Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1105: Take over ‘that time’

"Haozi, you have to help your brother this time."

In less than half an hour, Jing Tianlin arrived at the company. It was such a sentence. When did you see him asking for help when you saw him?

It's not that he thinks asking for help is a shame. From a small self-esteem, what scared him was asking for the other person but didn't agree. From the side, it can be seen that he is a person with great control-desire-hope, does not like to do not have confidence Everything, everything is flat and stable, and then do it with full confidence, gambling is never a thing he likes, he thinks that the success obtained by fighting against the moment will inevitably be more inflated In the heart-desire-desire, at some point in the future, he encountered a failure and lost all at once.

Brother Tian wrote a letter before he came. Some relationship changes, everyone knows each other well, what was Chen Hao in the past? Younger brother might as well, younger brother and younger brother, and now when Jing Tianlin is doing something against him, he must first consider whether he can be sure of it, and there is no need to set up a battle to tell everyone that Chen Hao is now on the stage. In the subtle passage of time, it is only necessary to know each other.

It can also be said that in Jing Tianlin's mind, Chen Hao already had the qualification to reject him. He didn't want to be rejected, and hoped that things could be satisfied with each other, so he had a smooth first step.

"This year's Spring Festival Gala, the director is your sister-in-law's uncle."

There is no need to say the rest of the words, Zhuang Xueqing's uncle, Jing Tianlin personally came down and begged. This is not a matter of embarrassment in itself. Chen Hao has no reason to refuse, or if everyone has a good relationship in private I really have to invite many times through the official channel. After I made sure that my work schedule is not so busy, I have not participated in it for several years, and he has no reason to refuse. In this case, Jingtianlin two couples Adult love, help, these three words come out from Jing Tianlin's mouth, it is human love, but also a kind of relationship between allies or friends.

"it is good."


Chen Hao didn't cherish words like gold, but faced such a relationship for sure. Jing Tianlin didn't have to say any extra words. He patted the outside of his arm and laughed.

"I invite you to drink?" Chen Hao looked at the elder brother being interviewed in the far end, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Now?" Jing Tianlin looked along his eyes, his heart was clear, his friends pitted each other innocently, friends died dead, and friends smiled, "I invite you, let your sister-in-law go down in person." kitchen."

"My sister-in-law has cooked, can I still catch the dinner with my family on the evening of the thirtieth year of the New Year?" Chen Hao put on a sloppy expression. Without Uncle Benshan's Spring Festival Gala, who will come to the end of the game? What is the time period for making dumplings? Who will be the signal of that time node?

"Okay, not too far from your home. After the show, go home without delay." Jing Tianlin saw Tian Ge's sight sweeping over, pulling Chen Hao away from the scene, leaving a message to both of them Brother.

"Did I cross the river, did I have a song with this lyrics? I want to cry but I can't cry."

"Ha ha ha, come home to eat at night." Jing Tianlin did not explain.

"Brother, let the people from their magazine agency come to my office tomorrow morning, and I will stay for half an hour." Play and play, play and play, be regarded as a spice in life, and no serious matter will be really delayed.


In the early morning of the next day, the magazine came first. In more than 20 minutes, I interviewed four questions. How much can be left without questioning. With Chen Hao's current influence, financial magazines must also Considering the sales volume and network recognition, a Tian Ge is just a mall elite. With the embellishment and matching of Chen Hao, traffic can be recognized by the market. Today's society, even if it is a specialized niche product, has to lower its once noble head in the face of market demand. Without market recognition, there is only one road you can get in the future, which is slowly overwhelmed by historical floods.

People from the magazine just left, Zhai Yu, the director of the Spring Festival Gala director group, has been waiting in the reception room. Whether it is the director's identity or Zhuang Xueqing's identity, Chen Hao must stand up and welcome him quickly. At the door, there was the smile of the junior. Between the two identities, he had to clearly tell the other party which one he cared more about.

Humane and worldly, for many years in society, even stupid people know how to handle some things properly.

"Director Zhai, please come in, come in." As the title says, official business is also a kind of respect for his work. This seemingly useless science is the most important thing in interpersonal relationships. Heavy, he also slowly mastered it in constant experience.

No secretary is required to make tea. Chen Hao brews the tea himself. The secretary prepares ashtrays, cigarette boxes and small fruit trays. Chen Hao likes to prepare one or two small fruit trays during the meeting, which can pull the distance between each other. Recently, the atmosphere of the conversation is less formal and easier.

The chief director personally visited the door, and when he opened the door, he asked Chen Hao's requirements. Sincerity and attitude were in place.

"If you have any thoughts and requirements, you can mention them all as a family. I wo n’t say anything extra polite. Tentatively set at 11.20. I will give you about ten minutes of performance time. Eight minutes into the line, our idea is to start with your performance and attract the attention of all the audience. By the end of your performance, families are preparing to start dumplings and firecrackers to welcome the New Year. "

Chen Hao listened very carefully. At this time, it belonged to Uncle Benshan before, and it was Zhao Lirong before him. I don't remember when it started. The audience is no longer sitting around the TV watching the Spring Festival Gala, playing cards and chatting. Drinking, it seems that the sound of the Spring Festival Gala is the arrival of the New Year, but the content has been difficult to stimulate the audience. I still remember that when Hong Kong and Taiwan had a big name for the Spring Festival Gala performance, the media was in the Spring Festival Gala for a long time. Propaganda, young people are discussing with each other, they really are waiting in front of the TV and waiting for the emergence of big names. At that time, the Internet had not yet become mainstream. At that time, even mobile phones were new gadgets and entertainment news on TV. Reports and entertainment newspapers have become the only way for everyone to know about these stars in advance. Occasionally they are photographed for rehearsals or appear on the Spring Festival Gala, which are considered important news.

The Internet has entered millions of households, and from computers to smartphones. When all the information can be known at any time by moving your finger, the appearance rate of big names is no longer a rare occurrence. Locking the TV channels on the court is a habit, not a expectation anymore.

The eleventh-century time began to become a time period to awaken everyone's attention to the Spring Festival Gala. Uncle Benshan took over this important task. The time of the sketches moved back and forth, from 10.30 to 11.10, and 11.20. .

"Uncle Benshan's sketch is here!"

At this point in time, when the host introduced him, when the applause was no longer polite or led, the people playing Mahjong, playing cards, drinking and chatting, put down their "New Year's Eve love", Turning to the grand occasion that was only 20 or 30 years ago, the whole family waited in front of the TV, and the adults got together to start making dumplings, while watching dumplings while making dumplings, people were very powerful, and the dumpling filling was Okay, the dumpling noodles are good, seven or eight people, put them together, and watch and pack them for ten minutes, which is enough for the dumplings to be cooked in the morning.

At the end of the sketch, if the dumplings are not packed enough, continue to wrap them, then start to cook, then set the table, put some of the remaining cold dinner with some cold dishes, put them on the table, the children hold firecrackers Prepare to set off outside, wait until the dumplings come out of the pan, serve on the plate, and the firecrackers sound outside, this time is basically when the zero o'clock sounds.

The whole hour is a time period for everyone to retrieve the Spring Festival Gala memories again ~ ~ So in general, the programs in this period are either stars or nostalgic songs or popular songs and dances, so that everyone can enjoy the atmosphere When Uncle Benshan's sketch is dinner, when the corners are left, I don't even have a look at it.

In the past nine years or so, the hottest part of the Spring Festival Gala was once until one o'clock in the morning, but in recent years, it has basically ended within 12:30, which is basically the time when the family eats dumplings. This time Duan, even a man who drinks alcohol, is nothing more than a glass of wine or a bottle of wine, and then either sleep or continue playing cards.

After Uncle Benshan, no one can carry this banner. The most lively ‘program alarm clock’ is gone. Everyone ’s interest in the Spring Festival Gala is getting lower and lower. Every year they are shouting for innovation. Every year they are looking forward to warming up. Zhai Yu was called in danger this year, and it was almost time to start the preparatory meeting, and he was suddenly mentioned on the agenda. After he took over, the inherent patterns he wanted to break, but also knew that it was almost impossible to break with his own desires. , Not enough qualifications.

Was it gold-plated or continued to fail, Zhai Yu didn't want such an opportunity to dance on the blade, and finally hurt himself, so he spoke and asked for help from everyone in the family. Everyone worked hard to help him Chen Hao will be invited to the stage.

With such a helper like cheating, he is confident that he will do a good job in this year's Spring Festival Gala. He doesn't want to have a chance in the future. This time, the successful gold plating is the goal. How difficult the person is, he can't care anymore.

Knowing that inviting Chen Hao through personal relationships in advance requires a huge human relationship, Zhai Yu's bottom line is clear. I do not want to undermine the established rules of the Spring Festival Gala. Chen Hao will come, and everything will be based on the highest treatment that happened in the Spring Festival Gala.

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