Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1011: More than just experience

Few people will believe Kang Yan's words, but his goal-shifting action worked. Everyone thought he was unwilling to talk more, and then deliberately said an unrealistic goal. Chen Hao could kill the wild boar king with his bare hands. ? Do n’t be kidding, it ’s not acting here, even if he is as powerful as Bruce Lee, that is also for people. It ’s impossible to be true to beasts.

Everyone's attention was quickly distracted by the food. When Xiao Di got to Chen Hao's side, she started to avoid contact with Chen Hao as much as possible after entering the mountain at 10 o'clock in the morning.

"Is Kang Kang saying true?" Outside, he didn't call his brother-in-law, but just Kang Ge.

Chen Hao nodded, and cut a piece of crispy skin with her dagger in her hand. "Taste my craft."

After a day of walking in the mountains, roasted whole lamb braised with scorching incense, in order to keep the figure from eating such greasy things, today I let go of the large amount of rice, rice and braised rabbit meat, with a little white wine, and finally Even the snakehead with mental disorders also drank a bowl. The tiredness of the day was dissipated, and it was warm from the inside to the outside. I thought it was hard to stay up at night and did n’t know how to fall asleep, but I went into a tent and got into a sleeping bag. I just rushed into my heart, and I was just light makeup. I used a mask to eat rice when I washed it at night. Without the lens, everyone is not so vanity. I have to say that I must put on my face, not to mention that these people are more confident. Half plain.

The boring incident did not become a weapon at night. Without much talk, everyone went to dreamland. The worried mosquito did not come over. The tent only pulled a layer of screen door. The mountain wind blowing outside burned the fire. The hot air is blowing in, the wind is not strong, and the warm air blowing in is quite comfortable. Brushing the face makes people feel like they want to get out of the sleeping bag.

The drunkenness is dissipated by the tired mood. The fatigue of the body is matched with the role of white wine, so that everyone in the mountains and forests will fall asleep before nine o'clock, and the night vigil will not Someone arranged for them.

In two shifts, Chen Hao and Kang Yan learned the little dragon girl. The BT less than her only used a rope, a hanging hammock, which was located on the edge of the camp. The heat of the fire would be transmitted. Covered with blankets, people who do n’t know thought that these two were posing POSS for calves. Familiar people knew that they would be vigils all night. People with sufficient strength could perceive a little wind and grass.

The remaining people took turns vigil, and prepared some branches in advance for fire, ensuring that this small dry area can maintain enough heat throughout the night, and because it is not yet halfway up the mountain, consider it when choosing a campsite The wind over the mountains or the coming of rain, and the slightly higher areas will not be flooded and there will not be too much wind. When choosing, it can be said that you have good intentions. Don't look at the harsh natural environment, but prepare for everyone The overall experience is circumventing many really harsh conditions.

When the sky was bright in the early morning, some people started to get up one by one. For the convenience of everyone, last night, the female soldiers in the team secured a small tent for a simple outdoor bath outdoors behind a stone a few meters away. The area, at a height of about one meter seven, is hollowed out at the bottom, and it is not sinking. It can be lifted at any time, which is a convenient shelter for girls.

One after another, some people started to get up. It was very difficult to sleep outside for six or seven hours continuously. It was impossible to say that they were comfortable to sleep. Basically, after waking up and seeing that time was almost gone, they did n’t even fall back. Come to the specific feeling, there is novelty, but also long for the comfort of home.

The fire did not go out, and the process of boiling water for washing in the wild needed to be simplified. It cannot be simplified here. For the preservation of the image, everyone still has some bottom line. It is Huang Bo Sun Honglei and other rough masters. It seemed relatively indifferent. I didn't drink less last night and slept loudly all night. After getting up, I gathered around the fire to smoke a cigarette.

Everyone does not have a lighter match. These things are controlled by Chen Gang and others. Where in Daxinganling can set fire, it is a very professional and serious matter. You can do as much as you can without smoking.

The three fires are burning hot water, there are not a few pots, and everyone can not have cleanliness. After getting up, they use shifts. Huang Bo and others are too lazy to wipe their faces with hot towels. Smoke and hot water make them feel very comfortable. They are more interested in Chen Hao's hammock. They came to study and shook their heads and felt that if they slept there for the night, they would have back pain and soreness the next day. .

Thanks to one after another, otherwise this early morning wash, so many people took turns to use hot water and facial dishes, and could not extinguish the fire without three hours.

A pot of porridge, some dry food, considering everyone's taste, not only the meat leftovers from last night, but also a little plastic salted pickles and plastic bacon for everyone, get up from three o'clock, and that's it, It also lasted until 8 o'clock. Kang Yan and Chen Gang brought the talents to clean up the camp, leaving two people to wait for the final confirmation that the completely extinguished fire did not have any rekindling Mars, and set off after half an hour to catch up with the team.

The ease of the first day made everyone's mood a lot easier, there will be people who occasionally take mobile phones to take pictures, and the feeling of autumn travel is more and more obvious. Looking at the delays of these people, Chen Hao didn't urge, but actually looking at them was quite pitiful.

The presence of these are almost a group of the most backbone actors in the current Huaxia film and television industry. At the box office of tens of billions of movies each year, the movies they participated in are not over one-third.

Playing is very rare for them. There are only three or two people going on vacations, and they still go to some places abroad. This is like the school organized a spring trip and autumn trip or a group of friends who were not famous before going out for a picnic. To be honest, they have not experienced it for a long time. Outdoors, we still have to face the camera, think about the contents of Taiben, and also have to zoom in and converge.

I ca n’t let go, I ca n’t talk about having fun, without the audience, without the lens, without outsiders, all around me are like myself, in such a very simple environment, there is no bright coat, I haven't given you the conditions to dress up and carve your own. Girls who love beauty can only do a little touch-up on their faces. Everyone let go of it. Yesterday, I still felt a little bit distracted. Today, the relationship between people has also undergone a qualitative change. Everyone finds that the so-called stars and idol auras on their bodies are gone. The communication is also more pure. He giggles along the way. When tired, everyone encourages each other. After some real feelings, they will communicate with each other. I planned to follow Uncle Ge for only two days and one night. The doctor checked him. Basically, It's okay, he is willing to follow everyone to experience more, his ideas are relatively simple, he can't keep going before going out.

For a short seven-day trip, the landform Chen Hao spent a lot of effort to find. As much as possible to let everyone experience different feelings. In the next two days, Kang Yan and Chen Gang went out and gave everyone some real things. The forest beasts take a look.

After getting acquainted with each other, Xiaoxianrou asked a seemingly stupid question, which is so useful for filming.

Chen Hao didn't answer, but Mr. Ge answered: "Useless and useless. Actors' performance comes from life, aren't we also part of experiencing life now?"

After everyone is familiar with the rhythm, the camping time is advanced every night. When cooking, when eating, before eating and sleeping, everyone sits around the fire and start talking in a real sense. Everyone has Everyone's own understanding of the performance, everyone also has the idea of ​​the team "lost" series.

The most interesting is the fourth day of entering the Daxinganling Mountains ~ ~ Everyone was hit by a heavy rain. They had already reached the campsite and were facing the rain. Everyone walked an extra kilometer to a cave that cannot be called a cave. In the depression of the mountain wall, from heavy rain to heavy rain, from heavy rain to moderate rain, it was pulled down all night, and there were no stars who couldn't figure out how to get firewood. Today, I got my tent up and made some auxiliary things. , Especially the clothes racks supported by wooden sticks, so that everyone can dry the edges of wet shoes and underwear.

The sound of the rain beating against the rocks on the ground left everyone with no idea of ​​sleeping. They sat by the fire and talked about it in the middle of the night. The feeling of sleeplessness couldn't last, and the sound of rain could no longer dispel their drowsiness.

Tonight, a few seniors are chatting, and pressing the bottom of the box, along with drinking white wine to dispel the chill, the role of alcohol has also been exerted, but there is no possession of privacy, all shake out.

Uncle Ge's shaking spirit, Huang Bo's sense of comedy humor, Hu Jun's orthodox experience, Sun Honglei's unique characteristics, Liao Fan's small character performance, Wang Qianyuan's image switch, including Li Bingbing's many-year career mentality, are all their own ' "Separate Cheats," especially those difficulties that have been experienced, but now I feel a little sad, but those who have heard have gained valuable experience, and now the difficulties they think they have experienced are too much in the face of these people's experiences negligible.

Uncle Ge followed for seven days. When the team and the team arrived at the designated place on the eighth day, Chen Hao announced that he would start walking down for another hour. The car was waiting for everyone, and everyone was still persevering.

Although they all long for hot baths, new and comfortable clothes, their most comfortable bed, and many things not in the mountains.

But here is more than just an experience trip.

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