Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1112: Good start

Some so-called emotion experts have analyzed it, why are fans not concerned about idols falling in love and getting married now?

The reason seems to be simple. It is not necessary to think too much, because the attitudes of people towards love and marriage now motivate everyone to pay less attention to this matter than in the past. In the final analysis, the value of the existence of that small book, along with the advancement of the era, began with the flash marriage, and has become less and less sacred in the eyes of most young people.

Taking off their jackets, Chen Hao and Xiao Di took a wedding photo of the two with a white T-shirt. In the photo, the two with the brightest smiles greeted the happy moment belonging to the two of them, and they have not yet stepped out of the marriage. In the registry, the news has already landed on the homepages of major websites as fast as possible. No website will have a homepage position at this time. There are no major international events and no major national events, except for some mainstream national-level news. Beyond the length of the page, all websites and media are willing to put this news first and let the audience know.

On Tencent, a news is directly pushed to all users. Today on your smartphone, there will always be a news app in your phone. As long as you have it, the push will appear, and you will see such a news with your phone.

"In the early morning of Singles' Day, Chen Hao and Dili Reba appeared in the marriage registration office of the Civil Affairs Bureau. On such a symbolic day, your male goddess and goddess officially delisted. What do you think?"

When the two came out from the inside, the reporter had arrived. Facing the enthusiasm of the two, they took out the marriage certificate, posed in a head-to-head posture, held the marriage certificate, and left all the media with the best News cover illustration.

No, it's not the best.

When the two of them walked around to the nanny's car, Chen Hao stood still and pulled Xiao Di to turn around. In front of many media reporters, he bowed his head gently to the woman who was already a legal wife. There was a kiss in the lips. This scene was faithfully recorded by the camera. Blessings and shouts of applause were heard throughout the hall. Chen Hao was also holding Xiao Di with a blush on his cheeks, bowing slightly to everyone, and thanked everyone before leaving the car.

The media released the cover of the photo with the news. Such a photo happened to coincide with the sunlight just obliquely from the height of 45 degrees on the oblique side, which happened to be on the side of Chen Hao, which made the whole photo not Require PS, aura with beautiful pictures innate, fully consistent with the promotional photos taken from a specific angle of the idol drama. Some fans of Haomen call this a kiss from the city. The woman in the photo is the same as the man.

Nowadays there is no portrait of perfect love, everyone will not go too far and hope so, blessings. Besides, this is only a registration. Perhaps there is something to be expected of, what kind of wedding Chen Hao can give his bride. The century weddings that have been taken out by the big celebrities in various performing arts circles. This time, it must be surpassed. With Chen Hao's financial resources and social circle, when the two of them went to the wedding, they could have any expectations beyond the imagination.

Another round has occupied the headlines of hot search for several days, everyone else has been numb, a new film premiered today, I was squeezed by this news without a picture, and then from the celebrities in various circles Ka's response fully reflects Chen Hao's current popularity.

Acquaintances, on the other hand, did not post Weibo. Those who knew it took the initiative to send a Weibo to @This news as a blessing. The entire entertainment circle is like a Solitaire. I know in my heart that the parties may not be visible or appreciated, but Unwilling to be the one who may be remembered intentionally and not blessed by others, but just moving your fingers, the benefits are also obvious. There is such a enthusiasm, how much can be controlled, and more or less.

The happiest is the parents on both sides, who have already arrived in Yanjing yesterday. Chen Hao and Xiao Di did not plan to celebrate with any outsiders. The car drove directly into the underground parking garage in the home. The family was happy together. To celebrate such a day, my sister-in-law, including my nephew, also came from the Northeast. Everyone and everyone had a lively lunch, and they were all very interested. They opened a few bottles of wine and the men picked up liquor. Wine glasses, the women held up wine glasses, and often toasted to celebrate.

In the heart of Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei, the son ’s marriage event has come to an end. They also feel that their goals in life are more than half full. The next thing is to wait for the grandson. When the old couple have nothing to do at home, let ’s see the child. If you think about it, you will unconsciously raise the corner of your mouth to smile.

In the minds of Xiaodi's parents, this paragraph initially felt that there was some unreliable romance. When it was correct, they were happier than anyone else. The daughter of her family could meet such a person from the inside to the outside. As for the girl, as a girl, this is really the kind of treatment that a winner in life can get.

Although appearing in public has made this matter a high-profile publicity, in the subsequent processing it was unusually low-key. Both of them planned to change the itinerary for a few days, and pushed out activities that could not be changed. , Completely disappeared from the sight of the media, spending time with my family playing cards and chatting at home, watching movies together when I was alone, or brewing some coffee, sitting on chairs in my room ~ www.NovelMTL. com ~ or reading a magazine, occasionally looking up and touching, just like the aroma of coffee in this room, full of happiness.

Xiaodi slept for three days in a row. If it wasn't for the in-laws in the house opposite her, she really wanted to find all the tiredness of these years on the pillows. Chen Hao went to the community to exercise every morning. When you come back to the swimming pool, you can see that Xiaodi, who sleeps alone, is definitely destroyed by a torrential rain on the bed. However, for two or three hours, people will sleep horizontally, and then the pillow position will be moved, and the quilt will be pressed on Underneath, either she was kicked to the ground. Every day, Chen Hao likes the process of getting her up. There are four people in her family there. Xiao Di ’s parents must explain to her in-laws how tired the daughter has been in the past few years. , Attracted the sympathy of the other side, will not think about her future daughter-in-law lazy, but will be distressed that she will leave the cooked porridge to noon every day.

"Well ..." When a little light appeared and the sound of shouting waking up appeared, Xiao Di always stayed awake and half awake, completely ignored the call from Chen Hao.

Pull it up, sleepy eyes blurred, look left and right, and fall down again.

Pulling it up again is coquettish, shaking your head to make yourself a Mei Chaofeng, and when you no longer touch her, you will fall down and continue to sleep.

Finally, hold it directly, hold it to the bathroom, let it sit on the washstand, wipe your face with a hot towel, then squeeze the toothpaste, pour the toothbrush water, and help adjust the bath water. At this time, Xiaodi will open. Eyes, brush your teeth.

For both of them, even if it is a romance that won't get bored every day, sometimes Di will sit on the jade bench in the bathroom and ask Chen Hao to help her wash her hair. After washing, she will also help her blow her head. In front of a loving couple, the husband threw a thrush to his wife in front of the mirror. Today, there are happy young couples blowing hair to the wife in front of the mirror.

Never underestimate the power of fingertips. Women are water, and men, even the hardest rocks, will be pierced by water droplets. As long as a woman uses her fingertips to the extreme, she will never hear arguments and quarrels. A piece of right and wrong that was completely wiped out in coquettishness and tenderness is not worthless.

There is the sound of a hair dryer when blowing the head, that is just a smile in the mirror. The fresh air system in the head room blows the air in the changing room. The curtains are opened and the light is flooded in the bedroom. Twenty or thirty minutes of facial care and light home makeup. At this time, men are by their side, watching her, chatting about topics that are actually not nutritional, or men watching news on their mobile phones, making some strange Fun new news, share it with the women around, this half-hour time is a daily routine for some women, time for beauty, but for happy lovers, that is their day The best start.

This feels like the feeling of my husband and wife cooking in the kitchen.

Wife is cooking ~ ~ Although the husband will not cook, he will still sit near the table or stay with his wife, even if you ca n’t help, just watching her silently is better than you Sitting in the living room watching TV and waiting for your wife to call you for a meal feels a hundred times better.

A happy time always feels short. Chen Hao will make it short. He will continue to extend his rest time willfully and continue to enjoy the happy time. He is not irresponsible for the work of the crew. He has this confidence. The better you can enjoy everything in life, the better you can get the job done.

"If you don't want to get up, don't get up. Just take another day off today."

On the scheduled working day, Xiao Di opened his mind, then the alarm clock sounded, and the person sat up. For a long time, he was still confused. Chen Hao pressed her again to let her continue to sleep. After he got up, he told the assistant that today's trip was cancelled. As my wife, she has this wayward capital.

On his side, the crew continued to work in the Lost City, and every detail was constantly checked. He was not a director, and other actors would be notified by someone who did not need to be in place. The rest were still No one thinks that the director can take a break if he doesn't come, and no one complains about why the director can't come.

The deputy director took everyone to prepare the shooting scene, re-examine it, and then re-assembled the previously scheduled shooting schedule and logistical assistance, and met to carry out the inspection. Those who had followed Chen Hao knew that once they entered the group At the beginning of filming, the director wanted more than just quality but efficiency. They are very clear that all the repetitive and serious work they do will not be done in vain. When these advantages are reflected in the shooting, the director will turn it into a solid material reward for everyone, which is equivalent to the work that everyone is doing in advance. I'm fighting for my bonus, so there will be complaints.

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