Great Demon King

Chapter 893: Dragging a day is a day

Bone City, the city government.

The city master Hill, the Giaran family Chang Shatuo, and the chief family leaders of the Kushen City gathered together.

"I haven't asked it yet?" Hill Damas sat on the top of the top of the white bones, frowning and impatient.

As the main city of the dead city, Hill is the power of death. He has the strength of the last god. He was left behind by the death **** a hundred years ago. With the help of that god, he may break through in a short time. Reach the realm of the Lord God.

Even if you can never have the only godhead like the main **** of death, the realm of the Lord God is already terrible. The main **** who has the godhead in the whole godland is always twelve, and there are only a few dozen gods who have no godhead in the realm of the Lord God. Er has been working hard to cultivate, and to properly manage the Bone City for the Lord of Death, is to get a **** seal to break through and enter the Lord God.

Hill is an ambitious person. He heard from the Shatuo mouth that the magical cooperation method of the Han family's Scorpio Pharmacy and the family guards immediately moved to other minds. Shatuo was also not a kind-hearted generation. The two men immediately prepared for the hit, and brought the Han family from the chase of Hofs, Laclesson and others to the city of Kusu. "Hill frowned, said to Shatuo: "To speed up the process, we will not close the news for a long time. The families are not good roles. It will take a long time to send people to the bone city, when they know." We do it, it is not easy! ”

"Give me another month. After a month, if the Korean family still insists on it, I will blame me for being rude!" Shatuo also knew that this matter could not be dragged on. Hill was already impatient. Things must be To deal with it early, they can't get nothing with so much energy and effort.

"Well, as soon as possible. After a month, if the Korean family is still not loose, then you are welcome!" Hill coldly sneered, sneer: "If you do not eat and drink fine wine, then kill!" We cultivate the power of death, and the soul can understand much more than the average person. I don't believe that their soul can still keep the secret!"

"It is best not to do this. If we do things, once the news leaks out, it will not only lead to the joint crusade of the other families, but also cause very adverse effects on us. If possible, let the Han family take the initiative. Let's cooperate with us and tell us some secrets. This will allow us to stand up!" Ban Fasser sighed.

Nodded, Shatuo replied: "I will try to handle this matter in a relatively gentle way. If it is really forced, then it will only be a big kill!" Sha Tuo squinted and said: "Compared to Han For the two secrets of the family, this risk is worth the risk!"

"Well, just do it, give you another month. After a month, if you don't do it, I will send someone to deal with it. In short, the two secrets must be our bones!" Hill waved and said: "Good. Now, let’s do it today, Shado, you have more snacks."

Sha Tuo grew up and did not stay in the city's capital. He returned to the Gianyaran family.


Next to the smelting field, the stinking scented building, the lizard ancestor Dagasi came over, and Dagasi looked helpless and sighed along the way. After coming here, he didn’t know what to say.

As a visitor to the Qiu mainland, Dagasi looked at the Han family’s treatment in the Gianyaran family. It was also very uncomfortable in the treatment of the family. However, Dagasi is only a family guard in the Gianyaran family. There is no weight at all, if not Because he and many people in the Han family are familiar with it, I am afraid that Shatuo will not give him the things to be sent.

Old demon Stasom and Almeric

When I was on the mainland of Chio, I knew Dagasi. During this time, they heard a lot of news that was not good for them. Although they were full of dissatisfaction and anger against the Giran family, they had no hatred for Dagasi.

Seeing the big Dagasi sighing and sighing, the old demon Stasom looked bitterly and pretended to whisper and asked: "Oh, is there any news?" Stasom knew that Dagasi came over. There is no good news, so asking is just to let Dagasi not be too self-blaming.

"Hey, I really don't want to meet you here." Dagasi sighed and said: "At the time you were in Shadow City, you were at least glamorous. Brian was more polite to me. You are now in Kyrgyzstan. The Aram family, I can not only give you the same treatment, but also let you suffer from this kind of suffering. Oh, it’s all my strength is not good, I can’t say anything at all, or maybe it’s better...”

"It doesn't matter to you. Li Wei is also a little princess in the Gianyaran family. Isn't her words useless? In this kind of dazzling interest, Shado will not control anyone's opinions, you don't have to blame yourself. What?" Almeric answered, and suddenly asked: "What bad news?"

"Some people deliberately let me hear their conversation... Hill and his family discussed it today. Hill gave the owner a month. After a month, if the owner can't get what they want from your mouth, they will Will kill, get everything from your soul!" Dagasi sighed and looked bitter.

"Put it with them!" Gilbert was furious and shouted: "It’s too deceiving to deceive people. I have never seen anyone who is shameless than them! I originally worked with us to build a Scorpio in the city of Kusu. When the pharmacy was divided, one by one was warmer than anyone else. Our Scorpio Pharmacy gave them how many black crystal coins they earned. I didn’t think that our situation was unfavorable. I immediately changed my face. These guys are better than Hofs. Laccleson is also disgusting, and a virtue of Wallace, a despicable villain!"

"I really can't do it, I can only fight it!" The **** spirits are red and red. During this time, he was most repressed by repression. He often had the urge to ruin some things. He was often blocked by Boland and let him Continue to endure.

Xueling also knows that once he has taken the shot, the Han family will be finished. In the city of Kusu, they are all outsiders. Although the Han family guards are strong, but there is no top master support, it is still difficult to escape the many gods and defenders in the bone city. The final result is to die in the bone city.

The situation here is not as good as Shadow City. At the beginning, Wallace only used the method of killing people by knife. Because he had concerns about Han Shuo’s heart and worried about the relationship between Han Shuo and the **** of fate, it was not forced to Wallace. Blatantly working on the Korean family.

Here is different. Hill and Shatuo of the Bone City did not put the young Han Shuo in their eyes. In their minds, Han Shuo was only a talented pharmacist. They did not know the relationship between Han Shuo and the destiny god. Once they started, they will be merciless and spare no effort to completely destroy the Korean family.

"If we take the initiative, we can at least kill hundreds of gods in the Giyaran family! Of course, we will die! Well, I think we should sum up the total, **** the people of the Giyalan family to the greatest extent. Even if it is dead, we have to be worthwhile to die!" Bolandz is still so calm, but this statement shows that he is really desperate.

Faced with such a situation, Bolandz knew that the Korean family had no hope of fleeing the birth of the day. In his view, it was the only thing he could do now to give the Jiyalan family the best blow.

"No!" Emily snorted, saying: "Brian definitely doesn't want us to have something, we can't be so impulsive!"

"What should I do?" Gilbert muttered. "We have no retreat now, and we are all dead, at least not let them be better!"

"Blanze, Blood Spirit, Gilbert, the three of you are the clearest to Brian's magic line. You can get out the magical array of guards between the guards!" Emily resisted the sting of her heart. , told the three.

"This, how can this be?" The blood spirit shouted: "They will never let us go, even if we gave them some, they can't escape!"

"Dagasy, have you sent us the news?" Emily did not answer the **** words, but asked Dagasi.

"You gave me a million black crystal coins. I used them. If he is alive, he will receive the news sooner or later." Dagasi nodded and smiled bitterly: "Hill, Shatuo they have no Putting Brian in his eyes, there is no constraint on my actions."

Nodded, Emily breathed a sigh of relief and said to everyone: "We drag it, dragging the day is a day, I hope I can drag it to Brian to find it!"

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