Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1125: Hard to look back

Xiaodi and Jiang Shuying, who came one by one, have already enjoyed each other. This is much more interesting than some boring sketch comics you saw during the rehearsal. You said that you can eat it when you star Chen, why do n’t you eat it? After playing, you have eaten half a box of dumplings. It ends early, isn't it that these people can't see them.

"You guys, it's just too arrogant." Chen Hao didn't move. He waved his hands randomly and threw away the chopsticks. I was too lazy to take care of you, and took another one, not to mention, it was not delicious. But if your mood is placed in the environment of Spring Festival Gala, it really has such a special taste.

As time progressed, it was getting closer to eight o'clock. The front and back of the studio hall became lively. Kang Yan went out to take a look. Chen Yuanping, Qiao Xinmei, and others had already entered the scene and sat in good positions. A little bit, the machine will not actively shoot this area, except for the long shot of the whole audience, they will hardly reach them.

In the lounge, the small fresh meats don't think they are qualified to come here for makeup and dressing. They are all prepared in advance. They can not squeeze outside, can blow air conditioners here, breathe the fresh air from the fresh air system, and abandon the outside. The kind of noise that can no longer calm down, it is really good for them to be able to take advantage of this treatment for the first Spring Festival Gala.

Although Qianer and Jiang Meiyan have low qualifications, they also climbed out of the anchor pile with Chen Hao. The earliest comrades who fought in the era of the online guild in the happy age, they have absolute qualifications. They sit in front of the makeup mirror and have a copy Dressing Tables.

The room was quite large, and it was almost filled at the moment. All the assistants had left the room to find a place to rest outside. Wechat news came over, even if the house was an artist besides the makeup stylist team. After the reporter, the house was still full again, and it felt a little crowded.

The Spring Festival Evening started on time, and the busiest night of the year was announced.

At about 8:30, someone started to visit Chen Hao in the lounge one after another, and the room became lively all of a sudden, and many people came to meet the four beautiful people. After talking, the time of 20:20 elapsed, basically in This circle hasn't been mixed for 20 years, and Chen Hao will not think that he has bowed his head and lost his identity when he comes to visit him. Some people didn't plan to come, but see that so many people have gone. If they do n’t go, they will Will it not be hated by Chen Haoji, will it make him feel that he does not respect him enough?

"Come on, don't send him here and there. Many people don't blame him. Don't offend people because of the so-called etiquette."

Although the lounge is always full, it is much better than the outside. The smell of box lunch and sweat outside, even the smell of various cosmetics and powder, cannot be covered. This mixed smell is very pungent. If you smell it for a long time, you may get used to it. People who just smell it will feel that they need to dodge backwards, and some people who are motion sick will feel a kind of vertigo similar to motion sickness.

The guests who came continuously made the time go very fast. It was 9:30. The ladies needed to change the clothes last time. The lounge was cleared. After the changeover, they had to take care of them. By Chen Hao It's not easy to clear the market. If the six big beauties flocked out, they might spend their makeup on sweating. Finally, Chen Hao had to pull a curtain in the lounge and change the costumes for the show. The girls who took the videos and photos have just prepared their mobile phones. Before they can take photos, others have put on their pants and shirts, and buttoned while walking out, "I know you are uneasy, and your conscience is greatly broken."

"It's better to be a man."

The six of them took more than two hours to prepare from top to bottom, and here at Chen Hao, from getting their hair to changing clothes to the last touch of stage makeup, they added up and down, less than twenty minutes.

The length of twenty minutes is not the key. It is the effect of people's twenty minutes. It is the Haomen boss with tens of millions of **** fans. There is Xiao Di, and with each other's accustomed to each other, you let them admit that the man in front of him is very handsome, very charming, and that is impossible to kill. The only thing that can be done is not to look at him intentionally. At this time, if anyone finds a ridicule topic and guarantees that they will be attacked by the enthusiastic group, this attacked and ridiculed object is undoubtedly only sitting on the sofa. The man.

When you focus on one thing, time always flies. This year's show is not too loud. The response on the scene is very intuitive. The audience in front of the TV sees warm applause as if the show is very popular. In fact, everyone outside of the courtesy received a flat response.

At 10:50, a concert show of songs from the era came together.

At half past ten, everyone except Chen Hao waited in the waiting area. The lounge suddenly became empty and he turned on the TV. Although he could see live singing less than a minute after going out, he chose to use a TV. After watching the program delayed for two minutes, the processed program was presented to hundreds of millions of viewers across the country. Okay, he can feel very intuitively and treat himself as an audience. Take a look at these dozen handsome guys The composition of the song's joint show is in line with the positioning of the Spring Festival Gala show you like.

Festive, cheerful, and familiar songs. Stars can win everyone ’s attention by brushing their faces. Dressing and dressing will give everyone a stylish and beautiful feel. It ’s not good to sing, but it can be said that they performed very well, close to the ten-minute program. The effect of the interaction in the field is also good. As an audience, Chen Hao is also willing to let go of his hands at this time and focus on TV to watch their performance.

"Mr. Chen, please prepare, and we will be waiting for you soon."

This is the first time, the director of the Spring Festival Gala gave him the treatment of a super big coffee, completely considering your big-name temper, it doesn't matter if you want to come out early, we will remind you again.

Chen Hao didn't step on the point and saw Xiao Di and others coming in in a row. He gave them a thumbs up "being great."

As soon as he went out, the six members of Xiaodi in the house immediately changed their clothes. Like many people, they would go to Taikou to see Chen Hao's performance today. Despite Xiaodi's 'disclosure', the song list he wanted to perform. It is no longer a secret that everyone is still willing to go and experience his performance on the spot. Starting from a cross talk show less than 20 minutes between the two shows, the scene is undergoing final debugging. Previously, it was a recording and singing live artist. For the mouth shape, I really sing now, and I have to adjust the whole feeling to the accompaniment sound and reverb sound that was finalized during Chen Hao's rehearsal.

Chen Hao came to the stage early. He was raised from the platform. He could still hear the lip-to-mouth battle of the two comic actors. He held the microphone and returned with his ears. What was he thinking at the moment.

After standing like this for five or six minutes, there was a court reporter near the lifting platform. He took the machine and took a photo of him for five or six minutes. Without changing his posture, they kept shooting until the voice of the host rang out. About twenty seconds after the countdown, Chen Hao looked up, a smile appeared on his face.

The opening of "hero" is the chorus part. The treble is very beautiful. The difficulty of singing is hardly felt by Chen Hao's interpretation. He doesn't really need to speak. As soon as he enters the stage, the scene is young. People are already boiling, maybe some of them are not his fans, but when he gradually creates various miracle records in the Chinese art scene, you have to like him, like him with respect, and give him a The respect the creators deserve.

It is still a familiar song. Although it is not as popular as the four songs of the handsome and beautiful group of the era of gathering together, the classics are all the same. The difficulty of singing is also there. The real singing voice heard by the audience is completely different from the counterpart. Yes, when the sound of the Spring Festival Evening Stage starts to be driven by people's voices ~ ~ You can feel the transmission of that real sound, not like the mouth shape, the release intensity of the sound is already debugged, play The recorded songs are delivered with smooth sound waves. Nowadays, the degree of people's fussiness increases with the requirement of appreciation.

It ’s getting more and more picky, and it ’s not easy to be satisfied. This also leads to a state. Once satisfied, the feedback given is stronger. Today ’s Chen Hao performance is like this. First of all, his fame predestined him. During the time period, a lot of people really took his debut time as the standard, started preparing dumplings, and began to focus on the TV instead of watching it when the TV was on.

The young people, regardless of the three or seventy two, found the feeling of watching the Spring Festival Gala in the early nineties and looking forward to the stars of Hong Kong and Taiwan in the early nineties. Many cousins ​​and cousins ​​have gathered together in the New Year. What are you talking about? Talking about stars is undoubtedly a very good topic. At this time, they are sitting closest to the TV, waiting for Chen Hao to perform with great expectations. As soon as he spoke, they were also willing to hum along, some **** female fans. , Will be thrilled across the TV.

The rhythm of the scene was not driven by the leader. It was completely spontaneous. The applause was accompanied by scattered applause. Before the Spring Festival Gala, the scene was required to have a certain quality. Everyone should not scream and arrogantly. These years, when the restraint changed After it became more and more worthless, when the Spring Festival Gala began to need some enthusiasm from the audience, it was because the audience could not find the kind of feeling that really wanted to shout from the heart. When the Spring Festival Gala began in the early 1980s, The audience in the picture, all laughed from the heart and laughed. It was really amused by the comics. Now, all you can see is polite applause. Even if the party is not over, a certain amount of audience will leave. Embarrassing situation.

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