complemented the hot dumplings. Two bottles of white wine and small wine cups were placed to dissipate most of the coolness carried in the body before and after running around.

Two fathers, sitting in the main seat, holding up wine glasses, two hours after the New Year's bell ringing, at 2 am on New Year's Day, leading the family to toast and celebrate the New Year together, hot dumplings, hot Although this is not an occasion to sit down and drink slowly, the atmosphere is here, and even Xiaodi drank a small cup.

The meal was fast, and the fight ended in less than thirty minutes. In these thirty minutes, it was counted as a New Year, and the New Year's Day was given a red envelope. Qiu Yu and Ashun didn't stay. After eating, everyone quickly packed the table together, and they took their luggage directly to the airport and rushed to the earliest flight to go home for the Chinese New Year.

A 200,000 New Year's red envelope, as the boss, Chen Hao and Xiao Di did enough fun. When they left, they also packed two gifts for the elderly to take home. From then on, they both gave Their assistants are on holiday until the seventh day of the new year. In the past few days, the two of them also refused all activities and performances and wanted to take a good rest.

I did n’t play cards at night, and it was almost three o'clock, and I was going to have a nap for a while. I would n’t sleep late in the morning. I would have to wake up early on New Year ’s Day. This traditional old people are willing to obey.

Chen Hao and Xiao Di didn't sleep, and neither of them went to watch the hundreds of thousands of hot comments that burst on the Internet. Chen Hao's program was not mentioned, it was definitely the most exciting Spring Festival Gala show in recent years. The era's joint singing has also been well received. The handsome and beautiful girls have good songs, and the Spring Festival Gala presents everyone with beautiful feelings. Can it be successful?

The two were lying in the quilt watching a movie, while holding their mobile phones to reply to the message of the New Year's greetings of their peers. They did not know when they fell asleep. The TV in the house was not turned off. It was already six when Chen Hao opened his eyes again. At half past, I woke up Xiaodi and went to the room over there. Everyone got up, and breakfast was ready. In the new year, we got up and had some porridge and some fried dumplings. Tohoku, using the method of video to celebrate the New Year and the camera effect of the TV set as a carrier, we together celebrate the New Year to the elderly and elders on both sides. For this reason, Xiao Di also specially painted light makeup, and everyone changed into new clothes.

After the collective New Year's greeting, it is a new year's greeting alone. Some people in Chen Hao and Xiao Di also need to make a special call to the New Year. This frustration, the time has reached 9 o'clock, the house gradually quiets down, and everyone goes to sleep.

A sudden ringing of the phone rang, and Chen Hao ’s private office mobile phone was turned off. For example, the second son Liu Dong or someone in the company also knew his more private phone number, but he would hardly call. What happened to the office? Phone, shutdown means that Chen Hao does not want to take a personal call now, and they will not call that more private phone number again?

The private phone number, as long as it rings, is either the closest relative or friend, or there is really something urgent.

"Jing Brother." Jing Tianlin called, and Chen Hao stood up and leaned on the bed.

"There is something urgent. The chief went to console the army yesterday and got feedback. Many fighters who have to keep their positions during the Chinese New Year, especially some small fighters, they also chase the stars, which are impractical and utopian for them. The head is serious. I hope that a team of sympathy can be formed. The distant places are organized by various places. We are around Yanjing. You are the first person named ... "


Just these two words are enough. It ’s not important what ’s hidden in merit and name, what this or that is not important. The important thing is that the olive green, including leaving from the court platform last night, is already midnight, and the armed police are on guard Even though the glass sentry box blocked the wind and snow outside, can you imagine how they feel when the fireworks and firecrackers are set off? Even a considerable part of the soldiers did not even see the Spring Festival Gala. They needed to watch the broadcast during the next holiday.

Live broadcast and rebroadcast ~ ~ Watching the Spring Festival Gala is totally two different feelings, the feeling of New Year is gone, it is just a literary performance.


"Knowing that your assistant is home, the company will arrange for someone to go there, and someone from the army will pick you up."

"Yes, the other phone will turn on and ask them to call and confirm with Kang."

Hanging up the phone, the time shows 11.45, Xiao Di said with a sleepy eye, "What's wrong?"

"Say condolences to the troops, are you interested?"

"Well, okay." Xiaodi opened his eyes completely, and approached Zhu Zhechi. He would always be in contact with people of any conviction, and the impact would be very great. Chen Hao is a man with high respect for soldiers. The subtle influence also affects the people around him, and in other things, even if it is human relations, he will refuse the New Year, but he has no reason to refuse.

The two got up to freshen up, and Chen Hao went to give Xiaodi a cup of coffee. He didn't need to do a few pull-ups, the muscles moved, and the mental head came along.


A unit's car was waiting outside the community on time. After the temporary assistant arranged by the company came over, he learned that Di Lierba would also accompany him, and his eyes glowed with excitement. He would not feel that it affected his New Year's rest. I only feel that this is an opportunity. Once Mr. Chen sees it, everyone knows that Qiu Yu is about to be promoted to an agent. The assistant's job is now Xiang Yan. He works with the boss for two years. He has a house and a car in Yanjing. Depositing money is a unimaginable job.

Kang Yan drove a car, and Xiao Di participated in the event and passed it through the company. Popular artists were welcomed. Of course, welcome. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, I arrived at the troops stationed around Yanjing. Here, but Not only Chen Hao and Xiao Di, but also artists in the army have long been here.

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