Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1048: Disgusted

Mysterious infection is so powerful, but it makes Chen Hao painful and happy.

He has the inferiority that almost all men have, and the more the better the better he can take the world, the more he thought about it at midnight. But in my heart, I am very satisfied with the current life. I do n’t want to lose or even destroy. The last thing I can think of is to not think about it. Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is the typical scumbag and I need to wear a pair. Hypocritical mask.

The plan for the year lies in the spring. After the year, all the work has entered the most aggressive phase of the new year. After returning to Yanjing, Chen Hao completely remained in the crew and was completed before the arrival of March. After all the filming of the first season, he finished filming here, and the new year's construction period of 'Lost City' has arrived as scheduled. Outside of these people around, outsiders are watching, waiting for "Lost" to come out. Will consider whether to continue to enter the market after a huge investment, Chen Hao played an exemplary role in front of his circle of people, constantly invest money in it, and constantly refreshed his shares in the 'Lost City'.

Rich brothers Tian Ge, Zhong Zhonghai, and Tang Feng also all faced pressure from their families and their families to invest in it. Naturally, their trust in Chen Hao is deeper than the outside world. On the other side, a group of people, led by Jing Tianlin, lost their money on Lost. On the side of 'Lost City', they are only representatives of the official shares. Seeing Chen Hao so confident to continue to invest, they are also working hard Doing work, letting the official investment come in more, and alleviating Chen Hao ’s pressure is tantamount to saying that they are also betting. Gambling this man can continue to create miracles. If he loses, then he must bear the responsibility of persuasion. The persuasion of investing successfully, the country has benefited more, but at that time, some of this credit will fall on them.

Everyone thought that the 'lost city' on Chen Hao's side was at best road construction. As a result, the frozen soil below the ground was thawed earlier this year, and the entire 'lost city' was started in full. Hao's other masterpiece is about to land. I won't go to the autumn stall. Isn't everyone waiting to see the effect? At the end of March, I landed on mainstream TV stations in 27 countries around the world at the same time.

Before the official start of the later period, the overall strategic policy has been finalized. After the Oscar award ceremony, Chen Hao's self-confidence has gradually been shown to the world. A Shawshank Redemption, do you think you can stop me? This is just the beginning, isn't it to say that I cater to the script produced by Western culture? This time, "The Lost", which is purely Eastern, I am waiting for you to evaluate me.

Lele's exclusive worldwide broadcast rights, the price is 100 million US dollars.

After signing the contract, I announced the news directly. Did n’t I say that I ca n’t build a “Lost City”? Doesn't that mean that investors are beginning to be cautious and hesitant about the bottomless pit of this project? It's okay, look at me Chen Hao to vote, isn't it just throwing money? For 100 million US dollars, in addition to the corresponding discrepancies, the rest is directly transferred from the company account to the 'lost city' project finance department.

Qian, I Chen Hao never cared. You have confidence in me and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer.

When Chen Hao received a group interview in the Lost City, the picture appeared on the screens of the world ’s major entertainment news programs. Countless girls around the world stared at the stars with both hands, shouting so handsome Charismatic, even men feel bloody, and being an old man should look like Chen Hao. He is manly. I also have to be bold and confident, and confess to the goddess that I have long admired in my mind.

I have to formally tell my boss about the new plan that I have prepared, and I have to be confident, so that I can give people a better feeling during the presentation.

I want to be more confident. When I see this project, hesitation will always miss the opportunity. Regardless of success or failure, I will make a decision myself.

The mock exam is coming, there are still three months before the college entrance examination, it is too late to hold a sham, to maintain a good attitude, to maintain the self-confidence, I want to show the strength that I can show, and show it all without fail. It is also worthy of this. Twelve years of student career.

"I love you, XXX, please give me a chance, so that I can protect you and pamper you forever, hold you in my palms, and be a treasure I have loved all my life!"

"General Manager Liu, I have a new plan here. If you have time, can you give me an hour and let me show you this plan PPT."

"Wife, I feel that the XX factory is still saved. I want to acquire it in its entirety. Please believe that I support me. I will fight for our future."

"Parents, I will enter the final sprint right away. I will work hard to review. Please believe me. Regardless of the future results, please believe that this is the result of my best efforts. I will not have regrets. I also hope that you will be able to Take pride in your son's achievements. "


There are many positive impacts, but it is not that the wrong understanding makes positive energy become negative energy. One of the worst things that affects Chen Hao directly from the heavy work in post-production must deal with it.

Tianfuzhiguo News has reported a news that has aroused heated discussions nationwide. It is not that there has not been similar news before, but this time there is a protagonist in the news, because the appearance of his name made this news immediately become a national The hot news reprinted by major news media has made headlines on the homepages of many portals, and this news ranks first.

"The live broadcast platform brushed gifts, and the rich-two-generation hao brushed tens of millions, dragging down his father's real estate company. He still owed debts after bankruptcy, and has now been formally charged!"

Tens of millions of gifts for live broadcast platform?

Such a title, first of all, makes people associate, and the picture with it is Chen Hao, then this association is even more inciting-moving-sexual. Was it because of a gift for Chen Hao? Well, this is worth discussing. The moral and other issues involved can allow some defenders to morally kidnap Chen Hao. Should you accept these virtual gifts, and whether young people consume you in this way? Network anchor-led relationship, whether this is suspected of deception or even fraud, and whether the network investigation should be more thorough.

There is nothing bad about negative news. Now the rich second-generation mother who is gift-giving is bringing some relatives in the family to use public opinion to start a controversy on the webcaster. The first one is naturally Chen Hao. If he wants to do it, he must also find a goal. Big enough to get the best results.

Similar news, normal processing, Huanju Times company has a special department to deal with these matters, and there is a special legal department to provide legal assistance. Media public relations are all similar companies must be stronger and larger departments, otherwise a popular artist each year There are a lot of news in this category. Do they let them handle it by themselves?

As soon as this incident came out, the happy times and Lele responded immediately. When encountering this matter, they first investigated internally. After the situation was found out, the results were announced to the public as soon as possible to avoid causing even worse impact. Qiu Fu's psychology is comparable to being easy to get rich. The webcaster is obviously among the people who are getting rich easily. A poor D, it is likely that a local tyrant likes your live broadcast. If you are in a third-tier city, it may be A gift from a tyrant can give you a big house and a valuable car in a short time.

This kind of thing was common a few years ago, news reports, and troubles in private. At the beginning of this time, Lele also responded normally, and prepared the corresponding internal data. It is really necessary for relevant departments to come to the evidence gathering to submit and gather. The times are very important, after all, it involves Chen Hao, but they never expected that this matter would ferment so much on him. The young second generation is now in jail waiting for the sentence of the law. The real estate company, which has been under great pressure for a lifetime, went bankrupt. He could n’t afford the illness. His mother took relatives to find a way to save it. The online gift and Chen Hao's breakthrough point became the only way his mother thought he could save himself. It was so big that the whole society was concerned about this matter. For the rest of the results, let alone those creditors who threatened their families privately.

"We know that Mr. Chen Hao is not short of money, nor is this the gift that my son has made ~ ~ But these 80 million are now life-saving money. The child is young and can't stand the temptation from all sides-confusion and excitement Method, in the short time on the Internet to spend 80 million worth of gifts, we absolutely do not believe that he has such a consumption concept, must be guided, whether there is a loophole in this consumption model, why there are no restrictions, why No supervision at all. I paid my child millions to buy a sports car, and it attracted attention in the entire city, but our 80 million brushes went out, and there were no splashes. Is there a problem in this? If this brush gift exists For loopholes or fraud, we hope we can recover it ... "

It's a strong argument, but in some details, it grabbed the hearts of ordinary people, making them feel that there is indeed a problem with this live broadcast platform's money-making model, and the sympathy of the weak has begun to falter. During the interview, many ladies who once wept with tears were sympathetic.

"80 million? What's going on?"

Chen Hao was shocked when he heard 80 million. No matter what the matter was, he was very angry. This kind of thing is very disgusting. Lele real-name registration has a hard index. If you are not 18 years old, you are not allowed to recharge. Yes, after 18 years of age, they are all adults with independent behavioral capabilities. The money you brush out is a consumption that you recognize. This is a disgusting behavior for the weak to find the post account.

The local tyrants whose cumulative consumption has reached this number in the past few years are not without, but they all know each other in reality, and know that at this moment, they have a good relationship with each other, and more importantly, they have the ability to brush these local tyrants. Currently, The development is very good. There is no such thing as bankruptcy of 80 million yuan.

"Boss, we're brazen, and people are regarded as a ladder of public concern ..." Liu Dong and the second son flew to Yanjing to report the incident to Chen Hao in person.

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