Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1066: Forrest Gump

Road repairs, leveling the ground, and surrounding all the areas are included in the plan. You are willing to invest with the wind. Anyone who has taken advantage of it early will find it a long way to go. You will regret it later.

In this, Chen Hao left a space for all the big brothers present. You are all face-saving people, and you also have some small circles outside of you. Now I ca n’t give you anything, give you a message, I want to get one. You know exactly how much land I planned in the city. If you have confidence in this project, then drag the people outside to hurry up and follow the periphery of my planned land to seize the opportunity. Really wait until everyone knows With this news, you will not get the opportunity to make money by then, even if you do nothing, hold the land and wait there, and when you change hands, it will be enough for you to make a lot of money. To everyone, it's a big deal.

Jing Tianlin, Tian Brother, and Zhong Zhonghai are so close to Chen Hao. You do n’t have to. You have the heart. These people in the circle are also sympathetic. You earn or lose. You need to invest with confidence or not. Your own business, if you earn it, you will have to pay back this kind of friendship. At that time, in the construction of the lost city, you will have to give a free force.

A group of people who have tasted the sweetness of doing things, now shouldering the historical mission, will make themselves a part of history anytime, anywhere. This motivation allows them to devote themselves to the next work with the fullest enthusiasm, one by one to take the initiative to carry the burden , Take the initiative to go below, it is often rare to carefully monitor everyone in the past.

If you can't do it in one place, rework it all, and all the losses will be yours. This is the quality of the lost city. It will give you the best reward. What you want is the most serious and the best quality that does not meet the requirements. Immediately Leave, there is enough capital here to tell you not to think of any rogue ideas, and you will never eat your set here.

If the previously lost city had drawn an area of ​​several kilometers in diameter, now it has suddenly expanded to a radius of ten kilometers, and more areas have been drawn along the far end of the mountain road. You can see a type far beyond any project. Lively scenes, all kinds of large tool vehicles can not be calculated here in the unit of one hundred, thousands of units, spread across the entire area and start construction at the same time, in a state where it is crazy all over the world, wait for some people When you find out, go and inquire about the surrounding land, the rest are some procedures that have not been completed, and those who have completed the procedures have already owned a new owner.

I rely!

Hao Zi is crazy!

The happy times are crazy!

The world is crazy.

Too crazy, we lost the city. We thought of Chen Hao's plans for several phases of the project, and will put the TV drama shooting locations in the next few seasons here, but did not expect that no matter how overestimated his ambition, he actually underestimated him. Ambition.

Can a Lost support such a large-scale construction?

This is a question mark drawn in the hearts of everyone. Haomen fans have not been obsessed with right and wrong. In this matter, they support the boss unconditionally, but they will also worry about the boss. Is this too big? Really can? If we can, then we will accompany the boss to witness history, think about it, and feel that every cell in and around the body is excited.

As soon as the big cake came out, Chen Haoren hid at home, and the company did not go. For external reasons, I was writing and modifying the script of the second season.

Then, bathe and change clothes, find the most comfortable time, find the most comfortable state, and start another great script reward of the previous main task.

The previous "Dating in Love" was a lucky draw of the lucky carousel. It opened before the concert and gave him a good song reward. This song has been replaced in nine fan concerts in April. "Tomorrow will be better" became the favorite song of the fan chorus. The new song also started various charts under the company's operation. The effect is unnecessary. Once it comes up, other songs will only give way. There is no contending capital at all, all of them are spikes, which is a bit bullying. Some people are very wronged directly below: "Brother Hao, please don't come, our newcomers finally have a song that can be hot. It is possible. Take the first place in the next issue, and when your new song comes, two or three months, the first place on each list, there is no way for everyone to dye. "

Chen Hao was very happy to see such news. Vanity was extremely satisfied. An idea of ​​wanting better and striving for better results began to be released from the heart. In the past, I felt that my grades were good enough. It seems that I have lost the goal of struggle, and now I suddenly find that comparing with others to generate the motivation of struggle is very lo behavior, and that kind of motivation is really comfortable.

Fast bathing, it was quite early in the morning, when the sun was rising, I changed my practice clothes, took a bath, burned a stove, soaked a cup of tea, and sat on the balcony to meditate. It's quite like that.

I have expectations and motivation in my heart, and I am willing to use this kind of ritual behavior to greet a new great script from my system brother. In addition, there is another important reason. He feels that his inner strength is more vigorous. For this strength, he watched the Internet message for three hours before going to bed last night. .

To those who worry that he will not end in such a big battle.

Continue to distrust those who question.

Sincere blessings and lingering concerns from fans.

He saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart, so that this source of motivation was stronger. The next morning, facing the Chaoyang, with a very ritualistic behavior, he started the great script of rewards that had been retained before.

"Lost" is successful, and it will be even more successful in the future. So how high can this new great script be? What kind of story can it be? Will there be unexpected surprises for myself?

Before opening, and before synthesizing the "Redemption of Shawshank", Chen Hao has been wondering what type of great script this time will be. As a filmmaker, he can be considered to have watched various films in the world, what would it be Can a movie be called great? How great will it be?

Many of the great scripts of the past have been limited by the times and the limitations of technology. One by one the classic shots flashed through my mind. This time, the great scripts that belong to me that do not belong to this era will be What kind of movie?

"Congratulations to the anchor for the great script" Forrest Gump. "

Forrest, is it true?


Chen Hao was a little embarrassed, but it sounded a bit lo.

After so many years of experience, he returned to normal for the first time, took a sip of tea, thought about it, lit a cigarette, quietly leaned in a chair in the sun and a little cool wind, closed Eyes started to watch this film in my head.

He always felt that the system was the product of a parallel space. All the works he gave himself were works in another parallel space. Otherwise, he would only give the script, why is there any accompanying video data?

Works by Tom Hanks.

Seeing the actor's name, Chen Hao suddenly became confident. There is no Tom Hanks in the world without the original version of Forrest Gump and the corresponding acting skills. After adjusting the posture, I took out the cigarettes and I was not interested in smoking. I focused all my attention on this film, bathed in the morning sun, and blew a breeze with morning dew, which I would smell from time to time. To the smell of fragrance, a little bit of traffic and whistle of the city came together faintly, and these are just embellishments. The whole body's muscles are very relaxed, eyes closed, and the corners of the mouth are raised slightly. The curve shows a kind of joyful emotion from the heart.

This is a very, very inspirational film. At first glance, it seems to be incompatible with greatness. But when you taste it carefully, you will find that a spirit like A-Gump cannot be dusted in any era. Pearls, people with low IQs have made achievements that countless normal people and few high-intelligence merchants can't do. The sincerity and simplicity from the heart have never changed a little throughout his life. This legendary The biographical film uses a method unique to the current film technology, which fills the entire biographical film with suspense ~ ~ full of points that everyone can keep in mind.

Forrest Gump, in different historical periods, has collided with history, and has had his shadow in many historical moments that have passed. The film embeds such a non-existent character into that period of history. The historical picture Still a picture of history, but with a figure of A-Gump inside.

Re-adjust the sharpness of the historical picture, and let A-Gump embed it in it. It is difficult to shoot this movie. The difficulty lies in whether the joints can be adjusted. The rest are on the actor. Compared with Andy, this The challenge of the character needs to be raised to a higher level, and finally there is a heroine who is not the heroine in this play, and has a very, very important role.

After more than two hours, Chen Hao opened his eyes, stood up and walked into the room. He picked up a tomato, took a bite, and went to the door to open the door. As always, the opposite door was open. In the line of sight at the door, Chen Gang was leaning on the sofa, looking at what he was holding with his mobile phone.

"Xiao Qiu, select me all the famous actresses under 30 in the world. How can I measure whether my acting skills are good? I don't need to teach you?"

After hearing the shout, Qiu Yu came out of the living room on the opposite side, and used the mobile phone recording function as he walked, and recorded the things the boss ordered. When he started to do it, the recording was eliminated. The pure purpose was just to remind himself to remember-it is better Writing, avoid mistakes.

"I know the boss."

Qiu Yu raised his head fiercely, his eyes glowed with enthusiasm, full of doubts, full of expectations.

Chen Hao's low voice hummed, Qiu Yu instantly entered the state of excitement, and the boss has new works again!

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