Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1082: 'pursue'

Uncle Yuan and Uncle Ge guessed the beginning, but did not guess the ending.

As the two said, the team camped when the sun set in the evening. At this time, the team of more than a dozen vehicles has expanded to more than 30 vehicles. Five media outlets have been mobilizing manpower and material resources to chase the crew. No man's land.

On the Gobi Beach, the car drove down a dry river, leaning against the edge of the river, so that at least one side of the team could not be the target of the raging wind at night.

In accordance with the planned route, the car began to circle the entire camp. In order to accommodate the fans who came over, the big car surrounded the sides and opened a leeward opening for everyone to set up camp and set fire to cook.

The crew set up a super big tent, and a dedicated bathroom car was provided to the fans. This time the crew came to the grandfathers. You can let him solve personal problems in a small bathroom. It is better to let him in a vast world. Go a long way.

On the prop car, a bunch of headlights are supported to illuminate the entire camp. The principle of the crew is very simple. You like to sleep in the car and sleep in the car, like sleeping tents and sleeping tents. Artists feel comfortable and comfortable. Personal privacy is more important. Then you can live in a modified bus. You can have a generator to generate electricity for the parking air conditioner of the car to ensure that your temperature in the car is comfortable.

Chen Hao would consider this kind of thing very carefully, but he really would n’t care when he arrived at the scene. He would live with Grandpa Yuan and Grandpa Ge. There are several people around them who want to take care of them nearby. live. Here is his trivial matter. You can do whatever you want. Everyone is doing their own thing. I provide you with the most comfortable rest plan and facilities in the wild. How to choose is your problem. There is only one requirement on my side. Everyone must have their own business. Do it instead of standing overwhelmed.

Except for the first two or three followers, there was no follower afterwards. Uncle Ge asked with curiosity a fan who came to take a group photo: "Are you the only ones who have come to chase and stop Hao Ziwei?"

The flushed smile on the female fan ’s face has not yet disappeared: "Of course, not only, the boss hopes that we will not pass the news, but also for the safety of everyone, willing to take us to play for a few days ... but it is conditional, we have to be the crew We are a little selfish for the handyman who has such a good opportunity. "

Uncle Ge understands that this is obviously the case in the media. Do you want to shoot more, isn't it better to have fewer competitors? At this time, it must be selfish. The first day is not pursued, the next day is not suitable to continue to pursue, there is no accurate direction, the probability of overtaking is very low, so as long as these people do not go to the location of the crew The positioning information cannot be said to be completely eliminated, and basically no one will be able to chase the crew.

Campfire party, barbecue dinner, a hundred people live in the tent.

There were many people, and the anxiety and danger disappeared. Even if the wolf howl came at midnight, it didn't scare many people overwhelmed. There were enough fires, and then someone started the car and turned all the headlights on. Turn on, the sound of the engine converging is not small, directly cover up the howling of the wolves, it is not long, it seems that the danger of being besieged is over, the sound of the wolves gradually disappears, everyone is awakened from their sleep However, one by one, they lost their sleepiness. After going to the toilet, a considerable number of people were sitting by the fire and chatting while heating. In addition to the fresh beef and mutton, Cool beer and drinks, such a unique night, many people who wake up can't sleep, drink some beer, talk about what just happened, and unknowingly, dozens of people meet to appreciate the rising sun on the Gobi Beach.

What they don't know is that the wolves will leave, but they will not withdraw. They will keep secretly waiting for your chance to hunt. There are a few people who go out and kill more than half of the wolves in the middle of the night, and completely run them away. . It is also for the fans not to be frightened, otherwise Chen Hao would not instruct Chen Gang to act in secret. The thought in Uncle Ge's heart will definitely be realized. The wolf meat is not delicious.

Along the way, scene selection, and then shooting under various equipment, are all medium and long-distance shots. The crew of these cars will become the car of the show anytime, anywhere, and once the actors need to appear in the mirror, make-up anytime, anywhere, male In the end, the actor has less trouble than the actress who needs a long time to make up. In these shots, do not wear help, and do not capture the specific conditions in the car, but through the window to see that there are some figures inside, at this time female fans Their role came, temporarily acting as a stand-in stand-in, and they were more willing to try filming than those thin males wearing wigs.

At the site of the ancient Loulan country, the team stayed for a day, and everyone took a long time to stroll around here. Although there was nothing to see, the little non-stone material dried on the ground could bring enough history to the visitors. The sense of vicissitudes, thinking of a small country that existed in history, for unknown reasons, there are only a few ruins left today.

Coming here is not to see the scenery, but to complete the precipitation of feelings, to open up my horizons, and to allow myself to have a historical collision with Loulan.

If anyone said that, Chen Hao would slap him in the back of his head: "Speak people."

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here to take photos, I've been here, friends in the circle of friends, please like me. I will use dozens of photos to record the pictures I have been here, right Now, what are those three rooms? "

In addition to the professional team, in the next journey, the five media people and dozens of fans were completely beyond the expectations of Uncle Yuan and Uncle Ge. They really obeyed Chen Hao and took a safer path along the same path. , Led by a guide car, leave here.

The two asked about it casually during a dinner, and Chen Hao's response was also casual: "They knew I was afraid of them and I was in danger of taking care of them, so they went back. "

Lop Nur's no-man's land adventure was unpredictable. Nothing encountered in the imagination was encountered. The shooting was also unpredictable. The shots were taken, and two places were selected for the location. The main shooting locations are very rare uninhabited areas. To become a temporary base for shooting locations, the crew paid a lot of manpower and material resources to achieve the shooting conditions required by Chen Hao.

Special water cart, special food supply cart, specially built toilet, car toilet specially provided for women, and specially built tent bathroom.

The conditions in the field are more difficult, and the shooting is also a lot of trouble, especially when the actresses are here with assistants, more troubles in life are emerging, and several problems have been directly reflected to Chen Hao, making him have to come in person To solve the problem.

"A few more water trucks will be contacted, and the water will be transported here 24 hours without interruption in three shifts. Don't be afraid to spend money. The solar panels, generators, and batteries are all increased to ensure that all actresses can wash at least two a day. Take a bath. "Chen Hao, who had said this, turned to a few agents, his eyes burning with lethality:" Now, is there any problem? "

It ’s okay for the agents to be thick-skinned. The actors are ashamed to see Chen Hao, even if this incident has affected their makeup or styling. Their agent talents collectively make comments, but do n’t know why. Seeing him at this moment, they all felt that they were too lyrical, giving him problems, and an unknown sense of guilt flowed away and scattered.

Here, the one who is most unfamiliar with Chen Hao is Li Bingbing. According to the years and years of employment, the two sides actually belong to two generations. Don't look at Li Bingbing in front of the camera. She is still a beautiful woman, but it is two times larger than Chen Hao. The fact that she is ten years old really needs to come out and say that it is definitely a horror story for female artists.

Age and qualifications, Li Bingbing is qualified to put forward some requirements that are not excessive, not to mention that for better makeup and modeling, take a bath every morning, and blow a day of sand and sand before taking a shower at night. .

But I do n’t know why, Li Bingbing acknowledged that when chatting with Uncle Ge, Chen Hao would feel an unknown sense of oppression, making himself embarrassed to take a longer bath time, otherwise everyone would see it after coming out There was hostility in his eyes.

Uncle Ge said, "It's that his personal prestige is too high. Any word in this crew ~ ~ is the highest order that everyone in the crew needs to faithfully execute."

Some words, including the eighth Yuan Yuan, have not been said, everyone in this crew will still have an attitude to learn, Chen Hao's talent will not be said, in other aspects, there is no doubt about the ability, everyone learns that he always Keep this red heart. He has some outstanding special features that many people have when they were young, but over time, the waves and sands have been destroyed by the industry, and the good wishes born of those red hearts have gradually become After Jinghua Shuiyue, I only dared to think about it when I dreamed back at midnight. In reality, I don't think it can be achieved.

Incidentally, there is such a person in the circle who has reached the status of today and still retains the heart of creation and performance. Based on this, everyone has a little admiration when they want to learn. He came all the way from the webcaster and encountered more things than ordinary artists. How did he keep his radiant heart glowing all the time?

Perhaps the answer lies in the word 'pursuit'.

Others will feel that the actors are always annoying to make such requests. I try to give them to you as much as I ca n’t.

What do you want in him, well, this way, and that way, no problem, I'll give it to you. Is there any other requirement, yes, well, say it, I will continue to satisfy you.

Finally, when you do n’t have the request, he wo n’t ask you again, just take you to film, I will solve all your problems, I will give you whatever you want, and I will ask you Matter, can the movie be shot well?

can. carry on.

No. Get out of it.

His ‘pursuit’ has always been rigorous in creation, and everything else that the other crew thinks is a problem is not a problem here.

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