Great Demon King

Chapter 909: Mystery

Cloud City, the Broadhurst family.

The two great city owners, Yaros, Blackwater, and Blackstone, have already stopped fighting. All of them humbly bowed to the ground and felt the divine power from the top of the darkness.

Throughout the swallowing city, all the gods who practiced the dark powers also crouched down and panicked.

The endless darkness enveloped the city of swallowing clouds, as if the light never came. The dark elements in the city of Thousand Clouds were a hundred times thicker than in the past, and the elements of other lines were forced to be temporarily dispersed. The other elements in the city were unprecedentedly thin.

Over the Broadhhurst family, more and more darkness gathered together, and the darkness condensed into a huge shadow of erratic, solemn, solemn, heavy Shenwei suddenly released, causing many people to tremble.

"Yelus, Blackwater, Blackstone, forget those grievances, and be the gods of the dark gods. You must not provoke the battle for this little thing!" The low-pitched voice came from over over Broadhurst, without any room for manoeuvre. It is not tolerant of resistance.

The three city owners who had previously fought in battle, all with a dignified face, nodded under this voice.

Yaros looked up and looked at the erratic shadow of the most pure darkness, respectfully said: "The Lord God, Hofs, Wallace is dead, that person is Brian, his existence has Threatened to our dark gods! And I, without absolute certainty, beat him, asking the Lord God to make him return to the dust!"

"I only have a measure of this matter, he will not go back to the Dark Divine domain. If he dares to enter the Dark Divine domain, I will personally destroy him!" The sound of the majesty of the sky gave an answer, and immediately told Yaros: " The new city owner of Shadow City is served by the singer family Andre, and the new city owner of the singer city is served by the Fields Family Field. You will pass on the news!"

Yale's glimpse, some unknown, so he seems to some do not understand why the Diablo Lord did not personally deal with Han Shuo, in his view even if Han Shuo suddenly disappeared using magical methods, as long as the Diablo Lord has the heart, Han Shuo is also difficult to escape Dark Divine.

"Is there any problem?" Seeing that Yaros did not answer immediately. The majestic sound of the head rises again. But this time the voice was slightly higher. It gives birth to an unmatched fear from the bottom of my heart.

Yaros was taken aback. He naturally understands that the life of the Lord God is irresistible. I hurriedly replied: "There is nothing wrong with Shadow City Andre as the new landlord. But the Lefs family, Fieldfield. I don't know where it is."

Field used to be in Yuncheng. But because Lakson's son died in the hands of Han Shuo. Donna left the Broadhurst family with Field that night. After that, Laclesson kept searching for the Lovers family and the Field. But it is always impossible to find.

Where is Field now? Yaros is really ignorant.

"You don't need to know this. You just want to spread the news. The Field and the Levers family will appear in the shadow city." The Dark Lord said inexplicably.

Yaros had a heart in his heart. Understand that the Diablo Lord must have plans. The Field and Leves family were first driven out of Shadow City by Wallace. After coming to Tunwan City, I have been depressed. Because of the death of Lacleson’s son, they had to embark on the road to escape again. Look at Yale. The Levers family has existed in name only. He did not expect the Diablo Lord God to have this order.

Although he was full of ignorance, but Yaros did not dare to disobey the command of the Diablo Lord, and agreed with a respectful nod.

The dark Lord God at the top of the head whispered "Hmm". Suddenly, the endless dark power of the swallowing city was shrouded. The tide generally subsided, and the darkness shrouded the city and once again reappeared.

Yaros sighed and looked at the black water and black stone brothers next to him. His face was ugly: "If it was not the life of the Lord God, I will never spare you today!"

Blackwater rolled his eyes and snorted, saying: "Yelus, our two brothers have come a long way to help you, completely out of a good intention, your brother's death is entirely caused by that Brian, even if we two brothers If you don't shoot, he will die as well. You should vent your hatred on the guy."

"If it wasn't for the Lord God, today my two brothers are likely to die in the city of Thousand Clouds, Yaros, we are giving you face!" Blackstone was sullen and his face was unhappy.

"Hey, if it wasn't for Wallace and Hoffs who promised to slash a spar mine, would you both come?" Yarus sneered, saying: "Forget it, people are dead, we have nothing." Hey, why didn’t the Lord God kill him, if the Lord God shot, as long as the guy is in the Dark Gods, it’s hard to escape!”

Blackwater and Blackstone are also full of confusion. Blackwater hesitated a bit, carefully looking up and looking at the sky, said: "Listen to Wallace that the relationship between the guy and the daughter of the goddess of fate is too shallow, will it be because of this? A layer of relationship?"


One said, the eyes flickered, and nodded secretly, then whispered, and you sent back the news. I didn't expect the curtain city to be taken over by Field. He was really lucky. ”

Blackwater and Blackstone did not seem to understand the arrangement of the Diablo Lord. They also shook their heads and immediately stopped talking about anything from the Broadhurst family.


On a barren hill in the northwest of Tunyun City, Han Shuo was **** and gasping.

The demon body does not destroy the body actively, and the magic element force circulates rapidly in the body. After a few seconds, the wounds and wounds of the wounds and veins squirm, and the blood flow stops quickly, and the crusting begins at a rapid speed.

After the magical power reaches the realm of extinction, the damage caused by **** blood to the body is not enough. The heart is free to move, and the damage of the magical force is restored as it was.

This level of damage, as long as Han Shuo can recover all of the time, temporarily stabilize the injury first, and then ready to leave the dark gods immediately, just the sudden arrival of the Diablo Lord, Han Shuo felt a strong crisis, his heart Understand that he is definitely not the opponent of the Diablo Lord for the time being, so he can only leave the Dark Divine as soon as possible.

The power of the Diablo Lord is terrible, and he feels unsafe in his dark gods!

Flying in the dark gods, Han Shuo spread his power and flew at the fastest speed.

Seven days later, Han Shuo finally left the dark gods and came to the edge of the death god.

This time, the trip to Diablo, Wallace, Hoffs, Laclesson, and Ralph all died in his hands. In Han Shuo’s view, this trip has already achieved its goal. Although, because of the deaths of those people, Han Shuo offended the more terrible Yaros and Blackwater, Blackstone brothers, and even might provoke the dark gods to be furious, but Han Shuo believes that once he enters the chaotic land, he will The Han family arranged for the magic hidden valley, the threat of these people is not terrible.

The only thing that made Han Shuo’s heart tremble was the Diablo Lord, but he didn’t understand that he had such a big noise in the Dark Gods. Why didn’t the Dark Lord God shoot him, and the strength of the Dark Lord’s show in the swallowing city, Han Shuo’s I think he can easily escape.

"Why, I killed Hoffs and Wallace, why did he not do it?" When he came to the Longsen Grand Canyon, Han Shuo’s mind was never solved.

I really can't figure it out. After Han Shuo went to the Longsen Grand Canyon, he covered the gods and quickly found a hunting **** lurking in the dark.

As soon as the figure appeared, Han Shuo appeared in front of the hunting god, not waiting for him to resist, and seized the neck of this hunting god, asked: "Where is Wenman's person?"

"You, who are you? Looking for us to do what the adults do?" The hunting **** was shocked and panicked.

Han Shuo chuckled, let go of the neck of this hunting god, and said with a smile: "I am a Han family, the last time Wenman saved our Han family, I came over and thanked me, just then Ask her something."

When Han Shuo came from the Korean family, the hunting **** seemed to be relieved, but he was still very cautious and asked: "What are you looking for?"

Wrinkled, Han Shuo said: "Here, Han Hao should be in charge of everything?"

As soon as the hunting **** heard the name of Han Hao, his face was full of respect. He said: "When Han Hao was in the Longsen Grand Canyon, all the hunting gods should listen to his instructions. Do you know Han Hao?"

Nodded, Han Shuo said with a smile: "Look at me carefully, see if Han and Han Hao are very similar?"

To Han Shuo said this, he seems to notice this fact, seriously looked at Han Shuo a few eyes, this hunting **** face changed, seems to think of something, immediately said: "Well, I will take you to see us to lead adults !"

After following this hunting god, Han Shuo went deep into the Longsen Grand Canyon and woke up along the way. Han Shuo is now a lot of hunting gods lurking in the dark, as if they seem to have any big action, "You lurk in In the dark, what's the matter?" Han Shuo was puzzled and asked.

"In recent days, there have been many people who have gone from the death gods to destroying the gods. They are all from the people who destroyed the major families of the gods. The hunting gods of the Longsen Grand Canyon are secretly planning. I plan to take some small families to do it. We are not all. Is it inquiring about the news." He did not hide, and he would say something calmly.

Give him this, Han Shuo’s heart, suddenly understand why many families have suddenly left the death domain.

Those who destroy the gods are likely to go to the city of Kusu to find a fairness. It should be because of the Han family. They must return now because they understand that the bone city is finished, so they will leave by the death gods. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)

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