Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1040: Me in the world

Some people say that if you have a generous and wealthy real relative in your family, then when you are reunited on New Year's Day, you will feel a joy of harvest, not the kind of small advantage, but just feel something It will become very simple.

Do not go out to eat New Year's Eve, and do not need to buy New Year's products this year. Even if families gather at the elderly to buy New Year's products, take more when you leave. The return of Chen Hao and Xiao Di prepared seafood and the most abundant New Year's goods for the entire family.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, facing the gimmicks of the younger children, each red envelope was 10,000 yuan. Xiaodi also prepared a larger red envelope for his grandparents.

Tobacco and wine. You don't need to smoke your own cigarettes this year. You can also have more choices of wine on the table. There is such a person in the family who packs the package. The rest can feel comfort and flowers. People with money will naturally become the core of the focus, and will become the object that everyone holds in the center.

Regarding some young people who want to find a job, and about some things that they need to do and require investment, Xiaodi's father has already prepared in advance. Young people want to see the outside world, and Yanjing Mo will arrange for you. Work accordingly according to your personal abilities. Regarding investment, you do n’t need to mention it. Do n’t wait for your grandpa to come in. You go ahead one by one in front of other people. This is definitely not going to refute your face in person, but you do this. The result is that our own daughter is despised by others.

Chen Hao and Xiao Di are the kind of people who don't bother to spend money on their families, but you don't think of us as fools, then you will refute your face, but don't say that we don't care about relatives.

The younger generation, those who haven't got married, have gifts for the Chinese New Year; for school, a new mobile phone or a new computer, whether you really use it or not, the affection is here. In this past, Xiaodi's father was more severe, so Chen Hao solved it a bit: "Don't exceed our bottom line, hello I am hello everyone, everyone is happy to spend a year together, better than anything. "

The sour, sweet and bitter life is soaked in every detail of life. A person with great wisdom in life can make this sour, sweet, bitter and spicy show the right taste at the right time, and the same taste, people who do not know the wisdom of life, often in your Bitter when you need sweet, and a sour when you need spicy.

No one's life can be all Yangchun Baixue. Chaimi oil-salt sauce vinegar tea is the true meaning of life. Those small life chores will become a small annoyance for the success of your big business. Don't look at it small, it will make your Yangchun Baixue impossible. Shutan.

Looking at the eye-catching seawater in Phuket's sea huts, you suddenly find that there is a mop inside. The whole sea that attracts you will become an area you don't want to set foot on.

Years before and after, the awards season in Hollywood has always been on the move. "Redemption of Shawshank" swept through all the awards with its ruling power. Chen Hao also hardly lost too much in the battle for the film emperor, except for some pure color skin-dominated selections. In addition, all the best actor is him, Will Smith has no advantage at all, even if there are lobbying companies and public relations companies trying to help him regain his advantage, but find it too difficult, about In the interpretation of this film, two characters, Andy and Rhett, do have the potential to become absolute cores. In the role setting, Andy is more difficult, and the performance is slightly weaker. Everyone will feel that Rhett This character is more attractive and more powerful.

Chen Hao is not weak, but instead gave the character a stronger and fuller performance, which made this character accumulate more than half of the drama's outbreak, breaking down the psychological defense of all viewers in one fell swoop, letting such a story and such a character, Stay in the hearts of the audience.

In all fairness.

In these four words, Will Smith has completely lost.

You don't need to think about the film emperor, just ask the audience, after watching the show, which character really feels in your heart.

The answer is obvious.

In the past few days of the New Year, Chen Hao put an end to all connections with the outside world, regardless of the wind direction in Hollywood, and no matter how the Oscar's prelude has sounded, it is quietly giving himself a vacation and not going out to play. At home, the only thing I want to do to work side by side is to broadcast live to everyone and chat with people who like myself in the webcast room. In these days, he also does not want to perform talents, and does not want to make the live room It's lively and I don't care about popularity, I just want to sit there and chat with everyone, watching everyone type and interact with them. At this time, the liveliness of the Internet can give him a more peaceful feeling.

Beginning on the Internet, the emotion of betting inside is very complicated, and only here, whether it is quiet or hustle and bustle, can give him a sense of peace of mind, close his eyes, and no need to communicate with the entire system, those who once The screen will be presented in his memory with a purpose in mind. Various seemingly anchor capabilities can be achieved by any one of them. In fact, any one of them can achieve the empowerment of a person, let himself be a sorrowful little person who cannot mix in the capsule live broadcast. To this day, he is not grateful to anyone, and when he works hard, he pays for himself. He is only used to being accompanied systematically, and he is used to living in his own body.

Holding a mobile phone to live broadcast, there are 7 million people online in five or five live broadcast rooms. Chen Hao has no acting talents, but just sits there to chat with you. It lasts about an hour every day for several days, which makes Haomen The fans are extremely happy. The Spring Festival Gala and David's Spring Festival Gala and activities did not see him, making the fans feel that they have lost some real entertainment during the New Year.

Seeing that the five may have resumed the past, the fans began to enjoy this life. Many old fans are looking forward to this time to extend as many days as possible, boss, you take a few days off during the New Year, don't be too busy Already.

This kind of speech on the screen is very heartwarming. Xiao Di can sit by from time to time and feel the warm atmosphere in the live broadcast room. Gradually, she likes the feeling of watching the live broadcast silently. I am also used to the feeling that I will be pulled over every day to sit around and accompany the live broadcast for a little while.

A boudoir that belongs to Xiaodi. It is not large, more than ten square meters, and the decoration is not very luxurious and exquisite. It is not a pink girl, but it shows the intent of the occupants in every detail. On the side of the window, a single person The sofa is paired with a slightly taller coffee table, and Chen Hao is here.

There are conditions to live in a better house, and conditions to buy a better house, but Xiao Di's family still like to live here.

A small three-box fruit plate, cantaloupe, apple and raisin, the first two are cut into small pieces, the toothpick is inserted on it, and it is slightly iced. Xiaodi opens the door gently and enters, facing Chen Hao with his head raised. Heard him calling himself in front of millions of people in the broadcast room: "Come here and sit, everyone misses you."

Home decoration is simple, without any glorious glory in front of the spotlight. In the past six months, the word “glam” has gradually disappeared from Xiao Di. In the words of some employees in the company, it ’s becoming more and more imposing. The aura brought by heart and happiness is not only powerful but also reveals a comfortable feeling.

At this time, sitting on the armrest of the sofa, inserted a piece of cantaloupe into the hand of Chen Hao's mouth. He opened his mouth and ate it. In the past, some people had a lot of problems with her because of the competition of several little flowers. In the dark place, no one is perfect, no one is golden, but any person, if examined by a group of people, wants to pick your faults, there will definitely be some points taken out, and after being open to Chen Hao, they will suffer. There are also many people who have objections to the mass blessings, and the remarks that the two must inevitably last for a long time are even hot topics.

To this day, the indifferent indifferent has won the support of Xiaodi, and the love relationship between the two people who can understand each other and love each other has gradually attracted more people's optimism, and now is a fan in Haomen In her eyes, she is at least one of the most suitable candidates. Seeing them both feels very comfortable in the live broadcast ~ ~ The most important place to be comfortable is to see the behavior of the two of them. Xiu En'ai, it's not the feeling of being installed in front of the camera, many details will make you feel that they are like this on weekdays, as sweet as ever.

Chen Hao took the fruit plate and got up to sit on the sofa armrest on the other side, and signaled Xiao Di to sit in the sofa and chat with you for a while.

The squinting smile was very bright. After Xiao Di sat down, the first sentence gave Chen Hao a feeling of being thrown into the pit. What did they do behind their backs?

Xiaodi: "Many people left me a message yesterday and I saw it. I think it is quite reliable. I will urge him to do it one day a day may be difficult to do. One month, let him shoot twenty small videos of talent show. This is more reliable, I think it can be achieved. "

During the whole live broadcast, the applause was full, and the gift slaps also quickly accelerated. The 1314 slap gifts directly dominated the screen. You can see that the contribution list of the live broadcast is changed based on the ten-second standard, and it is constantly updated and optimized. The platform's Lele strives to present a more complete entertainment world in all aspects. Whether it is the speed of gift swiping or the frequency and accuracy of the contribution list update, it has reached the standard that will satisfy all visitors.

After the applause, there was applause. Chen Hao originally took a toothpick and inserted an apple to eat, but was stunned by this pit. He cooperated with a small piece of apple and did not eat the free fall in his mouth.

The joys that belong to the five and five of the Lele Live Room. When everyone thought that it was going to be more and more rare, they returned again. The men who stunned the entire world's entertainment circle in a silent way, began to be active again. This once gave him everything on the stage.

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