Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1042: People come to sweep

No one will first pay attention to what Chen Hao is wearing today. After the entire awards season has been swept by him, everyone is more concerned about him.

A man from Huaxia who did not even set foot in the United States before he became famous, and has not made a few movies in total. In just three or four years, how did he make a film like "Shawshank's Redemption", where the reaction was forty In the United States in the 1950s, you couldn't believe it when you watched this movie. It turned out to be a movie derived from a script written by a Chinese actor.

His appearance, just like Spielberg, Carmelo Anthony, and others, like the popular movie actor, does not need any embellishment. As an actor, I also want to say that I want to be more beautiful More handsome and different. As a director, a standard suit or evening dress, a white shirt and a black shirt with a bow tie, solemnity is their only choice. Being different is not their first choice, and they do n’t need it. Being different, my face, my name, is different.

The pure black costume is not unusual, but there is a surprising difference in wearing it on Chen Hao. The night elf described it on this red carpet under the spotlight, which is really very appropriate and black. It is a color that is the best to control and the most difficult to control. Anyone can wear it without making mistakes. However, if you really want to wear your own characteristics, it is difficult for someone to do it.

Today Chen Hao did it.

Self-confidence is the greatest help to make it all happen. A smile on the corner of the mouth, a smile on the corner of the eye, and self-confidence emanating from the raised hands. The lenses of these red carpet machines do not make me timid. I stand here. It is not the environment here, it is the environment here that serves me.

With various awards ceremony and red carpets of various sizes, Chen Hao has already been familiar with immunity. Many media workers behind the machine lens are also gradually familiar with it. Maybe they cannot be named, but they will definitely see it. Recognize them.

Nodding and smiling, many people's eyes on this red carpet are out of focus. They want all the spotlights to focus on themselves, and hope that they are the center of the moment. Chen Hao doesn't know what those industry leaders or successful superstars feel. His feelings today are unique. Nodding and smiling are aimed at the familiar face behind the lens. He really just says hello. I am not in the spotlight center at all. It is time to show your consciousness.

Do I need to show myself?

It seems that it is not necessary. I never thought that the real inner thought is that to participate in the Oscar awards party must go through such a red carpet, it is only a necessary way to enter the venue.

Chen Hao has no way to say this kind of feeling. When he thinks about it, he thinks that this idea is a bit of B. If he says it, he will be scolded by a large number of people, and the Oscar red carpet is only a way. ? Are you correct?

He was convinced that he was not mistaken. He walked on top of this, dressed formally for the fans who are seen in the lens of the photo, and also respect the entire Oscar awards.

Will Smith did not attend the awards ceremony tonight, he gave up completely, and from all the news he had heard before, he made excuses to not play and avoid embarrassment.

Chen Hao, who entered the venue, is still the focus. In the mainstream concept of Oscar, he must recognize this man who messed up the film market last year. Several films changed the release date, and several shooting plans were temporarily stranded. Even one focused on the box office. Commercial film is also learning his movie, why can a film like "Shawshank's Redemption" succeed at the box office?

There is no heroine, and there are no plots or pictures that make people enthusiastic.

There are no special effects, and there is no visually shocking picture.

No this, no that.

It seems to be in line with the laws of commercial film. It doesn't have anything in it. Except there are two big movie stars, it seems to have nothing. In such a movie, it has made more than 1.8 billion movie box office worldwide, which is not reasonable. ?

Regarding this, curious industry people around the world have studied it for a whole year, and the only answer that I don't want to admit is from Chen Hao's personal appeal and his positioning of the film. In the end, this is the only one left. This possibility, the degree of his personal deification also makes everyone more curious about him.

I usually do n’t have the chance to contact. At a big rally like Oscar, many people are prepared to get acquainted with it. Many female artists are ready to approach the past boldly, especially those who have confidence in themselves and want a step up. It's better to have a lot of choices with this man.

As a result, they found that there was no chance at all. Even friends like Stuart who had worked with him just greeted and left, not because they didn't want to stay, but because the aura was too strong, except for the big director and the big movie company. High-level people, these people are standing there chatting, it is likely that in ten minutes, a new project with hundreds of millions of investment was finalized, and ordinary actors can't be approached at all. Just the gas field delivered by people's eyes, let you walk on your own. Quickly leave.

This is the first time that Chen Hao has this kind of treatment. It is still related to the wind that Qiu Yu released before. He began to accept cooperation with everyone instead of playing by himself. That is a huge citron. It can be as successful as playing an art film. , So many people in the world who want to see his real Chinese kung fu, really want to make a good work with more action and fighting dramas, and the script has been edited, but it is possible to make a series.

In Hollywood and throughout the world, the four words of series of movies means money, which means that within a few years you will have a small gold mine that can obtain a fixed income. Once developed, the surrounding areas will also have huge profits. .

In the lobby of the Dolby Theatre, Chen Hao is like a piece of gold that will glow, attracting everyone ’s attention. Whether it is an action movie, Kung Fu movie, or his own work in the future, it is a big cream cake with a strong aroma. There, countless people were hooked up by their appearance, not to mention the freshly baked cream cake with a tangy aroma.

More people, at the same time, also hope that this seemingly fragrant cream cake has a deadly substance. I hope that Chen Hao's "Redemption of Shawshank" is just a flash of light. He will never have similar achievements and works. . The only thing that changed was that I wanted to eat by myself and others by the back. Then in this circle, everyone is still in the stage of making cakes, instead of having a new cake shop with products that occupy the market.

The Oscar ’s awards ceremony scene will always look so crowded. The problem of the venue and seats is only part of the picture. Most actors have huge bodies, which makes a close-up shot feel like the crowd below, especially when the winners are on stage. From the seat to the aisle to the stage, compared to the Golden Award and the Golden Horse Award, on average, each person needs at least ten seconds more for the same celebration.

Chen Hao's position is in the third row in the center, which is relatively easy to be taken care of by the big rocker lens. He came to the Oscar ceremony once before, and he did n’t want to come a second time. After sitting down, he felt The surrounding air is compressed, and the pungent fragrances are squeezed out strongly. They are also mixed with some men's fragrances. It is very sultry and he is not used to it. Maybe this is the difference between eastern and western cultures and living habits. The difference in senses.

In the Golden Elephant Award, the Golden Horse Award, the Chicken Award, and some awards in Asia, you will feel that the surrounding area is fragrant instead of pungent. Perhaps they spray Chanel X type perfume, but they feel completely different.

Perhaps it was the increase in the density of the scene caused by his volume. Chen Hao also felt that the temperature around the entire area was also increasing. He also unbuttoned the suit. Compared to those huge faces, he began to have oil on his forehead and began to show sweat. He obviously It's much more comfortable, and as the heat increases, the acrid taste becomes more intense.

"Why, look surprised, haven't you seen the name tag on the back of the chair from the beginning to the end?"

Sitting next to me, an acquaintance made Chen Hao uncomfortable. He knew that Will Smith was absent, but did not expect that Kristen Stewart was here, and he was arranged to sit beside him with a little neutrality. The dress and short skirt were also very cool. After all, she had acted together and had close contact. The taste passed on from her was still comfortable.

"Why, I still regret that I didn't arrange those big beauties by your side?" Kristin raised her chin, and UU read the book www.uukanshu. com Nowadays, the young generation of Hollywood actresses are very powerful. A few have already begun to make a strong impact on the film crown. Makeup can make the ugly duckling become a swan, and this scene is the same. And the Mesozoic actresses are still strong. This year, I do n’t know whether the “Redemption of Shawshank” is too strong, or whether the female starring actors are working hard together. This year ’s Oscars, the number of male stars and the number of cards is much lower Yu actress.

Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson, Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Emma Watson and other big ticket beauty, they were each decorated in The different locations in the center of the scene are like flowers blooming. When Chen Hao was seated just now, he didn't pay attention to this. It is no wonder that Kristin will sit next to her. Naturally, she is one of the hundred flowers that embellish the scene.

"Otherwise, let's make a headline." Chen Hao directly grabbed Christine, and instantly the on-site camera captured this picture. The award ceremony had not yet started, and the big screen on the scene was naughty. Follow the camera directly, so that the whole audience saw this picture. His mental state is very simple. Since the award is about to be swept, then I will also sweep around. Do n’t we all look forward to my performance at the prize collection site? Then I will give you a super gift pack today.

Kristin rolled her eyes: "Okay, play bigger." A birdie came directly to Chen Hao's arms, she was an open-out-cabinet actress, everyone used to In order to isolate her from the rumor of the male star, this time, it was time to play in such a high-profile scene.

"Effort bitch!" The scene most of the actress, see the picture in a big screen, heart directly swore foul language.

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