Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1062: Love each other 1 family

Here, it is no longer a smile and enmity. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Here is the charm of music, the puppet of every rock cell in the body. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Shouting the slogan of rock and roll is not as good as the sudden shock of this scene today, no income, no appearance fees, no selling tickets to anyone, no prior rehearsal, no fight for fame and fortune. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Young people will know Pu Shu, Xu Wei, and Wang Feng, but a few people remember Zhang Chu, and a few people know Xie Tianxiao ... & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

That figure, they do n’t have gorgeous stage costumes. Maybe some people you meet on the street will not think he is a singer. He is a play team, but when their soul flames on this stage are lit, that ’s Not to compete, everyone will show their best and truest self. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

In Yanjing, every figure gathered toward the Workers Stadium. Even if I could n’t get in, even if I did n’t have time, I would indulge the blood of this cavity on the road. I would hear the long-lost voice, the one full of strength. Rock music, not commercial music. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Outside of Yanjing, everywhere in the motherland, among the diverse crowd, a pair of eyes lit up, and many people failed to go to the news to know all about life in the first place, but they will receive once they were together. Phone call from friends playing music. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

"Lao Zhou, staring at Lele News and various entertainment news. At the concert of Chen Hao, the warm-up rock performance exploded. Lao Cui and others were on stage. They were not costumes. They were just playing on the stage. , Unfortunately, there is no live broadcast, unfortunately. Wait, wait, Lao Zhou, hurry up, Lele, five five channels, live broadcast, live broadcast. "& Amp; 1t; / p & gt;

The live broadcast was started, with a delay of three minutes. The originally recorded teams were all nervous and changed to live broadcast. With the order of the big boss, everyone must move and Lele broadcast live. At this time there is no official channel or five. With five channels, Chen Hao didn't even do the type, and the whole process was ignored. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

A pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, holding a guitar, playing at a certain rhythm node, and following everyone's rhythm, dozens of guitar sounds played at various points throughout the field, They are full of these old rock cannons. The stage is no longer the battlefield they chose. The VIP area below the stage and the periphery of the inner court have become their stage to show themselves. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Cars, chairs, steps, tops of some equipment, speakers above ... & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Quietly, Chen Hao became a member of the army. Even the scene was not captured at the beginning. At the concert, the large screen at the scene belongs to the owner most of the time. But in this picture, who do you think is a star? What more lenses? & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

It ’s enough to be able to rush forward and throw away everything other than music temporarily. You do n’t care if you have a lens. As long as people within your sight can see themselves and be infected by their own music, this is enough. Already. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

"Wow !!!!!!!!!" & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

If there is a roof at the scene, at this moment, the roof will definitely be overturned by sound waves. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

If there is a decibel tester at the scene, at this moment, the height of the decibel generated by the sound must be the value of the explosion. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Seeing the edge of the infield, a figure rushed to the scene. When the scene's camera locked on him, others had already arrived in the VIP area. Many celebrities and guests were originally to be able to come and chat for a while. They also came out to watch the performances of various big coffees. The chairs in the VIP area could not control their bodies at all. In such a scene, if anyone could still sit, the only reason was that he was too tired to stand up. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Chen Hao appeared. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

In his concert, everyone came to warm him up. He didn't have everything ready, and he came out with the guitar. The beautiful stage effects and the costumes he designed seemed to be meaningless all at once. . & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

He didn't care, and no one managed him. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

The site was close to 70,000 people, and the whole boiled. The fireworks that were sprayed out had no chance at this time. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Before Chen Hao rushed in front of the small steel cannon, this one also sang with his broken gong voice, then he ran to the front area of ​​the VIP seat, put the guitar aside, and waved his hands up to signal everyone to stand Dancing with his rhythm, so many big beautiful women come to the scene, if not playing, would it be a waste of your resources. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

He is in front, doing simple body rhythmic dance moves, so that everyone jumps up with the current rhythm, regardless of whether you are wearing home clothes today, whether you are plain or not, not to mention whether your shape is It looks good, it's the most important thing at the moment. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Rock does not need to understand, rock is an attitude, you can not understand those perverse states, but you must admit that you want to reach the boiling point of emotions, it will be an unfavorable killer. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

At today ’s scene, half of the female artists were present. For some of them, it was more than just holding a show. It was a very enjoyable thing to watch a live concert of Hao Zi up close. Now, in Chen Hao, Under the leadership of the girls, the girls jumped up with the rhythm. It felt better than jumping up to the treasure song award. The shots were crazy. I felt that if one shot can be transformed into a hundred shots, it will be enough. Everyone's pictures are captured, even if it is a goddess-level actress, in this scene, they are willing to dance to everyone's rhythm. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

There are even more male artists who are up at the scene, such as Deng Wang Zulan, who is very dynamic and playable, and can't bear it. To be honest, in terms of their age, many of these people performing on the scene are now Are their idols, & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour, no one will feel tired, Chen Hao hooked at them, come on, come to the stage to play together, there are not so many rules here, I want to play The best stage also has the best audience. For us, it is a big party. For the audience fans, this will be a most special concert that they will never forget. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Deng pointed at himself, and the camera captured his interaction with Chen Hao. Chen Hao nodded in confirmation and took a microphone from the side and handed it to him. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

All the audience at the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast of Lele cannot define this concert. You can say that it has made history, you can say that it has completely messed up. It is no problem. You can define it any way you like. It ’s impossible to describe exactly what is happening right now, how to define it. The prepared process is completely meaningless. Now it ’s almost seven o'clock, and you ca n’t be sure if the boss will be on the stage. Let the concert have another official start. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Everything that cannot be started is destined to continue to carnival. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Star guests started to be driven to the stage by the atmosphere of the scene, and many of them also got the opportunity to dream of working with idols. For these old rock cannons, you have an attitude that is more important than anything. The two states of sweating and hoarseness cannot describe their joyful mood at this moment. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

The performance is like this. Nearly 70,000 people can perform at will. This was never thought of in their peak period. When a song ends, there will always be one person playing the guitar to make everyone familiar. The music rang, and what they hadn't forgotten was not to make some niche songs at this scene. One person became one famous song, and the scene could be played until half past seven. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Without the opening, and without those gorgeous dance designs, Chen Hao rushed directly to the stage. For the concert, this is equivalent to the beginning. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

It's really more than seven o'clock. When everyone's physical fatigue tends to think of who is at home today, Chen Hao has been playing with them on the stage for nearly an hour. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Suddenly, no one played again. No one connected the ending song. Everyone gathered on the stage. With Chen Hao as the center, some old gunners were planning to leave the stage quietly. Such a scene that they even dreamed of was returned to the real master again. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

"Come on, the big screen puts up the music, and UU reads, a new song, for all people today, so dry for a long time, I hope this song, my seniors accompanied me to all the fans on the scene, also Give it to ourselves. "& Amp; 1t; / p & gt;

There are accompaniment bands prepared in advance, and there are live scores on the big screen. I opened a big gift bag and got a song that was suitable for the scene. This is the song that Chen Hao intends to give to all fans at the end of the concert. At this moment, he felt that the song could express the deepest mood in his heart. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

His feelings are more than others. When working hard outside, people believe that you are from Huaxia, a Chinese artist. When he finally lets the world know about Chinese artists, when he looks back, he always feels that we are a Overall, especially after we got outside, we were part of a tightly held fist. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

The sound of the music is not great. These people at the scene want to play an unfamiliar piece of music. With the simplicity of the melody, they don't need rehearsals, they don't need recognition, they feel along the hand, everything they see with their eyes, The sounds of dozens of guitars and keyboards are not out of tune, and the melody is drawing the hearts of all audiences. & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

Chen Hao said at this time: "I like to have warm lights waiting when I go home." & Amp; 1t; / p & gt;

"I like bed together, and I see everyone's smiling face." & Amp; 1t; / p & gt;

"I like to go out and fight for my family and my ideals." & Amp; 1t; / p & gt;

"I like a family and my heart looks in the same direction." & Amp; 1t; / p & gt;

a lovely family! & amp; 1t; / p & gt;

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