Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1052: Big start

"Lost" officially landed globally, there is no ultimate trailer, no extensive publicity, from beginning to end, everything is simplified, it makes some people wonder what Chen Hao is playing, and it is not clear his confidence Where does the heart come from, even at the level of Cameron Anthony and Spielberg, and there is a large area of ​​publicity for the new work. Why is he so bland that the work landed at the end of the spring of this year's American drama?

No reason, Chen Hao did just that. He didn't even conceal the fact that the entire post-production was not completed, and it didn't need to be completed. Many American TV shows were filmed and broadcasted. Do you have any questions?

Zhou Biao, also in China, is also a weekly broadcast. The court has given great support in this matter. In view of the subject matter and content, it may not be suitable for the prime time of the court. The support is on the news network program. This is the first time that the court ’s news webcast has advertised a TV series. Fortunately, the carrier is large enough to be broadcast in nearly 50 countries around the world, maintaining the same frequency, and each broadcasting time is no more than two days. Time difference, the style of "Lost" has gone up, and it has also sold sky-high prices in the country for exclusive sales, but this day price has become extremely insignificant in the overall investment in filming this movie. Everyone knows that it is claimed to cost 200 million US dollars. In the first season, Chen Hao really burned 200 million US dollars in the shooting.

The construction of the "Lost City" is now in the form of a bottomless pit, which is continuously swallowing a batch of invested capital. According to external estimates, the current area will not spread and the overall construction will be completed. One billion US dollars may be blocked. Can't stop, some media have entered the interview and filmed those precise and high-quality buildings. A frightening elevator cost millions of dollars. A strange light in a cave is a billion dollars. Need to use any light and shadow special effects technology to assist, the media only shot the sporadic lens, the feeling revealed is very real, if not everyone knew that half a year ago it was a barren mountain, would think that there is really such a building in the mountain A mausoleum tomb with many incredible equipment.

Few people now doubt the overall quality of the Lost City. The doubt is that it has insufficient throughput. Can it really make money as a tourist attraction? Can it really support subsequent construction?

From the "Lost" script to the start of the "Lost City", there have always been huge question marks that make people unclear. With all kinds of questions, everyone is guessing and waiting. Today, this huge The question mark is finally about to show its true meaning.

Europe and the United States are looking forward.

Asia is a warm welcome full of expectations.

When it comes to Huaxia, no one will think that the show will fail, just to see how high it can be.

When it comes to nation-states, it ’s rare. Before “Lost” was broadcast, the network on Huaxia was in a state of enthusiasm. It was rare to have no clear-cut opposition voice. What everyone is paying attention to is not the domestic market, but the one that best reflects this. The value of the European and American markets.

"I won't go. You can do it on behalf of me. I'm still in production here. I've been so busy for a long time. It's time to find a lazy chance. There is nothing more than going to the media and turning around. In the circle, I am too lazy to answer some non-nutrition questions, just find a personal representative. "

Chen Hao didn't go to sit on the European and American battlefields personally. To the surprise of many people, did he not pay much attention to it?

"I have done what I have to do. In the end, it is not up to me whether or not I can sit in Europe and the United States. It is better to rest at home than to be chased by people."

Regarding the end of "Lost" entering the spring season, the US media's evaluation is relatively objective, and it is not too optimistic, nor does it deliberately deny stigma. It just lists some data and puts out some problems that may occur. What are the advantages? Wherever the disadvantages are, you know that Chen Hao's production must be a fine product, but you can't guarantee that you can really get the results you want when you play such a big American drama.

The host of a talk show made the following remarks in a ridiculous manner, and became the biggest hot news before "Lost" was released.

"Oh, we all know that MOUSE's new drama is about to land on Monday night. Do you guys have any ideas? My daughter asked me, Dad, do you like MOUSE? I answer her with certainty, I like it, I also told her dearly, baby, do you know anyone else in his new play? My daughter's answer is like this, dad, I can't tell who they are and who they look like! "

Speaking of which, he paused, and spread his hands, revealing a helpless expression: "I'm really sorry, how much I hope the actors in his new drama can be more distinctive, I like Sun in" Prison Break " He is great. I like him very much. I still hope MOUSE can take a comprehensive look. Self-confidence is a good thing. But if confidence is used as capital that can be consumed, I think that when the new drama starts, the facts will tell him that you are good. No matter how good the special effects of the director, it is not possible to completely enter an international drama with an entirely oriental look. "

This is an indisputable fact, and the fans of Haomen have not argued, especially some fans in Europe and the United States. We can love oriental culture and watch oriental adventure dramas because of your MOUSE, but even your own dramas The episodes will always arrange a large number of foreign actors. Why come to you, only choose actors of Chinese or East Asian countries.

We believe that you are not crowding out, but we cannot understand such behavior.

The answer is in the episode, and the answer is Monday night in US time.

Huaxia is a Sunday night. If there are some fans who can't wait for the time difference between the two sides, you can make your own choice. Chen Hao arrived at the company early in the morning. Under everyone's attention, it is still the same as before. Normal After editing, I went to the cafeteria to eat at noon, and went back to my office to watch the film in the afternoon. At about four o'clock, I left the company on time. Everything is no different from the past. You can see that everyone else is confused. I ’m so confident, I still pretend to be in front of us as usual, but we are still preparing to work overtime at the company collectively in the evening to watch the first episode of the first season of “Lost” in the big conference room together, you, just like that gone?

Xiaodi is still filming in Modu. Tonight ’s night show is not adjusted. The members of the “Little Times” crew watched “Lost” collectively. After the video of the two on the car, Chen Hao specially arranged no answer at night. Xiao Di was also a little surprised, and quietly sent Qiu Yu a message to let him look at it. Was the pressure of the show so great that he couldn't bear his current mental state?

Back home, under normal circumstances, when there is no need for privacy, the doors are open. Kang Yan, Chen Gang and Qiu Yu are in the opposite house, and they can see a corner of the living room anytime, anywhere.

There was no appointment for dinner, nor did Qiu Yu order food. Chen Hao returned home, changed clothes and took a shower. He went into the kitchen very much at home, took out the steak from the refrigerator, and stood by himself with interest. In the restaurant, I fried a large steak, cooked another plate of pasta, took a tablet, and watched talk shows and cross talk shows. From time to time, there were laughter, which made Qiu Yu at the door several times. Almost couldn't bear to go in. Today's boss doesn't seem to be abnormal, and it's no different from the state of living alone. However, it is just such an abnormality that looks so abnormal today.

"Did he really not think today is a special day?"

Chen Hao is not worried about having self-confidence. Qiu Yu feels normal, but in such a day, he still lives as usual, which is really too ordinary.

After eating, as usual, not to clean up the mess. This is a habit of him. He hates to clean the table and wipe the table. Sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching TV, usually sports channels. At about seven o'clock, I will watch the news webcast, and I will not watch it attentively. Most of the time I use my mobile phone to play games or chat. I look up at the TV from time to time. It's the same as many people staying at home after work.

Qiu Yu reported to Xiaodi about the situation here, and the reply was a reassuring smiley: "It's okay, what should you do? I went to watch the premiere with him at night, and he had no problem ~ www.NovelMTL. com ~ What can I do? Chen Hao knows that these incomprehensible eyes around him exist. He didn't want to explain, and there was no need to explain. I tried my best to do one thing, and there was a system to support it. Success is inevitable. Yes, since I know I will succeed, there is nothing to worry about, just fine every day.

It ’s almost time, Qiuyu three came over, fruit plate, dried fruit, beef jerky and a bottle of white wine, watching TV together is a very comfortable thing. On time, at 8 o’clock in Yanjing in Asia, "Lost" is officially Sign in.

On the Internet, the most lively thing is to predict its ratings. In today's era, mobile computers have begun to become necessities of life. TV ratings are like the crazyness of "Returning Pearls". Four points is enough to be the standard for viewing the championship that year.

There are some people on the Internet who have opened a quiz.

Is it possible that "Lost" will reach 10% of ratings in China for the first time? Still others, is it possible that the number of viewers who premiered in the United States could reach five million?

From the first second of the TV series broadcast, no one paid attention to these data anymore, all attention was attracted by "Lost", the first second of the picture, from the cabin of the plane broke off after the forced landing, the picture advances, no It was presented in a **** way, but every viewer felt that everything in this picture was so broken, and the cry began to be added to the picture.

Why does the picture feel different from the blockbusters I saw before?

Why does the cry make me feel that the person who is going through all this is so unlucky rather than miserable?

Kang Yan and Chen Gang were considered outright audiences. Others didn't know that, at least in the two of them, the words “real” came out first, and their attention was completely attracted.

The start is the configuration of the big red.

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