Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1084: Image endorsement 'horse'

"Hello Mr. Chen!"

A warm embrace from the leader of a German business group. As the object of cooperation, the other party will provide some mechanical technology. In view of the high-volume use of high-precision materials and equipment, the other party was led by a vice president and sent to a business inspection team.

For a few days, the other party was willing to give Chen Hao the most respectful way. His seriousness has won the respect of all members of the German delegation, and also made them feel proud that their products were eventually used in such sophisticated designs.

"Mr. Bird, I have arranged special staff and will take you to take a good tour of the places of interest in our Chinese capital."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Chen. I hope to have the opportunity to make a landlord friendship in my hometown."

"There will be a chance."


The camera faithfully recorded all of this. When Chen Hao led Ker's interview team to the location where the crew was filming, all the members of the crew who were preparing were stopped and looked at him, although not as outsiders. What to call the same, but that look has clearly told all viewers watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room, they are waiting for Chen Hao's instructions, waiting for him to give orders, they can execute.

This was not drilled out, and it was not commanded by a staff member, but Kerr was sure that Chen Hao would not falsify. All this was true. The entire crew and even the entire lost city, those who respected him, It was all he worked hard to win.

"Let's get started. Yesterday, the drama of Lao Huang and Bingbing Sister. I think we can try another one. You can take a look at the good material and feel for yourself."

"Yeye, today's action design, I hope to go through it again at the end, let the actors watch it again, and then go on."

"It's very hot. Prepare more watermelon and cantaloupe in a while and cool with well water."

After a few sounds, the crew was like the Pause button was pressed and the Play button was turned on again, and the person in charge of this button was Chen Hao who was standing beside him at this moment. But Keer looked at his side, maybe he really did n’t need to explain what temperament is. A person who was successfully respected from the bottom of his heart, he did n’t need to do anything deliberately, he was already uniquely charming all over his body. Temperament 'is covered.

With Chen Hao's presence, Ker's interview suddenly changed her status. From the beginning, she needed to take a camera to capture the interviews when others were free. Now she is in the center of the entire crew.

Those who can interview can be interviewed, but Kerer has interviewed, completely satisfying the more and more tourists who have reached more than 2 million in the live broadcast room. Stars have seen it, and the second phase of the Lost City has become a tourist Where they are thinking, in the first period, they have not yet drawn a prize to experience the experience. They can only preview some of the things in the second period.

"This is a bunker. When shooting, the actors will be covered directly. This kind of drama does not require the actors to do this, leaving a real scene, for the audience who want to experience in the future, an extra cool experience project . "

"Buried alive?" It's not difficult to guess, but Kerr guessed how this applies to an amusement project to provide to the audience.

"I'll know if I continue to play, it's exciting."

With the encouragement of Chen Hao, Ker and the photographer both came down. Anyway, with the big boss of the lost city, we are certainly not afraid.

The sand really rolled down, and it didn't hurt to slap on the body, but falling on the ground slowly bound his own feet, and before he covered his knees, a sense of fear surged up. Ke'er turned his attention to Chen Hao for the first time. His performance gave Ke'er confidence that it seemed that nothing had happened. He even walked in the sand and felt the difficulty of walking and the body being given sand. Bondage feeling.

Soon it came to the abdomen, and the visitors in Channel 99 began to accompany Kerr with excitement by typing.

"How do you play in a while?"

Chen Hao said to the camera: "Now is the safest way to experience. When shooting, there will be some professional training and some auxiliary equipment."

After finishing his words here, the photographer felt the sand covered by his head, all of a sudden, heard the sound of the slight mechanical movement, raised his head and saw that the sand was on his head, blocked, and felt that it was possible at any time. Overall coverage.

Chen Hao raised his hand and knocked on the top of his head. Just now, the arched glass wall rising obliquely from the walls on both sides blocked the sand that was still pouring down. It was a dim light in this environment, and soon It was 'destroyed' by the delicate arrangement of the machinery.

First, the light strip was lit in the wall on the side of the head, and then I felt that my feet were suddenly empty, and I could clearly feel the sand covering the abdomen. It was a thousand miles away, and rolled down next to the body, until the sand was gone. It disappeared in this space, but the child only saw what was happening under his feet. A dense leak of five centimeters square appeared on the ground, which would not affect people standing on it. The word is equivalent to non-existence, but for fine sand, it is almost the whole of the base of the container holding the sand, and the sand will disappear in this container at the fastest speed, not to mention The area around the wall that is close to the ground, and each of the eight 20 cm square slideways is opened, which can make the speed of the sand in this space lose a maximum effect.

Although some sand is still on the body and some sand is still in the clothes, for Ker and the photographer, this experience is very enjoyable, both physical and psychological. Being buried alive and then in a claustrophobic environment, the most enjoyable thing is that this project seems to have a maximum of five or six people experience it together. It is always used to be recognized that all large-scale entertainment projects must be experienced by multiple people. This kind of experience is unavoidable. People feel like a VIP.

Faced with the camera, facing all the tourists on the official channel, Kerer really said his feelings: "My feelings are like this, I think the same will happen in the first issue. How many lucky people are there in the live broadcast room, I ’ve played in the first issue. I am a little bit envious of you now. Because of my relationship with him, I have n’t been able to go in and play it once. My heart, ridiculous, Haozi, the two of us deleted the phone number and Chen Hao: "What? Can you contact me by writing in the future? "

But Kerr continued to roll his eyes, and since the Lich King Zhongwang met him, his total lethality has been halved. Where in the past, someone could have tried to hide her with white eyes to say nothing.

Chen Hao smiled, took an object aside, and handed it to Ke'er: "Play this for you and feel if you are a female warrior."

Something similar to a remote control. Later, when a staff member pushed over a trolley covered with a huge black cloth, Chen Hao motioned Ke Er to control the remote control in her hand. As she went to press the forward button, there was work. When the officer lifted the black cloth at the same time, he saw a steed with bright black hair. Gada Gada stepped down from the cart. The sound of stepping on the ground was the sound of nails, and there was nothing Mechanical sense.

Forward, stop, back, trot ...

But Er was dumbfounded. After pressing it a few times in a row, her eyes were incredibly leaning on. There was no odor belonging to large livestock, but a faint scent of jasmine. It was close. I really saw the horse. When the eyes were close enough to feel the other person's breathing, Kerr was convinced that it was really fake.

A simulated mechanical fake horse.

Ke'er turned to look at Chen Hao, the other person gave her an encouraging look. Go, try it, don't you like it?

Some staff members brought a bench, which was very courageous. They stepped on the stool directly and turned over on the horse. Comfort is the first feeling. It is similar to riding a motorcycle, but it is better than a motorcycle. More exciting. All feelings are the feeling of riding.

go ahead.

How to deploy like a real horse, keep the four hoofs forward and balance, and how to design the dynamic feeling on the horse like riding a real horse. These are technical issues, but I do n’t know. What she knows is to let her press a trot. After pressing the button, the horse really started running on four hoofs in a straight distance. For Ker, who has also enjoyed riding real horses, this feels too real, except that you cannot control its steering The whole riding experience is almost the same as the real horse. You know, no real horse dare to ride and run, even if jogging, this thing can completely satisfy the riding desire of novices and children.

"It's not impossible to turn. Slowly adjust the **** on the neck ~ ~ It can achieve a slow turning in place." Chen Hao reminded me that there are some things to play now, and I have forgotten my job. Fortunately, everyone is shocked by this toy at this moment. From its appearance to what it can do, it has subverted everyone's cognition. When you think about it, you don't feel how much technical content this thing needs. The only possible problem is It is because the cost of R & D and production of this thing is too high, and nobody used to play in the past.

Everyone is watching this horse, and no one cares about Kerr's enjoyment. She is doing exactly what everyone wants to do, which means she is experiencing this new toy for everyone.

"I want to buy one." But after the child came down, he said resolutely.

"It's just a toy. It's just a toy that requires a lot of space to play. When there is a playground to buy as a project, you can just play it again. It's useless to buy it yourself."

In the live broadcast room, some media squatted and heard Chen Hao's words, shaking his head in front of the computer and mobile phone and grinning: "Hao Zi is Hao Zi, casually seemingly casual words, the effect of advertising placement will reach the most good."

The playground can be owned and used as a project.

Huaxia is so big, even if there is only one playground in a city, there are at least four horses or five horses. So many cities in the country, how much must be sold, he can say that equipped with a playground, that thing The cost of production is definitely not too high, at least the cost of batches is not too high. The high cost is the initial research and development costs. His round of advertising was implanted, even if the research and development cost of this toy exceeded 10 million, The cost is 100,000, and it is very simple to make money.

How was the second season of Lost?

Now it's just the tip of the iceberg. The lost family's big perimeter has a powerful image endorsement ...


Image endorsement 'horse'.

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