Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1103: Once was, now is now

"Congratulations to the anchor for completing the daily tasks, promoting the Oriental Culture TV series" Lost "to the world, achieving unprecedented success, doubling the reward, rewarding the ability-genius screenwriter, and rewarding the lucky draw three times."

"Publish the daily tasks of the anchor, create a work independently and succeed, and the reward depends on the impact and achievements after success."

Very calmly facing the reward that seems to have been here. The second season of "Lost" is almost finished. This reward is a long time coming. Chen Hao has been calm in the face of being late and has enough Since then, a strong inner system has been established, and I do not feel that I need more ability to support growth. I will not tangle when I am not there. Although the rewards are happy, they are no longer as happy as before. mad.

The award-winning genius screenwriter just happened to use it, and the script creation of "Into the Division" reached the most critical time.

Three lucky turntables, reserved for the time being. After the lucky turntable came out, Chen Hao knew that in the future, there would be fewer rewards for 'capacity', and there would be more forms of sweepstakes. Whether it is a star or anchor, the ability that he has is enough to support all Maybe the system can't continue to give power anymore. If you give it again, it can only be supernatural.

Who dares to say that the future self will not really become a superhero-type strongman?

As for the new daily tasks, at a glance, I know that it is basically prepared for the "Into the Division", unless the play fails.

The rewards for daily tasks are opened on the way of Chen Hao and Xiao Di returning from 'South'. After doing a charitable activity in the 'South' country, they will return to the country as soon as possible. There is already exact news. When shooting, there was very professional security and there was always a 'South' army to cooperate with the shooting, so it was safe. This time, some people in the Jin-X-horns let go. It seems that some bold people want to do something shocking. They are not as good as the guys from the Middle East. They dare not face a country, but they still dare to face a big star.

At the first time, there were special security personnel from Canada. Many people were escorted from the ‘South’ side, and the plane was not sitting. They drove hundreds of kilometers into the southwestern border of China. Although everyone does n’t take the people there seriously, they are more attentive than they are, and now they ca n’t afford the news of Chen Hao ’s damage, especially the “South” side, directly mobilizing troops at the border. Movement near the line, don't look at Chen Hao as just an artist, but if he has three strengths and two weaknesses in his own territory, the impact will be incalculable, let alone further, this wave of tens of millions of charitable donations , Then don't think it can be implemented.

Xiao Di was a little nervous in the car. She had not experienced this kind of thing, her heartbeat accelerated a little, fearing that she might actually encounter some danger. Chen Hao comforted her several times and did not have a good effect. She would still ask from time to time. How long will it take to drive to our border crossing.

Chen Hao used Bluetooth to play one in the car's audio system, and used the atmosphere created by the sound to divert the attention of the girls around him. The effect was not bad. Listening to it really got absorbed, so time will change. It was fast, and several hours passed without knowing it, but a dozen episodes were barely the beginning and end of a big story. By the end of this story, the car had stopped and started to be inspected.

The ports on both sides have received news that the car carrying the two of them directly drove to the staff rest area of ​​the port, entered the territory of Huaxia directly, and went through various procedures and accepted normal inspections.

"Domestic air smells different."

Opening the window, Xiaodi returned to normal at this time, got out of the car, and walked around. Although nothing happened along the way, the tense atmosphere lingered on her side.

"Only after experiencing this will you know how proud and proud you are of a Chinese person."

Watching Xiao Di ’s arms embracing the blue sky and hugging the motherland in the daytime, Chen Hao laughed. The refusal of the helicopter to come and pick up was a rare opportunity. The remaining few hundred kilometers went to the big city airport. It should be a temporary trip, take a look at the customs of ethnic minorities belonging to the southwest border, and feel the beauty and food here.

The film "Forrest Gump" is finished. As usual, Chen Hao will take a vacation for himself. He also used this holiday to give the United States and the world a signal. Don't be afraid. I won't rush to produce "Forrest Gump". No It will be like "Shawshank's Redemption". It has to be released at the final stage of the awards season to grab the pictures that belong to you. One year earlier, the quality of the film has shrunk significantly. I did n’t mean it. There was competition. Only then will you have the motivation and pressure.

This is, of course, in your heart. Pulling such hatred is meaningless and does not get any benefits. It will not have any effect except to make you feel too arrogant.

He really didn't plan to get in a hurry. Regarding the special effects of A-Gump's integration into historical events, he hoped that he could keep improving, even if a faint image was shaken, he didn't want to appear. In many domestic dramas, in order to save costs, he drove the camera. It ’s all made in the later period, and you do n’t need to know anything. You can see it at a glance. Although it ’s harmless to the plot, but for more and more demanding audiences, you will feel that this kind of picture will affect them. Overall viewing experience.

From slow to fast, and then slow down, this is a process that successful film and television practitioners need to experience. Casually interacting with President Wang on the Internet a few times can allow the U.S. financial media to produce a special report, so prepared Attention, do you still need to worry about the weakening of popularity due to the long production period?

The entire team has returned to Yanjing from LA. Even the special effects team over there has followed this. Many people on the Internet cried out about the luxury car and rich life we ​​wanted because of a conversation with President Wang. Chen Hao would like to tell them that in order to live and work in the environment that I like to be familiar with, I have paid a lot of money for chartering planes, so that all post-production that could have been completed in LA have been moved to Yanjing. What about a rich life?

On the way to the airport, I will pass by the gathering place of two ethnic minorities, which can be regarded as half a scenic spot. Most of them are places that tourists will choose, and there are corresponding high-end hotel accommodations. For the mountainside hotel villa, Chen Hao wrapped a villa-type suite. The room comes with a separate mountainside pool. Like Sanya and many seaside resorts, this pool faces the suspended side without a 'border'. In the pool You can touch the sky on the suspended side by reaching out. You are only a few centimeters thick glass wall between the edge of the pool and the suspended area.

Drinking carefully prepared alcoholic beverages and high-grade fruit platter, Chen Hao also got a top Brazilian cigar from someone.

The blue sky and white clouds are so clear that you want to reach out and touch them. Chen Hao raised his arm from the pool and sat by the pool, looking at the blue sky and white clouds that are actually far away but feel close to you. In the hustle and bustle of the city, only the sound of birds, insects and wind blowing through the leaves and leaves in a peaceful environment.

"What do you want?" Xiaodi hugged Chen Hao from behind, his hands in a circle in front of him, and the man squatted down, his chin resting on his shoulder.

Smelling the faint aroma from her, Chen Haoran said, "Do you know? I used to think that if I could one day not have to worry about food and accommodation and expenses, then I would be able to travel freely across the country by car, then my Even if the goal of life is achieved. "

"Is it just the whole country?"

"Well, it's enough to be able to see all the mountains and rivers in China ~ ~ I can have a fixed income of more than 30,000 yuan per month. I will be a small anchor and live broadcast for two hours every night. I do n’t need to bind my body to work, but I also have enough time to fulfill my dreams. At that time, there is another person in love around me who will go to see the mountains and rivers of the motherland and taste the cuisines of different places. I really Never thought about what it would be like to be rich suddenly, this is already the best way of life I ever imagined. "

"I used to think that one day, I wouldn't have to work so hard, I would be free to choose my own work project, I could be with my beloved man, and I could be with my family. All the hard work and hard work before that were all No effort was spared. "

Looking at each other, we once felt that the best life we ​​have now is, and on top of this beauty, we can accompany us together to achieve the performance we once promised without high requirements.

Life is about being able to stay where you want to stay.

Chen Hao and Xiao Di didn't move anymore. They put the next few days here, swimming and swimming together lazily, going to the nearby tea garden to see the tea farmers picking tea, and eating a few snacks every day. On the last day, Xiao Di challenged a task that was almost impossible for her-bungee jumping. Between the mountains and the water, the height of tens of meters is far more exciting than the bungee jumping on the edge of the city. The delicious food at night is fried insects. And this rich protein, Xiao Di never dared to try. Before leaving on this last day, she also tried it. Despite the fear and fear of shifting features, she chewed and swallowed.

Chen Hao smiled and took her into her arms: "In the future, we will experience the strange side of the world to us."

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