Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1054: More fun than middle-aged

"Brothers, all come out to make a bubble, first ask you, isn't it fun?"

Someone posted in the "Lost" section, and the following quick response, the post sender took a while before sending the second message, first to share their own feelings of watching the theater.

"It's fun, I don't think I blinked for an hour, I started to eat a few bites of prepared snacks, and sat upright and watched. The boss is the boss, and he is playing differently. I found that I did it with others. Things are different. At first, everyone looked at the person who had broken the ribs of the rib cage. The look in the eyes made me feel cold. The boss did not use the **** and brutal lens to show the cruelty of the picture like the American drama. This is from Everyone's eyes are really infiltrating. "

There were a lot of replies in the future, a few thousand in a short period of time. The part of everyone's eyes that he said to him was very deep. They all said that the part was cruel, and everyone was stunned. It was also from that time. The person who prepared the snack fruit forgot to eat until the end of the first episode.

"In the second episode, I have to wait another week, boss, you are trying to torture our rhythm."

"It is estimated that from this moment on, if the boss collects grievances, how large his container will be collected in an instant."

"Don't say next week, I don't know what to do tonight, I just want to ask weakly, does the website really need to be updated at 12 o'clock? I want two brushes, these few How are the hours going? "

"Upstairs you are finished, which pot is not open, I told you, does my house have an old-fashioned video recorder? Once the TV broadcasts again, I have recorded it, and immediately start the second brush, the picture quality is almost almost, don't If you want to criticize me, I will never tell you that I will enjoy it myself, not pirated, twelve o'clock, pay on time and watch the updates on Lele. "

"Upstairs, dare you have an address."

"Upstairs and upstairs, you're done, quickly open the door, and the courier at the door has already delivered a kitchen knife."

Hi chat, after talking about the plot, I like all kinds of chats started by God. If you like to talk, then a group of people will talk together. If you like to guess the follow-up story, then this type of people get together. Everyone treats this as The way to pass the time, maybe only in this way, can make the time hurry up to twelve o'clock, go to the second brush and then go to sleep, and then go to the unit tomorrow to continue talking with colleagues, and finally a painful week to wait, every day, expect The value will increase a little.

On the domestic front, the company has never been the direction that the company is worried about. The company and the crew, as well as all people related to the show, are watching it more and more confidently. They are full of confidence in the future of the show, from explosive expectations to full. Self-confidence, in fact, is only one episode away.

After the episode is broadcast, if it is not to consider the impact and make some preparations for retention, it should be celebrated directly according to the elder brother ’s temper. This is the point where you get the same cows in Europe and America. You see something they ca n’t understand. ? The personality of most people in this play is not to say that you are influenced by Eastern culture or Western culture. They should all be young people collectively known as the new era and new ideas. They also accept similar things. The difference lies in some professions. You said that China ’s Yanjing Demon Capital, Xiangjiang, is known and visited by many foreigners. It is an international metropolis. You said that Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, and many Chinese have also visited each other. Some of the most well-known cultures, classics, and foods are actually known.

The overall structure of "Lost" in a purely oriental culture has a world style. Some film critics have analyzed this aspect at the first time, and have started to have certain achievements in the next European and American landings. Confidence, in this way, in the film reviews, words of praise to Chen Hao and the whole play also began to appear.

The most interesting film review came out and received the most attention from the small steel cannon. The origin of this nickname is that he always fires cannons, and will always be told who and who opened and tore. It is undoubtedly very difficult for him to sincerely evaluate others with praise.

"I said before, I hope Haozi can complete the role of Uncle Li, and it can be considered as a wish for me. This is the first episode. I saw it and felt it. It was really blocking my heart and I had to Admit it, Uncle Li in his play will have greater expectations. I have n’t seen the script. I have only seen a few shots during the several visits. I have talked with Hao Zi and only talked about a certain plot. Yes I took the initiative to ask for it myself, and I want to be an audience and take a look at the work he directed, rather than see the script and talk about the plot in advance. "

"I will not evaluate Haozi's choice of angles in the play. Anyway, I was taken aback. It is only him who dares to play this way now. I am very glad this time and watched the TV show. This is the feeling of waiting in front of the TV on time and on time. It hasn't appeared in a long time. Also, I have to give a thumbs up to Yaye. The cooperation effect of the two of you is real, the editing, the script, and the plan are Haozi's. I know this, but to show the specific details of each action, I still have to watch the real kung fu of Yaye, and it is enjoyable. Starting today, I know what is chase. "

In addition to the small steel cannon which spares no effort to praise, many people in the circle have posted Weibo or more or less comments, most of them are not enthusiastic, after watching this first episode, I really want The urge to say something, otherwise I feel that I haven't seen the panic in my heart, go online to see what others say, and compare with my own guess. In this discussion, only one episode that hasn't seen the addiction will feel much less.

The actors in the play are all very excited one by one. Looking at the script, they feel that the future is bright. When they shoot, they can feel different. Their self-confidence is more and more sufficient. By now, the first episode has come out. They have seen it. After that, my self-confidence was even better. This post-editing and post-special effects are too good, not exaggerating at all, but can magnify every point to the extreme, looking at myself in the picture, the pain I had when shooting, Today, we have received the most affordable and satisfying returns.

Isn't it the most satisfying reward when I look at myself?

At the end of the first episode, they were also very excited. Seeing such hot discussions on the Internet, they couldn't bear it, and they were more excited than everyone else.

The most skinny is Deng Chao. This has always been the case. He first took photos on Weibo when he was about to watch TV. The faces of the two children were blocked by the animation special effects. He and Sun Yan also prepared a lot of delicious food. Get ready to watch the premiere.

Deng Chao sent several Weibo posts in succession, and the photos were followed by stills: "Do you think it's possible for my character to counterattack and become a king of thieves? Uncle Li, please, wait. In the later plot, I will Pack them, baby Agent, don't be fooled by her settings, just a scum, see how I can pack her. "

Interacting with Weibo, with the mind of catering to the audience, they began to interact on the Internet. They successfully attracted a large number of netizens and began to watch their Weibos separately, refreshing them from time to time to see if they have new dynamics.

Deng Chao's Weibo @baby, she responded in less than ten minutes: "Uncle Deng Chao, you old arms and legs, okay? Do you think the audience will think how long your character can jump?" With a grinning expression: "Sorry, spoiler, you can imagine, according to Hao Zi's temper, who do you think will be the first to get the box lunch, the team is Uncle Deng Chao walking up."

Deng Chao naturally refused to budge, and began to pull people into the battlefield. @ 胡军, etc., let them evaluate and give everyone a chance to enter, otherwise many people are not the kind I want to be active on the Internet. Types of.

Sun Ying came with a **** to make up his sword, and he straightened his heart: "Funny is more joyful than middle-aged!"

As soon as this hearty Weibo came out, she pulled the Weibo interaction that night to the highest peak, and also let the netizens waiting in large batches to update the first episode of Lele, in this free time period will not be lonely ~ ~ Happy to wait until the early hours of the morning and start the second brush.

Early the next morning, when Chen Hao arrived at the company, there was a professional data collection staff who would broadcast "Lost" in Southeast Asia from last night until now, with feedback and real-time data on the show.

At the top is the ratings of the first episode of "Lost", the first episode of "Lost" last night, broadcast on China Magic TV.

In the first round of solo broadcasts, after several hands-on changes, it was also a lot of competition. There were various relationships, secretly and secretly, and round after round of bidding on the table. Modu TV finally stood out based on the financial advantages brought by the city. Rate and audience share both gave it a perfect answer.

13% ratings.

The 45% viewership share is equivalent to saying that if one hundred households turned on the TV during the corresponding period last night, 45 of them were watching the Metropolis TV station.

Nowadays, with the popularity of computers, tablets, and mobile phones, fewer and fewer people watch TV, and ratings data are becoming less and less shocking. The audience share can give people a more practical sense. I feel that there may be too many and too many data terminals (TVs of every household) that were never turned on that night, but as long as they are turned on, nearly half will choose to watch "Lost" during this period. This is even possible in this era. A miracle number.

The entire company gathered in the Times, and went to work early in the morning on Monday. The whole company cheered up and down. Such ratings are enough to show that "Lost" in China has achieved historical success. Subsequently, the data from Asia and more than a dozen countries made the company go up and down for a second collective cheer. The specific statistical methods and data value of each national television station may not be known to many people. The company's statisticians used the most A simple sentence, tell everyone the results of last night ...

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