Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1009: Learn to enjoy

There will always be some choices, and it will be possible to reach the day when the rumors dissipate through hardship.

Positive and negative, how could Chen Hao not think about it, he knows that he has the capital and can not be the star lineup. It can still be the center of the topic, and will take this opportunity to make a series of newcomers become popular.

The newcomers are very good, obedient, and you can do whatever you want. As a TV series, you have more control over back and forth. If you are a star, the outside worry is not unreasonable. You really have someone to pick up the box lunch midway, will there be a huge rebound?

If it is a cameo to help, is it necessary to travel to the northeast for an outdoor survival experience? There must be a considerable length of role.

"At present, only the line of Uncle Li and the elder brother and sister are complete, and I am also a member of the team around me. The rest, I also hope that you can find not only the shadow of the role, but also the role of the expansion. Inspiration, building a car behind closed doors, I really can't take out a character with enough characteristics. "Chen Hao used a self-consolation word to end everyone's inner guess. Everyone wants to know how he uses these stars. He doesn't want to say, Everyone did n’t ask. At present, the role of the script is just a simple setting. There are villains and new characters. Looking at the bloated team is because the role endings are not written in the script. You will continue to play with the team. Going on, you will become a box lunch player at some point and play by yourself.

On the contrary, the villain role is more comfortable, and there will be a corresponding drama. The villains set in the play are very characteristic, people have the desire to play-this time, the survival experience in the wild, we can not say how much resistance, occasionally It will be a good mood to come out and play, but they all know who Chen Hao is. He said it will be difficult, then it will be difficult. Going out with the countryside is definitely two concepts.

Along with the team, there is a small amount of fresh meat that the company signed for "Small Times". They came purely to have the opportunity to contact more seniors, and it was a special military training to join the new company.

In addition, there are a few familiar faces on the car. They are also actors who have not been exposed so far in Lost.

Li Bingbing, the villain who will inevitably appear in the line of Uncle Li, who once followed the leaflet caught by Uncle Li, has now become the leader of a team in the past ten years, and is also a group of rivals against the protagonist team. The enemy, she also has a corresponding story.

Baby and Zhao Liying, two old friends and old friends, are here too, and they have gathered together for the beauty of the era. Chen Hao doesn't care about the beauty of the entire episode, there are enough roles, whether it is beautifully dressed or ugly, to be honest The film is out of Asia, and may also be a bit famous for Li Bingbing and Xiao Di. To a larger audience, all of them are new.

There were also three tough guys Chen Hao found, including Hu Jun, Liao Fan, and Wang Qianyuan. The entire team finally no longer thrived. When they arrived at the selected place to enter the mountain, the last person to join the scene also arrived at the scene. He went home in advance and turned around. He came here to join the team. In Lost, he is truly an actor with some popularity in the international market.

Sun Honglei, with "Jailbreak" to make everyone familiar.

Such a huge team must have a strong logistics support team in their own knowledge, so they are not worried that they will really become a wild survival after entering the mountain. As a result, the bus stops and gets off in order. Afterwards, they discovered a very scary fact. There were only three cars coming with them.

The other bus is their assistant. These people are not allowed to go up the mountain. They will leave with the team later.

A box of cargo is loaded with everyone's equipment and supplies.

There is also a minibus. Ten people headed by Chen Gangkang are all professionals. One of them is a field doctor, a surgeon, and a female doctor of internal medicine. The next five, three women and two men, also all show their sturdy atmosphere.

"Do n’t watch, the men are on this bus, the women are going to the minibus to change clothes, and work in shifts. In the next seven days, only these ten people will serve as guides and guards for the team. If you ca n’t carry your own single tent, then Carry a blanket and a sleeping bag. Many of them will carry a multi-person tent. You can only make it up when you live. There are no stars here, and do n’t expect me to buy a lot of insurance for the pretty faces of female comrades. Exit, I don't stop everyone. This is not a mandatory act. If you don't come, the role is still yours. "

Along with Chen Hao's words, the team was not only female, but the men could not help but hesitate. Without the first one, everyone was still patient. Now it is a bit of domino meaning. There must be a place to fall. It is likely to be a large chain reaction.

Chen Hao put away his serious expression. "Okay, don't be afraid. I have talked with Gangzi Lao Kang. It's not as scary as you think. Except in the real mountains, which are extremely rare, the rest of you I do n’t need to start brain supplements, and I will provide you with food and accommodation. I ’m not training soldiers, I ’m just taking everyone out to experience the feeling of not traveling in the tourist area. Let ’s say first, physical fitness is what I ca n’t help everyone. of."

Ten women, Xiaodi, Naza, Jiang Shuying, Zhou Dongyu, Qianer, Jiang Meiyan, Li Bingbing, Sun Yan, baby, Zhao Liying. They looked at each other, and the final choice was to go to the minibus in turn, don't mind changing in together to change the outdoor equipment, and mind to go up and change.

The girls did not quit, and the old men had no reason to quit, and a dozen people also got on the bus in batches to change clothes.

Later, the side and back doors of the van were all opened. There were three types of backpacks, and there were dozens of things for everyone to choose from.

"Cigarettes are not available. We will carry the source of fire to avoid operating errors. In this mountain forest, we do something wrong. Each of you has food and water with a conscious standard. We will provide you with three meals a day and one liter per day. Water supply, so you just have to bring more things that make you more comfortable. "

At first it was easy. Coming here was nervous and unknown about the way forward. After this, everything began to show them the less terrible facts. First of all, there was no pressure on the weight and drinking water. Everyone was relaxed a lot. The girls also brought a pair of shoes and socks.

On the way, someone entered early and stored camping equipment and food water at the corresponding location. However, considering these people's ability to travel, ten of the support personnel, except the doctor, also carried around 30 kilograms of weight. Some emergency items.

"The infinite scenery is waiting for you. It is 10:20 in the morning. We are officially set off. You should be glad that this is autumn. Someone is leading the way to leave the ground to make the ground better. The weather is also cool. On the pretty little face, don't even think about getting a little makeup. You don't take a bath for seven days, do you dare to imagine? "

Everyone has a set of intercom equipment and a small Bluetooth headset, which can ensure that everyone in the team chats with this set of equipment, so that the car's throat does not chat with people who are a little far away. The weight of the equipment and the power bank is only one or two kilograms. No one will think that this is a burden, especially when they see that people such as Chen Hao are carrying tens of kilograms of weight. Some people silently change some of the equipment they carry, and put on some more useful ones.

"Don't worry about the image. I promise that there are no hidden cameras along the way. This is not a show, but a trip between us. I admit that there will be some supply points prepared in advance, but there will not be any extra people on the road in the dark. Protect us. You don't need to worry about it. Our team is equipped with hot weapons, not to mention Lao Kang and Gangzi. What are you most afraid of encountering here? "

Snakes and mosquitoes have become the most choices, but they are large beasts. Everyone has some confidence in the strength of this team.

"Each person has a 200-gram spray to ensure that mosquitoes, including snakes, will hide from you."

"Large beast, we only need to consider whether it is a national protection animal ~ ~ But I made a report with the above, and I wo n’t be polite when it comes. What I can do at most is not to They turn into a barbecue. If I am abroad, for a meal of wild honey stew bear paws, I would like to stay in a place for dozens of hours and slowly cook stews. "

Everyone ’s emotions gradually relaxed, without the dazzling light under the spotlight, they all replaced with the most suitable equipment, what to display long legs, what to display a thin waist, etc., at this moment have no value, you and me He and I are just ordinary people.

Outside, Chen Hao released a smoke bomb. In several well-known mountain spots in Heilongjiang that are suitable for travel, the number of tourists was full for several days in a row, and it was even more lively than the Golden Week in previous years. Even if such a team arrived in Heihe, even if Chen Hao didn't release smoke bombs. To say that these people would run into the old forest in the mountains, everyone didn't believe that, but they were all just good little Huadan. How could this be done.

They were destined to make a splash, and the group didn't just do it. After the start, they slowly learned to enjoy this unique vacation and travel.

What is a star?

When they are busy in the big city of reinforced concrete, when they are obsessed with fame under the spotlight, the freedom of personal life is getting lower and lower, and things that ordinary people can easily do are not only a constraint on them, but also It was stopped for one reason or another.

When going out or participating in some sports-type variety shows, you will be told by your agent that you must pay great attention to eating by your face, and you must not let the little face be damaged.

This time, the agent was no longer the one who was rumbling in his ears, and there was no one to stop him. He carried a backpack weighing more than ten pounds, gave up his bright coat, and wore a slightly bulky outdoor clothing. The hiking boots on the ground followed the team into the Daxingan Mountains where no road can be seen.

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