Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1096: Is this money enough?

This gift is really affordable.

In the face of such an old-school elder, what can Chen Hao say, and what can the other party say about the elders ’undeniable reasons.

Zhang Qiyu has made a loyal listener, a teppanyaki cuisine, she can eat slowly, and then sit there quietly, listening to a few vulgar chats with a few men, she thinks in this state Chen Hao is very real. Wu Zhonghai in this state is very different. I ca n’t say that she is attracted to her, at least not annoying. I still have some interest. I hope I can get involved in this kind of life.

The phone vibrated the incoming call, apologized and smiled at the people present, stood up, walked aside with the phone, and connected: "Hey, Sister Dong Xue."

"Xiaoyu, what your sister told you, you didn't mention it to Chen Hao."

"Sister Dong Xue, Zhong Zhonghai said, as long as the other party does not take the initiative to find something, Chen Hao will not bully the weak."

"No, Xiaoyu, you don't know about this at all. Now the outside world is very fierce. If I can handle this, there will be a good opportunity in the company. Haomen's fans are too crazy, it is really difficult. Imagine, how could there be such a crazy thing, you know? Now there is a plan to change corners in Jedi, do you know how much this affects Megan Fox? Now the company is up and down It's ... "

Listening to what cousin Zhang Dongxue said on the phone, Zhang Qiyu frowned slightly.

"Where are you, light rain, I'll go to you, and I'm ashamed to see you, let me say."

"Don't, Dong Xue, what's going on here ..."

"It's San Sino, right? I'll be right there. Okay, that's it."

The phone hung up and Zhang Qiyu patted his head. Why did he talk about this restaurant while chatting on WeChat just now?

"What's wrong, what's going on?" Wu Zhonghai, don't look at the uneasy look on weekdays, really want to get things done, but he is a very reliable person, and feels that he can have deep contact with this Zhang Qiyu, that performance The state that came out changed completely.

In the future, whether you are a smart person or a stupid person will have a great impact on the quality of life in the future. You do n’t do it just for yourself. You Zhong Zhonghai will also keep an atmosphere of mutual concern and constant rise.

"My cousin is here. I know I'm here. I want to come over. I told her something's wrong here ..."

Wu Zhonghai waved her hand to prevent her from saying the following: "It's okay, we're fine, there are more people and more lively, I'll let people pick it up at the door, otherwise we can't enter."

Zhang Qiyu thought about it, shook his head solemnly, and Huang Zhonghai froze. He roughly guessed what was going on. He also believed that the woman in front of him would definitely pass on his words, and the other party would n’t know that Chen Hao would not make up the knife It seems that the other party is not convinced.

Wu Zhonghai is very satisfied with Zhang Qiyu's stance at this moment. If there is no lover who loves the world to death, he would rather find such a woman who can keep up with his own pace of thinking and know how to advance. To cultivate mutual feelings and tacit understanding.

"It's okay, let her in. Since it's here, always listen to what she says."

Do not make Zhang Qiyu difficult, it is considered that Zhong Zhonghai, as a man, must have the responsibility at this moment, but facing Chen Hao can only be an embarrassed stallholder.

Chanel's suits, Hermes bags, brand names all over the body are full of the aura that a successful and confident workplace elite should have, but this aura is immediately destroyed after entering the restaurant. Following those of the ancient Gudong, there are several It was all stained with blood. With a look in the past, Zhang Dongxue's confident workplace elite aura was not enough to look at. Before she came in, she was holding her head up, in a posture of being superior to her when she got the green card. Looking at people from all countries in the world, even if Chen Hao has achieved great results like this, she has made a lot of money. In her eyes, it is nothing more than a bun. In her perception, she is not in New York and Los Angeles in the United States. , You have nothing to do with the center of the world, and I am naturally more than one grade higher than you in the center of the world.

There is a benefit in the center of the world. It is that she will know what ca n’t be messed with and what must be counseled. When she meets these three people, she knows that she needs to lower her head in front of these people. Otherwise, her life will be gone. Where is the superior?

"If I were you, I wouldn't say anything today, sit down and eat with peace of mind." Zhang Qiyu had already drawn a line with this cousin who didn't have too much closeness except blood, but just hoped she would not continue to be stupid, Think about it or send her a message in the past.

After seeing the information in the phone, Zhang Dongxue lowered his eyes, and after a brief greeting, he sat there as a decoration of a vase. Of course, there are still some people who are basically polite to the scene, taking care of her eating, and looking for it from time to time Take one or two topics with her instead of looking at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, and for Zhang Qiyu's sake, a few people in Huang Zhonghai will not leave her alone.

At the end of a meal, Zhang Dongxue didn't speak, which made Zhang Qiyu's impression of her slightly changed.

"Mr. Chen, I hope you can do me a favor. You also know that Xiaoyu of our family will soon be engaged with Wu Zhonghai. The two will cooperate with each other to become allies in the future ..."

Chen Hao stood still, smiling, listening to Zhang Dongxue's elaboration for more than three minutes, listening very carefully.

"So, Mr. Chen, I hope you can persuade Haomen fans, which is also good for you. It is not the same in the United States as it is in Huaxia. I have heard that I have hired a law firm there, a dozen Lawyers are ready to sue online defamation, and you don't want your fans to suffer like this ... "

Chen Hao still smiled, glanced at Zhong Zhonghai, and secretly pressed his hands to signal that his hot-tempered grandfather did not get angry and watch the excitement.

A pair of eyes with Lang Zhonghai, two people with close tacit understanding, have already laughed in their hearts, both like to swim on the Internet, one was a host, one was a great hero who used to consume on the Internet, and he was clear about those things on the Internet It ’s very good, with a pair of eyes, and the message is transmitted successfully: "This is the self-righteous ivory tower girl that is often said on the Internet. The family is very good. From a young age, you can go abroad to study at a young age. Even after graduation, the work is the best. It is normal for the eye to be above the top, but between this eye and the top there is a self-only thinking mode that is completely different from the normal person's thinking. A few people who know the truth, others' thoughts are very lo, and only her thoughts are right and keep up with the times. "

I have n’t met before, from Zhuang Xueqing to Zhuang Wenwen, to a girl like Haihai who has been in contact for so many years. Do n’t look at each person's individuality, but they are all real smart people. It ’s the first time I have encountered such a person. Goods, I have previously thought that the type was fabricated by the Internet. Seeing it in real life, let alone say, it is very stimulating, and even the anger in the bottom of my heart is gone. If you are angry with such people, even if you are the ultimate The winner, when you look back, you will feel very boring. If you win, you will lose, and you can't afford to lose that person.

"and then?"

In three words, Chen Hao kept a polite smile and signaled that you could continue.

This sentence directly gave Zhang Dongxue a deep breath, was he playing the piano against the cow? If this is the case, soil buns are soil buns. Today's artists in the world are generally less educated. Is it not obvious enough? The strength of the Megan Fox brokerage company, even if you have a relationship with the community, but who does not have LA, others have money, there is a special law firm, what do you fight with others, and teach you in minutes As a human being, you don't need to teach you to be a human being. If you are a lawyer, you will be sued by hundreds of Haomen fans who have made the most noise on the Internet. It will be you who is crying.

Ivory tower.

Do you think that the world you are in contact with is the best high society ~ ~ The elites on Wall Street do not think like you. Who gave you such courage and confidence? This question, even Sanye and Zhang Qiyu want to ask.

Zhang Qiyu rolled her eyes secretly. It should be said at this time that she should go up and stop it. She is not such a ruthless person. Why did she put it there? If she went up to stop it, she might be mocked by the cousin who grew up in the ivory tower Some time.

"They will sue your fans, with their lawyers' professionalism, and invite a lot of media, and then this will become yours-scandal-news, Haomen's fans because of the trouble you have caused lawsuits and even rumors Hell, the media will definitely make a big splash at that time. Do you think that the result of both losses is good? "

Zhang Dongxue decided to say a few more words and volunteered to resolve the matter, but for the position of the department manager, she thought that she had already mentioned the idea. I am now for the good of both of you. Do n’t keep fighting, labor and money, I will be a middleman. You guys take a step back, hello I hello everyone.

"Miss Zhang, I think there is one thing you haven't figured out. I need to remind you."


Chen Hao always spoke Chinese, and Zhang Dongxue first spoke English. It wasn't until she talked in Chinese that she was unaccustomed to change it.

"I think Ms. Zhang doesn't know much about me. Since Ms. Zhang works in the circle, I will say something you are familiar with," The Redemption of Shawshank ", everything from the box office to the DVD video to the surroundings. So far My personal income in this film is more than 200 million US dollars. I want to ask Miss Zhang to help me to calculate a bill. Even if 10,000 Haomen fans are facing a lawsuit at the same time, I hire a lawyer to fight for them. This money is enough. ?"

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