Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1108: Bland without temperature

The beginning of the story is very bland, the relationship between the characters is very simple, and the sense of rhythm of the whole story is also difficult to be simple. Like Chen Bin's people, it is two points a day.

In the script, the two directors Chen Xiaohao and Xu Jinglei, Chen Hao, wanted to make the picture clearly. A couple, not the image in each other's mirror, but the contrasting personality in each other's life.

When Chen Bin was confronted with a corpse at the scene of a car accident, his technology could give him a high salary. It only required one overtime hour and earned thousands of yuan. In the cold and dark room, he spent nearly ten hours with the dead body. His eyes expressed his emotions. He had not shaken at all. After work, he had to change his clothes, take a bath, and then stay in the cold. In the lounge next to the work room, make a cup of coffee, put on a piece of music, lean on the chair with your eyes closed, listen to two or three tunes, drink a cup of coffee, and go home.

The picture that made Xu Jinglei and Xiao Ganggan feel cold and cruel was this. After the first flattened narrative, the first complete story is the 'beauty' of the corpse at the scene of the accident. He made thousands of yuan here. His wife Liu Miao at home.

On his side from morning to eight in the evening.

From the perspective of the director, this shot must be interspersed in time and space. After all, there are no more shots on Chen Hao's side, but Liu Miao's side.

In the morning, after finishing the task of tidying up the home in the morning, Liu Miao was neatly dressed and met the neighbors to go to the city to go shopping together. The discussion was not about which brand has new clothes but yesterday's food prices. It's more expensive than today. It's also a bus.

Two shopping malls, one is a high-end brand shopping mall, and the other is a cheap shopping mall for mass consumption. In the former, Liu Miao spent thousands of yuan to buy a skirt, which attracted the envy of neighbors. Still, your husband makes more money. Look at my family. Far worse than your family, Chen Bin.

When she returned in the afternoon, Liu Miao bought high-end skirts, and she also bought necessities in the mass-consumer shopping mall with her neighbors. After coming back and getting out of the car, she bought the ingredients needed for dinner on the side street, returned home, and changed Drop your clothes.

The shawl with long hair, the good wife and mother, sat up quietly in the housework, did not say the same as the hostess, did not look down on the mother-in-law, everything is not pretended, it is a good wife and mother, but she will not walk into the elderly Cleaning her room, she would not ask her family what to eat tonight, and even at the time of meals, she did not need to solicit others' opinions.

At six o'clock, Chen Bin was still working overtime. His mother answered the phone and saw that her daughter-in-law was still having dinner at six o'clock. If she wanted to speak without opening, everyone would sit around the table to eat. Liu Miao would cook food for her mother-in-law. When asked about his son's homework, there was always a faint smile on his face.

After eating, the TV turned on, Liu Miao packed everything. After she finished, she sucked the fruit, put it on the coffee table, and sat on the sofa. At this time, the son got up and went to the room to do his homework. The mother-in-law would put the remote control on the sofa. On the coffee table.

Liu Miao took the remote control. What program she watched before had nothing to do with her. She pressed the button to find the TV series she liked to watch.

This is a day for this family. There is no grandness, no quarrels, no resistance to each other, everything has become the habit of each other in the passage of time, because I saw this scene, I saw some bits and pieces of this family life in the fragmentary plot. Only then did Xu Jinglei come and personally arrange everything according to her own habits. This family, except the old man's room, everything worked as she wanted.

The more bland, the more difficult it is to perform. When Xu Jinglei catches the role, she is very certain that Liu Miao will surpass all the roles she has played. There is not a lot of inner drama in the script for you to show. Incorporate into these seemingly short performances in parents.

In order to perform well, Xu Jinglei even took out Chen Hao's previous works and read it many times. Clown, Mr. Smith, Michael Schofield, Andy and even Charlotte, she discovered a very obvious feature of Chen Hao. Whether it's the film he directed or not, there is nothing superfluous in his performance, which refers to the time occupied by the film.

For some shots that require eye contact, even if it ’s a time-constrained carrier like a movie, the director will give you some close-ups for you to perform. In Chen Hao, there is almost no such setting, he will not have a place where there is a sudden two hundred percent performance, but all places will have a performance that exceeds the hundred percent. You must see his performance in full to know him Why it was successful.

Liu Miao watched TV, and her mother-in-law went to the gate of the courtyard to chat with the neighbors nearby. Everyone boasted that her daughter-in-law was married, and her mother-in-law also had a smile on her face, but the things deep in her eyes were not readable by others.

At eight thirty, Chen Bin returned home, and her mother-in-law did not chat with her neighbors. She entered the house with her son. As usual, Liu Miao would meet at the door, but he would not pick up his handbag or hang his clothes. When there are no outsiders, even outside pants, Chen Bin only took off at the door before entering the room.

Chen Bin walked to the kitchen, but Liu Miao didn't come forward. Chen Bin came into the kitchen and remembered. Oh, turned around, went to the door, opened the hanging handbag, and gave the income of today's special work to his wife. "There was a car accident today. From morning to now, family members have given a lot."

Liu Miao raised a smile, took the money and placed it on the kitchen table: "I'll give you a meal."

"Tell you, prices have gone up recently and beef is expensive."

"And the refrigerator at home is not working well. I told you several times and repair it."

"I went to the city today and bought you a set of pajamas. I'll try them later."

The head of the family just lowered his head, bent down, and ate leftovers at the corner of the dining table. When his wife said something, he said vaguely that he knew.

Only when he returned, Liu Miao at home would say something more and become a loving housewife. At the far end, the mother-in-law sitting on the sofa in the living room, stood up and walked towards her own. room.

"Mom, the hot water is ready for you." Liu Miao didn't look back. She didn't have long eyes behind her. Everything that happened didn't seem to need to be seen. The old lady responded and went into the kitchen and took a small insulation pot He got up and glanced at his son: "Slow down, Xiao Miao's beef is good today, eat more."

Chen Bin then looked up, glanced at her mother, and nodded.

After having dinner, I went to my son's room and took a look. The son pressed a book under the textbook, his eyes a little panicked.

I talked with my son for a few words of life and study, but Chen was all the same words every day. His puberty nodded but didn't say a word, so Chen Bin had to stand up and face the TV in the living room. I took a look at my wife who was cleaning up in the kitchen, went into my room, took a look at the new pajamas placed on the bedside, obviously took a bath before coming back, or went into the bathroom in the room, and rinsed again carefully. I changed into new pajamas when I came out.

Liu Miao also entered the room at this time, holding a few thousand dollars just in her hand, and put it in the drawer of the dressing table.

Washed, and then turned off the lights in the room. Only the bedside lights on the respective bedsides were on. Chen Bin was reading and she lay down on her side.

In the previous clip of the script, this rhythm flashes through daily life clips. According to the audience ’s perception, if you do n’t look at all these things today, you will start to feel frowning. I do n’t know what this movie is doing. .

Now it ’s time for Liu Miao to turn off the lights and go to bed.

Do not.

When Liu Miao raised her hand to prepare to turn off her bedside lamp, Chen Bin suddenly turned over, propped herself up, looked at his wife from top to bottom, raised her hand, pulled his wife's hand back, and then gently brushed Her hair was very careful and very gentle to help his wife arrange her hair, and then let her lie down and arrange her pajamas. Liu Miao wanted to say something, and Chen Bin's eyes changed. Put your finger near your mouth, compared to a boo gesture.

This is totally inconsistent with the normal state of the family. Isn't Liu Miao the king of the family? Isn't it what she said? Including the flash screen in the previous plot, obviously when Chen Bin is tired and wants to go home to sleep when she wants to do something, she must also do it on the top ~ ~ The image of Chen Bin is completely without any Honest man with the right to speak, what's wrong.

Suspense, this is a little suspense that attracts the audience to see it. With the stimulation of the next picture, this suspense has changed from a small suspense to a big suspense. Why do their husbands and wives get along like this? What is the story inside? ?

I saw that Chen Bin took out an iron box from under his bedside table and saw it for more than ten centimeters. After opening it, there was a set of makeup tools. He saw his expression as treasured, solemn and solemn. With these tools, Liu Miao painted an extremely delicate makeup. In the process, Liu Miao fully cooperated and there was no mood swing in his eyes. It seems that when the husband showed that expression, the status of the two came to a complete Transfer.

"Today, that customer is miserable?" When Chen Bin was about to finish, Liu Miao suddenly uttered such a sentence.

"Perfect, the same perfect." Chen Bin seemed to answer her, and seemed to be talking to herself. The whole person's mental state suddenly rose up, stood up on the bed, looked down, and thought perfection in his mouth.

The next action, kneeling on the bed, knees close to each other's shoulders, and the body forward, this action and the pajamas that have been thrown aside, although the design here in the script is that he grabbed the sheets with both hands and covered them. Nothing is described, but anyone who sees the script and sees the movie in the future knows what happened.

Liu Miao's face was masked by the good wife and motherly temperament with heavy makeup, and the cold thriller was revealed in the paleness. This is not makeup, this is also makeup, but this makeup is painted for the dead. The strength is reversed. With faint lights and small movements, the real curtain of the show was officially announced.

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